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package flixel.util;

import openfl.display.BitmapData;
import openfl.geom.Rectangle;

 * BitmapData pool class.
 * Notes on implementation:
 *     get() starts searching for a suitable BitmapData from the start of the pool list
 *     put() adds the BitmapData to the start of the pool list (removing the last one if the pool exceeds maxLength)
 * @author azrafe7
class FlxBitmapDataPool
     * Maximum number of BitmapData to hold in the pool.
    public static var maxLength(default, set):Int = 8;

     * Current number of BitmapData present in the pool.
    public static var length(default, null):Int = 0;

    static var _head:FlxBitmapDataPoolNode = null;
    static var _tail:FlxBitmapDataPoolNode = null;

    static var _rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle();

     * Returns a BitmapData with the specified parameters.
     * If a suitable BitmapData cannot be found in the pool a new one will be created.
     * If fillColor is specified the returned BitmapData will also be cleared with it.
     * @param exactSize    If false a BitmapData with size >= [w, h] may be returned.
    public static function get(w:Int, h:Int, transparent:Bool = true, ?fillColor:FlxColor, ?exactSize:Bool = false):BitmapData
        var res:BitmapData = null;

        // search the pool
        var node = _head;
        while (node != null)
            var bmd = node.bmd;
            if ((bmd.transparent == transparent && bmd.width >= w && bmd.height >= h)
                && (!exactSize || (exactSize && bmd.width == w && bmd.height == h)))
                res = bmd;

                // remove it from pool
                if (node.prev != null)
                    node.prev.next = node.next;
                if (node.next != null)
                    node.next.prev = node.prev;
                if (node == _head)
                    _head = node.next;
                if (node == _tail)
                    _tail = node.prev;
                node = null;
            node = node.next;

        if (res != null) // suitable BitmapData found in the pool
            if (fillColor != null)
                _rect.x = 0;
                _rect.y = 0;
                _rect.width = w;
                _rect.height = h;
                res.fillRect(_rect, fillColor);
        else // not found: create a new one
            res = new BitmapData(w, h, transparent, fillColor != null ? fillColor : FlxColor.WHITE);

        return res;

     * Adds bmd to the pool for future use.
    public static function put(bmd:BitmapData):Void
        if (length >= maxLength)
            var last = _tail;
            if (last.prev != null)
                last.prev.next = null;
                _tail = last.prev;
            last = null;

        var node = new FlxBitmapDataPoolNode(bmd);
        node.next = _head;
        if (_head == null)
            _head = _tail = node;
            _head = node;
            node.next.prev = node;

     * Disposes of all the BitmapData in the pool.
    public static function clear():Void
        var node = _head;
        while (node != null)
            var bmd = node.bmd;
            bmd = null;
            node = node.next;
        length = 0;
        _head = _tail = null;

    static function set_maxLength(value:Int):Int
        if (maxLength != value)
            var node = _tail;
            while ((node != null) && (length > value))
                var bmd = node.bmd;
                bmd = null;
                node = node.prev;
        return maxLength = value;

private class FlxBitmapDataPoolNode
    public var bmd:BitmapData;
    public var prev:FlxBitmapDataPoolNode;
    public var next:FlxBitmapDataPoolNode;

    public function new(?bmd:BitmapData, ?prev:FlxBitmapDataPoolNode, ?next:FlxBitmapDataPoolNode):Void
        this.bmd = bmd;
        this.prev = prev;
        this.next = next;