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package flixel.ui;

import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.group.FlxSpriteGroup;
import flixel.input.touch.FlxTouch;
import flixel.math.FlxAngle;
import flixel.math.FlxMath;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.system.FlxAssets;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;

 * A virtual thumbstick - useful for input on mobile devices.
 * @author Ka Wing Chin
class FlxAnalog extends FlxSpriteGroup
     * Shows the current state of the button.
    public var status:Int = NORMAL;

    public var thumb:FlxSprite;

     * The background of the joystick, also known as the base.
    public var base:FlxSprite;

     * This function is called when the button is released.
    public var onUp:Void->Void;

     * This function is called when the button is pressed down.
    public var onDown:Void->Void;

     * This function is called when the mouse goes over the button.
    public var onOver:Void->Void;

     * This function is called when the button is hold down.
    public var onPressed:Void->Void;

     * Used with public variable status, means not highlighted or pressed.
    static inline var NORMAL:Int = 0;

     * Used with public variable status, means highlighted (usually from mouse over).
    static inline var HIGHLIGHT:Int = 1;

     * Used with public variable status, means pressed (usually from mouse click).
    static inline var PRESSED:Int = 2;

     * A list of analogs that are currently active.
    static var _analogs:Array<FlxAnalog> = [];

    #if FLX_TOUCH
     * The current pointer that's active on the analog.
    var _currentTouch:FlxTouch;

     * Helper array for checking touches
    var _tempTouches:Array<FlxTouch> = [];

     * The area which the joystick will react.
    var _zone:FlxRect = FlxRect.get();

     * The radius in which the stick can move.
    var _radius:Float = 0;

    var _direction:Float = 0;
    var _amount:Float = 0;

     * The speed of easing when the thumb is released.
    var _ease:Float;

     * Create a virtual thumbstick - useful for input on mobile devices.
     * @param   X            The X-coordinate of the point in space.
     * @param   Y            The Y-coordinate of the point in space.
     * @param   Radius       The radius where the thumb can move. If 0, half the base's width will be used.
     * @param   Ease         Used to smoothly back thumb to center. Must be between 0 and (FlxG.updateFrameRate / 60).
     * @param   BaseGraphic  The graphic you want to display as base of the joystick.
     * @param   ThumbGraphic The graphic you want to display as thumb of the joystick.
    public function new(X:Float = 0, Y:Float = 0, Radius:Float = 0, Ease:Float = 0.25, ?BaseGraphic:FlxGraphicAsset, ?ThumbGraphic:FlxGraphicAsset)

        _radius = Radius;
        _ease = FlxMath.bound(Ease, 0, 60 / FlxG.updateFramerate);


        _point = FlxPoint.get();


        x = X;
        y = Y;

        moves = false;

     * Creates the background of the analog stick.
    function createBase(?Graphic:FlxGraphicAsset):Void
        base = new FlxSprite(0, 0, Graphic);
        if (Graphic == null)
            base.frames = FlxAssets.getVirtualInputFrames();
            base.animation.frameName = "base";
        base.x += -base.width * 0.5;
        base.y += -base.height * 0.5;
        base.solid = false;

        #if FLX_DEBUG
        base.ignoreDrawDebug = true;


     * Creates the thumb of the analog stick.
    function createThumb(?Graphic:FlxGraphicAsset):Void
        thumb = new FlxSprite(0, 0, Graphic);
        if (Graphic == null)
            thumb.frames = FlxAssets.getVirtualInputFrames();
            thumb.animation.frameName = "thumb";
        thumb.solid = false;

        #if FLX_DEBUG
        thumb.ignoreDrawDebug = true;


     * Creates the touch zone. It's based on the size of the background.
     * The thumb will react when the mouse is in the zone.
    function createZone():Void
        if (base != null && _radius == 0)
            _radius = base.width * 0.5;

        _zone.set(x - _radius, y - _radius, 2 * _radius, 2 * _radius);

     * Clean up memory.
    override public function destroy():Void

        _zone = FlxDestroyUtil.put(_zone);

        onUp = null;
        onDown = null;
        onOver = null;
        onPressed = null;
        thumb = null;
        base = null;

        #if FLX_TOUCH
        _currentTouch = null;
        _tempTouches = null;

     * Update the behavior.
    override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void
        var offAll:Bool = true;

        #if FLX_MOUSE
        _point.set(FlxG.mouse.screenX, FlxG.mouse.screenY);

        if (!updateAnalog(_point, FlxG.mouse.pressed, FlxG.mouse.justPressed, FlxG.mouse.justReleased))
            offAll = false;

        // There is no reason to get into the loop if their is already a pointer on the analog
        #if FLX_TOUCH
        if (_currentTouch != null)
            for (touch in FlxG.touches.list)
                var touchInserted:Bool = false;

                for (analog in _analogs)
                    // Check whether the pointer is already taken by another analog.
                    // TODO: check this place. This line was 'if (analog != this && analog._currentTouch != touch && touchInserted == false)'
                    if (analog == this && analog._currentTouch != touch && !touchInserted)
                        touchInserted = true;

        for (touch in _tempTouches)
            _point = touch.getWorldPosition(FlxG.camera, _point);

            if (!updateAnalog(_point, touch.pressed, touch.justPressed, touch.justReleased, touch))
                offAll = false;

        if ((status == HIGHLIGHT || status == NORMAL) && _amount != 0)
            _amount -= _amount * _ease * FlxG.updateFramerate / 60;

            if (Math.abs(_amount) < 0.1)
                _amount = 0;
                _direction = 0;

        thumb.x = x + Math.cos(_direction) * _amount * _radius - (thumb.width * 0.5);
        thumb.y = y + Math.sin(_direction) * _amount * _radius - (thumb.height * 0.5);

        if (offAll)
            status = NORMAL;

        #if FLX_TOUCH
        _tempTouches.splice(0, _tempTouches.length);


    function updateAnalog(TouchPoint:FlxPoint, Pressed:Bool, JustPressed:Bool, JustReleased:Bool, ?Touch:FlxTouch):Bool
        var offAll:Bool = true;

        #if FLX_TOUCH
        // Use the touch to figure out the world position if it's passed in, as
        // the screen coordinates passed in touchPoint are wrong
        // if the control is used in a group, for example.
        if (Touch != null)
            TouchPoint.set(Touch.screenX, Touch.screenY);

        if (_zone.containsPoint(TouchPoint) || (status == PRESSED))
            offAll = false;

            if (Pressed)
                #if FLX_TOUCH
                if (Touch != null)
                    _currentTouch = Touch;
                status = PRESSED;

                if (JustPressed)
                    if (onDown != null)

                if (status == PRESSED)
                    if (onPressed != null)

                    var dx:Float = TouchPoint.x - x;
                    var dy:Float = TouchPoint.y - y;

                    var dist:Float = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

                    if (dist < 1)
                        dist = 0;

                    _direction = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
                    _amount = Math.min(_radius, dist) / _radius;

                    acceleration.x = Math.cos(_direction) * _amount;
                    acceleration.y = Math.sin(_direction) * _amount;
            else if (JustReleased && status == PRESSED)
                #if FLX_TOUCH
                _currentTouch = null;

                status = HIGHLIGHT;

                if (onUp != null)


            if (status == NORMAL)
                status = HIGHLIGHT;

                if (onOver != null)

        return offAll;

     * Returns the angle in degrees.
    public function getAngle():Float
        return _direction * FlxAngle.TO_DEG;

     * Whether the thumb is pressed or not.
    public var pressed(get, never):Bool;

    inline function get_pressed():Bool
        return status == PRESSED;

     * Whether the thumb is just pressed or not.
    public var justPressed(get, never):Bool;

    function get_justPressed():Bool
        #if FLX_MOUSE
        return FlxG.mouse.justPressed && status == PRESSED;

        #if FLX_TOUCH
        if (_currentTouch != null)
            return _currentTouch.justPressed && status == PRESSED;

        return false;

     * Whether the thumb is just released or not.
    public var justReleased(get, never):Bool;

    function get_justReleased():Bool
        #if FLX_MOUSE
        return FlxG.mouse.justReleased && status == HIGHLIGHT;

        #if FLX_TOUCH
        if (_currentTouch != null)
            return _currentTouch.justReleased && status == HIGHLIGHT;

        return false;

    override function set_x(X:Float):Float

        return X;

    override function set_y(Y:Float):Float

        return Y;