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Test Coverage
package haxepunk;

import haxepunk.Signal;
import haxepunk.debug.Console;
import haxepunk.graphics.hardware.HardwareRenderer;
import haxepunk.input.Input;
import haxepunk.math.Random;
import haxepunk.math.Rectangle;
import haxepunk.utils.Draw;

 * Main game Sprite class, added to the Stage.
 * Manages the game loop.
 * Your main class **needs** to extends this.
class Engine
    public var console:Console;

     * If the game should stop updating/rendering.
    public var paused:Bool = false;

     * Cap on the elapsed time (default at 30 FPS). Raise this to allow for lower framerates (eg. 1 / 10).
    public var maxElapsed:Float = 0.0333;

     * The max amount of frames that can be skipped in fixed framerate mode.
    public var maxFrameSkip:Int = 5;

     * Invoked before the update cycle begins each frame.
    public var preUpdate:Signal0 = new Signal0();
     * Invoked after update cycle.
    public var postUpdate:Signal0 = new Signal0();
     * Invoked before rendering begins each frame.
    public var preRender:Signal0 = new Signal0();
     * Invoked after rendering completes.
    public var postRender:Signal0 = new Signal0();
     * Invoked after the screen is resized.
    public var onResize:Signal0 = new Signal0();
     * Invoked when input is received.
    public var onInputPressed:Signals = new Signals();
     * Invoked when input is received.
    public var onInputReleased:Signals = new Signals();
     * Invoked after the scene is switched.
    public var onSceneSwitch:Signal0 = new Signal0();
     * Invoked when the application is closed.
    public var onClose:Signal0 = new Signal0();

     * Constructor. Defines startup information about your game.
     * @param    width            The width of your game.
     * @param    height            The height of your game.
     * @param    frameRate        The game framerate, in frames per second.
     * @param    fixed            If a fixed-framerate should be used.
    public function new(width:Int = 0, height:Int = 0, frameRate:Float = 60, fixed:Bool = false)
        // global game properties
        HXP.bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
        HXP.assignedFrameRate = frameRate;
        HXP.fixed = fixed;

        // global game objects
        HXP.engine = this;
        HXP.width = width;
        HXP.height = height;

        HXP.screen = new Screen();
        HXP.app = app = createApp();

        // miscellaneous startup stuff
        if (Random.randomSeed == 0) Random.randomizeSeed();

        HXP.entity = new Entity();
        HXP.time = app.getTimeMillis();

        _frameList = new Array();

        _iterator = new VisibleSceneIterator();


     * @private This should be the only place an App instance is created
    function createApp():App
        return new App(this);

     * Override this, called after Engine has been added to the stage.
    public function init() {}

     * Override this, called when game gains focus
    public function focusGained() {}

     * Override this, called when game loses focus
    public function focusLost() {}

     * Updates the game, updating the Scene and Entities.
    public function update()
        if (HXP.needsResize)
            HXP.resize(HXP.windowWidth, HXP.windowHeight);



        if (HXP.tweener.active && HXP.tweener.hasTween) HXP.tweener.updateTweens(HXP.elapsed);
        if (_scene.active)
            if (_scene.hasTween) _scene.updateTweens(HXP.elapsed);


     * Called from backend renderer. Any visible scene will have its draw commands rendered to OpenGL.
    public function onRender()
        // timing stuff
        var t:Float = app.getTimeMillis();
        if (paused)
            _frameLast = t; // continue updating frame timer
            if (!Console.enabled) return; // skip rendering if paused and console is not enabled
        if (_frameLast == 0) _frameLast = Std.int(t);


        for (scene in _iterator.reset(this))
            HXP.renderingScene = scene;
            for (commands in scene.batch)
        HXP.renderingScene = null;


        // more timing stuff
        t = app.getTimeMillis();
        _frameListSum += (_frameList[_frameList.length] = Std.int(t - _frameLast));
        if (_frameList.length > 10) _frameListSum -= _frameList.shift();
        HXP.frameRate = 1000 / (_frameListSum / _frameList.length);
        _frameLast = t;

    /** @private Framerate independent game loop. */
    public function onUpdate()
        _time = _gameTime = app.getTimeMillis();
        HXP._systemTime = _time - _systemTime;
        _updateTime = _time;

        // update timer
        var elapsed = (_time - _last) / 1000;
        if (HXP.fixed)
            _elapsed += elapsed;
            HXP.elapsed = 1 / HXP.assignedFrameRate;
            if (_elapsed > HXP.elapsed * maxFrameSkip) _elapsed = HXP.elapsed * maxFrameSkip;
            while (_elapsed > HXP.elapsed)
                _elapsed -= HXP.elapsed;
            HXP.elapsed = elapsed;
            if (HXP.elapsed > maxElapsed) HXP.elapsed = maxElapsed;
            HXP.elapsed *= HXP.rate;
        _last = _time;

        // update timer
        _time = app.getTimeMillis();
        HXP._updateTime = _time - _updateTime;

        // update timer
        _time = _systemTime = app.getTimeMillis();
        HXP._gameTime = _time - _gameTime;

    function step()
        // update input

        // update loop
        if (!paused) update();

        // update console
        if (console != null) console.update();


    /** @private Switch scenes if they've changed. */
    inline function checkScene()
        if (_scene != null && _scenes.length > 0 && _scenes[_scenes.length - 1] != _scene)
            Log.debug("ending scene: " + Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(_scene)));
            if (_scene.autoClear && _scene.hasTween) _scene.clearTweens();

            _scene = _scenes[_scenes.length - 1];


            Log.debug("starting scene: " + Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(_scene)));
            if (_scene.started) _scene.resume();
            else _scene.begin();
            _scene.started = true;

     * Push a scene onto the stack. It will not become active until the next update.
     * @param value  The scene to push
     * @since    2.5.3
    public function pushScene(value:Scene):Void
        Log.debug("pushed scene: " + Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(_scene)));

     * Pop a scene from the stack. The current scene will remain active until the next update.
     * @since    2.5.3
    public function popScene():Scene
        Log.debug("popped scene: " + Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(_scene)));
        var scene = _scenes.pop();
        if (scene.assetCache.enabled)
        return scene;

     * The currently active Scene object. When you set this, the Scene is flagged
     * to switch, but won't actually do so until the end of the current frame.
    public var scene(get, set):Scene;
    inline function get_scene():Scene return _scene;
    function set_scene(value:Scene):Scene
        if (_scene == value) return value;
        if (_scenes.length > 0)
        return _scene;

    public function iterator() return _iterator.reset(this);

    var app:App;

    // Scene information.
    var _scene:Scene = new Scene();
    var _scenes:Array<Scene> = new Array<Scene>();

    // Timing information.
    var _delta:Float = 0;
    var _time:Float = 0;
    var _last:Float = 0;
    var _rate:Float = 0;
    var _skip:Float = 0;
    var _prev:Float = 0;
    var _elapsed:Float = 0;

    // Debug timing information.
    var _updateTime:Float = 0;
    var _gameTime:Float = 0;
    var _systemTime:Float = 0;

    // FrameRate tracking.
    var _frameLast:Float = 0;
    var _frameListSum:Int = 0;
    var _frameList:Array<Int>;

    var _renderer:HardwareRenderer = new HardwareRenderer();

    var _iterator:VisibleSceneIterator;

private class VisibleSceneIterator
    public function new() {}

    public inline function hasNext():Bool
        return scenes.length > 0;

    public inline function next():Scene
        return scenes.pop();

    public function reset(engine:Engine):VisibleSceneIterator

        if (engine.console != null)

        var scene:Scene;
        var i = engine._scenes.length - 1;
        while (i >= 0)
            scene = engine._scenes[i];
            if (scene.visible && scene.started)
            // if this scene has a solid background, stop adding scenes
            if (scene.bgAlpha == 1) break;
        return this;

    var scenes:Array<Scene> = [];