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package haxepunk.graphics.atlas;

import haxepunk.HXP;
import haxepunk.graphics.atlas.AtlasData;
import haxepunk.graphics.atlas.AtlasRegion;

class TileAtlas extends Atlas
     *  The number of tiles.
    public var tileCount(get, never):Int;
    inline function get_tileCount():Int return _regions.length;

     *  The width of the tiles.
    public var tileWidth(get, never):Int;
    inline function get_tileWidth():Int return _tileWidth;

     *  The height of the tiles.
    public var tileHeight(get, never):Int;
    inline function get_tileHeight():Int return _tileHeight;

     *  The horizontal margin of the tiles.
    public var tileMarginWidth(get, never):Int;
    inline function get_tileMarginWidth():Int return _tileMarginWidth;

     *  The vertical margin of the tiles.
    public var tileMarginHeight(get, never):Int;
    inline function get_tileMarginHeight():Int return _tileMarginHeight;

     * Constructor.
     * @param    source                Source texture.
     * @param    tileWidth            Width of the tiles.
     * @param    tileHeight            Height of the tiles.
     * @param    tileMarginWidth        Horizontal margin of the tiles.
     * @param    tileMarginHeight    Vertical margin of the tiles.
    public function new(source:AtlasDataType, ?tileWidth:Int, ?tileHeight:Int, tileMarginWidth:Int = 0, tileMarginHeight:Int = 0)
        _regions = new Array<AtlasRegion>();

        if (tileWidth != null && tileHeight != null)
            prepare(tileWidth, tileHeight, tileMarginWidth, tileMarginHeight);

     * Gets an atlas region based on an identifier
     * @param     index    The tile index of the region to retrieve
     * @return    The atlas region object.
    public function getRegion(index:Int):AtlasRegion
        if (index >= _regions.length)
            throw 'Atlas doesn\'t have a region number "$index"';

        return _regions[index];

     * Loads a TileAtlas from a named TextureAtlas
     * @param    textureAtlas    A TextureAtlas object to pull frames from
     * @param    regions            A list of atlas region names in the order they should be in TileAtlas
     * @return    A TileAtlas with all packed images defined as regions ordered by sprite names supplied
    public static function loadFromTextureAtlas(textureAtlas:TextureAtlas, regions:Array<String>):TileAtlas
        var atlas = new TileAtlas(textureAtlas._data);
        for (spriteName in regions)
            var region = textureAtlas.getRegion(spriteName);

        var region = atlas._regions[0];
        atlas._tileWidth = region.width;
        atlas._tileHeight = region.height;

        return atlas;

     *  Loads a TileAtlas from a region in another atlas.
     *  @param region                An AtlasRegion object to pull tiles from
     *  @param tileWidth            Width of the tiles
     *  @param tileHeight            Height of the tiles
     *  @param tileMarginWidth        Horizontal margin of the tiles
     *  @param tileMarginHeight        Vertical margin of the tiles
     *  @return A TileAtlas with all packed images defined as regions ordered like a normal tileset.
    public static function loadFromAtlasRegion(region:AtlasRegion, tileWidth:Int, tileHeight:Int, tileMarginWidth:Int=0, tileMarginHeight:Int=0):TileAtlas
        @:privateAccess var atlas = new TileAtlas(region._parent);
        atlas._tileWidth = tileWidth;
        atlas._tileHeight = tileHeight;
        atlas._tileMarginWidth = tileMarginWidth;
        atlas._tileMarginHeight = tileMarginHeight;

        var cols = Math.floor(region.width / tileWidth);
        var rows = Math.floor(region.height / tileHeight);

        HXP.rect.width = tileWidth;
        HXP.rect.height = tileHeight;

        HXP.point.x = HXP.point.y = 0;

        for (y in 0 ... rows)
            HXP.rect.y = y * (tileHeight + tileMarginHeight);

            for (x in 0 ... cols)
                HXP.rect.x = x * (tileWidth + tileMarginWidth);

                var r = region.clip(HXP.rect, HXP.point);

        return atlas;

     * Prepares the atlas for drawing.
     * @param    tileWidth    With of the tiles.
     * @param    tileHeight    Height of the tiles.
     * @param    tileMarginWidth        Tile horizontal margin.
     * @param    tileMarginHeight    Tile vertical margin.
    public function prepare(tileWidth:Int, tileHeight:Int, tileMarginWidth:Int=0, tileMarginHeight:Int=0, tileOffsetX:Int=0, tileOffsetY:Int=0)
        if (_regions.length > 0) return; // only prepare once
        if (tileWidth == 0) tileWidth = _data.width;
        if (tileHeight == 0) tileHeight = _data.height;
        Log.debug('preparing tile atlas: $tileWidth x $tileHeight, margin $tileMarginWidth x $tileMarginHeight, offset $tileOffsetX x $tileOffsetY');
        _tileWidth = tileWidth;
        _tileHeight = tileHeight;
        _tileMarginWidth = tileMarginWidth;
        _tileMarginHeight = tileMarginHeight;

        var cols:Int = Math.floor(_data.width / tileWidth);
        var rows:Int = Math.floor(_data.height / tileHeight);

        HXP.rect.width = tileWidth;
        HXP.rect.height = tileHeight;

        HXP.point.x = HXP.point.y = 0;

        for (y in 0...rows)
            HXP.rect.y = tileOffsetY + y * (tileHeight + tileMarginHeight);

            for (x in 0...cols)
                HXP.rect.x = tileOffsetX + x * (tileWidth + tileMarginWidth);

                _regions.push(_data.createRegion(HXP.rect, HXP.point));

    var _regions:Array<AtlasRegion>;
    var _tileWidth:Int = 0;
    var _tileHeight:Int = 0;
    var _tileMarginWidth:Int = 0;
    var _tileMarginHeight:Int = 0;