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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Created with TexturePacker http://texturepacker.com-->
<!-- $TexturePacker:SmartUpdate:ecc00bb2ad252fb61654e90e5d082884$ -->
n  => name of the sprite
x  => sprite x pos in texture
y  => sprite y pos in texture
w  => sprite width (may be trimmed)
h  => sprite height (may be trimmed)
oX => sprite's x-corner offset (only available if trimmed)
oY => sprite's y-corner offset (only available if trimmed)
oW => sprite's original width (only available if trimmed)
oH => sprite's original height (only available if trimmed)
r => 'y' only set if sprite is rotated
<TextureAtlas imagePath="gfx/atlas.png" width="256" height="512">
    <sprite n="pirate.png" x="0" y="0" w="148" h="256"/>
    <sprite n="bunny.png" x="155" y="0" w="26" h="37"/>
    <sprite n="grass.png" x="197" y="0" w="32" h="32"/>