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package flixel.tile;

import openfl.display.BitmapData;
import openfl.geom.Point;
import openfl.geom.Rectangle;
import flixel.FlxCamera;
import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.math.FlxMatrix;
import flixel.tile.FlxTilemap;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;
import openfl.display.BlendMode;
import openfl.geom.ColorTransform;

 * A helper object to keep tilemap drawing performance decent across the new multi-camera system.
 * Pretty much don't even have to think about this class unless you are doing some crazy hacking.
class FlxTilemapBuffer implements IFlxDestroyable
     * The current X position of the buffer.
    public var x:Float = 0;

     * The current Y position of the buffer.
    public var y:Float = 0;

     * The width of the buffer (usually just a few tiles wider than the camera).
    public var width:Float = 0;

     * The height of the buffer (usually just a few tiles taller than the camera).
    public var height:Float = 0;

     * Whether the buffer needs to be redrawn.
    public var dirty:Bool = false;

     * How many rows of tiles fit in this buffer.
    public var rows:Int = 0;

     * How many columns of tiles fit in this buffer.
    public var columns:Int = 0;

     * Whether or not the coordinates should be rounded during draw(), true by default (recommended for pixel art).
     * Only affects tilesheet rendering and rendering using BitmapData.draw() in blitting.
     * (copyPixels() only renders on whole pixels by nature). Causes draw() to be used if false, which is more expensive.
    public var pixelPerfectRender:Null<Bool>;

     * The actual buffer BitmapData. (Only used if FlxG.renderBlit == true)
    public var pixels(default, null):BitmapData;

    public var blend:BlendMode;
    public var antialiasing:Bool = false;

    var _flashRect:Rectangle;
    var _matrix:FlxMatrix;

     * Variables related to calculation of dirty value
    var _prevTilemapX:Float;

    var _prevTilemapY:Float;
    var _prevTilemapScaleX:Float;
    var _prevTilemapScaleY:Float;
    var _prevTilemapScrollX:Float;
    var _prevTilemapScrollY:Float;
    var _prevCameraScrollX:Float;
    var _prevCameraScrollY:Float;
    var _prevCameraScaleX:Float;
    var _prevCameraScaleY:Float;
    var _prevCameraWidth:Int;
    var _prevCameraHeight:Int;

     * Instantiates a new camera-specific buffer for storing the visual tilemap data.
     * @param   tileWidth      The width of the tiles in this tilemap.
     * @param   tileHeight     The height of the tiles in this tilemap.
     * @param   widthInTiles   How many tiles wide the tilemap is.
     * @param   heightInTiles  How many tiles tall the tilemap is.
     * @param   camera         Which camera this buffer relates to.
    public function new(tileWidth, tileHeight, widthInTiles, heightInTiles, ?camera, scaleX = 1.0, scaleY = 1.0)
        resize(tileWidth, tileHeight, widthInTiles, heightInTiles, camera, scaleX, scaleY);
     * Creates a bitmapData buffer from the tilemap's info.
     * @param   tileWidth      The width of the tiles in this tilemap.
     * @param   tileHeight     The height of the tiles in this tilemap.
     * @param   widthInTiles   How many tiles wide the tilemap is.
     * @param   heightInTiles  How many tiles tall the tilemap is.
     * @param   camera         Which camera this buffer relates to.
    public function resize(tileWidth:Int, tileHeight:Int, widthInTiles:Int, heightInTiles:Int, ?camera:FlxCamera,
            scaleX = 1.0, scaleY = 1.0):Void
        updateColumns(tileWidth, widthInTiles, scaleX, camera);
        updateRows(tileHeight, heightInTiles, scaleY, camera);

        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            final newWidth = Std.int(columns * tileWidth);
            final newHeight = Std.int(rows * tileHeight);
            if (pixels == null)
                pixels = new BitmapData(newWidth, newHeight, true, 0);
                _flashRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
                _matrix = new FlxMatrix();
                dirty = true;
            else if (pixels.width != newWidth || pixels.height != newHeight)
                pixels = new BitmapData(newWidth, newHeight, true, 0);
                _flashRect.setTo(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
                dirty = true;
     * Clean up memory.
    public function destroy():Void
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            pixels = FlxDestroyUtil.dispose(pixels);
            blend = null;
            _matrix = null;
            _flashRect = null;
     * Fill the buffer with the specified color.
     * Default value is transparent.
     * @param   color  What color to fill with, in 0xAARRGGBB hex format.
    public function fill(color = FlxColor.TRANSPARENT):Void
        if (FlxG.renderBlit)
            pixels.fillRect(_flashRect, color);
     * Just stamps this buffer onto the specified camera at the specified location.
     * @param   camera      Which camera to draw the buffer onto.
     * @param   flashPoint  Where to draw the buffer at in camera coordinates.
    public function draw(camera:FlxCamera, flashPoint:Point, scaleX = 1.0, scaleY = 1.0):Void
        if (isPixelPerfectRender(camera))
            flashPoint.x = Math.floor(flashPoint.x);
            flashPoint.y = Math.floor(flashPoint.y);
        if (isPixelPerfectRender(camera) && (scaleX == 1.0 && scaleY == 1.0) && blend == null)
            camera.copyPixels(pixels, _flashRect, flashPoint, null, null, true);
            _matrix.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
            _matrix.translate(flashPoint.x, flashPoint.y);
            camera.drawPixels(pixels, _matrix, null, blend, antialiasing);
    public function colorTransform(transform:ColorTransform):Void
        pixels.colorTransform(_flashRect, transform);
    public function updateColumns(tileWidth:Int, widthInTiles:Int, scaleX = 1.0, ?camera:FlxCamera):Void
        if (widthInTiles < 0)
            widthInTiles = 0;
        if (camera == null)
            camera = FlxG.camera;
        columns = Math.ceil(camera.viewWidth / (tileWidth * scaleX)) + 1;
        if (columns > widthInTiles)
            columns = widthInTiles;
        width = Std.int(columns * tileWidth * scaleX);
        dirty = true;
    public function updateRows(tileHeight:Int, heightInTiles:Int, scaleY = 1.0, ?camera:FlxCamera):Void
        if (heightInTiles < 0)
            heightInTiles = 0;
        if (camera == null)
            camera = FlxG.camera;
        rows = Math.ceil(camera.viewHeight / (tileHeight * scaleY)) + 1;
        if (rows > heightInTiles)
            rows = heightInTiles;
        height = Std.int(rows * tileHeight * scaleY);
        dirty = true;
     * Check if object is rendered pixel perfect on a specific camera.
    public function isPixelPerfectRender(?camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        if (camera == null)
            camera = FlxG.camera;
        return pixelPerfectRender == null ? camera.pixelPerfectRender : pixelPerfectRender;
     * Check if tilemap or camera has changed (scrolled, moved, resized or scaled) since the previous frame.
     * If so, then it means that we need to redraw this buffer.
     * @param   tilemap  Tilemap to check against. It's a tilemap this buffer belongs to.
     * @param   camera   Camera to check against. It's a camera this buffer is used for drawing on.
     * @return  The value of dirty flag.
    public function isDirty<Tile:FlxTile>(tilemap:FlxTypedTilemap<Tile>, camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        dirty = dirty
            || (tilemap.x != _prevTilemapX)
            || (tilemap.y != _prevTilemapY)
            || (tilemap.scale.x != _prevTilemapScaleX)
            || (tilemap.scale.y != _prevTilemapScaleY)
            || (tilemap.scrollFactor.x != _prevTilemapScrollX)
            || (tilemap.scrollFactor.y != _prevTilemapScrollY)
            || (camera.scroll.x != _prevCameraScrollX)
            || (camera.scroll.y != _prevCameraScrollY)
            || (camera.scaleX != _prevCameraScaleX)
            || (camera.scaleY != _prevCameraScaleY)
            || (camera.width != _prevCameraWidth)
            || (camera.height != _prevCameraHeight);
        if (dirty)
            _prevTilemapX = tilemap.x;
            _prevTilemapY = tilemap.y;
            _prevTilemapScaleX = tilemap.scale.x;
            _prevTilemapScaleY = tilemap.scale.y;
            _prevTilemapScrollX = tilemap.scrollFactor.x;
            _prevTilemapScrollY = tilemap.scrollFactor.y;
            _prevCameraScrollX = camera.scroll.x;
            _prevCameraScrollY = camera.scroll.y;
            _prevCameraScaleX = camera.scaleX;
            _prevCameraScaleY = camera.scaleY;
            _prevCameraWidth = camera.width;
            _prevCameraHeight = camera.height;
        return dirty;