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package haxepunk;

import haxe.Timer;
import haxepunk.Tween.TweenType;
import haxepunk.input.Mouse;
import haxepunk.math.MathUtil;
import haxepunk.math.Random;
import haxepunk.math.Rectangle;
import haxepunk.math.Vector2;
import haxepunk.tweens.misc.Alarm;
import haxepunk.tweens.misc.MultiVarTween;
import haxepunk.utils.HaxelibInfo;

 * Static catch-all class used to access global properties and functions.
class HXP
     * The HaxePunk version.
     * Format: Major.Minor.Patch
    public static inline var VERSION:String = HaxelibInfo.version;

     * Width of the game.
    public static var width:Int;

     * Height of the game.
    public static var height:Int;

     * Width of the window.
    public static var windowWidth:Int = 0;

     * Height of the window.
    public static var windowHeight:Int = 0;

     * If the game is running at a fixed framerate.
    public static var fixed:Bool;

     * The framerate assigned to the stage.
    public static var frameRate:Float = 0;

     * The framerate assigned to the stage.
    public static var assignedFrameRate:Float;

     * Game time elapsed since the last frame. For fixed framerate, this will be
     * a constant 1/framerate.
    public static var elapsed:Float;

     * Timescale applied to HXP.elapsed.
    public static var rate:Float = 1;

     * The Screen object, use to transform or offset the Screen.
    public static var screen:Screen;

     * A rectangle representing the size of the screen.
    public static var bounds:Rectangle;

     * The default font file to use, by default: font/monofonto.ttf.
    public static var defaultFont:String = "font/monofonto";

     * Point used to determine drawing offset in the render loop.
    public static var camera(get, never):Camera;
    static inline function get_camera() return scene == null ? null : scene.camera;

     * Global tweener for tweening between multiple scenes
    public static var tweener:Tweener = new Tweener();

     * Whether the game has focus or not
    public static var focused:Bool = false;

     * Half the screen width.
    public static var halfWidth(default, null):Float;

     * Half the screen height.
    public static var halfHeight(default, null):Float;

     * Defines the allowed orientations
    public static var orientations:Array<Int> = [];

     * True if the scale of the screen has changed.
    public static var needsResize:Bool = false;

    public static var cursor(default, set):Cursor;
    static inline function set_cursor(cursor:Cursor = null):Cursor
        if (HXP.cursor == cursor) return cursor;
        if (cursor == null) Mouse.showCursor();
        else Mouse.hideCursor();
        return HXP.cursor = cursor;

     * The choose function randomly chooses and returns one of the provided values.
    public static var choose(get, null):Dynamic;
    static function get_choose():Dynamic
        return Reflect.makeVarArgs(_choose);
    static inline function _choose(objs:Array<Dynamic>):Dynamic
        if (objs == null || objs.length == 0)
            throw "Can't choose a random element on an empty array";

        if (Std.isOfType(objs[0], Array)) // Passed an Array
            var c:Array<Dynamic> = cast(objs[0], Array<Dynamic>);

            if (c.length != 0)
                return c[Random.randInt(c.length)];
                throw "Can't choose a random element on an empty array";
        else // Passed multiple args
            return objs[Random.randInt(objs.length)];

     * The currently active Scene object. When you set this, the Scene is flagged
     * to switch, but won't actually do so until the end of the current frame.
    public static var scene(get, set):Scene;
    static inline function get_scene():Scene return engine.scene;
    static inline function set_scene(value:Scene):Scene return engine.scene = value;

     * If we're currently rendering, this is the Scene being rendered now.
    public static var renderingScene:Scene;

     * Resize the screen.
     * @param width        New width.
     * @param height    New height.
    public static function resize(width:Int, height:Int)
        // resize scene to scale
        HXP.windowWidth = width;
        HXP.windowHeight = height;
        HXP.screen.resize(width, height);
        HXP.halfWidth = HXP.width / 2;
        HXP.halfHeight = HXP.height / 2;
        HXP.bounds.width = width;
        HXP.bounds.height = height;
        for (scene in HXP.engine) scene._resize();
        HXP.needsResize = false;

     * Empties an array of its' contents
     * @param array filled array
    public static inline function clear<T>(array:Array<T>)
#if cpp
        // splice causes Array allocation, so prefer pop for most arrays
        if (array.length > 256) array.splice(0, array.length);
        else while (array.length > 0) array.pop();
        untyped array.length = 0;

     * Sets the camera position.
     * @param    x    X position.
     * @param    y    Y position.
    public static inline function setCamera(x:Float = 0, y:Float = 0)
        camera.x = x;
        camera.y = y;

     * Resets the camera position.
    public static inline function resetCamera()
        camera.x = camera.y = 0;

     * Toggles between windowed and fullscreen modes
    public static var fullscreen(get, set):Bool;
    static inline function get_fullscreen():Bool return HXP.app.fullscreen;
    static inline function set_fullscreen(value:Bool):Bool return HXP.app.fullscreen = value;

     * Global volume factor for all sounds, a value from 0 to 1.
    public static var volume(default, set):Float = 1;
    static function set_volume(value:Float):Float
        value = MathUtil.clamp(value, 0, 1);
        if (volume == value) return value;
        volume = value;
        return volume;

     * Global panning factor for all sounds, a value from -1 to 1.
     * Panning only applies to mono sounds. It is ignored on stereo.
    public static var pan(get, set):Float;
    static inline function get_pan():Float return _pan;
    static function set_pan(value:Float):Float
        if (value < -1) value = -1;
        if (value > 1) value = 1;
        if (_pan == value) return value;
        _pan = value;
        return _pan;

     * Optimized version of Lambda.indexOf for Array on dynamic platforms (Lambda.indexOf is less performant on those targets).
     * @param    arr        The array to look into.
     * @param    param    The value to look for.
     * @return    Returns the index of the first element [v] within Array [arr].
     * This function uses operator [==] to check for equality.
     * If [v] does not exist in [arr], the result is -1.
    public static inline function indexOf<T>(arr:Array<T>, v:T):Int
        #if (haxe_ver >= 3.1)
        return arr.indexOf(v);
        #elseif js
        return untyped arr.indexOf(v);
        return std.Lambda.indexOf(arr, v);

     * Returns the next item after current in the list of options.
     * @param    current        The currently selected item (must be one of the options).
     * @param    options        An array of all the items to cycle through.
     * @param    loop        If true, will jump to the first item after the last item is reached.
     * @return    The next item in the list.
    public static inline function next<T>(current:T, options:Array<T>, loop:Bool = true):T
        if (loop)
            return options[(indexOf(options, current) + 1) % options.length];
            return options[Std.int(Math.min(indexOf(options, current) + 1, options.length - 1))];

     * Returns the item previous to the current in the list of options.
     * @param    current        The currently selected item (must be one of the options).
     * @param    options        An array of all the items to cycle through.
     * @param    loop        If true, will jump to the last item after the first is reached.
     * @return    The previous item in the list.
    public static inline function prev<T>(current:T, options:Array<T>, loop:Bool = true):T
        if (loop)
            return options[((indexOf(options, current) - 1) + options.length) % options.length];
            return options[Std.int(Math.max(indexOf(options, current) - 1, 0))];

     * Swaps the current item between a and b. Useful for quick state/string/value swapping.
     * @param    current        The currently selected item.
     * @param    a            Item a.
     * @param    b            Item b.
     * @return    Returns a if current is b, and b if current is a.
    public static inline function swap<T>(current:T, a:T, b:T):T
        return current == a ? b : a;

     * Binary insertion sort
     * @param list     A list to insert into
     * @param key      The key to insert
     * @param compare  A comparison function to determine sort order
    public static function insertSortedKey<T>(list:Array<T>, key:T, compare:T->T->Int):Void
        var result:Int = 0,
            mid:Int = 0,
            min:Int = 0,
            max:Int = list.length - 1;
        while (max >= min)
            mid = min + Std.int((max - min) / 2);
            result = compare(list[mid], key);
            if (result > 0) max = mid - 1;
            else if (result < 0) min = mid + 1;
            else return;

        list.insert(result > 0 ? mid : mid + 1, key);

     * Sets a time flag.
     * @return    Time elapsed (in milliseconds) since the last time flag was set.
    public static inline function timeFlag():Float
        var t:Float = Timer.stamp(),
            e:Float = t - _time;
        _time = t;
        return e;

     * Tweens numeric public properties of an Object. Shorthand for creating a MultiVarTween tween, starting it and adding it to a Tweener.
     * @param    object        The object containing the properties to tween.
     * @param    values        An object containing key/value pairs of properties and target values.
     * @param    duration    Duration of the tween.
     * @param    options        An object containing key/value pairs of the following optional parameters:
     *                         type        Tween type.
     *                         complete    Optional completion callback function.
     *                         ease        Optional easer function.
     *                         tweener        The Tweener to add this Tween to.
     * @return    The added MultiVarTween object.
     * Example: HXP.tween(object, { x: 500, y: 350 }, 2.0, { ease: Float -> Float, complete: onComplete } );
    public static function tween(object:Dynamic, values:Dynamic, duration:Float, options:Dynamic = null):MultiVarTween
        if (options != null && Reflect.hasField(options, "delay"))
            var delay:Float = options.delay;
            Reflect.deleteField( options, "delay" );
            HXP.alarm(delay, function () HXP.tween(object, values, duration, options));
            return null;

        var type:TweenType = TweenType.OneShot,
            complete:Void -> Void = null,
            ease:Float -> Float = null,
            tweener:Tweener = HXP.tweener;
        if (Std.isOfType(object, Tweener)) tweener = cast(object, Tweener);
        if (options != null)
            if (Reflect.hasField(options, "type")) type = options.type;
            if (Reflect.hasField(options, "complete")) complete = options.complete;
            if (Reflect.hasField(options, "ease")) ease = options.ease;
            if (Reflect.hasField(options, "tweener")) tweener = options.tweener;
        var tween:MultiVarTween = new MultiVarTween(type);
        if (complete != null) tween.onComplete.bind(complete);
        tween.tween(object, values, duration, ease);
        tweener.addTween(tween, true);
        return tween;

     * Schedules a callback for the future. Shorthand for creating an Alarm tween, starting it and adding it to a Tweener.
     * @param    delay        The duration to wait before calling the callback.
     * @param    complete    The function to be called when complete.
     * @param    type        Tween type.
     * @param    tweener        The Tweener object to add this Alarm to. Defaults to HXP.tweener.
     * @return    The added Alarm object.
     * Example: HXP.alarm(5.0, callbackFunction, TweenType.Looping); // Calls callbackFunction every 5 seconds
    public static function alarm(delay:Float, complete:Void -> Void, ?type:TweenType, ?tweener:Tweener):Alarm
        if (type == null) type = TweenType.OneShot;
        if (tweener == null) tweener = HXP.tweener;

        var alarm:Alarm = new Alarm(delay, complete, type);
        tweener.addTween(alarm, true);
        return alarm;

     * Gets an array of frame indices.
     * @param    from    Starting frame.
     * @param    to        Ending frame.
     * @param    skip    Skip amount every frame (eg. use 1 for every 2nd frame).
     * @return    The array.
    public static function frames(from:Int, to:Int, skip:Int = 0):Array<Int>
        var a:Array<Int> = new Array<Int>();
        if (from < to)
            while (from <= to)
                from += skip;
            while (from >= to)
                from -= skip;
        return a;

     * Shuffles the elements in the array.
     * @param    a        The Object to shuffle (an Array or Vector).
    public static function shuffle<T>(a:Array<T>)
        var i:Int = a.length, j:Int, t:T;
        while (--i > 0)
            t = a[i];
            a[i] = a[j = Random.randInt(i + 1)];
            a[j] = t;

    public static var time(null, set):Float;
    static inline function set_time(value:Float):Float
        _time = value;
        return _time;

    // Time information.
    static var _time:Float;
    @:dox(hide) public static var _updateTime:Float;
    @:dox(hide) public static var _gameTime:Float;
    @:dox(hide) public static var _systemTime:Float;

    // Volume control.
    static var _pan:Float = 0;

    /** The Engine instance. */
    public static var engine:Engine;

    public static var app:App;

    // Global objects used for rendering, collision, etc.
    @:dox(hide) public static var point:Vector2 = new Vector2();
    @:dox(hide) public static var point2:Vector2 = new Vector2();
    @:dox(hide) public static var zeroCamera:Camera = new Camera();
    @:dox(hide) public static var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
    @:dox(hide) public static var entity:Entity;