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package flixel.math;

import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
#if !macro
import flixel.FlxObject;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.util.FlxDirectionFlags;
import flixel.input.touch.FlxTouch;

 * A set of functions related to angle calculations.
 * In degrees: (down = 90, right = 0, up = -90)
 * Note: in Flixel 5.0.0 all angle-related tools were changed so that 0 degrees points right, instead of up
 * @see [Flixel 5.0.0 Migration guide](https://github.com/HaxeFlixel/flixel/wiki/Flixel-5.0.0-Migration-guide)
class FlxAngle
     * Generate a sine and cosine table during compilation
     * The parameters allow you to specify the length, amplitude and frequency of the wave.
     * You have to call this function with constant parameters and either use it on your own or assign it to FlxAngle.sincos
     * @param length         The length of the wave
     * @param sinAmplitude     The amplitude to apply to the sine table (default 1.0) if you need values between say -+ 125 then give 125 as the value
     * @param cosAmplitude     The amplitude to apply to the cosine table (default 1.0) if you need values between say -+ 125 then give 125 as the value
     * @param frequency     The frequency of the sine and cosine table data
     * @return    Returns the cosine/sine table in a FlxSinCos
    public static macro function sinCosGenerator(length:Int = 360, sinAmplitude:Float = 1.0, cosAmplitude:Float = 1.0, frequency:Float = 1.0):Expr
        var table = {cos: [], sin: []};

        for (c in 0...length)
            var radian = c * frequency * Math.PI / 180;
            table.cos.push(Math.cos(radian) * cosAmplitude);
            table.sin.push(Math.sin(radian) * sinAmplitude);

        return Context.makeExpr(table, Context.currentPos());

    #if !macro
     * Convert radians to degrees by multiplying it with this value.
    public static var TO_DEG(get, never):Float;

     * Convert degrees to radians by multiplying it with this value.
    public static var TO_RAD(get, never):Float;

     * Calculates the angle from (0, 0) to (x, y), in radians
     * @param x The x distance from the origin
     * @param y The y distance from the origin
     * @return The angle in radians between -PI to PI
    public static inline function radiansFromOrigin(x:Float, y:Float)
        return angleFromOrigin(x, y, false);

     * Calculates the angle from (0, 0) to (x, y), in degrees
     * @param x The x distance from the origin
     * @param y The y distance from the origin
     * @return The angle in degrees between -180 to 180
    public static inline function degreesFromOrigin(x:Float, y:Float)
        return angleFromOrigin(x, y, true);

     * Calculates the angle from (0, 0) to (x, y)
     * @param x         The x distance from the origin
     * @param y         The y distance from the origin
     * @param asDegrees If true, it gives the value in degrees
     * @return The angle, either in degrees, between -180 and 180 or in radians, between -PI and PI
    public static inline function angleFromOrigin(x:Float, y:Float, asDegrees:Bool = false)
        return if (asDegrees)
                Math.atan2(y, x) * TO_DEG;
                Math.atan2(y, x);

     * Keeps an angle value between -180 and +180 by wrapping it
     * e.g an angle of +270 will be converted to -90
     * Should be called whenever the angle is updated on a FlxSprite to stop it from going insane.
     * @param    angle    The angle value to check
     * @return    The new angle value, returns the same as the input angle if it was within bounds
    public static function wrapAngle(angle:Float):Float
        if (angle > 180)
            angle = wrapAngle(angle - 360);
        else if (angle < -180)
            angle = wrapAngle(angle + 360);

        return angle;

     * Converts a Radian value into a Degree
     * Converts the radians value into degrees and returns
     * @param     radians     The value in radians
     * @return    Degrees
    public static inline function asDegrees(radians:Float):Float
        return radians * TO_DEG;

     * Converts a Degrees value into a Radian
     * Converts the degrees value into radians and returns
     * @param     degrees The value in degrees
     * @return    Radians
    public static inline function asRadians(degrees:Float):Float
        return degrees * TO_RAD;

     * Find the angle between the two FlxSprite, taking their x/y and origin into account.
     * @param    SpriteA        The FlxSprite to test from
     * @param    SpriteB        The FlxSprite to test to
     * @param    AsDegrees    If you need the value in degrees instead of radians, set to true
     * @return    The angle (in radians unless asDegrees is true)
    public static function angleBetween(SpriteA:FlxSprite, SpriteB:FlxSprite, AsDegrees:Bool = false):Float
        var dx:Float = (SpriteB.x + SpriteB.origin.x) - (SpriteA.x + SpriteA.origin.x);
        var dy:Float = (SpriteB.y + SpriteB.origin.y) - (SpriteA.y + SpriteA.origin.y);

        return angleFromOrigin(dx, dy, AsDegrees);

     * Find the angle (in degrees) between the two FlxSprite, taking their x/y and origin into account.
     * @since 5.0.0
     * @param    SpriteA        The FlxSprite to test from
     * @param    SpriteB        The FlxSprite to test to
     * @return    The angle in degrees
    public static inline function degreesBetween(SpriteA:FlxSprite, SpriteB:FlxSprite):Float
        return angleBetween(SpriteA, SpriteB, true);

     * Find the angle (in radians) between the two FlxSprite, taking their x/y and origin into account.
     * @since 5.0.0
     * @param    SpriteA        The FlxSprite to test from
     * @param    SpriteB        The FlxSprite to test to
     * @return    The angle in radians
    public static inline function radiansBetween(SpriteA:FlxSprite, SpriteB:FlxSprite):Float
        return angleBetween(SpriteA, SpriteB, false);

     * Find the angle between an FlxSprite and an FlxPoint.
     * The source sprite takes its x/y and origin into account.
     * @param    Sprite        The FlxSprite to test from
     * @param    Target        The FlxPoint to angle the FlxSprite towards
     * @param    AsDegrees    If you need the value in degrees instead of radians, set to true
     * @return    The angle (in radians unless AsDegrees is true)
    public static function angleBetweenPoint(Sprite:FlxSprite, Target:FlxPoint, AsDegrees:Bool = false):Float
        var dx:Float = (Target.x) - (Sprite.x + Sprite.origin.x);
        var dy:Float = (Target.y) - (Sprite.y + Sprite.origin.y);


        return angleFromOrigin(dx, dy, AsDegrees);

     * Find the angle (in degrees) between an FlxSprite and an FlxPoint.
     * The source sprite takes its x/y and origin into account.
     * @since 5.0.0
     * @param    Sprite        The FlxSprite to test from
     * @param    Target        The FlxPoint to angle the FlxSprite towards
     * @return    The angle in degrees
    public static inline function degreesBetweenPoint(Sprite:FlxSprite, Target:FlxPoint):Float
        return angleBetweenPoint(Sprite, Target, true);

     * Find the angle (in radians) between an FlxSprite and an FlxPoint.
     * The source sprite takes its x/y and origin into account.
     * @since 5.0.0
     * @param    Sprite        The FlxSprite to test from
     * @param    Target        The FlxPoint to angle the FlxSprite towards
     * @return    The angle in radians
    public static inline function radiansBetweenPoint(Sprite:FlxSprite, Target:FlxPoint):Float
        return angleBetweenPoint(Sprite, Target, false);

    #if FLX_MOUSE
     * Find the angle between an FlxSprite and the mouse,
     * taking their **screen** x/y and origin into account.
     * @param    Object        The FlxObject to test from
     * @param    AsDegrees    If you need the value in degrees instead of radians, set to true
     * @return    The angle (in radians unless AsDegrees is true)
    public static function angleBetweenMouse(Object:FlxObject, AsDegrees:Bool = false):Float
        if (Object == null)
            return 0;

        var p:FlxPoint = Object.getScreenPosition();

        var dx:Float = FlxG.mouse.viewX - p.x;
        var dy:Float = FlxG.mouse.viewY - p.y;


        return angleFromOrigin(dx, dy, AsDegrees);

     * Find the angle (in degrees) between an FlxSprite and the mouse,
     * taking their **screen** x/y and origin into account.
     * @since 5.0.0
     * @param    Object        The FlxObject to test from
     * @return    The angle in degrees
    public static inline function degreesBetweenMouse(Object:FlxObject):Float
        return angleBetweenMouse(Object, true);

     * Find the angle (in radians) between an FlxSprite and the mouse,
     * taking their **screen** x/y and origin into account.
     * @since 5.0.0
     * @param    Object        The FlxObject to test from
     * @return    The angle in radians
    public static inline function radiansBetweenMouse(Object:FlxObject):Float
        return angleBetweenMouse(Object, false);

    #if FLX_TOUCH
     * Find the angle between an FlxSprite and a FlxTouch,
     * taking their **screen** x/y and origin into account.
     * @param    Object        The FlxObject to test from
     * @param    Touch        The FlxTouch to test to
     * @param    AsDegrees    If you need the value in degrees instead of radians, set to true
     * @return    The angle (in radians unless AsDegrees is true)
    public static function angleBetweenTouch(Object:FlxObject, Touch:FlxTouch, AsDegrees:Bool = false):Float
        // In order to get the angle between the object and mouse, we need the objects screen coordinates (rather than world coordinates)
        var p:FlxPoint = Object.getScreenPosition();

        var dx:Float = Touch.viewX - p.x;
        var dy:Float = Touch.viewY - p.y;


        return angleFromOrigin(dx, dy, AsDegrees);

     * Find the angle (in degrees) between an FlxSprite and a FlxTouch,
     * taking their **screen** x/y and origin into account.
     * @since 5.0.0
     * @param    Object        The FlxObject to test from
     * @param    Touch        The FlxTouch to test to
     * @return    The angle in degrees
    public static inline function degreesBetweenTouch(Object:FlxObject, Touch:FlxTouch):Float
        return angleBetweenTouch(Object, Touch, true);

     * Find the angle (in radians) between an FlxSprite and a FlxTouch,
     * taking their **screen** x/y and origin into account.
     * @since 5.0.0
     * @param    Object        The FlxObject to test from
     * @param    Touch        The FlxTouch to test to
     * @return    The angle in radians
    public static inline function radiansBetweenTouch(Object:FlxObject, Touch:FlxTouch):Float
        return angleBetweenTouch(Object, Touch, false);

     *  Translate an object's facing to angle.
     * @param    FacingBitmask    Bitmask from which to calculate the angle, as in FlxSprite::facing
     * @param    AsDegrees        If you need the value in degrees instead of radians, set to true
     * @return    The angle (in radians unless AsDegrees is true)
    @:deprecated("FlxAngle.angleFromFacing is deprecated, use flags.degrees.")
    public static function angleFromFacing(Facing:FlxDirectionFlags, AsDegrees:Bool = false):Float
        var degrees = Facing.degrees;
        return AsDegrees ? degrees : asRadians(degrees);

     * Convert polar coordinates (radius + angle) to cartesian coordinates (x + y)
     * @param    Radius    The radius
     * @param    Angle    The angle, in degrees
     * @param    point    Optional FlxPoint if you don't want a new one created
     * @return    The point in cartesian coords
    @:deprecated("FlxAngle.getCartesianCoords is deprecated, use FlxVector.setPolarDegrees")
    public static function getCartesianCoords(Radius:Float, Angle:Float, ?point:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
        var p = point;
        if (p == null)
            p = FlxPoint.get();

        p.x = Radius * Math.cos(Angle * TO_RAD);
        p.y = Radius * Math.sin(Angle * TO_RAD);
        return p;

     * Convert cartesian coordinates (x + y) to polar coordinates (radius + angle)
     * @param    X        x position
     * @param    Y        y position
     * @param    point    Optional FlxPoint if you don't want a new one created
     * @return    The point in polar coords (x = Radius, y = Angle (degrees))
    @:deprecated("FlxAngle.getCartesianCoords is deprecated, use FlxPoint")
    public static function getPolarCoords(X:Float, Y:Float, ?point:FlxPoint):FlxPoint
        var p = point;
        if (p == null)
            p = FlxPoint.get();

        p.x = Math.sqrt((X * X) + (Y * Y));
        p.y = degreesFromOrigin(X, Y);
        return p;

    static inline function get_TO_DEG():Float
        return 180 / Math.PI;

    static inline function get_TO_RAD():Float
        return Math.PI / 180;

typedef FlxSinCos =
    var cos:Array<Float>;
    var sin:Array<Float>;