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package flixel.tile;

import flixel.FlxObject;
import flixel.group.FlxGroup;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.path.FlxPathfinder;
import flixel.system.FlxAssets;
import flixel.util.FlxArrayUtil;
import flixel.util.FlxCollision;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;
import flixel.util.FlxDirectionFlags;
import flixel.util.FlxStringUtil;
import openfl.Assets;
import openfl.display.BitmapData;

using StringTools;

@:autoBuild(flixel.system.macros.FlxMacroUtil.deprecateOverride("overlapsWithCallback", "overlapsWithCallback is deprecated, use objectOverlapsTiles"))
class FlxBaseTilemap<Tile:FlxObject> extends FlxObject
     * Set this flag to use one of the 16-tile binary auto-tile algorithms (OFF, AUTO, or ALT).
    public var auto:FlxTilemapAutoTiling = OFF;

    static var offsetAutoTile:Array<Int> = [
         0,   0, 0, 0,  2,   2, 0,   3, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0,
        11,  11, 0, 0, 13,  13, 0,  14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18,  18, 0,  19,
         0,   0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0,
         0,   0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0,
        51,  51, 0, 0, 53,  53, 0,  54, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0,
        62,  62, 0, 0, 64,  64, 0,  65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 69,  69, 0,  70,
         0,   0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0,
        86,  86, 0, 0, 88,  88, 0,  89, 0, 0, 0, 0, 93,  93, 0,  94,
         0,   0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0,
         0,   0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0,
         0,   0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0,
         0,   0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0,
         0, 159, 0, 0,  0, 162, 0, 163, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0,
         0, 172, 0, 0,  0, 175, 0, 176, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0, 181, 0, 182,
         0,   0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,   0, 0,   0,
         0, 199, 0, 0,  0, 202, 0, 203, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0, 208, 0, 209
    static var diagonalPathfinder = new FlxDiagonalPathfinder();

    public var widthInTiles(default, null):Int = 0;

    public var heightInTiles(default, null):Int = 0;

    public var totalTiles(default, null):Int = 0;

     * Set this to create your own image index remapper, so you can create your own tile layouts.
     * Mostly useful in combination with the auto-tilers.
     * Normally, each tile's value in _data corresponds to the index of a
     * tile frame in the tilesheet. With this active, each value in _data
     * is a lookup value to that index in customTileRemap.
     * Example:
     *  customTileRemap = [10,9,8,7,6]
     *  means: 0=10, 1=9, 2=8, 3=7, 4=6
    public var customTileRemap:Array<Int>;

     * If these next two arrays are not null, you're telling FlxTilemap to
     * draw random tiles in certain places.
     * _randomIndices is a list of tilemap values that should be replaced
     * by a randomly selected value. The available values are chosen from
     * the corresponding array in randomize_choices
     * So if you have:
     *   randomIndices = [12,14]
     *   randomChoices = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5,6,7]]
     * Everywhere the tilemap has a value of 12 it will be replaced by 0, 1, or, 2
     * Everywhere the tilemap has a value of 14 it will be replaced by 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
    var _randomIndices:Array<Int>;

    var _randomChoices:Array<Array<Int>>;

     * Setting this function allows you to control which choice will be selected for each element within _randomIndices array.
     * Must return a 0-1 value that gets multiplied by _randomChoices[randIndex].length;
    var _randomLambda:Void->Float;

     * Internal collection of tile objects, one for each type of tile in the map (NOT one for every single tile in the whole map).
    var _tileObjects:Array<Tile> = [];

     * Internal, used to sort of insert blank tiles in front of the tiles in the provided graphic.
    var _startingIndex:Int = 0;

     * Internal representation of the actual tile data, as a large 1D array of integers.
    var _data:Array<Int>;

    var _drawIndex:Int = 0;
    var _collideIndex:Int = 0;

     * Virtual methods, must be implemented in each renderers
    function updateTile(index:Int):Void
        throw "updateTile must be implemented";

    function cacheGraphics(tileWidth:Int, tileHeight:Int, tileGraphic:FlxTilemapGraphicAsset):Void
        throw "cacheGraphics must be implemented";

    function initTileObjects():Void
        throw "initTileObjects must be implemented";

    function updateMap():Void
        throw "updateMap must be implemented";

    function computeDimensions():Void
        throw "computeDimensions must be implemented";
     * Finds the column number that overlaps the given X in world space
     * @param   worldX  An X coordinate in the world
     * @param   bind    If true, it will prevent out of range values
     * @return  A column index, where 0 is the left-most column
     * @since 5.9.0
    public function getColumnAt(worldX:Float, bind = false):Int
        throw "getColumnAt must be implemented";
     * Finds the row number that overlaps the given Y in world space
     * @param   worldY  A Y coordinate in the world
     * @param   bind    If true, it will prevent out of range values
     * @return  A row index, where 0 is the top-most row
     * @since 5.9.0
    public function getRowAt(worldY:Float, bind = false):Int
        throw "getRowAt must be implemented";
     * Get the world position of the specified column
     * @param   column    The grid X location, in tiles
     * @param   midpoint  Whether to use the tile's midpoint, or upper left corner
     * @since 5.9.0
    public function getColumnPos(column:Float, midPoint = false):Float
        throw "getColumnPos must be implemented";

     * Get the world position of the specified row
     * @param   row       The grid Y location, in tiles
     * @param   midpoint  Whether to use the tile's midpoint, or upper left corner
     * @since 5.9.0
    public function getRowPos(row:Int, midPoint = false):Float
        throw "getRowPos must be implemented";
     * **Note:** This method name is misleading! It does not return a `tileIndex`, it returns a `mapIndex`
     * @param   worldPos  A location in the world
     * @return  The `mapIndex` placed at the given world location
    @:deprecated("getTileIndexByCoords is deprecated, use getMapIndex, instead") // 5.9.0
    public function getTileIndexByCoords(worldPos:FlxPoint):Int
        return getMapIndex(worldPos);
    @:deprecated("getTileCoordsByIndex is deprecated, use getTilePos, instead") // 5.9.0
    public function getTileCoordsByIndex(mapIndex:Int, midpoint = true):FlxPoint
        return getTilePos(mapIndex, midpoint);

     * Shoots a ray from the start point to the end point.
     * If/when it passes through a tile, it stores that point and returns false.
     * **Note:** In flixel 5.0.0, this was redone, the old method is now `rayStep`
     * @param   start   The world coordinates of the start of the ray.
     * @param   end     The world coordinates of the end of the ray.
     * @param   result  Optional result vector, to avoid creating a new instance to be returned.
     *                  Only returned if the line enters the rect.
     * @return  Returns true if the ray made it from Start to End without hitting anything.
     *          Returns false and fills Result if a tile was hit.
    public function ray(start:FlxPoint, end:FlxPoint, ?result:FlxPoint):Bool
        throw "ray must be implemented";
        return false;

     * Shoots a ray from the start point to the end point.
     * If/when it passes through a tile, it stores that point and returns false.
     * This method checks at steps and can miss, for better results use `ray()`
     * @since 5.0.0
     * @param   start       The world coordinates of the start of the ray.
     * @param   end         The world coordinates of the end of the ray.
     * @param   result      Optional result vector, to avoid creating a new instance to be returned.
     *                      Only returned if the line enters the rect.
     * @param   resolution  Defaults to 1, meaning check every tile or so.  Higher means more checks!
     * @return  Returns true if the ray made it from Start to End without hitting anything.
     *          Returns false and fills Result if a tile was hit.
    public function rayStep(start:FlxPoint, end:FlxPoint, ?result:FlxPoint, resolution:Float = 1):Bool
        throw "rayStep must be implemented?";
        return false;

     * Calculates at which point where the given line, from start to end, first enters the tilemap.
     * If the line starts inside the tilemap, a copy of start is returned.
     * If the line never enters the tilemap, null is returned.
     * **Note:** If a result vector is supplied and the line is outside the tilemap, null is returned
     * and the supplied result is unchanged
     * @since 5.0.0
     * @param start   The start of the line
     * @param end     The end of the line
     * @param result  Optional result vector, to avoid creating a new instance to be returned.
     *                Only returned if the line enters the tilemap.
     * @return The point of entry of the line into the tilemap, if possible.
    public function calcRayEntry(start, end, ?result)
        var bounds = getBounds(FlxRect.weak());
        // subtract 1 from size otherwise `getTileIndexByCoords` will have weird edge cases (literally)

        return FlxCollision.calcRectEntry(bounds, start, end, result);

     * Calculates at which point where the given line, from start to end, was last inside the tilemap.
     * If the line ends inside the tilemap, a copy of end is returned.
     * If the line is never inside the tilemap, null is returned.
     * **Note:** If a result vector is supplied and the line is outside the tilemap, null is returned
     * and the supplied result is unchanged
     * @since 5.0.0
     * @param start   The start of the line
     * @param end     The end of the line
     * @param result  Optional result vector, to avoid creating a new instance to be returned.
     *                Only returned if the line enters the tilemap.
     * @return The point of exit of the line from the tilemap, if possible.
    public inline function calcRayExit(start, end, ?result)
        return calcRayEntry(end, start, result);
     * Searches all tiles near the object for any that satisfy the given filter. Stops searching
     * when the first overlapping tile that satisfies the condition is found
     * @param   object    The object
     * @param   filter    Function that takes a tile and returns whether is satisfies the
     *                    disired condition, if `null`, any overlapping tile will satisfy
     * @param   position  Optional, specify a custom position for the tilemap
     * @return  Whether any overlapping tile satisfied the condition, if there was one
     * @since 5.9.0
    public function isOverlappingTile(object:FlxObject, ?filter:(tile:Tile)->Bool, ?position:FlxPoint):Bool
        throw "overlapsWithCallback must be implemented";
     * Calls the given function on ever tile that is overlapping the target object
     * @param   object    The object
     * @param   filter    Function that takes a tile and returns whether is satisfies the
     *                    disired condition
     * @param   position  Optional, specify a custom position for the tilemap
     * @return  Whether any overlapping tile was found
     * @since 5.9.0
    public function forEachOverlappingTile(object:FlxObject, func:(tile:Tile)->Void, ?position:FlxPoint):Bool
        throw "overlapsWithCallback must be implemented";
    @:deprecated("overlapsWithCallback is deprecated, use objectOverlapsTiles(object, callback, pos), instead") // 5.9.0
    public function overlapsWithCallback(object:FlxObject, ?callback:(FlxObject, FlxObject)->Bool, flipCallbackParams = false, ?position:FlxPoint):Bool
        return objectOverlapsTiles(object, (t, o)->{ return flipCallbackParams ? callback(o, t) : callback(t, o); }, position);
     * Checks if the Object overlaps any tiles with any collision flags set,
     * and calls the specified callback function (if there is one).
     * Also calls the tile's registered callback if the filter matches.
     * **Note:** To flip the callback params you can simply swap them in a arrow func, like so:
     * ```haxe
     * final result = objectOverlapsTiles(obj, (tile, obj)->myCallback(obj, tile));
     * ```
     * @param   object       The FlxObject you are checking for overlaps against
     * @param   callback     An optional function that takes the overlapping tile and object
     *                       where `a` is a `FlxTile`, and `b` is the given `object` paaram
     * @param   position     Optional, specify a custom position for the tilemap (see `overlapsAt`)
     * @param   isCollision  If true, tiles where `allowCollisions` is `NONE` are excluded,
     *                       and the tiles' `onCollide` is dispatched
     * @return  Whether there were overlaps that resulted in a positive callback, if one was specified
     * @since 5.9.0
    public function objectOverlapsTiles<TObj:FlxObject>(object:TObj, ?callback:(Tile, TObj)->Bool, ?position:FlxPoint, isCollision = true):Bool
        throw "objectOverlapsTiles must be implemented";
    public function setDirty(dirty:Bool = true):Void
        throw "setDirty must be implemented";

    function new()

        flixelType = TILEMAP;
        immovable = true;
        moves = false;

    override function destroy():Void
        _data = null;

     * Load the tilemap with string data and a tile graphic.
     * @param   mapData         A csv-formatted string indicating what order the tiles should go in (or the path to that file)
     * @param   tileGraphic     All the tiles you want to use, arranged in a strip corresponding to the numbers in MapData.
     * @param   tileWidth       The width of your tiles (e.g. 8) - defaults to height of the tile graphic if unspecified.
     * @param   tileHeight      The height of your tiles (e.g. 8) - defaults to width if unspecified.
     * @param   autoTile        Whether to load the map using an automatic tile placement algorithm (requires 16 tiles!).
     *                          Setting this to either AUTO or ALT will override any values you put for StartingIndex, DrawIndex, or CollideIndex.
     * @param   startingIndex   Used to sort of insert empty tiles in front of the provided graphic.
     *                          Default is 0, usually safest ot leave it at that.  Ignored if AutoTile is set.
     * @param   drawIndex       Initializes all tile objects equal to and after this index as visible.
     *                          Default value is 1. Ignored if AutoTile is set.
     * @param   collideIndex    Initializes all tile objects equal to and after this index as allowCollisions = ANY.
     *                          Default value is 1.  Ignored if AutoTile is set.
     *                          Can override and customize per-tile-type collision behavior using setTileProperties().
     * @return  A reference to this instance of FlxTilemap, for chaining as usual :)
    public function loadMapFromCSV(mapData:String, tileGraphic:FlxTilemapGraphicAsset, tileWidth = 0, tileHeight = 0, ?autoTile:FlxTilemapAutoTiling,
            startingIndex = 0, drawIndex = 1, collideIndex = 1)
        // path to map data file?
        if (Assets.exists(mapData))
            mapData = Assets.getText(mapData);

        // Figure out the map dimensions based on the data string
        _data = new Array<Int>();
        var columns:Array<String>;

        var regex:EReg = new EReg("[ \t]*((\r\n)|\r|\n)[ \t]*", "g");
        var lines:Array<String> = regex.split(mapData);
        var rows:Array<String> = lines.filter(function(line) return line != "");

        heightInTiles = rows.length;
        widthInTiles = 0;

        var row:Int = 0;
        while (row < heightInTiles)
            var rowString = rows[row];
            if (rowString.endsWith(","))
                rowString = rowString.substr(0, rowString.length - 1);
            columns = rowString.split(",");

            if (columns.length == 0)
            if (widthInTiles == 0)
                widthInTiles = columns.length;

            var column = 0;
            while (column < widthInTiles)
                // the current tile to be added:
                var columnString = columns[column];
                var curTile = Std.parseInt(columnString);

                if (curTile == null)
                    throw 'String in row $row, column $column is not a valid integer: "$columnString"';



        loadMapHelper(tileGraphic, tileWidth, tileHeight, autoTile, startingIndex, drawIndex, collideIndex);
        return this;

     * Load the tilemap with string data and a tile graphic.
     * @param   mapData         An array containing the (non-negative) tile indices.
     * @param   widthInTiles    The width of the tilemap in tiles
     * @param   heightInTiles   The height of the tilemap in tiles
     * @param   tileGraphic     All the tiles you want to use, arranged in a strip corresponding to the numbers in MapData.
     * @param   tileWidth       The width of your tiles (e.g. 8) - defaults to height of the tile graphic if unspecified.
     * @param   tileHeight      The height of your tiles (e.g. 8) - defaults to width if unspecified.
     * @param   autoTile        Whether to load the map using an automatic tile placement algorithm (requires 16 tiles!).
     *                          Setting this to either AUTO or ALT will override any values you put for StartingIndex, DrawIndex, or CollideIndex.
     * @param   startingIndex   Used to sort of insert empty tiles in front of the provided graphic.
     *                          Default is 0, usually safest ot leave it at that.  Ignored if AutoTile is set.
     * @param   drawIndex       Initializes all tile objects equal to and after this index as visible.
     *                          Default value is 1. Ignored if AutoTile is set.
     * @param   collideIndex    Initializes all tile objects equal to and after this index as allowCollisions = ANY.
     *                          Default value is 1.  Ignored if AutoTile is set.
     *                          Can override and customize per-tile-type collision behavior using setTileProperties().
     * @return  A reference to this instance of FlxTilemap, for chaining as usual :)
    public function loadMapFromArray(mapData:Array<Int>, widthInTiles:Int, heightInTiles:Int, tileGraphic:FlxTilemapGraphicAsset, tileWidth = 0, tileHeight = 0,
            ?autoTile:FlxTilemapAutoTiling, startingIndex = 0, drawIndex = 1, collideIndex = 1)
        this.widthInTiles = widthInTiles;
        this.heightInTiles = heightInTiles;
        _data = mapData.copy(); // make a copy to make sure we don't mess with the original array, which might be used for something!

        loadMapHelper(tileGraphic, tileWidth, tileHeight, autoTile, startingIndex, drawIndex, collideIndex);
        return this;

     * Load the tilemap with string data and a tile graphic.
     * @param   mapData         A 2D array containing the (non-negative) tile indices. The length of the inner arrays should be consistent.
     * @param   tileGraphic     All the tiles you want to use, arranged in a strip corresponding to the numbers in MapData.
     * @param   tileWidth       The width of your tiles (e.g. 8) - defaults to height of the tile graphic if unspecified.
     * @param   tileHeight      The height of your tiles (e.g. 8) - defaults to width if unspecified.
     * @param   autoTile        Whether to load the map using an automatic tile placement algorithm (requires 16 tiles!).
     *                          Setting this to either AUTO or ALT will override any values you put for StartingIndex, DrawIndex, or CollideIndex.
     * @param   startingIndex   Used to sort of insert empty tiles in front of the provided graphic.
     *                          Default is 0, usually safest ot leave it at that.  Ignored if AutoTile is set.
     * @param   drawIndex       Initializes all tile objects equal to and after this index as visible.
     *                          Default value is 1. Ignored if AutoTile is set.
     * @param   collideIndex    Initializes all tile objects equal to and after this index as allowCollisions = ANY.
     *                          Default value is 1.  Ignored if AutoTile is set.
     *                          Can override and customize per-tile-type collision behavior using setTileProperties().
     * @return  A reference to this instance of FlxTilemap, for chaining as usual :)
    public function loadMapFrom2DArray(mapData:Array<Array<Int>>, tileGraphic:FlxTilemapGraphicAsset, tileWidth = 0, tileHeight = 0,
            ?autoTile:FlxTilemapAutoTiling, startingIndex = 0, drawIndex = 1, collideIndex = 1)
        widthInTiles = mapData[0].length;
        heightInTiles = mapData.length;
        _data = FlxArrayUtil.flatten2DArray(mapData);

        loadMapHelper(tileGraphic, tileWidth, tileHeight, autoTile, startingIndex, drawIndex, collideIndex);
        return this;

     * Load the tilemap with image data and a tile graphic.
     * Black pixels are flagged as 'solid' by default, non-black pixels are set as non-colliding. Black pixels must be PURE BLACK.
     * @param   mapGraphic      The image you want to use as a source of map data, where each pixel is a tile (or more than one tile if you change Scale's default value). Preferably black and white.
     * @param   invert          Load white pixels as solid instead.
     * @param   scale           Default is 1. Scale of 2 means each pixel forms a 2x2 block of tiles, and so on.
     * @param   colorMap        An array of color values (alpha values are ignored) in the order they're intended to be assigned as indices
     * @param   tileGraphic     All the tiles you want to use, arranged in a strip corresponding to the numbers in MapData.
     * @param   tileWidth       The width of your tiles (e.g. 8) - defaults to height of the tile graphic if unspecified.
     * @param   tileHeight      The height of your tiles (e.g. 8) - defaults to width if unspecified.
     * @param   autoTile        Whether to load the map using an automatic tile placement algorithm (requires 16 tiles!).
     *                          Setting this to either AUTO or ALT will override any values you put for StartingIndex, DrawIndex, or CollideIndex.
     * @param   startingIndex   Used to sort of insert empty tiles in front of the provided graphic.
     *                          Default is 0, usually safest ot leave it at that.  Ignored if AutoTile is set.
     * @param   drawIndex       Initializes all tile objects equal to and after this index as visible.
     *                          Default value is 1. Ignored if AutoTile is set.
     * @param   collideIndex    Initializes all tile objects equal to and after this index as allowCollisions = ANY.
     *                          Default value is 1.  Ignored if AutoTile is set.
     *                          Can override and customize per-tile-type collision behavior using setTileProperties().
     * @return  A reference to this instance of FlxTilemap, for chaining as usual :)
     * @since   4.1.0
    public function loadMapFromGraphic(mapGraphic:FlxGraphicSource, invert = false, scale = 1, ?colorMap:Array<FlxColor>,
            tileGraphic:FlxTilemapGraphicAsset, tileWidth = 0, tileHeight = 0, ?autoTile:FlxTilemapAutoTiling,
            startingIndex = 0, drawIndex = 1, collideIndex = 1)
        var mapBitmap:BitmapData = FlxAssets.resolveBitmapData(mapGraphic);
        var mapData:String = FlxStringUtil.bitmapToCSV(mapBitmap, invert, scale, colorMap);
        return loadMapFromCSV(mapData, tileGraphic, tileWidth, tileHeight, autoTile, startingIndex, drawIndex, collideIndex);

    function loadMapHelper(tileGraphic:FlxTilemapGraphicAsset, tileWidth = 0, tileHeight = 0, ?autoTile:FlxTilemapAutoTiling,
            startingIndex = 0, drawIndex = 1, collideIndex = 1)
        // anything < 0 should be treated as 0 for compatibility with certain map formats (ogmo)
        for (i in 0..._data.length)
            if (_data[i] < 0)
                _data[i] = 0;

        totalTiles = _data.length;
        auto = (autoTile == null) ? OFF : autoTile;
        _startingIndex = (startingIndex <= 0) ? 0 : startingIndex;

        if (auto != OFF)
            _startingIndex = 1;
            drawIndex = 1;
            collideIndex = 1;

        _drawIndex = drawIndex;
        _collideIndex = collideIndex;

        cacheGraphics(tileWidth, tileHeight, tileGraphic);

    function postGraphicLoad()

    function applyAutoTile():Void
        // Pre-process the map data if it's auto-tiled
        if (auto != OFF)
            var i:Int = 0;
            while (i < totalTiles)

    function applyCustomRemap():Void
        var i:Int = 0;

        if (customTileRemap != null)
            while (i < totalTiles)
                var oldIndex = _data[i];
                var newIndex = oldIndex;
                if (oldIndex < customTileRemap.length)
                    newIndex = customTileRemap[oldIndex];
                _data[i] = newIndex;

    function randomizeIndices():Void
        var i:Int = 0;

        if (_randomIndices != null)
            var randLambda:Void->Float = _randomLambda != null ? _randomLambda : function()
                return FlxG.random.float();

            while (i < totalTiles)
                var oldIndex = _data[i];
                var j = 0;
                var newIndex = oldIndex;
                for (rand in _randomIndices)
                    if (oldIndex == rand)
                        var k:Int = Std.int(randLambda() * _randomChoices[j].length);
                        newIndex = _randomChoices[j][k];
                _data[i] = newIndex;

     * An internal function used by the binary auto-tilers. (16 tiles)
     * @param   index  The index of the tile you want to analyze.
    function autoTile(index:Int):Void
        if (_data[index] == 0)

        if (auto == FULL)

        _data[index] = 0;

        // UP
        if ((index - widthInTiles < 0) || (_data[index - widthInTiles] > 0))
            _data[index] += 1;
        // RIGHT
        if ((index % widthInTiles >= widthInTiles - 1) || (_data[index + 1] > 0))
            _data[index] += 2;
        // DOWN
        if ((Std.int(index + widthInTiles) >= totalTiles) || (_data[index + widthInTiles] > 0))
            _data[index] += 4;
        // LEFT
        if ((index % widthInTiles <= 0) || (_data[index - 1] > 0))
            _data[index] += 8;

        // The alternate algo checks for interior corners
        if ((auto == ALT) && (_data[index] == 15))
            // BOTTOM LEFT OPEN
            if ((index % widthInTiles > 0) && (Std.int(index + widthInTiles) < totalTiles) && (_data[index + widthInTiles - 1] <= 0))
                _data[index] = 1;
            // TOP LEFT OPEN
            if ((index % widthInTiles > 0) && (index - widthInTiles >= 0) && (_data[index - widthInTiles - 1] <= 0))
                _data[index] = 2;
            // TOP RIGHT OPEN
            if ((index % widthInTiles < widthInTiles - 1) && (index - widthInTiles >= 0) && (_data[index - widthInTiles + 1] <= 0))
                _data[index] = 4;
            // BOTTOM RIGHT OPEN
            if ((index % widthInTiles < widthInTiles - 1)
                && (Std.int(index + widthInTiles) < totalTiles)
                && (_data[index + widthInTiles + 1] <= 0))
                _data[index] = 8;

        _data[index] += 1;

     * An internal function used by the binary auto-tilers. (47 tiles)
     * @param   index  The index of the tile you want to analyze.
    function autoTileFull(index:Int):Void
        _data[index] = 0;

        var wallUp:Bool = index - widthInTiles < 0;
        var wallRight:Bool = index % widthInTiles >= widthInTiles - 1;
        var wallDown:Bool = Std.int(index + widthInTiles) >= totalTiles;
        var wallLeft:Bool = index % widthInTiles <= 0;

        var up = wallUp || _data[index - widthInTiles] > 0;
        var upRight = wallUp || wallRight || _data[index - widthInTiles + 1] > 0;
        var right = wallRight || _data[index + 1] > 0;
        var rightDown = wallRight || wallDown || _data[index + widthInTiles + 1] > 0;
        var down = wallDown || _data[index + widthInTiles] > 0;
        var downLeft = wallDown || wallLeft || _data[index + widthInTiles - 1] > 0;
        var left = wallLeft || _data[index - 1] > 0;
        var leftUp = wallLeft || wallUp || _data[index - widthInTiles - 1] > 0;

        if (up)
            _data[index] += 1;
        if (upRight && up && right)
            _data[index] += 2;
        if (right)
            _data[index] += 4;
        if (rightDown && right && down)
            _data[index] += 8;
        if (down)
            _data[index] += 16;
        if (downLeft && down && left)
            _data[index] += 32;
        if (left)
            _data[index] += 64;
        if (leftUp && left && up)
            _data[index] += 128;

        _data[index] -= offsetAutoTile[_data[index]] - 1;

     * Set custom tile mapping and/or randomization rules prior to loading. This MUST be called BEFORE loadMap().
     * WARNING: Using this will cause your maps to take longer to load. Be careful using this in very large tilemaps.
     * @param   mappings       Array of ints for remapping tiles. Ex: [7,4,12] means "0-->7, 1-->4, 2-->12"
     * @param   randomIndices  Array of ints indicating which tile indices should be randomized. Ex: [7,4,12] means "replace tile index of 7, 4, or 12 with a randomized value"
     * @param   randomChoices  A list of int-arrays that serve as the corresponding choices to randomly choose from. Ex: indices = [7,4], choices = [[1,2],[3,4,5]], 7 will be replaced by either 1 or 2, 4 will be replaced by 3, 4, or 5.
     * @param   randomLambda   A custom randomizer function, should return value between 0.0 and 1.0. Initialize your random seed before passing this in! If not defined, will default to unseeded Math.random() calls.
    public function setCustomTileMappings(mappings:Array<Int>, ?randomIndices:Array<Int>, ?randomChoices:Array<Array<Int>>, ?randomLambda:Void->Float):Void
        customTileRemap = mappings;
        _randomIndices = randomIndices;
        _randomChoices = randomChoices;
        _randomLambda = randomLambda;

        // make sure users provide all that data required if they wish to randomize tile mappings.
        if (_randomIndices != null && (_randomChoices == null || _randomChoices.length == 0))
            throw "You must provide valid 'randomChoices' if you wish to randomize tilemap indices, please read documentation of 'setCustomTileMappings' function.";
     * Calculates a `mapIndex` via `row * widthInTiles + column`,
     * if the column or row is not valid, the result is `-1`
     * @param   column  The grid X location, in tiles
     * @param   row     The grid Y location, in tiles
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function getMapIndex(column:Int, row:Int):Int
        return tileExists(column, row) ? (row * widthInTiles + column) : -1;
     * Calculates a `mapIndex` of the given location, if the coordinate
     * does not overlap the tilemap, the result is `-1`
     * **Note:** A tile's `mapIndex` can be calculated via `row * widthInTiles + column`
     * @param   worldPos  A location in the world
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function getMapIndex(worldPos:FlxPoint):Int
        return getMapIndexAt(worldPos.x, worldPos.y);
     * Calculates a `mapIndex` of the given location, if the coordinate
     * does not overlap the tilemap, the result is `-1`
     * **Note:** A tile's `mapIndex` can be calculated via `row * widthInTiles + column`
     * @param   worldX  An X coordinate in the world
     * @param   worldY  A Y coordinate in the world
     * @since 5.9.0
    public inline function getMapIndexAt(worldX:Float, worldY:Float):Int
        return getMapIndex(getColumnAt(worldX), getRowAt(worldY));
     * Calculates the column from a map location
     * @param   mapIndex  The location in the map where `mapIndex = row * widthInTiles + column`
     * @since 5.9.0
    public inline function getColumn(mapIndex:Int):Int
        return mapIndex % widthInTiles;
     * Calculates the column from a map location
     * @param   mapIndex  The location in the map where `mapIndex = row * widthInTiles + column`
     * @since 5.9.0
    public inline function getRow(mapIndex:Int):Int
        return Std.int(mapIndex / widthInTiles);
     * Whether a tile exists at the given map location
     * @param   column  The grid X location, in tiles
     * @param   row     The grid Y location, in tiles
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function tileExists(column:Int, row:Int):Bool
        return columnExists(column) && rowExists(row);
     * Whether a tile exists at the given map location
     * **Note:** A tile's `mapIndex` can be calculated via `row * widthInTiles + column`
     * @param   mapIndex  The desired location in the map
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function tileExists(mapIndex:Int):Bool
        return mapIndex >= 0 && mapIndex < _data.length;
     * Whether a tile exists at the given map location
     * @param   worldPos  A location in the map
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function tileExists(worldPos:FlxPoint):Bool
        return tileExistsAt(worldPos.x, worldPos.y);
     * Whether a tile exists at the given map location
     * @param   worldX  An X coordinate in the world
     * @param   worldY  A Y coordinate in the world
     * @since 5.9.0
    public inline function tileExistsAt(worldX:Float, worldY:Float):Bool
        return columnExistsAt(worldX) && rowExistsAt(worldY);
     * Whether a row exists at the given map location
     * @param   column  The grid X location, in tiles
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function columnExists(column:Int):Bool
        return column >= 0 && column < widthInTiles;
     * Whether a column exists at the given map location
     * @param   worldX  An X coordinate in the world
     * @since 5.9.0
    public inline function columnExistsAt(worldX:Float):Bool
        return columnExists(getColumnAt(worldX));
     * Whether a row exists at the given map location
     * @param   row  The grid Y location, in tiles
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function rowExists(row:Int):Bool
        return row >= 0 && row < heightInTiles;
     * Whether a row exists at the given map location
     * @param   worldY  A Y coordinate in the world
     * @since 5.9.0
    public inline function rowExistsAt(worldY:Float):Bool
        return rowExists(getRowAt(worldY));
     * Finds the tile instance at a particular column and row,
     * if the column or row is invalid, the result is `null`
     * @param   column  The grid X location, in tiles
     * @param   row     The grid Y location, in tiles
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function getTileData(column:Int, row:Int):Null<Tile>
        return getTileData(getMapIndex(column, row));
     * Finds the tile instance with the given `mapIndex`, 
     * if the `mapIndex` is invalid, the result is `null`
     * **Note:** A tile's `mapIndex` can be calculated via `row * widthInTiles + column`
     * **Note:** The reulting tile's `x`, `y`, `width` and `height` will not be accurate.
     * You can call `tile.orient` or similar methods
     * @param   mapIndex  The desired location in the map
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function getTileData(mapIndex:Int):Null<Tile>
        return _tileObjects[getTileIndex(mapIndex)];
     * Finds the tile instance with the given world location, if the
     * coordinate does not overlap the tilemap, the result is `null`
     * **Note:** The reulting tile's `x`, `y`, `width` and `height` will not be accurate.
     * You can call `tile.orient` or similar methods
     * @param   worldPos  A location in the world
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function getTileData(worldPos:FlxPoint):Null<Tile>
        return getTileDataAt(worldPos.x, worldPos.y);
     * Finds the tile instance with the given world location, if the
     * coordinate does not overlap the tilemap, the result is `null`
     * **Note:** The reulting tile's `x`, `y`, `width` and `height` will not be accurate.
     * You can call `tile.orient` or similar methods
     * @param   worldX  An X coordinate in the world
     * @param   worldY  A Y coordinate in the world
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function getTileDataAt(worldX:Float, worldY:Float):Null<Tile>
        return _tileObjects[getTileIndexAt(worldX, worldY)];
     * Check the value of a particular tile, if the
     * column or row is invalid, the result is `-1`
     * @param   column  The grid X location, in tiles
     * @param   row     The grid Y location, in tiles
     * @return  The tile index of the tile at this location
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function getTileIndex(column:Int, row:Int):Int
        return getTileIndex(getMapIndex(column, row));
     * Get the `tileIndex` at the given map location, 
     * if the `mapIndex` is invalid, the result is `-1`
     * **Note:** A tile's `mapIndex` can be calculated via `row * widthInTiles + column`
     * @param   mapIndex  The desired location in the map
     * @return  The tileIndex of the tile with this `mapIndex`
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function getTileIndex(mapIndex:Int):Int
        return tileExists(mapIndex) ? _data[mapIndex] : -1;
     * Get the `tileIndex` at the given location, if the coordinate
     * does not overlap the tilemap, the result is `-1`
     * @param   worldPos  A location in the world
     * @return  The tileIndex of the tile at this location
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function getTileIndex(worldPos:FlxPoint):Int
        return getTileIndexAt(worldPos.x, worldPos.y);
     * Get the `tileIndex` at the given location, if the coordinate
     * does not overlap the tilemap, the result is `-1`
     * @param   worldX  An X coordinate in the world
     * @param   worldY  A Y coordinate in the world
     * @return  The tileIndex of the tile at this location
     * @since 5.9.0
    public inline function getTileIndexAt(worldX:Float, worldY:Float):Int
        return getTileIndex(getColumnAt(worldX), getRowAt(worldY));
     * Get the world position of the specified tile, if the `mapIndex` is invalid,
     * the result is `null`
     * **Note:** A tile's `mapIndex` can be calculated via `row * widthInTiles + column`
     * @param   mapIndex  The desired location in the map
     * @param   midpoint  Whether to use the tile's midpoint, or upper left corner
     * @return  The world position of the matching tile
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function getTilePos(mapIndex:Int, midpoint = false):Null<FlxPoint>
        return tileExists(mapIndex) ? getTilePos(getColumn(mapIndex), getRow(mapIndex), midpoint) : null;
     * Get the world position of the specified tile
     * **Note:** The column or row does not need to be valid, to ensure a
     * valid tile, use `if (tileExists(column, row))`, first
     * @param   column    The grid X location, in tiles
     * @param   row       The grid Y location, in tiles
     * @param   midpoint  Whether to use the tile's midpoint, or upper left corner
     * @return  The world position of the matching tile
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function getTilePos(column:Int, row:Int, midpoint = false):FlxPoint
        return FlxPoint.get(getColumnPos(column, midpoint), getRowPos(row, midpoint));
     * Get the world position of the tile overlapping the specified position
     * **Note:** The location does not need to overlap the tilemap, to ensure a
     * valid tile, use `if (tileExists(worldPos))`, first
     * @param   worldPos  A location in the world
     * @param   midpoint  Whether to use the tile's midpoint, or upper left corner
     * @return  The world position of the overlapping tile
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function getTilePos(worldPos:FlxPoint, midpoint = false):FlxPoint
        return getTilePosAt(worldPos.x, worldPos.y, midpoint);
     * Get the world position of the tile overlapping the specified position
     * **Note:** The location does not need to overlap the tilemap, to ensure a
     * valid tile, use `if (tileExistsAt(worldX, worldY))`, first
     * @param   worldX    An X coordinate in the world
     * @param   worldY    A Y coordinate in the world
     * @param   midpoint  Whether to use the tile's midpoint, or upper left corner
     * @return  The world position of the overlapping tile
     * @since 5.9.0
    public inline function getTilePosAt(worldX:Float, worldY:Float, midpoint = false):FlxPoint
        return getTilePos(getColumnAt(worldX), getRowAt(worldY), midpoint);
     * Returns a new array full of every coordinate of the requested tile type.
     * @param   tileIndex  The requested tile type
     * @param   midpoint   Whether to use the tiles' midpoints, or upper left corner
     * @return  An Array with a list of all the coordinates of that tile type
     * @since 5.9.0
    public function getAllTilePos(tileIndex:Int, midpoint = false):Array<FlxPoint>
        final result = [];
        final length = _data.length;
        for (mapIndex in 0...length)
            if (getTileIndex(mapIndex) == tileIndex)
                result.push(getTilePos(mapIndex, midpoint));
        return result;
     * Check the value of a particular tile.
     * @param   column  The grid X location, in tiles
     * @param   row     The grid Y location, in tiles
     * @return  The tile index of the tile at this location
    @:deprecated("getTile is deprecated use getTileIndex(column, row), instead") // 5.9.0
    public function getTile(column:Int, row:Int):Int
        return getTileIndex(column, row);
     * Get the `tileIndex` at the given map location
     * **Note:** A tile's `mapIndex` can be calculated via `row * widthInTiles + column`
     * @param   mapIndex  The desired location in the map
     * @return  An integer containing the value of the tile at this spot in the array.
    @:deprecated("getTileByIndex is deprecated use getTileIndex(mapIndex), instead") // 5.9.0
    public function getTileByIndex(mapIndex:Int):Int
        return getTileIndex(mapIndex);
     * Gets the collision flags of the tile at the given location
     * **Note:** A tile's `mapIndex` can be calculated via `row * widthInTiles + column`
     * ##Soft Deprecation
     * You should use `getTileData(mapIndex).allowCollisions`, instead
     * @param   mapIndex  The desired location in the map
     * @return  The internal collision flag for the requested tile.
    public function getTileCollisions(mapIndex:Int):FlxDirectionFlags
        return getTileData(mapIndex).allowCollisions;
     * Returns a new array full of every map index of the requested tile type
     * **Note:** Unlike `getAllMapIndices` this will return `null` if no tiles are found
     * @param   index  The requested tile type.
     * @return  An Array with a list of all map indices of that tile type.
    @:deprecated("getTileInstances is deprecated, use getTileIndices, instead")// 5.9.0
    public inline function getTileInstances(tileIndex:Int):Array<Int>
        // for backwards compat, return `null` if none are found
        final result = getAllMapIndices(tileIndex);
        return result.length == 0 ? null : result;
     * Returns a new array full of every map index of the requested tile type.
     * **Note:** Unlike `getTileInstances` this will return `[]` if no tiles are found
     * @param   index  The requested tile type.
     * @return  An Array with a list of all map indices of that tile type.
     * @since 5.9.0
    public function getAllMapIndices(tileIndex:Int):Array<Int>
        final result:Array<Int> = [];
        final length = _data.length;
        for (mapIndex in 0...length)
            if (getTileIndex(mapIndex) == tileIndex)
        return result;

     * Calls the desired function with every `mapIndex` that uses the given `tileIndex`
     * @param   tileIndex  The desired tile type
     * @param   function   The function called with each mapIndex
     * @since 5.9.0
    public function forEachMapIndex(tileIndex:Int, f:(mapIndex:Int) -> Void)
        final length = _data.length;
        for (mapIndex in 0...length)
            if (getTileIndex(mapIndex) == tileIndex)
     * Change the data and graphic of a tile in the tilemap.
     * @param   mapIndex   The slot in the data array (Y * widthInTiles + X) where this tile is stored.
     * @param   tileIndex  The new tileIndex to place at the mapIndex
     * @param   redraw     Whether the graphical representation of this tile should change.
     * @return  Whether or not the tile was actually changed.
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function setTileIndex(mapIndex:Int, tileIndex:Int, redraw = true):Bool
        return setTileHelper(mapIndex, tileIndex, redraw);
     * Change the data and graphic of a tile in the tilemap.
     * @param   column     The grid X location, in tiles
     * @param   row        The grid Y location, in tiles
     * @param   tileIndex  The new integer data you wish to inject.
     * @param   redraw     Whether the graphical representation of this tile should change.
     * @return  Whether or not the tile was actually changed.
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function setTileIndex(column:Int, row:Int, tileIndex:Int, redraw = true):Bool
        return setTileHelper(getMapIndex(column, row), tileIndex, redraw);
     * Change the data and graphic of a tile in the tilemap.
     * @param   worldPos   A location in the world
     * @param   tileIndex  The new integer data you wish to inject.
     * @param   redraw     Whether the graphical representation of this tile should change.
     * @return  Whether or not the tile was actually changed.
     * @since 5.9.0
    public overload extern inline function setTileIndex(worldPos:FlxPoint, tileIndex:Int, redraw = true):Bool
        return setTileIndexAt(worldPos.x, worldPos.y, tileIndex, redraw);
     * Change the data and graphic of a tile in the tilemap.
     * @param   worldX     An X coordinate in the world
     * @param   worldY     A Y coordinate in the world
     * @param   tileIndex  The new integer data you wish to inject.
     * @param   redraw     Whether the graphical representation of this tile should change.
     * @return  Whether or not the tile was actually changed.
     * @since 5.9.0
    public inline function setTileIndexAt(worldX:Float, worldY:Float, tileIndex:Int, redraw = true):Bool
        return setTileHelper(getMapIndexAt(worldX, worldY), tileIndex, redraw);
     * Change the data and graphic of a tile in the tilemap.
     * @param   column     The grid X location, in tiles
     * @param   row        The grid Y location, in tiles
     * @param   tileIndex  The new integer data you wish to inject.
     * @param   redraw     Whether the graphical representation of this tile should change.
     * @return  Whether or not the tile was actually changed.
    @:deprecated("setTile is deprecated, use setTileIndex(column, row, tileIndex,...), instead") // 5.9.0
    public function setTile(column:Int, row:Int, tileIndex:Int, redraw = true):Bool
        return setTileIndex(getMapIndex(column, row), tileIndex, redraw);
     * Change the data and graphic of a tile in the tilemap.
     * @param   mapIndex   The slot in the data array (Y * widthInTiles + X) where this tile is stored.
     * @param   tileIndex  The new tileIndex to place at the mapIndex
     * @param   redraw     Whether the graphical representation of this tile should change.
     * @return  Whether or not the tile was actually changed.
    @:deprecated("setTileByIndex is deprecated, use setTileIndex(mapIndex, tileIndex,...), instead") // 5.9.0
    public function setTileByIndex(mapIndex:Int, tileIndex:Int, redraw = true):Bool
        return setTileIndex(mapIndex, tileIndex, redraw);
    function setTileHelper(mapIndex:Int, tileIndex:Int, redraw = true):Bool
        if (!tileExists(mapIndex))
            return false;
        _data[mapIndex] = tileIndex;
        if (!redraw)
            return true;
        switch (auto)
            case OFF:
        return true;
    function updateTileWithAutoTile(mapIndex:Int)
        // If this map is auto-tiled and it changes, locally update the arrangement
        var row:Int = getRow(mapIndex) - 1;
        var column:Int = getColumn(mapIndex) - 1;
        final rowLength:Int = row + 3;
        final columnHeight:Int = column + 3;
        while (row < rowLength)
            column = columnHeight - 3;
            while (column < columnHeight)
                if (tileExists(column, row))
                    final i = getMapIndex(column, row);

     * Adjust collision settings and/or bind a callback function to a range of tiles.
     * This callback function, if present, is triggered by calls to `overlap` or `objectOverlapsTiles`.
     * @param   tile             The tile or tiles you want to adjust.
     * @param   allowCollisions  Modify the tile or tiles to only allow collisions from certain directions, use FlxObject constants NONE, ANY, LEFT, RIGHT, etc. Default is "ANY".
     * @param   callback         The function to trigger, e.g. lavaCallback(Tile:FlxObject, Object:FlxObject).
     * @param   callbackFilter   If you only want the callback to go off for certain classes or objects based on a certain class, set that class here.
     * @param   range            If you want this callback to work for a bunch of different tiles, input the range here. Default value is 1.
    public function setTileProperties(tile:Int, allowCollisions = ANY, ?callback:FlxObject->FlxObject->Void, ?callbackFilter:Class<FlxObject>, range = 1):Void
        if (range <= 0)
            range = 1;
        final maxIndex = _tileObjects.length;
        final end = tile + range;
        if (maxIndex == 0)
            final rangeDisplay = range == 1 ? 'tile $tile' : 'tiles $tile-${end-1}';
            FlxG.log.error('Cannot setTileProperties of $rangeDisplay when tilemap does not contain any tiles.'
                + ' This may be due to an invalid graphic.');

        if (end > maxIndex)
            final rangeDisplay = range == 1 ? 'tile $tile' : 'tiles $tile-${end-1}';
            FlxG.log.error('Cannot setTileProperties of $rangeDisplay when there are only $end tiles.');

        for (i in tile...end)
            var tileData = _tileObjects[i];
            tileData.allowCollisions = allowCollisions;
            (cast tileData).callbackFunction = callback;
            (cast tileData).filter = callbackFilter;

     * Fetches the tilemap data array.
     * @param   simple   If true, returns the data as copy, as a series of 1s and 0s (useful for auto-tiling stuff).
     *                   Default value is false, meaning it will return the actual data array (NOT a copy).
     * @return  An array the size of the tilemap full of integers indicating tile placement.
    public function getData(simple:Bool = false):Array<Int>
        if (!simple)
            return _data;
            for (i in 0..._data.length)
                (getTileData(i).solid ? 1 : 0)

     * Find a path through the tilemap.  Any tile with any collision flags set is treated as impassable.
     * If no path is discovered then a null reference is returned.
     * @param   start           The start point in world coordinates.
     * @param   end             The end point in world coordinates.
     * @param   simplify        Whether to run a basic simplification algorithm over the path data, removing
     *                          extra points that are on the same line.  Default value is true.
     * @param   raySimplify     Whether to run an extra raycasting simplification algorithm over the remaining
     *                          path data.  This can result in some close corners being cut, and should be
     *                          used with care if at all (yet).  Default value is false.
     * @param   diagonalPolicy  How to treat diagonal movement. (Default is WIDE, count +1 tile for diagonal movement)
     * @return  An Array of FlxPoints, containing all waypoints from the start to the end.  If no path could be found,
     *          then a null reference is returned.
    public inline function findPath(start:FlxPoint, end:FlxPoint, simplify:FlxPathSimplifier = LINE,
            diagonalPolicy:FlxTilemapDiagonalPolicy = WIDE):Array<FlxPoint>
        return getDiagonalPathfinder(diagonalPolicy).findPath(cast this, start, end, simplify);

     * Find a path through the tilemap.  Any tile with any collision flags set is treated as impassable.
     * If no path is discovered then a null reference is returned.
     * @since 5.0.0
     * @param   pathfinder   Decides how to move and evaluate the paths for comparison.
     * @param   start        The start point in world coordinates.
     * @param   end          The end point in world coordinates.
     * @param   simplify     Whether to run a basic simplification algorithm over the path data, removing
     *                       extra points that are on the same line.  Default value is true.
     * @param   raySimplify  Whether to run an extra raycasting simplification algorithm over the remaining
     *                       path data.  This can result in some close corners being cut, and should be
     *                       used with care if at all (yet).  Default value is false.
     * @return  An Array of FlxPoints, containing all waypoints from the start to the end.  If no path could be found,
     *          then a null reference is returned.
    public inline function findPathCustom(pathfinder:FlxPathfinder, start:FlxPoint, end:FlxPoint,
        simplify:FlxPathSimplifier = LINE):Array<FlxPoint>
        return pathfinder.findPath(cast this, start, end, simplify);

     * Pathfinding helper function, floods a grid with distance information until it finds the end point.
     * **Note:** Currently this process does NOT use any kind of fancy heuristic! It's pretty brute.
     * @param   startIndex      The starting tile's map index.
     * @param   endIndex        The ending tile's map index.
     * @param   diagonalPolicy  How to treat diagonal movement.
     * @param   stopOnEnd       Whether to stop at the end or not (default true)
     * @return  An array of FlxPoint nodes. If the end tile could not be found, then a null Array is returned instead.
    public function computePathDistance(startIndex:Int, endIndex:Int, diagonalPolicy:FlxTilemapDiagonalPolicy = WIDE, stopOnEnd:Bool = true):Array<Int>
        var data = computePathData(startIndex, endIndex, diagonalPolicy, stopOnEnd);
        if (data != null)
            return data.distances;
        return null;

     * Pathfinding helper function, floods a grid with distance information until it finds the end point.
     * **Note:** Currently this process does NOT use any kind of fancy heuristic! It's pretty brute.
     * @since 5.0.0
     * @param   startIndex  The starting tile's map index.
     * @param   endIndex    The ending tile's map index.
     * @param   policy      Decides how to move and evaluate the paths for comparison.
     * @param   stopOnEnd   Whether to stop at the end or not (default true)
     * @return  An array of FlxPoint nodes. If the end tile could not be found, then a null Array is returned instead.
    public function computePathData(startIndex:Int, endIndex:Int, diagonalPolicy:FlxTilemapDiagonalPolicy = WIDE, stopOnEnd:Bool = true):FlxPathfinderData
        return getDiagonalPathfinder(diagonalPolicy).computePathData(cast this, startIndex, endIndex, stopOnEnd);

    inline function getDiagonalPathfinder(diagonalPolicy:FlxTilemapDiagonalPolicy):FlxPathfinder
        diagonalPathfinder.diagonalPolicy = diagonalPolicy;
        return diagonalPathfinder;

     * Checks to see if some FlxObject overlaps this FlxObject object in world space.
     * If the group has a LOT of things in it, it might be faster to use FlxG.overlaps().
     * **Warning:** Currently tilemaps do NOT support screen space overlap checks!
     * @param   object         The object being tested.
     * @param   inScreenSpace  Whether to take scroll factors into account when checking for overlap.
     * @param   camera         Specify which game camera you want. If null, getScreenPosition() will just grab the first global camera.
     * @return  Whether or not the two objects overlap.
    override function overlaps(objectOrGroup:FlxBasic, inScreenSpace = false, ?camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        final group = FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(objectOrGroup);
        if (group != null) // if it is a group
            return group.any(tilemapOverlapsCallback.bind(_, 0, 0, inScreenSpace, camera));
        return tilemapOverlapsCallback(objectOrGroup);

    inline function tilemapOverlapsCallback(objectOrGroup:FlxBasic, x = 0.0, y = 0.0, inScreenSpace = false, ?camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        if (objectOrGroup.flixelType == OBJECT || objectOrGroup.flixelType == TILEMAP)
            return objectOverlapsTiles(cast objectOrGroup);
            return overlaps(objectOrGroup, inScreenSpace, camera);

     * Checks to see if this FlxObject were located at the given position, would it overlap the FlxObject or FlxGroup?
     * This is distinct from overlapsPoint(), which just checks that point, rather than taking the object's size into account.
     * WARNING: Currently tilemaps do NOT support screen space overlap checks!
     * @param   x              The X position you want to check.  Pretends this object (the caller, not the parameter) is located here.
     * @param   y              The Y position you want to check.  Pretends this object (the caller, not the parameter) is located here.
     * @param   objectOrGroup  The object or group being tested.
     * @param   inScreenSpace  Whether to take scroll factors into account when checking for overlap.  Default is false, or "only compare in world space."
     * @param   camera         Specify which game camera you want.  If null getScreenPosition() will just grab the first global camera.
     * @return  Whether or not the two objects overlap.
    override function overlapsAt(x:Float, y:Float, objectOrGroup:FlxBasic, inScreenSpace:Bool = false, ?camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        final group = FlxTypedGroup.resolveGroup(objectOrGroup);
        if (group != null) // if it is a group
            return group.any(tilemapOverlapsAtCallback.bind(_, x, y, inScreenSpace, camera));
        return tilemapOverlapsAtCallback(objectOrGroup, x, y, inScreenSpace, camera);

    inline function tilemapOverlapsAtCallback(objectOrGroup:FlxBasic, x:Float, y:Float, inScreenSpace:Bool, camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        if (objectOrGroup.flixelType == OBJECT || objectOrGroup.flixelType == TILEMAP)
            return objectOverlapsTiles(cast objectOrGroup, null, _point.set(x, y));
            return overlapsAt(x, y, objectOrGroup, inScreenSpace, camera);

     * Checks to see if a point in 2D world space overlaps this FlxObject object.
     * @param   worldPoint     The point in world space you want to check.
     * @param   inScreenSpace  Whether to take scroll factors into account when checking for overlap.
     * @param   camera         Specify which game camera you want.  If null getScreenPosition() will just grab the first global camera.
     * @return  Whether or not the point overlaps this object.
    override function overlapsPoint(worldPoint:FlxPoint, inScreenSpace = false, ?camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        if (inScreenSpace)
            if (camera == null)
                camera = FlxG.camera;


        return tileAtPointAllowsCollisions(worldPoint);

    function tileAtPointAllowsCollisions(point:FlxPoint):Bool
        final mapIndex = getMapIndex(point);
        return tileExists(mapIndex) && getTileData(mapIndex).solid;

     * Get the world coordinates and size of the entire tilemap as a FlxRect.
     * @param   bounds  Optional, pass in a pre-existing FlxRect to prevent instantiation of a new object.
     * @return  A FlxRect containing the world coordinates and size of the entire tilemap.
    public function getBounds(?bounds:FlxRect):FlxRect
        if (bounds == null)
            bounds = FlxRect.get();

        return bounds.set(x, y, width, height);

enum FlxTilemapAutoTiling

     * Good for levels with thin walls that don't need interior corner art.

     * Better for levels with thick walls that look better with interior corner art.

     * Better for all, but need 47 tiles.
     * @since 4.6.0