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package haxepunk.assets;

import haxepunk.graphics.atlas.Atlas;
import haxepunk.graphics.atlas.AtlasData;
import haxepunk.graphics.atlas.AtlasRegion;
import haxepunk.graphics.atlas.AtlasResolutions;
import haxepunk.graphics.atlas.IAtlasRegion;
import haxepunk.graphics.atlas.TextureAtlas;
import haxepunk.graphics.atlas.TileAtlas;
import haxepunk.graphics.hardware.Texture;
import haxepunk.graphics.text.BitmapFont;
import haxepunk.graphics.text.BitmapFontAtlas;
import haxepunk.graphics.text.IBitmapFont;
using haxepunk.assets.AssetMacros;

 * An AssetCache can be used to cache and dispose of assets to control memory
 * use. Use `AssetCache.global` to cache assets permanently.
class AssetCache
    public static var global:AssetCache = new AssetCache("global");
    public static var active:Array<AssetCache> = [global];

    static var customLoaders:Map<String, CustomAssetLoader> = new Map();

    public static function addCustomLoader(name:String, loader:CustomAssetLoader)
        customLoaders[name] = loader;

    public var name:String;

    public var enabled(get, never):Bool;
    inline function get_enabled() return active.indexOf(this) > -1;

    var textures:Map<String, Texture> = new Map();
    var text:Map<String, String> = new Map();
    // TODO: abstraction for Sound type
    var sounds:Map<String, Dynamic> = new Map();
    var regions:Map<String, IAtlasRegion> = new Map();
    var bitmapFonts:Map<String, IBitmapFont> = new Map();
    var tileAtlases:Map<String, TileAtlas> = new Map();
    var atlasData:Map<String, AtlasData> = new Map();
    // custom asset types
    var custom:Map<String, Map<String, Dynamic>> = new Map();

    public function new(name:String)
        this.name = name;

    public function addTexture(id:String, texture:Texture)
        textures[id] = texture;

    public function getTexture(id:String, addRef:Bool=true):Texture
        return AssetMacros.findAsset(this, textures, otherCache.textures, id, addRef, {
            Log.info('loading texture $id into cache $name');
            var texture = AssetLoader.getTexture(id);
            if (!atlasData.exists(id))
                var data = new AtlasData(texture, id);
                addAtlasData(id, data);
                if (!regions.exists(id))
                    addAtlasRegion(id, Atlas.loadImageAsRegion(data));

    public function removeTexture(id:String)
        var texture = textures[id];
        var stillNeeded:Bool = false;
        for (cache in active)
            if (cache.textures.exists(id))
                stillNeeded = true;
        if (!stillNeeded)
            Log.info('disposing texture $id');

    public function addText(id:String, value:String)
        text[id] = value;

    public function getText(id:String, addRef:Bool=true):String
        return AssetMacros.findAsset(this, text, otherCache.text, id, addRef, AssetLoader.getText(id));

    public function removeText(id:String)

    public function addSound(id:String, sound:Dynamic)
        sounds[id] = sound;

    public function getSound(id:String, addRef:Bool=true):Dynamic
        return AssetMacros.findAsset(this, sounds, otherCache.sounds, id, addRef, AssetLoader.getSound(id));

    public function removeSound(id:String)

    public function addTileAtlas(id:String, atlas:TileAtlas)
        tileAtlases[id] = atlas;

    public function getTileAtlas(id:String, addRef:Bool=true):TileAtlas
        return AssetMacros.findAsset(this, tileAtlases, otherCache.tileAtlases, id, addRef, {
            var texture = getTexture(id);
            var atlas = new TileAtlas(texture);

    public function removeTileAtlas(id:String)

    public function addAtlasData(id:String, data:AtlasData)
        atlasData[id] = data;

    public function getAtlasData(id:String, addRef:Bool=true):AtlasData
        return AssetMacros.findAsset(this, atlasData, otherCache.atlasData, id, addRef, {
            var data = new AtlasData(getTexture(id, true), id);
            if (!regions.exists(id))
                addAtlasRegion(id, Atlas.loadImageAsRegion(data));
        }, {
            // If we add a reference to an AtlasData, get a reference to the
            // texture too.
            getTexture(id, true);

    public function removeAtlasData(id:String)

    public function addAtlasRegion(id:String, region:IAtlasRegion):Void
        regions[id] = region;

    public function getAtlasRegion(id:String, addRef:Bool=true):IAtlasRegion
        return AssetMacros.findAsset(this, regions, otherCache.regions, id, addRef, {
            var data = getAtlasData(id, true);
        }, {
            // If we add a reference to an AtlasRegion, get a reference to the
            // AtlasData too.
            getAtlasData(id, true);

    public inline function removeAtlasRegion(id:String):Void

    public function addBitmapFont(fontName:String, font:IBitmapFont)
        bitmapFonts[fontName] = font;

    public function getBitmapFont(fontName:String, addRef:Bool=true):IBitmapFont
        return AssetMacros.findAsset(this, bitmapFonts, otherCache.bitmapFonts, fontName, addRef, null);

    public function removeBitmapFont(fontName:String):Void

     * Add multiple BitmapFontAtlases to a single BitmapFont, representing
     * multiple sizes of a single font. You can then reference this font as
     * `fontName` in place of a bitmap font asset. BitmapText will
     * automatically use the most appropriate size of the font when rendering.
    public function addBitmapFontSizes(fontName:String, fonts:Array<String>, format:BitmapFontFormat=BitmapFontFormat.XML, ?extraParams:Dynamic):BitmapFont
        var bmf:BitmapFont = new BitmapFont(fontName);
        if (!bitmapFonts.exists(fontName))
            bitmapFonts[fontName] = bmf;
        var bitmapFont = bitmapFonts[fontName];
        for (font in fonts)
            bmf.addSize(BitmapFontAtlas.getFont(font, format, extraParams));
        return bmf;

     * Register multiple assets as different resolutions of a single image.
     * After calling this method, use id wherever image assets are
     * expected: `new Image(id)`. Graphics will pick the appropriate
     * resolution from the list when rendering this asset.
    public function addResolutions(id:String, assets:Array<String>):AtlasResolutions
        if (regions.exists(id))
            var resolutions:AtlasResolutions = cast regions[id];
            for (asset in assets)
                var region:AtlasRegion = cast getAtlasRegion(asset);
            return resolutions;
            var resolutions = new AtlasResolutions([for (asset in assets) Atlas.loadImageAsRegion(asset)]);
            regions[id] = resolutions;
            return resolutions;

     * Add all of the regions from a TextureAtlas to the AssetCache.
     * After calling this method, regions can be specified wherever images
     * assets are expected, e.g. `new Image("my_atlas_region")`.
    public function addTextureAtlas(atlas:TextureAtlas):Void
        for (key in atlas._regions.keys())
            regions[key] = atlas.getRegion(key);

    public function addCustom(loader:String, id:String, resource:Dynamic)
        if (!custom.exists(loader)) custom[loader] = new Map();
        custom[loader][id] = resource;

    public function getCustom(loader:String, id:String, addRef:Bool=true):Dynamic
        for (cache in active)
            if (!cache.custom.exists(loader)) cache.custom[loader] = new Map();
        return AssetMacros.findAsset(this, custom[loader], otherCache.custom[loader], id, addRef, {
            Log.info('loading custom asset $loader:$id into cache $name');
            var resource = customLoaders[loader].load(id);
            customLoaders[loader].onLoad(id, resource, this);
        }, {
            customLoaders[loader].onRef(id, cached, this, otherCache);

    public function removeCustom(loader:String, id:String, resource:Dynamic)
        if (custom.exists(loader))
            if (custom[loader].exists(id))
                var resource = custom[loader][id];
                var stillNeeded = false;
                for (cache in active)
                    if (cache.custom.exists(loader) && cache.custom[loader].exists(id))
                        stillNeeded = true;
                if (!stillNeeded)

    public function enable()
        if (!enabled)
            Log.debug('enabled asset cache $name');

    public function dispose()
        if (enabled)
            var pos = active.indexOf(this);
            Log.debug('disposing asset cache $name');
            for (key in textures.keys())