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package haxepunk.graphics.atlas;

import haxepunk.utils.BlendMode;
import haxepunk.utils.Color;
import haxepunk.graphics.shader.Shader;
import haxepunk.math.MathUtil;
import haxepunk.math.Rectangle;
import haxepunk.math.Vector2;

class AtlasRegion implements IAtlasRegion
     * If the region is rotated by 90 degress (used for sprite packing)
    public var rotated:Bool;

    public var x(get, never):Float;
    public var y(get, never):Float;
     * Width of this region
    public var width(get, never):Int;
     * Height of this region
    public var height(get, never):Int;

     * Creates a new AtlasRegion
     * @param  parent    The AtlasData parent to use for rendering
     * @param  rect      Rectangle to set for width/height
    public function new(parent:AtlasData, rect:Rectangle)
        this._parent = parent;
        this._rect = rect;
        this.rotated = false;

     * Clips an atlas region
     * @param    clipRect    A clip rectangle with coordinates local to the region
     * @param    center        The new center point
     * @return    A new atlas region with the clipped coordinates
    public function clip(clipRect:Rectangle, ?center:Vector2):AtlasRegion
        // make a copy of clipRect, to avoid modifying the original
        var clipRectCopy = clipRect.clone();

        // only clip within the current region
        if (clipRectCopy.right > _rect.width) clipRectCopy.width = _rect.width - clipRectCopy.x;
        if (clipRectCopy.bottom > _rect.height) clipRectCopy.height = _rect.height - clipRectCopy.y;

        // do not allow negative width/height
        if (clipRectCopy.width < 0) clipRectCopy.width = 0;
        if (clipRectCopy.height < 0) clipRectCopy.height = 0;

        // position clip rect where the last image was
        clipRectCopy.x += _rect.x;
        clipRectCopy.y += _rect.y;
        return _parent.createRegion(clipRectCopy, center);

     * Prepares tile data for rendering
     * @param    x            The x-axis location to draw the tile
     * @param    y            The y-axis location to draw the tile
     * @param    shader        The shader to use for drawing
     * @param    scaleX        The scale value for the x-axis
     * @param    scaleY        The scale value for the y-axis
     * @param    angle        An angle to rotate the tile in degrees
     * @param    red            A red tint value
     * @param    green        A green tint value
     * @param    blue        A blue tint value
     * @param    alpha        The tile's opacity
     * @param    smooth        Whether to draw with antialiasing
     * @param    blend        Blend mode
     * @param    clipRect    Clipping rectangle
    public inline function draw(x:Float, y:Float,
        scaleX:Float=1, scaleY:Float=1, angle:Float=0,
        color:Color=Color.White, alpha:Float=1,
        shader:Shader, smooth:Bool, blend:BlendMode, ?clipRect:Rectangle, flexibleLayer:Bool = false)
        if (rotated) angle = angle + 90;

        _parent.prepareTile(_rect, x, y,
            scaleX, scaleY, angle,
            color, alpha,
            shader, smooth, blend, clipRect, flexibleLayer);

     * Prepares tile data for rendering using a matrix
     * @param    tx            X-Axis translation
     * @param    ty            Y-Axis translation
     * @param    a            Top-left
     * @param    b            Top-right
     * @param    c            Bottom-left
     * @param    d            Bottom-right
     * @param    shader        The shader to use for drawing
     * @param    red            Red color value
     * @param    green        Green color value
     * @param    blue        Blue color value
     * @param    alpha        The tile's opacity
     * @param    smooth        Whether to draw with antialiasing
     * @param    blend        Blend mode
     * @param    clipRect    Clipping rectangle
    public inline function drawMatrix(tx:Float, ty:Float, a:Float, b:Float, c:Float, d:Float,
        color:Color=Color.White, alpha:Float=1,
        shader:Shader, smooth:Bool, blend:BlendMode, ?clipRect:Rectangle,
        flexibleLayer:Bool = false):Void
        if (rotated)
            // rotate 90 degrees by inverting values
                -ty, tx, -b, a, -d, c,
                color, alpha,
                shader, smooth, blend, clipRect, flexibleLayer
                tx, ty, a, b, c, d,
                color, alpha,
                shader, smooth, blend, clipRect

     * Prints the region as a string
     * @return    String version of the object.
    public inline function toString():String
        return "[AtlasRegion " + _rect + "]";

    inline function get_x():Float return _rect.x;
    inline function get_y():Float return _rect.y;
    inline function get_width():Int return Std.int(_rect.width);
    inline function get_height():Int return Std.int(_rect.height);

    var _rect:Rectangle;
    var _parent:AtlasData;