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package flixel.util;

import openfl.display.BitmapData;
import openfl.geom.Point;
import openfl.geom.Rectangle;
import flixel.math.FlxAngle;
import flixel.math.FlxMatrix;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;

 * Just a collection of BitmapData utility methods.
 * Just for cross-platform stuff, since not all methods are implemented across all targets.
class FlxBitmapDataUtil
    static var matrix:FlxMatrix = new FlxMatrix();

     * Performs per-channel blending from a source image to a destination image.
     * @param    sourceBitmapData    The input bitmap image to use. The source image can be a different BitmapData object, or it can refer to the current BitmapData object.
     * @param    sourceRect            A rectangle that defines the area of the source image to use as input.
     * @param    destBitmapData        The output bitmap image to use.
     * @param    destPoint            The point within the destination image (the current BitmapData instance) that corresponds to the upper-left corner of the source rectangle.
     * @param    redMultiplier        A hexadecimal uint value by which to multiply the red channel value.
     * @param    greenMultiplier        A hexadecimal uint value by which to multiply the green channel value.
     * @param    blueMultiplier        A hexadecimal uint value by which to multiply the blue channel value.
     * @param    alphaMultiplier        A hexadecimal uint value by which to multiply the alpha transparency value.
    public static function merge(sourceBitmapData:BitmapData, sourceRect:Rectangle, destBitmapData:BitmapData, destPoint:Point, redMultiplier:Int,
            greenMultiplier:Int, blueMultiplier:Int, alphaMultiplier:Int):Void
        #if flash
        destBitmapData.merge(sourceBitmapData, sourceRect, destPoint, redMultiplier, greenMultiplier, blueMultiplier, alphaMultiplier);
        if (destPoint.x >= destBitmapData.width
            || destPoint.y >= destBitmapData.height
            || sourceRect.x >= sourceBitmapData.width
            || sourceRect.y >= sourceBitmapData.height
            || sourceRect.x + sourceRect.width <= 0
            || sourceRect.y + sourceRect.height <= 0)

        // need to cut off sourceRect if it too big...
        while (sourceRect.x + sourceRect.width > sourceBitmapData.width
            || sourceRect.y + sourceRect.height > sourceBitmapData.height
            || sourceRect.x < 0
            || sourceRect.y < 0
            || destPoint.x < 0
            || destPoint.y < 0)
            if (sourceRect.x + sourceRect.width > sourceBitmapData.width)
                sourceRect.width = sourceBitmapData.width - sourceRect.x;
            if (sourceRect.y + sourceRect.height > sourceBitmapData.height)
                sourceRect.height = sourceBitmapData.height - sourceRect.y;

            if (sourceRect.x < 0)
                destPoint.x = destPoint.x - sourceRect.x;
                sourceRect.width = sourceRect.width + sourceRect.x;
                sourceRect.x = 0;

            if (sourceRect.y < 0)
                destPoint.y = destPoint.y - sourceRect.y;
                sourceRect.height = sourceRect.height + sourceRect.y;
                sourceRect.y = 0;

            if (destPoint.x >= destBitmapData.width || destPoint.y >= destBitmapData.height)

            if (destPoint.x < 0)
                sourceRect.x = sourceRect.x - destPoint.x;
                sourceRect.width = sourceRect.width + destPoint.x;
                destPoint.x = 0;

            if (destPoint.y < 0)
                sourceRect.y = sourceRect.y - destPoint.y;
                sourceRect.height = sourceRect.height + destPoint.y;
                destPoint.y = 0;

        if (sourceRect.width <= 0 || sourceRect.height <= 0)

        var startSourceX:Int = Math.round(sourceRect.x);
        var startSourceY:Int = Math.round(sourceRect.y);

        var width:Int = Math.round(sourceRect.width);
        var height:Int = Math.round(sourceRect.height);

        var sourceX:Int = startSourceX;
        var sourceY:Int = startSourceY;

        var destX:Int = Math.round(destPoint.x);
        var destY:Int = Math.round(destPoint.y);

        var currX:Int = destX;
        var currY:Int = destY;

        var sourceColor:FlxColor;
        var destColor:FlxColor;

        var resultRed:Int;
        var resultGreen:Int;
        var resultBlue:Int;
        var resultAlpha:Int;

        var resultColor:FlxColor = 0x0;
        // iterate through pixels using following rule:
        // new redDest = [(redSrc * redMultiplier) + (redDest * (256 - redMultiplier))] / 256;
        for (i in 0...width)
            for (j in 0...height)
                sourceX = startSourceX + i;
                sourceY = startSourceY + j;

                currX = destX + i;
                currY = destY + j;

                sourceColor = sourceBitmapData.getPixel32(sourceX, sourceY);
                destColor = destBitmapData.getPixel32(currX, currY);

                // calculate merged color components
                resultRed = mergeColorComponent(sourceColor.red, destColor.red, redMultiplier);
                resultGreen = mergeColorComponent(sourceColor.green, destColor.green, greenMultiplier);
                resultBlue = mergeColorComponent(sourceColor.blue, destColor.blue, blueMultiplier);
                resultAlpha = mergeColorComponent(sourceColor.alpha, destColor.alpha, alphaMultiplier);

                // calculate merged color
                resultColor = FlxColor.fromRGB(resultRed, resultGreen, resultBlue, resultAlpha);

                // set merged color for current pixel
                destBitmapData.setPixel32(currX, currY, resultColor);

    static inline function mergeColorComponent(source:Int, dest:Int, multiplier:Int):Int
        return Std.int(((source * multiplier) + (dest * (256 - multiplier))) / 256);

     * Compares two BitmapData objects.
     * @param    Bitmap1        The source BitmapData object to compare with.
     * @param    Bitmap2        The BitmapData object to compare with the source BitmapData object.
     * @return    If the two BitmapData objects have the same dimensions (width and height),
     * the method returns a new BitmapData object that has the difference between the two objects.
     * If the BitmapData objects are equivalent, the method returns the number 0.
     * If the widths of the BitmapData objects are not equal, the method returns the number -3.
     * If the heights of the BitmapData objects are not equal, the method returns the number -4.
    public static function compare(Bitmap1:BitmapData, Bitmap2:BitmapData):Dynamic
        #if flash
        return Bitmap1.compare(Bitmap2);
        if (Bitmap1 == Bitmap2)
            return 0;
        if (Bitmap1.width != Bitmap2.width)
            return -3;
        else if (Bitmap1.height != Bitmap2.height)
            return -4;
            var width:Int = Bitmap1.width;
            var height:Int = Bitmap1.height;
            var result = new BitmapData(width, height, true, 0x0);
            var identical:Bool = true;

            for (i in 0...width)
                for (j in 0...height)
                    var pixel1:FlxColor = Bitmap1.getPixel32(i, j);
                    var pixel2:FlxColor = Bitmap2.getPixel32(i, j);

                    if (pixel1 != pixel2)
                        identical = false;

                        if (pixel1.to24Bit() != pixel2.to24Bit())
                            result.setPixel32(i, j,
                                FlxColor.fromRGB(getDiff(pixel1.red, pixel2.red), getDiff(pixel1.green, pixel2.green), getDiff(pixel1.blue, pixel2.blue)));
                            var alpha1 = pixel1.alpha;
                            var alpha2 = pixel2.alpha;

                            if (alpha1 != alpha2)
                                result.setPixel32(i, j, FlxColor.fromRGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, getDiff(alpha1, alpha2)));

            if (!identical)
                return result;

        return 0;

    static inline function getDiff(value1:Int, value2:Int):Int
        var diff = value1 - value2;
        return (diff >= 0) ? diff : (256 + diff);

     * Returns the amount of bytes a bitmapData occupies in memory.
    public static inline function getMemorySize(bitmapData:BitmapData):Float
        return bitmapData.width * bitmapData.height * 4;

     * Replaces all BitmapData's pixels with specified color with newColor pixels.
     * WARNING: very expensive (especially on big graphics) as it iterates over every single pixel.
     * @param    bitmapData            BitmapData to change
     * @param    color                Color to replace
     * @param    newColor            New color
     * @param    fetchPositions        Whether we need to store positions of pixels which colors were replaced
     * @param    rect                area to apply color replacement. Optional, uses whole image area if the rect is null
     * @return    Array replaced pixels positions
    public static function replaceColor(bitmapData:BitmapData, color:FlxColor, newColor:FlxColor, fetchPositions:Bool = false, ?rect:FlxRect):Array<FlxPoint>
        var positions:Array<FlxPoint> = null;
        if (fetchPositions)
            positions = new Array<FlxPoint>();

        var startX:Int = 0;
        var startY:Int = 0;
        var columns:Int = bitmapData.width;
        var rows:Int = bitmapData.height;

        if (rect != null)
            startX = Std.int(rect.x);
            startY = Std.int(rect.y);
            columns = Std.int(rect.width);
            rows = Std.int(rect.height);

        columns = Std.int(Math.max(columns, bitmapData.width));
        rows = Std.int(Math.max(rows, bitmapData.height));

        var row:Int = 0;
        var column:Int = 0;
        var x:Int, y:Int;

        var changed:Bool = false;
        while (row < rows)
            column = 0;
            while (column < columns)
                x = startX + column;
                y = startY + row;
                if (bitmapData.getPixel32(x, y) == cast color)
                    bitmapData.setPixel32(x, y, newColor);
                    changed = true;
                    if (fetchPositions)
                        positions.push(FlxPoint.get(x, y));

        if (changed && positions == null)
            positions = new Array<FlxPoint>();

        return positions;

     * Gets image without spaces between tiles and generates new one with spaces and adds borders around them.
     * @param    bitmapData    original image without spaces between tiles.
     * @param    frameSize    the size of tile in spritesheet.
     * @param    spacing        spaces between tiles to add.
     * @param    border        how many times to copy border of tiles.
     * @param    region        region of image to use as a source graphics for spritesheet. Default value is null, which means that whole image will be used.
     * @return    Image for spritesheet with inserted spaces between tiles.
    public static function addSpacesAndBorders(bitmapData:BitmapData, ?frameSize:FlxPoint, ?spacing:FlxPoint, ?border:FlxPoint, ?region:FlxRect):BitmapData
        if (region == null)
            region = FlxRect.get(0, 0, bitmapData.width, bitmapData.height);

        var frameWidth:Int = Std.int(region.width);
        var frameHeight:Int = Std.int(region.height);

        if (frameSize != null)
            frameWidth = Std.int(frameSize.x);
            frameHeight = Std.int(frameSize.y);

        var numHorizontalFrames:Int = Std.int(region.width / frameWidth);
        var numVerticalFrames:Int = Std.int(region.height / frameHeight);

        var spaceX:Int = 0;
        var spaceY:Int = 0;

        if (spacing != null)
            spaceX = Std.int(spacing.x);
            spaceY = Std.int(spacing.y);

        var borderX:Int = 0;
        var borderY:Int = 0;

        if (border != null)
            borderX = Std.int(border.x);
            borderY = Std.int(border.y);

        var result = new BitmapData(Std.int(region.width + (numHorizontalFrames - 1) * spaceX + 2 * numHorizontalFrames * borderX),
            Std.int(region.height + (numVerticalFrames - 1) * spaceY + 2 * numVerticalFrames * borderY), true, FlxColor.TRANSPARENT);

        var tempRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, frameWidth, frameHeight);
        var tempPoint:Point = new Point();

        // insert spaces
        for (i in 0...numHorizontalFrames)
            tempPoint.x = i * (frameWidth + spaceX + 2 * borderX) + borderX;
            tempRect.x = i * frameWidth + region.x;

            for (j in 0...numVerticalFrames)
                tempPoint.y = j * (frameHeight + spaceY + 2 * borderY) + borderY;
                tempRect.y = j * frameHeight + region.y;
                result.copyPixels(bitmapData, tempRect, tempPoint);

        // copy borders
        copyBorderPixels(result, frameWidth, frameHeight, spaceX, spaceY, borderX, borderY, numHorizontalFrames, numVerticalFrames);
        return result;

     * Helper method for copying border pixels around tiles.
     * It modifies provided image, and assumes that there are spaces between tile images already.
     * @param    bitmapData             image with spaces between tiles to fill with border pixels
     * @param    frameWidth            tile width
     * @param    frameHeight            tile height
     * @param    spaceX                horizontal spacing between tiles
     * @param    spaceY                vertical spacing between tiles
     * @param    borderX                how many times to copy border of tiles on horizontal axis.
     * @param    borderY                how many times to copy border of tiles on vertical axis.
     * @param    horizontalFrames    how many columns of tiles on provided image.
     * @param    verticalFrames        how many rows of tiles on provided image.
     * @return    Modified spritesheet with copied pixels around tile images.
     * @since   4.1.0
    public static function copyBorderPixels(bitmapData:BitmapData, frameWidth:Int, frameHeight:Int, spaceX:Int, spaceY:Int, borderX:Int, borderY:Int,
            horizontalFrames:Int, verticalFrames:Int):BitmapData
        // copy borders
        var tempRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, bitmapData.height);
        var tempPoint:Point = new Point();

        for (i in 0...horizontalFrames)
            tempRect.x = i * (frameWidth + 2 * borderX + spaceX) + borderX;

            for (j in 0...borderX)
                tempPoint.x = tempRect.x - j - 1;
                bitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData, tempRect, tempPoint);

            tempRect.x += frameWidth - 1;

            for (j in 0...borderX)
                tempPoint.x = tempRect.x + j + 1;
                bitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData, tempRect, tempPoint);

        tempPoint.setTo(0, 0);
        tempRect.setTo(0, 0, bitmapData.width, 1);
        for (i in 0...verticalFrames)
            tempRect.y = i * (frameHeight + 2 * borderY + spaceY) + borderY;

            for (j in 0...borderY)
                tempPoint.y = tempRect.y - j - 1;
                bitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData, tempRect, tempPoint);

            tempRect.y += frameHeight - 1;

            for (j in 0...borderY)
                tempPoint.y = tempRect.y + j + 1;
                bitmapData.copyPixels(bitmapData, tempRect, tempPoint);

        return bitmapData;

     * Generates BitmapData with prerotated brush stamped on it
     * @param    brush            The image you want to rotate and stamp.
     * @param    rotations        The number of rotation frames the final sprite should have. For small sprites this can be quite a large number (360 even) without any problems.
     * @param    antiAliasing    Whether to use high quality rotations when creating the graphic.  Default is false.
     * @param    autoBuffer        Whether to automatically increase the image size to accommodate rotated corners.  Default is false.  Will create frames that are 150% larger on each axis than the original frame or graphic.
     * @return    Created BitmapData with stamped prerotations on it.
    public static function generateRotations(brush:BitmapData, rotations:Int = 16, antiAliasing:Bool = false, autoBuffer:Bool = false):BitmapData
        var brushWidth:Int = brush.width;
        var brushHeight:Int = brush.height;
        var max:Int = (brushHeight > brushWidth) ? brushHeight : brushWidth;
        max = autoBuffer ? Std.int(max * 1.5) : max;

        var rows:Int = Std.int(Math.sqrt(rotations));
        var columns:Int = Math.ceil(rotations / rows);
        var bakedRotationAngle:Float = 360 / rotations;

        var width:Int = max * columns;
        var height:Int = max * rows;

        var result:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, true, FlxColor.TRANSPARENT);

        var row:Int = 0;
        var column:Int = 0;
        var bakedAngle:Float = 0;
        var halfBrushWidth:Int = Std.int(brushWidth * 0.5);
        var halfBrushHeight:Int = Std.int(brushHeight * 0.5);
        var midpointX:Int = Std.int(max * 0.5);
        var midpointY:Int = Std.int(max * 0.5);

        while (row < rows)
            column = 0;
            while (column < columns)
                matrix.translate(-halfBrushWidth, -halfBrushHeight);
                matrix.rotate(bakedAngle * FlxAngle.TO_RAD);
                matrix.translate(max * column + midpointX, midpointY);
                bakedAngle += bakedRotationAngle;
                result.draw(brush, matrix, null, null, null, antiAliasing);
            midpointY += max;

        return result;