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package flixel.system.debug.interaction;

import openfl.display.BitmapData;
import openfl.display.Graphics;
import openfl.display.Sprite;
import openfl.display.DisplayObject;
import openfl.events.KeyboardEvent;
import flixel.FlxObject;
import openfl.events.MouseEvent;
import flixel.group.FlxGroup.FlxTypedGroup;
import flixel.input.FlxPointer;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.system.debug.FlxDebugger.GraphicInteractive;
import flixel.system.debug.Window;
import flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.Transform;
import flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.Eraser;
import flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.Mover;
import flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.Pointer;
import flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.Tool;
import flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.ToggleBounds;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;
import flixel.util.FlxSpriteUtil;
import openfl.display.Bitmap;

 * Adds a new functionality to Flixel debugger that allows any object
 * on the screen to be dragged, moved or deleted while the game is
 * still running.
 * @author    Fernando Bevilacqua (dovyski@gmail.com)
class Interaction extends Window
    static inline var BUTTONS_PER_LINE = 2;
    static inline var SPACING = 25;
    static inline var PADDING = 10;
    public var activeTool(default, null):Tool;
    public var selectedItems(default, null):FlxTypedGroup<FlxObject> = new FlxTypedGroup();

    public var flixelPointer:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint();
    public var pointerJustPressed:Bool = false;
    public var pointerJustReleased:Bool = false;
    public var pointerPressed:Bool = false;

     * Control if an outline should be drawn on selected elements.
     * Tools can set this property to `false` if they want to draw custom
     * selection marks, for instance.
    public var shouldDrawItemsSelection:Bool = true;
     * Whether or not the user is using a mac keyboard, determines whether to use command or ctrl
    public final macKeyboard:Bool =
        #if mac
        #elseif (js && html5)
        untyped js.Syntax.code("/AppleWebKit/.test (navigator.userAgent) && /Mobile\\/\\w+/.test (navigator.userAgent) || /Mac/.test (navigator.platform)");
    var _container:Sprite;
    var _customCursor:Sprite;
    var _tools:Array<Tool> = [];
    var _turn:Int = 2;
    var _keysDown:Map<Int, Bool> = new Map();
    var _keysUp:Map<Int, Int> = new Map();
    var _wasMouseVisible:Bool;
    var _wasUsingSystemCursor:Bool;
    var _debuggerInteraction:Bool = false;
    var _flixelPointer:FlxPointer = new FlxPointer();

    public function new(container:Sprite)
        super("Tools", new GraphicInteractive(0, 0), 40, 25, false);
        reposition(2, 100);
        _container = container;

        _customCursor = new Sprite();
        _customCursor.mouseEnabled = false;

        // Add all built-in tools
        addTool(new Pointer());
        addTool(new Mover());
        addTool(new Eraser());
        addTool(new Transform());
        addTool(new ToggleBounds());


        FlxG.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, updateMouse);
        FlxG.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handleMouseClick);
        FlxG.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, handleMouseClick);
        FlxG.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyEvent);
        FlxG.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, handleKeyEvent);

        _container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, handleMouseInDebugger);
        _container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, handleMouseInDebugger);

    function handleDebuggerVisibilityChanged():Void
        if (FlxG.debugger.visible)

    function updateMouse(event:MouseEvent):Void
        #if (neko || js) // openfl/openfl#1305
        if (event.stageX == null || event.stageY == null)

        var offsetX = 0.0;
        var offsetY = 0.0;

        // If the active tool has a custom cursor, we assume its
        // "point of click" is the center of the cursor icon.
        if (activeTool != null)
            var cursorIcon = activeTool.cursor;
            if (cursorIcon != null)
                offsetX = cursorIcon.width / FlxG.scaleMode.scale.x / 2;
                offsetY = cursorIcon.height / FlxG.scaleMode.scale.y / 2;

        _customCursor.x = event.stageX + offsetX;
        _customCursor.y = event.stageY + offsetY;

        #if FLX_MOUSE
        // Calculate in-game coordinates based on mouse position and camera.
        _flixelPointer.setGlobalScreenPositionUnsafe(event.stageX, event.stageY);

        // Store Flixel mouse coordinates to speed up all
        // internal calculations (overlap, etc)
        flixelPointer.x = _flixelPointer.x + offsetX;
        flixelPointer.y = _flixelPointer.y + offsetY;

    function handleMouseClick(event:MouseEvent):Void
        // Did the user click a debugger UI element instead of performing
        // a click related to a tool?
        if (event.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN && belongsToDebugger(cast event.target))

        pointerJustPressed = event.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN;
        pointerJustReleased = event.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP;

        if (pointerJustPressed)
            pointerPressed = true;
        else if (pointerJustReleased)
            pointerPressed = false;

    function belongsToDebugger(object:DisplayObject):Bool
        if (object == null)
            return false;
        else if ((object is FlxDebugger))
            return true;
        return belongsToDebugger(object.parent);

    function handleMouseInDebugger(event:MouseEvent):Void
        // If we are not active, we don't really care about
        // mouse events in the debugger.
        if (!isActive())

        if (event.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER)
            _debuggerInteraction = true;
        else if (event.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT)
            _debuggerInteraction = false;


    function handleKeyEvent(event:KeyboardEvent):Void
        if (event.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN)
            _keysDown.set(event.keyCode, true);
        else if (event.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP)
            _keysDown.set(event.keyCode, false);
            _keysUp.set(event.keyCode, _turn);

    function countToolsWithUIButton():Int
        var count = 0;
        for (tool in _tools)
            if (tool.button != null)
        return count;

     * Add a new tool to the interaction system.
     * Any tool added to the interaction system must extend the class
     * `flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.Tool`. The class contains several methods
     * that can be used to provide new funcionalities to the interaction, or they can be
     * overridden to alter existing behavior. For instance, tools can draw things on the
     * screen, they can be activated when the user clicks a button, and so on. Check
     * the classes in the package `flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools` for examples.
     * @param   tool  instance of a tool that will be added to the interaction system.
    public function addTool(tool:Tool):Void

        // If the tool has no button, it is not added to the interaction window
        var button = tool.button;
        if (button == null)

        final buttons = countToolsWithUIButton();
        final row = Math.ceil(buttons / BUTTONS_PER_LINE);
        final column = (buttons - 1) % BUTTONS_PER_LINE;

        button.x = PADDING + column * SPACING;
        button.y = 20 * row;

     * Removes the tool, if possible. If the tool has a button, all other buttons will be moved and
     * the containing window will be resized, if needed.
     * @param   tool  The tool to be removed
     * @since 5.4.0
    public function removeTool(tool)
        if (!_tools.contains(tool))
        // If there's no button just remove it
        if (tool.button == null)
        // if there is a button move all the following buttons
        var index = _tools.indexOf(tool);
        var prevX = tool.button.x;
        var prevY = tool.button.y;
        while (index < _tools.length)
            final tool = _tools[index];
            if (tool.button != null)
                // store button pos
                final tempX = tool.button.x;
                final tempY = tool.button.y;
                // set to prev pos
                tool.button.x = prevX;
                tool.button.y = prevY;
                // store prev pos
                prevX = tempX;
                prevY = tempY;
    inline function autoResize()
    inline function resizeByTotal(total:Int)
        final spacing = 25;
        final padding = 10;
        final rows = Math.ceil(total / BUTTONS_PER_LINE);
        final columns = Math.min(total, BUTTONS_PER_LINE);
        resize(spacing * columns + padding, spacing * rows + padding);

     * Clean up memory.
    override public function destroy():Void

        FlxG.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, updateMouse);
        FlxG.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handleMouseClick);
        FlxG.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, handleMouseClick);
        FlxG.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyEvent);
        FlxG.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, handleKeyEvent);

        if (_container != null)
            _container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, handleMouseInDebugger);
            _container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, handleMouseInDebugger);

        if (_customCursor != null)
            _customCursor = null;

        _tools = FlxDestroyUtil.destroyArray(_tools);
        selectedItems = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(selectedItems);
        flixelPointer = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(flixelPointer);

        _keysDown = null;
        _keysUp = null;

    public function isActive():Bool
        return FlxG.debugger.visible && visible;

    override public function update():Void
        if (!isActive())


        for (tool in _tools)

        pointerJustPressed = false;
        pointerJustReleased = false;

     * Called after the game state has been drawn.
    function postDraw():Void
        if (!isActive())

        for (tool in _tools)

        if (shouldDrawItemsSelection)

    public function getDebugGraphics():Graphics
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            return FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx;

        #if FLX_DEBUG
        return FlxG.camera.debugLayer.graphics;

        return null;

    function drawItemsSelection():Void
        var gfx:Graphics = getDebugGraphics();
        if (gfx == null)

        for (member in selectedItems)
            if (member != null && member.scrollFactor != null && member.isOnScreen())
                final margin = 0.5;
                final scroll = FlxG.camera.scroll;
                // Render a white rectangle centered at the selected item
                gfx.lineStyle(1.0, 0xFFFFFF, 0.75);
                gfx.drawRect(member.x - scroll.x - margin, member.y - scroll.y - margin, member.width + margin*2, member.height + margin*2);

        // Draw the debug info to the main camera buffer.
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)

     * Obtain a reference to a tool that has been added to the interaction system and is
     * available for use. This method can be used to access information provided by any
     * tool in the system, or to change their behavior.
     * @param className name of the class to be fetched, e.g. `flixel.system.debug.interaction.tools.Pointer`.
     * @return Tool reference to the first tool found whose type matches the class name provided. If no tool is found, `null` is returned.
    public function getTool(className:Class<Tool>):Tool
        for (tool in _tools)
            if (Std.isOfType(tool, className))
                return tool;
        return null;

    override public function toggleVisible():Void

        if (!visible)
            // De-select any activate tool

    public function registerCustomCursor(name:String, icon:BitmapData):Void
        if (icon == null)

        FlxG.mouse.registerSimpleNativeCursorData(name, icon);
        var sprite = new Sprite();
        sprite.visible = false;
        sprite.name = name;
        sprite.addChild(new Bitmap(icon));

    public function updateCustomCursors():Void
        #if FLX_MOUSE
        // Do we have an active tool and we are not interacting
        // with the debugger (e.g. moving the cursor over the
        // tools bar or the top bar)?
        if (activeTool != null && !_debuggerInteraction)
            // Yes, there is an active tool. Does it has a cursor of its own?
            if (activeTool.cursor != null)
                // Yep. Let's show it then
                var cursorInUse = activeTool.cursorInUse == "" ? activeTool.getName() : activeTool.cursorInUse;
                #if FLX_NATIVE_CURSOR
                // We have lag-free native cursors available, yay!
                // Activate it then.
                // No fancy native cursors, so we have to emulate it.
                // Let's make the currently active tool's fake cursor visible
                for (i in 0..._customCursor.numChildren)
                    var sprite = _customCursor.getChildAt(i);
                    sprite.visible = sprite.name == cursorInUse;
                if (FlxG.mouse.visible)
                    FlxG.mouse.visible = false;
                // No, the current tool has no cursor of its own.
                // Let's show the system cursor then for navigation
                FlxG.mouse.useSystemCursor = true;
            // No active tool or we are using the debugger.
            // Let's show the system cursor for navigation.
            FlxG.mouse.useSystemCursor = true;

    function saveSystemCursorInfo():Void
        #if FLX_MOUSE
        _wasMouseVisible = FlxG.mouse.visible;
        _wasUsingSystemCursor = FlxG.mouse.useSystemCursor;

    function restoreSystemCursor():Void
        #if FLX_MOUSE
        FlxG.mouse.useSystemCursor = _wasUsingSystemCursor;
        FlxG.mouse.visible = _wasMouseVisible;
        _customCursor.visible = false;

    public function setActiveTool(value:Tool):Void
        if (activeTool != null)
            activeTool.button.toggled = true;

        // If the requested new tool is the same as the already active one,
        // we deactive it (toggle behavior).
        if (activeTool == value)
            value = null;

        activeTool = value;

        if (activeTool != null)
            // A tool is active. Enable cursor specific cursors

            activeTool.button.toggled = false;
            // No tool is active. Enable the system cursor
            // so the user can click buttons, drag windows, etc.

        #if FLX_MOUSE
        // Allow mouse input only if the interaction tool is visible
        // and no tool is active.
        FlxG.mouse.enabled = !isInUse();

    function setSystemCursorVisibility(status:Bool):Void
        #if FLX_MOUSE
        FlxG.mouse.useSystemCursor = status;
        _customCursor.visible = !status;

    function setToolsCursorVisibility(status:Bool):Void
        #if FLX_MOUSE
        FlxG.mouse.useSystemCursor = #if FLX_NATIVE_CURSOR status #else false #end;
        _customCursor.visible = status;

        if (status)

        // Hide any display-list-based custom cursor.
        // The proper cursor will be marked as visible
        // in the update loop.
        for (i in 0..._customCursor.numChildren)
            _customCursor.getChildAt(i).visible = false;

    public function clearSelection():Void

    public function keyPressed(key:Int):Bool
        return _keysDown.get(key);

    public function keyJustPressed(key:Int):Bool
        var value:Int = _keysUp.get(key) == null ? 0 : _keysUp.get(key);
        return (_turn - value) == 1;

     * Informs whether the interactive debug is in use or not. Usage is defined
     * as the interactive debug being visible and one of its tools is selected/active.
     * @return `true` if the interactive debug is visible and one of its tools is selected/active.
    public function isInUse():Bool
        return FlxG.debugger.visible && visible && activeTool != null;

     * Returns a list all items in the state and substate that are within the given area
     * @param   state  The state to search
     * @param   area   The rectangular area to search
     * @since 5.6.0
    public function getItemsWithinState(state:FlxState, area:FlxRect):Array<FlxObject>
        final items = new Array<FlxObject>();
        addItemsWithinArea(items, state.members, area);
        if (state.subState != null)
            addItemsWithinState(items, state.subState, area);
        return items;
    @:deprecated("findItemsWithinState is deprecated, use getItemsWithinState or addItemsWithinState")
    public inline function findItemsWithinState(items:Array<FlxBasic>, state:FlxState, area:FlxRect):Void
        addItemsWithinState(cast items, state, area);
     * finds all items in the state and substate that are within the given area and
     * adds them to the given list.
     * @param   items  The list to add the items
     * @param   state  The state to search
     * @param   area   The rectangular area to search
     * @since 5.6.0
    public function addItemsWithinState(items:Array<FlxObject>, state:FlxState, area:FlxRect):Void
        addItemsWithinArea(items, state.members, area);
        if (state.subState != null)
            addItemsWithinState(items, state.subState, area);
     * Finds and returns top-most item in the state and substate within the given area
     * @param   state  The state to search
     * @param   area   The rectangular area to search
     * @since 5.6.0
    public function getTopItemWithinState(state:FlxState, area:FlxRect):FlxObject
        if (state.subState != null)
            return getTopItemWithinState(state.subState, area);
        return getTopItemWithinArea(state.members, area);

     * Find all items within an area. In order to improve performance and reduce temporary allocations,
     * the method has no return, you must pass an array where items will be placed. The method decides
     * if an item is within the searching area or not by checking if the item's hitbox (obtained from
     * `getHitbox()`) overlaps the area parameter.
     * @param   items    Array where the method will place all found items. Any previous content in the array will be preserved.
     * @param   members  Array where the method will recursively search for items.
     * @param   area     A rectangle that describes the area where the method should search within.
    @:deprecated("findItemsWithinArea is deprecated, use addItemsWithinArea")// since 5.6.0
    public inline function findItemsWithinArea(items:Array<FlxBasic>, members:Array<FlxBasic>, area:FlxRect):Void
        addItemsWithinArea(cast items, members, area);
    inline function isOverObject(object:FlxObject, area:FlxRect):Bool
        return area.overlaps(object.getHitbox(FlxRect.weak()));
    inline function isOverSprite(sprite:FlxSprite, area:FlxRect):Bool
        // Ignore sprites' alpha when clicking a point
        return (area.width <= 1 && area.height <= 1)
            ? sprite.pixelsOverlapPoint(flixelPointer, 0xEE)
            : isOverObject(sprite, area);
     * Find all items within an area. In order to improve performance and reduce temporary allocations,
     * the method has no return, you must pass an array where items will be placed. The method decides
     * if an item is within the searching area or not by checking if the item's hitbox (obtained from
     * `getHitbox()`) overlaps the area parameter.
     * @param   items    Array where the method will place all found items. Any previous content in the array will be preserved.
     * @param   members  Array where the method will recursively search for items.
     * @param   area     A rectangle that describes the area where the method should search within.
     * @since 5.6.0
    public function addItemsWithinArea(items:Array<FlxObject>, members:Array<FlxBasic>, area:FlxRect):Void
        // we iterate backwards to get the sprites on top first
        var i = members.length;
        while (i-- > 0)
            final member = members[i];
            // Ignore invisible or non-existent entities
            if (member == null || !member.visible || !member.exists)
            final group = FlxTypedGroup.resolveSelectionGroup(member);
            if (group != null)
                addItemsWithinArea(items, group.members, area);
            else if (member is FlxSprite)
                final sprite:FlxSprite = cast member;
                if (isOverSprite(sprite, area))
            else if (member is FlxObject)
                final object:FlxObject = cast member;
                if (isOverObject(object, area))
     * Searches the members for the top-most object inside the given rectangle
     * @param   members  The list of FlxObjects or FlxGroups
     * @param   area     The rectangular area to search
     * @return  The top-most item
     * @since 5.6.0
    public function getTopItemWithinArea(members:Array<FlxBasic>, area:FlxRect):FlxObject
        // we iterate backwards to get the sprites on top first
        var i = members.length;
        while (i-- > 0)
            final member = members[i];
            // Ignore invisible or non-existent entities
            if (member == null || !member.visible || !member.exists)
            final group = FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(member);
            if (group != null)
                return getTopItemWithinArea(group.members, area);
            if (member is FlxSprite)
                final sprite:FlxSprite = cast member;
                if (isOverSprite(sprite, area))
                    return sprite;
            else if (member is FlxObject)
                final object:FlxObject = cast member;
                if (isOverObject(object, area))
                    return object;
        return null;