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Test Coverage
import haxepunk.HXP;
import haxepunk.Entity;
import haxepunk.Scene;
import haxepunk.graphics.text.BitmapText;
import haxepunk.graphics.Image;

class MainScene extends Scene
    static var _time:Float = 0;
    static var _shakeChars:Map<String, Float> = new Map();
    static var _shake:Float = 0;

    static function shakeChar(txt:BitmapText, data:RenderData)
        var char = data.char;
        if (char == null) char = '*';
        if (!_shakeChars.exists(char) || _shake > 1)
            _shakeChars[char] = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
        data.y += _shakeChars[char];

    static function sineWave(txt:BitmapText, data:RenderData)
        data.y += (Math.sin(_time * 4 - data.x / 4) - 0.5) * 2;

    public function new()

        BitmapText.defineFormatTag("white", {color: 0xffffff});
        BitmapText.defineFormatTag("blue", {color: 0x5f8dd3});
        BitmapText.defineFormatTag("ghost", {alpha: 0.5});
        BitmapText.defineFormatTag("big", {scale: 1.5});
        BitmapText.defineFormatTag("big_green", {color: 0x55d400, scale: 1.5});
        BitmapText.defineCustomTag("shake", shakeChar);
        BitmapText.defineCustomTag("sine", sineWave);
        var img = new Image("assets/graphics/star.png");
        img.scale = 0.25;
        img.smooth = true;
        BitmapText.defineImageTag("star", img);
        var img = new Image("assets/graphics/star.png");
        img.scale = 0.5;
        img.smooth = true;
        BitmapText.defineImageTag("big-star", img);

        var txt = new BitmapText("Here's some colored text.", 0, 0, 0, 0, {
            font: "assets/fonts/azmoonfleet.64.fnt",
            size: 14,
            color: 0xff0000,

        var txt = new BitmapText("Char\nand line spacing", 0, 0, 0, 0, {
            font: "assets/fonts/azmoonfleet.64.fnt",
            size: 14,
        txt.charSpacing = txt.lineSpacing = 16;

        var txt = new BitmapText("<white>This is some wrapped text.</white> It will <sine>fill as much vertical space as needed</sine>, <shake>but width is limited</shake>, so it shouldn't extend past 75% of the screen width. This whole paragraph should wrap correctly. <sine><star/><star/><star/><star/><star/></sine>\nHard line breaks are also allowed.", 0, 0, Std.int(HXP.width * 0.75), 0, {
            font: "assets/fonts/azmoonfleet.64.fnt",
            size: 14,
            color: 0x00ff00,
            wordWrap: true

        var txt = new BitmapText("This is <big>some</big> <blue><big>formatted</big> text.</blue> It should also <big_green>wrap</big_green> so it doesn't go past 75% of the screen width. <big>Big</big> and small text should start from the bottom of the line.", 0, 0, Std.int(HXP.width * 0.75), 0, {
            font: "assets/fonts/azmoonfleet.64.fnt",
            size: 14,
            wordWrap: true

        var txt = new BitmapText("You can even <blue>include inline images</blue> in your <star/><big-star/>text<big-star/><star/>!", 0, 0, Std.int(HXP.width * 0.75), 0, {
            font: "assets/fonts/azmoonfleet.64.fnt",
            size: 14,
            wordWrap: true

        var txt = new BitmapText("Text can be <big>scaled</big> in <star/>any<star/> direction.", 0, 0, Std.int(HXP.width * 0.75), 0, {
            font: "assets/fonts/azmoonfleet.64.fnt",
            size: 14,
            wordWrap: true
        txt.scaleX = 1.5;
        txt.scaleY = 0.75;

        gradualText = new BitmapText("The <big_green>displayCharCount</big_green> field can be used to gradually display or <ghost>hide</ghost> text <star/>and images<star/>.\n\nIt supports line breaks and <blue>markup tags</blue> too, and always breaks words correctly instead of rendering the first few characters on one line then jumping down to the next.", 0, 0, Std.int(HXP.width * 0.75), 0, {
            font: "assets/fonts/azmoonfleet.64.fnt",
            size: 14,
            wordWrap: true
        gradualText.lineSpacing = 8;
        gradualText.displayCharCount = 0;

        var txt = new BitmapText("<center>Also, here is some <shake>centered</shake></center><right>or right-aligned text!\nIt also supports line breaks and wrapping, of course.</right>", 0, 0, Std.int(HXP.width * 0.75), 0, {
            font: "assets/fonts/azmoonfleet.64.fnt",
            size: 14,
            wordWrap: true

        var txt = new BitmapText("Unless there is space between them <star/><star/>images    count    as    part    of    words<star/><star/> and will wrap with them. Tabs act as non-breaking spaces.", 0, 0, Std.int(HXP.width * 0.5), 0, {
            font: "assets/fonts/azmoonfleet.64.fnt",
            size: 14,
            wordWrap: true

    function addText(txt:BitmapText)
        var entity = new Entity(txt);
        entity.width = Std.int(txt.textWidth * txt.scale * txt.scaleX);
        entity.height = Std.int(txt.textHeight * txt.scale * txt.scaleY);
        entity.y = _y;
        _y += txt.textHeight + 4;

    override public function update()
        t += HXP.elapsed * 24 * tDirection;
        gradualText.displayCharCount = Std.int(t);
        if (t > gradualText.text.length) tDirection = -1;
        else if (t < 0) tDirection = 1;

        _time = (_time + HXP.elapsed);
        if (_shake > 1) --_shake;
        _shake += HXP.elapsed * 15;
        _time %= Math.PI;

    var gradualText:BitmapText;
    var _y:Float = 0;
    var t:Float = 0;
    var tDirection:Int = 1;