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package haxepunk.graphics.emitter;

import haxepunk.utils.BlendMode;
import haxepunk.HXP;
import haxepunk.Graphic;
import haxepunk.utils.Color;
import haxepunk.utils.Ease.EaseFunction;
import haxepunk.math.MathUtil;
import haxepunk.math.Random;
import haxepunk.math.Vector2;

@:generic class BaseEmitter<T:Graphic> extends Graphic
     * Amount of currently existing particles.
    public var particleCount(default, null):Int;

    public var scale:Float = 1;

    function new(source:T)
        _source = source;
        _sourceIsImage = Std.isOfType(_source, Image);
        _types = new Map<String, ParticleType>();
        active = true;
        particleCount = 0;

    override public function render(point:Vector2, camera:Camera)
        var p:Particle = _particle;

        var t:Float,

        // loop through the particles
        while (p != null)
            // get time scale
            t = p._time / p._duration;
            if (p._firstDraw)
                p._ox = point.x;
                p._oy = point.y;
                p._firstDraw = false;

            // get particle type
            type = p._type;

            _source.smooth = smooth;
            _source.flexibleLayer = flexibleLayer;
            _source.pixelSnapping = pixelSnapping;
            _source.blend = type._blendMode == null ? this.blend : type._blendMode;

            var n:Int = type._trailLength;
            while (n >= 0)
                pt = p._time - (n--) * type._trailDelay;
                t = pt / p._duration;
                if (t < 0 || pt >= p._stopTime) continue;
                td = type._ease != null ? type._ease(t) : t;
                updateParticle(p, td);
                ctd = type._colorEase != null ? type._colorEase(t) : t;
                _source.color = p.color(ctd);
                atd = type._alphaEase != null ? type._alphaEase(t) : t;
                _source.alpha = p.alpha(atd) * Math.pow(type._trailAlpha, n);
                if (_sourceIsImage)
                    var _source:Image = cast _source;
                    rtd = type._rotationEase != null ? type._rotationEase(t) : t;
                    _source.angle = p.angle(rtd);
                    std = type._scaleEase != null ? type._scaleEase(t) : t;
                    _source.scale = scale * p.scale(std);
                _source.x = p.x(td) - point.x + this.x - originX;
                _source.y = p.y(td) - point.y + this.y - originY;
                _source.render(point, camera);

            // get next particle
            p = p._next;

    function updateParticle(p:Particle, td:Float) {}

    override public function update()
        // quit if there are no particles
        if (_particle == null) return;

        // particle info
        var p:Particle = _particle,

        // loop through the particles
        while (p != null)
            p._time += HXP.elapsed; // Update particle time elapsed

            var type = p._type;
            var t = p._time / p._duration;

            if (p._time - (type._trailLength * type._trailDelay) >= p._stopTime)
                if (p._next != null) p._next._prev = p._prev;
                if (p._prev != null) p._prev._next = p._next;
                else _particle = p._next;
                n = p._next;
                p._next = _cache;
                p._prev = null;
                _cache = p;
                p = n;

            // get next particle
            p = p._next;

     * Clears all particles.
     * @since    2.5.2
    public function clear()
        // quit if there are no particles
        if (_particle == null)

        // particle info
        var p:Particle = _particle,

        // loop through the particles
        while (p != null)
            // move this particle to the cache
            n = p._next;
            p._next = _cache;
            p._prev = null;
            _cache = p;
            p = n;

        _particle = null;

     *  Resets originX/Y to 0 since there are no dimensions.
    override public function centerOrigin():Void
        originX = originY = 0;

     * Creates a new Particle type for this Emitter.
     * @param    name        Name of the particle type.
     * @param    frames        Array of frame indices for the particles to animate.
     * @return    A new ParticleType object.
    function addType(name:String, ?blendMode:BlendMode):ParticleType
        if (blendMode == null) blendMode = this.blend;
        var pt:ParticleType = _types.get(name);

        if (pt != null)
            throw "Cannot add multiple particle types of the same name";

        pt = new ParticleType(name, blendMode);
        _types.set(name, pt);

        return pt;

     * Emits a particle.
     * @param    name        Particle type to emit.
     * @param    x            X point to emit from.
     * @param    y            Y point to emit from.
     * @param    angle        Base angle to start from.
     * @return    The Particle emited.
    public function emit(name:String, x:Float = 0, y:Float = 0, angle:Float = 0):Particle
        var p:Particle, type:ParticleType = _types.get(name);

        if (type == null)
            throw "Particle type \"" + name + "\" does not exist.";

        if (_cache != null)
            p = _cache;
            _cache = p._next;
            p = new Particle();
        p._next = _particle;
        p._prev = null;
        if (p._next != null) p._next._prev = p;

        p._type = type;
        p._time = 0;
        p._duration = type._duration + type._durationRange * Random.random;
        p._stopTime = p._duration;
        p._angle = angle + type._angle + type._angleRange * Random.random;
        p._startAngle = type._startAngle + type._startAngleRange * Random.random;
        p._spanAngle = type._spanAngle + type._spanAngleRange * Random.random;
        var d:Float = type._distance + type._distanceRange * Random.random;
        p._moveX = Math.cos(p._angle * MathUtil.RAD) * d;
        p._moveY = Math.sin(p._angle * MathUtil.RAD) * d;
        p._x = x;
        p._y = y;
        p._gravity = type._gravity + type._gravityRange * Random.random;
        p._firstDraw = true;
        p._ox = p._oy = 0;
        return (_particle = p);

     * Randomly emits the particle inside the specified radius
     * @param    name        Particle type to emit.
     * @param    x            X point to emit from.
     * @param    y            Y point to emit from.
     * @param    radius        Radius to emit inside.
     * @return The Particle emited.
    public function emitInCircle(name:String, x:Float, y:Float, radius:Float):Particle
        var angle = Random.random * Math.PI * 2;
        radius *= Random.random;
        return emit(name, x + Math.cos(angle) * radius, y + Math.sin(angle) * radius);

     * Randomly emits the particle inside the specified area
     * @param    name        Particle type to emit
     * @param    x            X point to emit from.
     * @param    y            Y point to emit from.
     * @param    width        Width of the area to emit from.
     * @param    height        height of the area to emit from.
     * @return The Particle emited.
    public function emitInRectangle(name:String, x:Float, y:Float, width:Float, height:Float):Particle
        return emit(name, x + Random.random * width, y + Random.random * height);

     * Defines the motion range for a particle type.
     * @param    name            The particle type.
     * @param    angle            Launch Direction.
     * @param    distance        Distance to travel.
     * @param    duration        Particle duration.
     * @param    angleRange        Random amount to add to the particle's direction.
     * @param    distanceRange    Random amount to add to the particle's distance.
     * @param    durationRange    Random amount to add to the particle's duration.
     * @param    ease            Optional ease function.
     * @param    backwards        If the motion should be played backwards.
     * @return    This ParticleType object.
    public function setMotion(name:String, angle:Float, distance:Float, duration:Float, angleRange:Float = 0, distanceRange:Float = 0, durationRange:Float = 0, ?ease:EaseFunction, backwards:Bool = false):ParticleType
        var pt:ParticleType = _types.get(name);
        if (pt == null) return null;
        return pt.setMotion(angle, distance, duration, angleRange, distanceRange, durationRange, ease, backwards);

     * Sets the gravity range for a particle type.
     * @param    name              The particle type.
     * @param    gravity          Gravity amount to affect to the particle y velocity.
     * @param    gravityRange    Random amount to add to the particle's gravity.
     * @return    This ParticleType object.
    public function setGravity(name:String, ?gravity:Float = 0, ?gravityRange:Float = 0):ParticleType
        return _types.get(name).setGravity(gravity, gravityRange);

     * Sets the alpha range of the particle type.
     * @param    name        The particle type.
     * @param    start        The starting alpha.
     * @param    finish        The finish alpha.
     * @param    ease        Optional easer function.
     * @return    This ParticleType object.
    public function setAlpha(name:String, start:Float = 1, finish:Float = 0, ?ease:EaseFunction):ParticleType
        var pt:ParticleType = _types.get(name);
        if (pt == null) return null;
        return pt.setAlpha(start, finish, ease);

     * Sets the scale range of the particle type.
     * @param    name        The particle type.
     * @param    start        The starting scale.
     * @param    finish        The finish scale.
     * @param    ease        Optional easer function.
     * @return    This ParticleType object.
     * @since    2.6.0
    public function setScale(name:String, start:Float = 1, finish:Float = 0, ?ease:EaseFunction):ParticleType
        var pt:ParticleType = _types.get(name);
        if (pt == null) return null;
        return pt.setScale(start, finish, ease);

     * Defines the rotation range for a particle type.
     * @param    name    The particle type.
     * @param    startAngle    Starting angle.
     * @param    spanAngle    Total amount of degrees to rotate.
     * @param    startAngleRange    Random amount to add to the particle's starting angle.
     * @param    spanAngleRange    Random amount to add to the particle's span angle.
     * @param    ease    Optional easer function.
     * @since    2.6.0
     * @return    This ParticleType object.
    public function setRotation(name:String, startAngle:Float, spanAngle:Float, startAngleRange:Float = 0, spanAngleRange:Float = 0, ?ease:EaseFunction):ParticleType
        var pt:ParticleType = _types.get(name);
        if (pt == null) return null;
        return pt.setRotation(startAngle, spanAngle, startAngleRange, spanAngleRange, ease);

     * Sets the trail of the particle type.
     * @param    name        The particle type.
     * @param    length        Number of trailing particles to draw.
     * @param    delay        Time to delay each trailing particle, in seconds.
     * @param    alpha        Multiply each successive trail particle's alpha by this amount.
     * @since    2.6.0
     * @return    This ParticleType object.
    public function setTrail(name:String, length:Int = 1, delay:Float = 0.1, alpha:Float=1):ParticleType
        var pt:ParticleType = _types.get(name);
        if (pt == null) return null;
        return pt.setTrail(length, delay, alpha);

     * Sets the color range of the particle type.
     * @param    name        The particle type.
     * @param    start        The starting color.
     * @param    finish        The finish color.
     * @param    ease        Optional easer function.
     * @return    This ParticleType object.
    public function setColor(name:String, start:Color = Color.White, finish:Color = Color.Black, ?ease:EaseFunction):ParticleType
        var pt:ParticleType = _types.get(name);
        if (pt == null) return null;
        return pt.setColor(start, finish, ease);

    // Particle information.
    var _source:T;
    var _sourceIsImage:Bool;
    var _types:Map<String, ParticleType>;
    var _particle:Particle;
    var _cache:Particle;