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package flixel.ui;

import openfl.events.MouseEvent;
import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.graphics.atlas.FlxAtlas;
import flixel.graphics.atlas.FlxNode;
import flixel.graphics.frames.FlxTileFrames;
import flixel.input.FlxInput;
import flixel.input.FlxPointer;
import flixel.input.IFlxInput;
import flixel.input.mouse.FlxMouseButton;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.sound.FlxSound;
import flixel.text.FlxText;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;
import flixel.input.touch.FlxTouch;

enum abstract FlxButtonState(Int) to Int
    /** The button is not highlighted or pressed */
    var NORMAL = 0;
    /** The button is selected, usually meaning the mouse is hovering over it */
    var HIGHLIGHT = 1;
    /** The button is being pressed usually by a mouse */
    var PRESSED = 2;
    /** The button is not interactible */
    var DISABLED = 3;

 * A simple button class that calls a function when clicked by the mouse.
class FlxButton extends FlxTypedButton<FlxText>
     * Used with public variable status, means not highlighted or pressed.
    @:dox(hide) @:noCompletion
    @:deprecated("FlxButton.NORMAL is deprecated, use FlxButtonState.NORMAL")
    public static inline var NORMAL = FlxButtonState.NORMAL;

     * Used with public variable status, means highlighted (usually from mouse over).
    @:dox(hide) @:noCompletion
    @:deprecated("FlxButton.HIGHLIGHT is deprecated, use FlxButtonState.HIGHLIGHT")
    public static inline var HIGHLIGHT = FlxButtonState.HIGHLIGHT;

     * Used with public variable status, means pressed (usually from mouse click).
    @:dox(hide) @:noCompletion
    @:deprecated("FlxButton.PRESSED is deprecated, use FlxButtonState.PRESSED")
    public static inline var PRESSED = FlxButtonState.PRESSED;

     * Used with public variable status, means non interactible.
    @:dox(hide) @:noCompletion
    @:deprecated("FlxButton.DISABLED is deprecated, use FlxButtonState.DISABLED")
    public static inline var DISABLED = FlxButtonState.DISABLED;

     * Shortcut to setting label.text
    public var text(get, set):String;

     * Creates a new `FlxButton` object with a gray background
     * and a callback function on the UI thread.
     * @param   X         The x position of the button.
     * @param   Y         The y position of the button.
     * @param   Text      The text that you want to appear on the button.
     * @param   OnClick   The function to call whenever the button is clicked.
    public function new(X:Float = 0, Y:Float = 0, ?Text:String, ?OnClick:Void->Void)
        super(X, Y, OnClick);

        for (point in labelOffsets)
            point.set(point.x, point.y + 3);


     * Updates the size of the text field to match the button.
    override function resetHelpers():Void

        if (label != null)
            label.fieldWidth = label.frameWidth = Std.int(width);
            label.size = label.size; // Calls set_size(), don't remove!

    inline function initLabel(Text:String):Void
        if (Text != null)
            label = new FlxText(x + labelOffsets[FlxButtonState.NORMAL].x, y + labelOffsets[FlxButtonState.NORMAL].y, 80, Text);
            label.setFormat(null, 8, 0x333333, "center");
            label.alpha = labelAlphas[status];

    inline function get_text():String
        return (label != null) ? label.text : null;

    inline function set_text(Text:String):String
        if (label == null)
            label.text = Text;
        return Text;

 * A simple button class that calls a function when clicked by the mouse.
#if !display
class FlxTypedButton<T:FlxSprite> extends FlxSprite implements IFlxInput
     * The label that appears on the button. Can be any `FlxSprite`.
    public var label(default, set):T;

     * What offsets the `label` should have for each status.
    public var labelOffsets:Array<FlxPoint> = [FlxPoint.get(), FlxPoint.get(), FlxPoint.get(0, 1), FlxPoint.get()];

     * What alpha value the label should have for each status. Default is `[0.8, 1.0, 0.5]`.
     * Multiplied with the button's `alpha`.
    public var labelAlphas:Array<Float> = [0.8, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3];

     * What animation should be played for each status.
     * Default is ["normal", "highlight", "pressed"].
    public var statusAnimations:Array<String> = ["normal", "highlight", "pressed", "disabled"];

     * Whether you can press the button simply by releasing the touch / mouse button over it (default).
     * If false, the input has to be pressed while hovering over the button.
    public var allowSwiping:Bool = true;

    #if FLX_MOUSE
     * Which mouse buttons can trigger the button - by default only the left mouse button.
    public var mouseButtons:Array<FlxMouseButtonID> = [FlxMouseButtonID.LEFT];

     * Maximum distance a pointer can move to still trigger event handlers.
     * If it moves beyond this limit, onOut is triggered.
     * Defaults to `Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY` (i.e. no limit).
    public var maxInputMovement:Float = Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

     * Shows the current state of the button, either `NORMAL`,
     * `HIGHLIGHT` or `PRESSED`.
    public var status(default, set):FlxButtonState;

     * The properties of this button's `onUp` event (callback function, sound).
    public var onUp(default, null):FlxButtonEvent;

     * The properties of this button's `onDown` event (callback function, sound).
    public var onDown(default, null):FlxButtonEvent;

     * The properties of this button's `onOver` event (callback function, sound).
    public var onOver(default, null):FlxButtonEvent;

     * The properties of this button's `onOut` event (callback function, sound).
    public var onOut(default, null):FlxButtonEvent;

    public var justReleased(get, never):Bool;
    public var released(get, never):Bool;
    public var pressed(get, never):Bool;
    public var justPressed(get, never):Bool;

     * We cast label to a `FlxSprite` for internal operations to avoid Dynamic casts in C++
    var _spriteLabel:FlxSprite;

     * We don't need an ID here, so let's just use `Int` as the type.
    var input:FlxInput<Int>;

     * The input currently pressing this button, if none, it's `null`. Needed to check for its release.
    var currentInput:IFlxInput;

    var lastStatus = -1;

     * Creates a new `FlxTypedButton` object with a gray background.
     * @param   X         The x position of the button.
     * @param   Y         The y position of the button.
     * @param   OnClick   The function to call whenever the button is clicked.
    public function new(X:Float = 0, Y:Float = 0, ?OnClick:Void->Void)
        super(X, Y);


        onUp = new FlxButtonEvent(OnClick);
        onDown = new FlxButtonEvent();
        onOver = new FlxButtonEvent();
        onOut = new FlxButtonEvent();

        status = NORMAL;

        // Since this is a UI element, the default scrollFactor is (0, 0)

        #if FLX_MOUSE
        FlxG.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onUpEventListener);

        #if FLX_NO_MOUSE // no need for highlight frame without mouse input
        statusAnimations[HIGHLIGHT] = "normal";
        labelAlphas[HIGHLIGHT] = 1;

        input = new FlxInput(0);

    override public function graphicLoaded():Void

        setupAnimation("normal", NORMAL);
        setupAnimation("highlight", HIGHLIGHT);
        setupAnimation("pressed", PRESSED);
        setupAnimation("disabled", DISABLED);

    function loadDefaultGraphic():Void
        loadGraphic("flixel/images/ui/button.png", true, 80, 20);

    function setupAnimation(animationName:String, frameIndex:Int):Void
        // make sure the animation doesn't contain an invalid frame
        frameIndex = Std.int(Math.min(frameIndex, animation.numFrames - 1));
        animation.add(animationName, [frameIndex]);

     * Called by the game state when state is changed (if this object belongs to the state)
    override public function destroy():Void
        label = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(label);
        _spriteLabel = null;

        onUp = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(onUp);
        onDown = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(onDown);
        onOver = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(onOver);
        onOut = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(onOut);

        labelOffsets = FlxDestroyUtil.putArray(labelOffsets);

        labelAlphas = null;
        currentInput = null;
        input = null;

        #if FLX_MOUSE
        FlxG.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onUpEventListener);


     * Called by the game loop automatically, handles mouseover and click detection.
    override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void

        if (visible)
            // Update the button, but only if at least either mouse or touches are enabled
            #if FLX_POINTER_INPUT

            // Trigger the animation only if the button's input status changes.
            if (lastStatus != status)
                lastStatus = status;


    function updateStatusAnimation():Void

     * Just draws the button graphic and text label to the screen.
    override public function draw():Void

        if (_spriteLabel != null && _spriteLabel.visible)
            _spriteLabel.cameras = _cameras;

    #if FLX_DEBUG
     * Helper function to draw the debug graphic for the label as well.
    override public function drawDebug():Void

        if (_spriteLabel != null)

     * Stamps button's graphic and label onto specified atlas object and loads graphic from this atlas.
     * This method assumes that you're using whole image for button's graphic and image has no spaces between frames.
     * And it assumes that label is a single frame sprite.
     * @param   atlas   Atlas to stamp graphic to.
     * @return  Whether the button's graphic and label's graphic were stamped on the atlas successfully.
    public function stampOnAtlas(atlas:FlxAtlas):Bool
        var buttonNode:FlxNode = atlas.addNode(graphic.bitmap, graphic.key);
        var result:Bool = (buttonNode != null);

        if (buttonNode != null)
            var buttonFrames:FlxTileFrames = cast frames;
            var tileSize:FlxPoint = FlxPoint.get(buttonFrames.tileSize.x, buttonFrames.tileSize.y);
            var tileFrames:FlxTileFrames = buttonNode.getTileFrames(tileSize);
            this.frames = tileFrames;

        if (result && label != null)
            var labelNode:FlxNode = atlas.addNode(label.graphic.bitmap, label.graphic.key);
            result = result && (labelNode != null);

            if (labelNode != null)
                label.frames = labelNode.getImageFrame();

        return result;

     * Basic button update logic - searches for overlaps with touches and
     * the mouse cursor and calls `updateStatus()`.
    function updateButton():Void
        // Prevent interactions with this input if it's currently disabled
        if (status == DISABLED)
        // We're looking for any touch / mouse overlaps with this button
        var overlapFound = checkMouseOverlap();
        if (!overlapFound)
            overlapFound = checkTouchOverlap();

        if (currentInput != null && currentInput.justReleased && overlapFound)

        if (status != NORMAL && (!overlapFound || (currentInput != null && currentInput.justReleased)))

    function checkMouseOverlap():Bool
        var overlap = false;
        #if FLX_MOUSE
        for (camera in getCameras())
            for (buttonID in mouseButtons)
                var button = FlxMouseButton.getByID(buttonID);
                if (button != null && checkInput(FlxG.mouse, button, button.justPressedPosition, camera))
                    overlap = true;
        return overlap;

    function checkTouchOverlap():Bool
        var overlap = false;
        #if FLX_TOUCH
        for (camera in getCameras())
            for (touch in FlxG.touches.list)
                if (checkInput(touch, touch, touch.justPressedPosition, camera))
                    overlap = true;
        return overlap;

    function checkInput(pointer:FlxPointer, input:IFlxInput, justPressedPosition:FlxPoint, camera:FlxCamera):Bool
        if (maxInputMovement != Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY
            && justPressedPosition.distanceTo(pointer.getScreenPosition(FlxPoint.weak())) > maxInputMovement
            && input == currentInput)
            currentInput = null;
        else if (overlapsPoint(pointer.getWorldPosition(camera, _point), true, camera))
            return true;

        return false;

     * Updates the button status by calling the respective event handler function.
    function updateStatus(input:IFlxInput):Void
        if (input.justPressed)
            currentInput = input;
        else if (status == NORMAL)
            // Allow "swiping" to press a button (dragging it over the button while pressed)
            if (allowSwiping && input.pressed)

    function updateLabelPosition()
        if (_spriteLabel != null) // Label positioning
            _spriteLabel.x = (pixelPerfectPosition ? Math.floor(x) : x) + labelOffsets[status].x;
            _spriteLabel.y = (pixelPerfectPosition ? Math.floor(y) : y) + labelOffsets[status].y;

    function updateLabelAlpha()
        if (_spriteLabel != null && labelAlphas.length > (status : Int))
            _spriteLabel.alpha = alpha * labelAlphas[status];

     * Using an event listener is necessary for security reasons on flash -
     * certain things like opening a new window are only allowed when they are user-initiated.
    #if FLX_MOUSE
    function onUpEventListener(_):Void
        if (visible && exists && active && status == PRESSED)

     * Internal function that handles the onUp event.
    function onUpHandler():Void
        status = HIGHLIGHT;
        currentInput = null;
        // Order matters here, because onUp.fire() could cause a state change and destroy this object.

     * Internal function that handles the onDown event.
    function onDownHandler():Void
        status = PRESSED;
        // Order matters here, because onDown.fire() could cause a state change and destroy this object.

     * Internal function that handles the onOver event.
    function onOverHandler():Void
        #if FLX_MOUSE
        // If mouse input is not enabled, this button must ignore over actions
        // by remaining in the normal state (until mouse input is re-enabled).
        if (!FlxG.mouse.enabled)
            status = NORMAL;
        status = HIGHLIGHT;
        // Order matters here, because onOver.fire() could cause a state change and destroy this object.

     * Internal function that handles the onOut event.
    function onOutHandler():Void
        status = NORMAL;
        // Order matters here, because onOut.fire() could cause a state change and destroy this object.

    function set_label(Value:T):T
        if (Value != null)
            // use the same FlxPoint object for both
            Value.scrollFactor = scrollFactor;

        label = Value;
        _spriteLabel = label;


        return Value;

    function set_status(value:FlxButtonState):FlxButtonState
        status = value;
        return status;

    override function set_alpha(Value:Float):Float
        return alpha;

    override function set_x(Value:Float):Float
        return x;

    override function set_y(Value:Float):Float
        return y;

    inline function get_justReleased():Bool
        return input.justReleased;

    inline function get_released():Bool
        return input.released;

    inline function get_pressed():Bool
        return input.pressed;

    inline function get_justPressed():Bool
        return input.justPressed;

 * Helper function for `FlxButton` which handles its events.
private class FlxButtonEvent implements IFlxDestroyable
     * The callback function to call when this even fires.
    public var callback:Void->Void;

     * The sound to play when this event fires.
    public var sound:FlxSound;

     * @param   Callback   The callback function to call when this even fires.
     * @param   sound      The sound to play when this event fires.
    public function new(?Callback:Void->Void, ?sound:FlxSound)
        callback = Callback;

        #if FLX_SOUND_SYSTEM
        this.sound = sound;

     * Cleans up memory.
    public inline function destroy():Void
        callback = null;

        #if FLX_SOUND_SYSTEM
        sound = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(sound);

     * Fires this event (calls the callback and plays the sound)
    public inline function fire():Void
        if (callback != null)

        #if FLX_SOUND_SYSTEM
        if (sound != null)