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package haxepunk;

import haxe.ds.IntMap;
import haxepunk.Signal;
import haxepunk.assets.AssetCache;
import haxepunk.graphics.atlas.AtlasData;
import haxepunk.graphics.shader.SceneShader;
import haxepunk.graphics.hardware.DrawCommandBatch;
import haxepunk.graphics.hardware.Texture;
import haxepunk.utils.BlendMode;
import haxepunk.utils.Color;
import haxepunk.utils.DrawContext;
import haxepunk.math.MathUtil;
import haxepunk.math.Vector2;

 * Updated by `Engine`, main game container that holds all currently active Entities.
 * Useful for organization, eg. "Menu", "Level1", etc.
class Scene extends Tweener
    static var drawContext:DrawContext = new DrawContext();

     * If the render() loop is performed.
    public var visible:Bool = true;

     * Background color of this Scene. If null, will use HXP.stage.color.
     * @since    2.6.0
    public var bgColor:Null<Color> = null;

     * Background opacity. If less than 1, Scenes behind this Scene in the stack
     * will be rendered underneath.
     * @since    2.6.0
    public var bgAlpha:Float = 1;

     * Whether or not to track draw calls for this scene
     * @since    4.0.0
    public var trackDrawCalls:Bool = true;

     * Point used to determine drawing offset in the render loop.
    public var camera:Camera;

     * Set to true after `begin` is called.
    public var started:Bool = false;

     * Scene-scoped asset cache. These assets will be destroyed when the scene
     * ends.
    public var assetCache:AssetCache;

    public var x:Int = 0;
    public var y:Int = 0;

    var _width:Null<Int> = null;
    @:isVar public var width(get, set):Null<Int> = null;
    inline function get_width() return _width == null ? (HXP.screen.width - x) : _width;
    inline function set_width(v:Null<Int>) return _width = v;

    var _height:Null<Int> = null;
    @:isVar public var height(get, set):Null<Int> = null;
    inline function get_height() return _height == null ? (HXP.screen.height - y) : _height;
    inline function set_height(v:Null<Int>) return _height = v;

    public var batch:DrawCommandBatch;

     * Array of shaders which will be used to process the final result of
     * rendering this scene. GL targets (desktop, mobile, HTML5) only.
     * @since    4.0.0
    public var shaders:Null<Array<SceneShader>>;

     * Invoked before this Scene's update cycle begins each frame.
    public var preUpdate:Signal0 = new Signal0();
     * Invoked after this Scene's update cycle.
    public var postUpdate:Signal0 = new Signal0();
     * Invoked before rendering begins for this Scene each frame.
    public var preRender:Signal0 = new Signal0();
     * Invoked after rendering this Scene completes.
    public var postRender:Signal0 = new Signal0();
     * Invoked after this Scene is resized.
    public var onResize:Signal0 = new Signal0();
     * Invoked when input is received while this Scene is active.
    public var onInputPressed:Signals = new Signals();
     * Invoked when input is received while this Scene is active.
    public var onInputReleased:Signals = new Signals();

     * Constructor.
    public function new()

        camera = new Camera();
        assetCache = new AssetCache(Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(this)));
        batch = new DrawCommandBatch();

        _layerList = new Array<Int>();

        _add = new Array<Entity>();
        _remove = new Array<Entity>();
        _recycle = new Array<Entity>();

        _update = new List<Entity>();
        _layerDisplay = new Map<Int, Bool>();
        _layers = new Map<Int, List<Entity>>();
        _types = new Map<String, List<Entity>>();

        _classCount = new Map<String, Int>();
        _recycled = new Map<String, Entity>();
        _entityNames = new Map<String, Entity>();

     * Override this; called when Scene is switched to for the first time.
    public function begin() {}

     * Override this; called when this Scene is switched to after it has already begun.
    public function resume() {}

     * Override this; called when Scene is changed, and the active scene is no longer this.
    public function end() {}

    function _resize()
        for (e in _update)

     * Override this, called when game gains focus
    public function focusGained() {}

     * Override this, called when game loses focus
    public function focusLost() {}

     * Performed by the game loop, updates all contained Entities.
     * If you override this to give your Scene update code, remember
     * to call super.update() or your Entities will not be updated.
    override public function update()
        // update the camera

        // update the entities
        for (e in _update)
            if (e.active)
                if (e.hasTween) e.updateTweens(HXP.elapsed);
                if (e.active)
                    if (e.shouldUpdate())
            var g = e.graphic;
            if (g != null && g.active)

        // update the camera again, in case it's following an entity

        // updates the cursor
        if (HXP.cursor != null && HXP.cursor.active)

     * Toggles the visibility of a layer
     * @param layer the layer to show/hide
     * @param show whether to show the layer (default: true)
    public inline function showLayer(layer:Int, show:Bool=true):Void
        _layerDisplay.set(layer, show);

     * Checks if a layer is visible or not
    public inline function layerVisible(layer:Int):Bool
        return (!_layerDisplay.exists(layer)) || _layerDisplay.get(layer);

     * Sorts layer from highest value to lowest
    function layerSort(a:Int, b:Int):Int
        return b - a;

     * Performed by the game loop, renders all contained Entities.
     * If you override this to give your Scene render code, remember
     * to call super.render() or your Entities will not be rendered.
    public function render()
        batch.visibleArea.setTo(0, 0, width, height);

        if (bgAlpha > 0)
            var screen = HXP.screen;
            drawContext.scene = this;
            drawContext.blend = BlendMode.Alpha;
            drawContext.setColor(bgColor == null ? screen.color : bgColor, bgAlpha);
            drawContext.rectFilled(0, 0, width, height);


        // render the entities in order of depth
        for (layer in _layerList)
            if (!layerVisible(layer)) continue;
            for (e in _layers.get(layer))
                if (e.visible) e.render(e.camera == null ? camera : e.camera);

        // render the cursor if this is the topmost scene
        if (HXP.cursor != null && HXP.cursor.visible && this == HXP.scene)


     * X position of the mouse in the Scene.
    public var mouseX(get, null):Int;
    inline function get_mouseX():Int
        return Std.int((HXP.app.getMouseX() - HXP.screen.x - x) / camera.screenScaleX + camera.x);

     * Y position of the mouse in the scene.
    public var mouseY(get, null):Int;
    inline function get_mouseY():Int
        return Std.int((HXP.app.getMouseY() - HXP.screen.y - y) / camera.screenScaleY + camera.y);

     * Adds the Entity to the Scene at the end of the frame.
     * @param    e        Entity object you want to add.
     * @return    The added Entity object.
    public function add<E:Entity>(e:E):E
        _add[_add.length] = e;
        return e;

     * Removes the Entity from the Scene at the end of the frame.
     * @param    e        Entity object you want to remove.
     * @return    The removed Entity object.
    public function remove<E:Entity>(e:E):E
        _remove[_remove.length] = e;
        return e;

     * Removes all Entities from the Scene at the end of the frame.
    public function removeAll()
        for (e in _update)
            _remove[_remove.length] = e;

     * Adds multiple Entities to the scene.
     * @param    ...list        Several Entities (as arguments) or an Array/Vector of Entities.
    public function addList<E:Entity>(list:Iterable<E>)
        for (e in list) add(e);

     * Removes multiple Entities from the scene.
     * @param    ...list        Several Entities (as arguments) or an Array/Vector of Entities.
    public function removeList<E:Entity>(list:Iterable<E>)
        for (e in list) remove(e);

     * Adds an Entity to the Scene with the Graphic object.
     * @param    graphic        Graphic to assign the Entity.
     * @param    x            X position of the Entity.
     * @param    y            Y position of the Entity.
     * @param    layer        Layer of the Entity.
     * @return    The Entity that was added.
    public function addGraphic(graphic:Graphic, layer:Int = 0, x:Float = 0, y:Float = 0):Entity
        var e:Entity = new Entity(x, y, graphic);
        e.layer = layer;
        e.active = false;
        return add(e);

     * Adds an Entity to the Scene with the Mask object.
     * @param    mask    Mask to assign the Entity.
     * @param    type    Collision type of the Entity.
     * @param    x        X position of the Entity.
     * @param    y        Y position of the Entity.
     * @return    The Entity that was added.
    public function addMask(mask:Mask, type:String, x:Int = 0, y:Int = 0):Entity
        var e:Entity = new Entity(x, y, null, mask);
        if (type != "") e.type = type;
        e.active = e.visible = false;
        return add(e);

     * Returns a new Entity, or a stored recycled Entity if one exists.
     * **Note**: The constructor is only called when creating a new entity,
     * when using a recycled one the constructor (with constructorsArgs)
     * isn't called. Instead use a function to initialize your entities.
     * @param    classType            The Class of the Entity you want to add.
     * @param    addToScene            Add it to the Scene immediately.
     * @param    constructorsArgs    List of the entity constructor arguments (optional).
     * @return    The new Entity object.
    public function create<E:Entity>(classType:Class<E>, addToScene:Bool = true, ?constructorsArgs:Array<Dynamic>):E
        var className:String = Type.getClassName(classType);
        var e:Entity = _recycled.get(className);
        if (e != null)
            _recycled.set(className, e._recycleNext);
            e._recycleNext = null;
            if (constructorsArgs != null)
                e = Type.createInstance(classType, constructorsArgs);
                e = Type.createInstance(classType, []);

        return cast (addToScene ? add(e) : e);

     * Removes the Entity from the Scene at the end of the frame and recycles it.
     * The recycled Entity can then be fetched again by calling the create() function.
     * @param    e        The Entity to recycle.
     * @return    The recycled Entity.
    public function recycle<E:Entity>(e:E):E
        _recycle[_recycle.length] = e;
        return remove(e);

     * Clears stored reycled Entities of the Class type.
     * @param    classType        The Class type to clear.
    public function clearRecycled<E:Entity>(classType:Class<E>)
        var className:String = Type.getClassName(classType),
            e:Entity = _recycled.get(className),
        while (e != null)
            n = e._recycleNext;
            e._recycleNext = null;
            e = n;

     * Clears stored recycled Entities of all Class types.
    public function clearRecycledAll()
        var e:Entity;
        for (e in _recycled)

     * Brings the Entity to the front of its contained layer.
     * @param    e        The Entity to shift.
     * @return    If the Entity changed position.
    public function bringToFront(e:Entity):Bool
        if (e._scene != this) return false;
        var list = _layers.get(e._layer);
        return true;

     * Sends the Entity to the back of its contained layer.
     * @param    e        The Entity to shift.
     * @return    If the Entity changed position.
    public function sendToBack(e:Entity):Bool
        if (e._scene != this) return false;
        var list = _layers.get(e._layer);
        return true;

     * Shifts the Entity one place towards the front of its contained layer.
     * @param    e        The Entity to shift.
     * @return    If the Entity changed position.
    public function bringForward(e:Entity):Bool
        if (e._scene != this) return false;
        // TODO: implement bringForward
        return true;

     * Shifts the Entity one place towards the back of its contained layer.
     * @param    e        The Entity to shift.
     * @return    If the Entity changed position.
    public function sendBackward(e:Entity):Bool
        if (e._scene != this) return false;
        // TODO: implement sendBackward
        return true;

     * If the Entity as at the front of its layer.
     * @param    e        The Entity to check.
     * @return    True or false.
    public inline function isAtFront(e:Entity):Bool
        return e == _layers.get(e._layer).first();

     * If the Entity as at the back of its layer.
     * @param    e        The Entity to check.
     * @return    True or false.
    public inline function isAtBack(e:Entity):Bool
        return e == _layers.get(e._layer).last();

     * Returns the first Entity that collides with the rectangular area.
     * @param    type        The Entity type to check for.
     * @param    rX            X position of the rectangle.
     * @param    rY            Y position of the rectangle.
     * @param    rWidth        Width of the rectangle.
     * @param    rHeight        Height of the rectangle.
     * @return    The first Entity to collide, or null if none collide.
    public function collideRect(type:String, rX:Float, rY:Float, rWidth:Float, rHeight:Float):Entity
        if (_types.exists(type))
            for (e in _types.get(type))
                if (e.collidable && e.collideRect(e.x, e.y, rX, rY, rWidth, rHeight)) return e;
        return null;

     * Returns the first Entity found that collides with the position.
     * @param    type        The Entity type to check for.
     * @param    pX            X position.
     * @param    pY            Y position.
     * @return    The collided Entity, or null if none collide.
    public function collidePoint(type:String, pX:Float, pY:Float):Entity
        var result:Entity = null;
        if (_types.exists(type))
            for (e in _types.get(type))
                // only look for entities that collide
                if (e.collidable && e.collidePoint(e.x, e.y, pX, pY))
                    // the first one might be the front one
                    if (result == null)
                        result = e;
                    // compare if the new collided entity is above the former one (lower valuer is toward, higher value is backward)
                    else if (e.layer < result.layer)
                        result = e;
        return result;

     * Returns the first Entity found that collides with the line.
     * @param    type        The Entity type to check for.
     * @param    fromX        Start x of the line.
     * @param    fromY        Start y of the line.
     * @param    toX            End x of the line.
     * @param    toY            End y of the line.
     * @param    precision   Distance between consecutive tests. Higher values are faster but increase the chance of missing collisions.
     * @param    p           If non-null, will have its x and y values set to the point of collision.
     * @return    The first Entity to collide, or null if none collide.
    public function collideLine(type:String, fromX:Int, fromY:Int, toX:Int, toY:Int, precision:Int = 1, p:Vector2 = null):Entity
        // If the distance is less than precision, do the short sweep.
        if (precision < 1) precision = 1;
        if (MathUtil.distance(fromX, fromY, toX, toY) < precision)
            if (p != null)
                if (fromX == toX && fromY == toY)
                    p.x = toX; p.y = toY;
                    return collidePoint(type, toX, toY);
                return collideLine(type, fromX, fromY, toX, toY, 1, p);
            else return collidePoint(type, fromX, toY);

        // Get information about the line we're about to raycast.
        var xDelta:Int = Std.int(Math.abs(toX - fromX)),
            yDelta:Int = Std.int(Math.abs(toY - fromY)),
            xSign:Float = toX > fromX ? precision : -precision,
            ySign:Float = toY > fromY ? precision : -precision,
            x:Float = fromX, y:Float = fromY, e:Entity;

        // Do a raycast from the start to the end point.
        if (xDelta > yDelta)
            ySign *= yDelta / xDelta;
            if (xSign > 0)
                while (x < toX)
                    if ((e = collidePoint(type, x, y)) != null)
                        if (p == null) return e;
                        if (precision < 2)
                            p.x = x - xSign; p.y = y - ySign;
                            return e;
                        return collideLine(type, Std.int(x - xSign), Std.int(y - ySign), toX, toY, 1, p);
                    x += xSign; y += ySign;
                while (x > toX)
                    if ((e = collidePoint(type, x, y)) != null)
                        if (p == null) return e;
                        if (precision < 2)
                            p.x = x - xSign; p.y = y - ySign;
                            return e;
                        return collideLine(type, Std.int(x - xSign), Std.int(y - ySign), toX, toY, 1, p);
                    x += xSign; y += ySign;
            xSign *= xDelta / yDelta;
            if (ySign > 0)
                while (y < toY)
                    if ((e = collidePoint(type, x, y)) != null)
                        if (p == null) return e;
                        if (precision < 2)
                            p.x = x - xSign; p.y = y - ySign;
                            return e;
                        return collideLine(type, Std.int(x - xSign), Std.int(y - ySign), toX, toY, 1, p);
                    x += xSign; y += ySign;
                while (y > toY)
                    if ((e = collidePoint(type, x, y)) != null)
                        if (p == null) return e;
                        if (precision < 2)
                            p.x = x - xSign; p.y = y - ySign;
                            return e;
                        return collideLine(type, Std.int(x - xSign), Std.int(y - ySign), toX, toY, 1, p);
                    x += xSign; y += ySign;

        // Check the last position.
        if (precision > 1)
            if (p == null) return collidePoint(type, toX, toY);
            if (collidePoint(type, toX, toY) != null) return collideLine(type, Std.int(x - xSign), Std.int(y - ySign), toX, toY, 1, p);

        // No collision, return the end point.
        if (p != null)
            p.x = toX;
            p.y = toY;
        return null;

     * Populates an array with all Entities that collide with the rectangle. This
     * function does not empty the array, that responsibility is left to the user.
     * @param    type        The Entity type to check for.
     * @param    rX            X position of the rectangle.
     * @param    rY            Y position of the rectangle.
     * @param    rWidth        Width of the rectangle.
     * @param    rHeight        Height of the rectangle.
     * @param    into        The Array or Vector to populate with collided Entities.
    public function collideRectInto<E:Entity>(type:String, rX:Float, rY:Float, rWidth:Float, rHeight:Float, into:Array<E>)
        var n:Int = into.length;
        if (_types.exists(type))
            for (e in _types.get(type))
                if (e.collidable && e.collideRect(e.x, e.y, rX, rY, rWidth, rHeight)) into[n++] = cast e;

     * Populates an array with all Entities that collide with the circle. This
     * function does not empty the array, that responsibility is left to the user.
     * @param    type         The Entity type to check for.
     * @param    circleX        X position of the circle.
     * @param    circleY        Y position of the circle.
     * @param    radius        The radius of the circle.
     * @param    into        The Array or Vector to populate with collided Entities.
    public function collideCircleInto<E:Entity>(type:String, circleX:Float, circleY:Float, radius:Float , into:Array<E>)
        if (!_types.exists(type)) return;
        var n:Int = into.length;

        radius *= radius;//Square it to avoid the square root
        for (e in _types.get(type))
            if (MathUtil.distanceSquared(circleX, circleY, e.x, e.y) < radius) into[n++] = cast e;

     * Populates an array with all Entities that collide with the position. This
     * function does not empty the array, that responsibility is left to the user.
     * @param    type        The Entity type to check for.
     * @param    pX            X position.
     * @param    pY            Y position.
     * @param    into        The Array or Vector to populate with collided Entities.
    public function collidePointInto<E:Entity>(type:String, pX:Float, pY:Float, into:Array<E>, cameraAdjust:Bool = false)
        if (!_types.exists(type)) return;
        var n:Int = into.length;
        for (e in _types.get(type))
            if (e.collidable)
                if (cameraAdjust && e.camera != null)
                    var px = (pX + e.camera.x - camera.x) * camera.fullScaleX / e.camera.fullScaleX,
                        py = (pY + e.camera.y - camera.y) * camera.fullScaleY / e.camera.fullScaleY;
                    if (e.collidePoint(e.x, e.y, px, py)) into[n++] = cast e;
                    if (e.collidePoint(e.x, e.y, pX, pY)) into[n++] = cast e;

     * Finds the Entity nearest to the rectangle.
     * @param    type        The Entity type to check for.
     * @param    x            X position of the rectangle.
     * @param    y            Y position of the rectangle.
     * @param    width        Width of the rectangle.
     * @param    height        Height of the rectangle.
     * @return    The nearest Entity to the rectangle.
    public function nearestToRect(type:String, x:Float, y:Float, width:Float, height:Float):Entity
        if (!_types.exists(type)) return null;
        var nearDist:Float = MathUtil.NUMBER_MAX_VALUE,
            near:Entity = null, dist:Float;
        for (e in _types.get(type))
            dist = squareRects(x, y, width, height, e.x - e.originX, e.y - e.originY, e.width, e.height);
            if (dist < nearDist)
                nearDist = dist;
                near = e;
        return near;

     * Finds the Entity nearest to another.
     * @param    type        The Entity type to check for.
     * @param    e            The Entity to find the nearest to.
     * @param    useHitboxes    If the Entities' hitboxes should be used to determine the distance. If false, their x/y coordinates are used.
     * @return    The nearest Entity to e.
    public function nearestToEntity(type:String, e:Entity, useHitboxes:Bool = false):Entity
        if (!_types.exists(type)) return null;
        if (useHitboxes) return nearestToRect(type, e.x - e.originX, e.y - e.originY, e.width, e.height);
        var nearDist:Float = MathUtil.NUMBER_MAX_VALUE,
            near:Entity = null,
            x:Float = e.x - e.originX,
            y:Float = e.y - e.originY;
        for (n in _types.get(type))
            dist = (x - n.x) * (x - n.x) + (y - n.y) * (y - n.y);
            if (dist < nearDist)
                nearDist = dist;
                near = n;
        return near;

     * Finds the Entity nearest to another.
     * @param    type        The Entity type to check for.
     * @param    e            The Entity to find the nearest to.
     * @param    classType    The Entity class to check for.
     * @param    useHitboxes    If the Entities' hitboxes should be used to determine the distance. If false, their x/y coordinates are used.
     * @return    The nearest Entity to e.
    public function nearestToClass<T>(type:String, e:Entity, classType:Class<T>, useHitboxes:Bool = false):Entity
        if (!_types.exists(type)) return null;
        if (useHitboxes) return nearestToRect(type, e.x - e.originX, e.y - e.originY, e.width, e.height);
        var nearDist:Float = MathUtil.NUMBER_MAX_VALUE,
            near:Entity = null,
            x:Float = e.x - e.originX,
            y:Float = e.y - e.originY;
        for (n in _types.get(type))
            dist = (x - n.x) * (x - n.x) + (y - n.y) * (y - n.y);
            if (dist < nearDist && Std.isOfType(e, classType))
                nearDist = dist;
                near = n;
        return near;

     * Finds the Entity nearest to the position.
     * @param    type        The Entity type to check for.
     * @param    x            X position.
     * @param    y            Y position.
     * @param    useHitboxes    If the Entities' hitboxes should be used to determine the distance. If false, their x/y coordinates are used.
     * @return    The nearest Entity to the position.
    public function nearestToPoint(type:String, x:Float, y:Float, useHitboxes:Bool = false):Entity
        if (!_types.exists(type)) return null;
        var nearDist:Float = MathUtil.NUMBER_MAX_VALUE,
            near:Entity = null,
        if (useHitboxes)
            for (n in _types.get(type))
                dist = squarePointRect(x, y, n.x - n.originX, n.y - n.originY, n.width, n.height);
                if (dist < nearDist)
                    nearDist = dist;
                    near = n;
            for (n in _types.get(type))
                dist = (x - n.x) * (x - n.x) + (y - n.y) * (y - n.y);
                if (dist < nearDist)
                    nearDist = dist;
                    near = n;
        return near;

     * How many Entities are in the Scene.
    public var count(get, never):Int;
    inline function get_count():Int return _update.length;

     * Returns the amount of Entities of the type are in the Scene.
     * @param    type        The type (or Class type) to count.
     * @return    How many Entities of type exist in the Scene.
    public inline function typeCount(type:String):Int
        return _types.exists(type) ? _types.get(type).length : 0;

     * Returns the amount of Entities of the Class are in the Scene.
     * @param    c        The Class type to count.
     * @return    How many Entities of Class exist in the Scene.
    public inline function classCount(c:String):Int
        return _classCount.exists(c) ? _classCount.get(c) : 0;

     * Returns the amount of Entities are on the layer in the Scene.
     * @param    layer        The layer to count Entities on.
     * @return    How many Entities are on the layer.
    public inline function layerCount(layer:Int):Int
        return _layers.exists(layer) ? _layers.get(layer).length : 0;

     * The first Entity in the Scene.
    public var first(get, null):Entity;
    inline function get_first():Entity return _update.first();

     * How many Entity layers the Scene has.
    public var layers(get, null):Int;
    inline function get_layers():Int return _layerList.length;

     * A list of Entity objects of the type.
     * @param    type         The type to check.
     * @return     The Entity list.
    public inline function entitiesForType(type:String):List<Entity>
        return _types.exists(type) ? _types.get(type) : null;

     * The first Entity of the Class.
     * @param    c        The Class type to check.
     * @return    The Entity.
    public function classFirst<E:Entity>(c:Class<E>):E
        for (e in _update)
            if (Std.isOfType(e, c)) return cast e;
        return null;

     * The first Entity on the Layer.
     * @param    layer        The layer to check.
     * @return    The Entity.
    public function layerFirst(layer:Int):Entity
        return _layers.exists(layer) ? _layers.get(layer).first() : null;

     * The last Entity on the Layer.
     * @param    layer        The layer to check.
     * @return    The Entity.
    public function layerLast(layer:Int):Entity
        return _layers.exists(layer) ? _layers.get(layer).last() : null;

     * The Entity that will be rendered first by the Scene.
    public var farthest(get, null):Entity;
    function get_farthest():Entity
        if (_layerList.length == 0) return null;
        return _layers.get(_layerList[_layerList.length - 1]).last();

     * The Entity that will be rendered last by the scene.
    public var nearest(get, null):Entity;
    function get_nearest():Entity
        if (_layerList.length == 0) return null;
        return _layers.get(_layerList[0]).first();

     * The layer that will be rendered first by the Scene.
    public var layerFarthest(get, null):Int;
    function get_layerFarthest():Int
        if (_layerList.length == 0) return 0;
        return _layerList[_layerList.length - 1];

     * The layer that will be rendered last by the Scene.
    public var layerNearest(get, null):Int;
    function get_layerNearest():Int
        if (_layerList.length == 0) return 0;
        return _layerList[0];

     * How many different types have been added to the Scene.
    public var uniqueTypes(get, null):Int;
    inline function get_uniqueTypes():Int
        var i:Int = 0;
        for (type in _types) i++;
        return i;

     * Pushes all Entities in the Scene of the type into the Array or Vector. This
     * function does not empty the array, that responsibility is left to the user.
     * @param    type        The type to check.
     * @param    into        The Array or Vector to populate.
    public function getType<E:Entity>(type:String, into:Array<E>)
        if (!_types.exists(type)) return;
        var n:Int = into.length;
        for (e in _types.get(type))
            into[n++] = cast e;

     * Pushes all Entities in the Scene of the Class into the Array or Vector. This
     * function does not empty the array, that responsibility is left to the user.
     * @param    c            The Class type to check.
     * @param    into        The Array or Vector to populate.
    public function getClass<T, E:Entity>(c:Class<T>, into:Array<E>)
        var n:Int = into.length;
        for (e in _update)
            if (Std.isOfType(e, c))
                into[n++] = cast e;

     * Pushes all Entities in the Scene on the layer into the Array or Vector. This
     * function does not empty the array, that responsibility is left to the user.
     * @param    layer        The layer to check.
     * @param    into        The Array or Vector to populate.
    public function getLayer<E:Entity>(layer:Int, into:Array<E>)
        var n:Int = into.length;
        for (e in _layers.get(layer))
            into[n++] = cast e;

     * Pushes all Entities in the Scene into the array. This
     * function does not empty the array, that responsibility is left to the user.
     * @param    into        The Array or Vector to populate.
    public function getAll<E:Entity>(into:Array<E>)
        var n:Int = into.length;
        for (e in _update)
            into[n++] = cast e;

     * Returns the Entity with the instance name, or null if none exists
     * @param    name
     * @return    The Entity.
    public function getInstance(name:String):Null<Entity>
        return _entityNames.get(name);

     * Updates the add/remove lists at the end of the frame.
     * @param    shouldAdd    If new Entities should be added to the scene.
    public function updateLists(shouldAdd:Bool = true)
        var e:Entity;

        if (HXP.cursor != null)
            HXP.cursor._scene = this;

        // remove entities
        if (_remove.length > 0)
            for (e in _remove)
                if (e._scene == null)
                    var idx = HXP.indexOf(_add, e);
                    if (idx >= 0) _add.splice(idx, 1);
                if (e._scene != this)
                e._scene = null;
                if (e._type != "") removeType(e);
                if (e._name != "") unregisterName(e);
                if (e.autoClear && e.hasTween) e.clearTweens();

        // add entities
        if (shouldAdd && _add.length > 0)
            for (e in _add)
                if (e._scene != null) continue;
                e._scene = this;
                if (e._type != "") addType(e);
                if (e._name != "") registerName(e);

        // recycle entities
        if (_recycle.length > 0)
            for (e in _recycle)
                if (e._scene != null || e._recycleNext != null)

                e._recycleNext = _recycled.get(e._class);
                _recycled.set(e._class, e);

    public function getTexture(id:String):Texture
        return assetCache.getTexture(id);

    /** @private Adds Entity to the update list. */
    function addUpdate(e:Entity)
        // add to update list
        if (_classCount.get(e._class) != 0) _classCount.set(e._class, 0);
        _classCount.set(e._class, _classCount.get(e._class) + 1); // increment

    /** @private Removes Entity from the update list. */
    function removeUpdate(e:Entity)
        _classCount.set(e._class, _classCount.get(e._class) - 1); // decrement

    /** @private Adds Entity to the render list. */
    function addRender(e:Entity)
        var list:List<Entity>;
        if (_layers.exists(e._layer))
            list = _layers.get(e._layer);
            // Create new layer with entity.
            list = _pooledEntityLists.length > 0 ? _pooledEntityLists.pop() : new List<Entity>();
            _layers.set(e._layer, list);

            if (_layerList.length == 0)
                _layerList[0] = e._layer;
                HXP.insertSortedKey(_layerList, e._layer, layerSort);

    /** @private Removes Entity from the render list. */
    function removeRender(e:Entity)
        var list = _layers.get(e._layer);
        if (list.length == 0)

    /** @private Adds Entity to the type list. */
    function addType(e:Entity)
        var list:List<Entity>;
        // add to type list
        if (_types.exists(e._type))
            list = _types.get(e._type);
            list = _pooledEntityLists.length > 0 ? _pooledEntityLists.pop() : new List<Entity>();
            _types.set(e._type, list);

    /** @private Removes Entity from the type list. */
    function removeType(e:Entity)
        if (!_types.exists(e._type)) return;
        var list = _types.get(e._type);
        if (list.length == 0)

    /** @private Register the entities instance name. */
    inline function registerName(e:Entity)
        _entityNames.set(e._name, e);

    /** @private Unregister the entities instance name. */
    inline function unregisterName(e:Entity):Void

    /** @private Calculates the squared distance between two rectangles. */
    static function squareRects(x1:Float, y1:Float, w1:Float, h1:Float, x2:Float, y2:Float, w2:Float, h2:Float):Float
        if (x1 < x2 + w2 && x2 < x1 + w1)
            if (y1 < y2 + h2 && y2 < y1 + h1) return 0;
            if (y1 > y2) return (y1 - (y2 + h2)) * (y1 - (y2 + h2));
            return (y2 - (y1 + h1)) * (y2 - (y1 + h1));
        if (y1 < y2 + h2 && y2 < y1 + h1)
            if (x1 > x2) return (x1 - (x2 + w2)) * (x1 - (x2 + w2));
            return (x2 - (x1 + w1)) * (x2 - (x1 + w1));
        if (x1 > x2)
            if (y1 > y2) return MathUtil.distanceSquared((x2 + w2), (y2 + h2), x1, y1);
            return MathUtil.distanceSquared(x2 + w2, y2, x1, y1 + h1);
        if (y1 > y2) return MathUtil.distanceSquared(x2, y2 + h2, x1 + w1, y1);
        return MathUtil.distanceSquared(x2, y2, x1 + w1, y1 + h1);

    /** @private Calculates the squared distance between a rectangle and a point. */
    static function squarePointRect(px:Float, py:Float, rx:Float, ry:Float, rw:Float, rh:Float):Float
        if (px >= rx && px <= rx + rw)
            if (py >= ry && py <= ry + rh) return 0;
            if (py > ry) return (py - (ry + rh)) * (py - (ry + rh));
            return (ry - py) * (ry - py);
        if (py >= ry && py <= ry + rh)
            if (px > rx) return (px - (rx + rw)) * (px - (rx + rw));
            return (rx - px) * (rx - px);
        if (px > rx)
            if (py > ry) return MathUtil.distanceSquared(rx + rw, ry + rh, px, py);
            return MathUtil.distanceSquared(rx + rw, ry, px, py);
        if (py > ry) return MathUtil.distanceSquared(rx, ry + rh, px, py);
        return MathUtil.distanceSquared(rx, ry, px, py);

    // Adding and removal.
    var _add:Array<Entity>;
    var _remove:Array<Entity>;
    var _recycle:Array<Entity>;

    // Update information.
    var _update:List<Entity>;

    // Render information.
    var _layerList:Array<Int>;
    var _layerDisplay:Map<Int, Bool>;
    var _layers:Map<Int, List<Entity>>;

    var _classCount:Map<String, Int>;

    var _types:Map<String, List<Entity>>;

    var _recycled:Map<String, Entity>;
    var _entityNames:Map<String, Entity>;

    static var _pooledEntityLists:Array<List<Entity>> = new Array();