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package haxepunk.graphics.hardware;

#if js
#if haxe4
import js.lib.Int32Array;
import js.html.Int32Array;
import haxepunk.graphics.hardware.opengl.GL;
import haxepunk.graphics.hardware.opengl.GLBuffer;
import haxepunk.graphics.hardware.opengl.GLUtils;
import haxepunk.graphics.shader.Shader.Attribute;

class RenderBuffer
    static inline var INITIAL_SIZE:Int = 100;

    static inline function resize(length:Int, minChunks:Int, chunkSize:Int)
        return Std.int(Math.max(
            Std.int(length * 2 / chunkSize),
        ) * chunkSize);

    public var buffer:Float32Array;
    public var glBuffer:GLBuffer;

    public var length(get, never):Int;
    inline function get_length() return buffer.length;

    #if js
    var intArray:Int32Array;

    #if cpp
    var bytesData:haxe.io.BytesData;

    var byteOffset:Int;

    public function new()

    public function init()
        glBuffer = GL.createBuffer();

    function bufferData(target, size, srcData, usage)
        #if (html5 && lime >= "5.0.0")
        GL.bufferDataWEBGL(target, srcData, usage);
        #elseif (lime >= "4.0.0")
        GL.bufferData(target, size, srcData, usage);
        GL.bufferData(target, srcData, usage);

    public function ensureSize(triangles:Int, floatsPerTriangle:Int)
        if (GLUtils.invalid(glBuffer))
            buffer = null;
        var bufferLength = buffer == null ? 0 : buffer.length;
        if (bufferLength < triangles * floatsPerTriangle)
            buffer = new Float32Array(resize(bufferLength, triangles, floatsPerTriangle));
            #if js
            intArray = new Int32Array(buffer.buffer);

            bufferData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer.length * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, buffer, GL.DYNAMIC_DRAW);

    public function use()
        GL.bindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, glBuffer);
#if cpp
        byteOffset = buffer.byteOffset;
        bytesData = buffer.buffer.getData();
        byteOffset = 0;

    public inline function addFloat(v:Float)
#if cpp
        var bytesData = bytesData;
        var offset = byteOffset; // helps hxcpp generator
        untyped __global__.__hxcpp_memory_set_float(bytesData, offset, v);
        byteOffset = offset + 4;
        buffer[byteOffset] = v;
        byteOffset += 1;

    public inline function addVec(x:Float, y:Float)
#if cpp
        var bytesData = bytesData;
        var offset = byteOffset; // helps hxcpp generator
        untyped __global__.__hxcpp_memory_set_float(bytesData, offset, x);
        untyped __global__.__hxcpp_memory_set_float(bytesData, offset+4, y);
        byteOffset = offset + 8;
        buffer[byteOffset] = x;
        buffer[byteOffset + 1] = y;
        byteOffset += 2;

    public inline function addInt(value:Int)
#if cpp
        untyped __global__.__hxcpp_memory_set_ui32(bytesData, byteOffset, value);
        byteOffset += 4;
#elseif js
        intArray[byteOffset] = value;
        byteOffset += 1;
        buffer.buffer.setInt32(byteOffset * 4, value);
        byteOffset += 1;

     * Add vertex attribute data, at the end of the DrawCommand. While position, texture coords
     * and color are interleaved, custom vertex attrib data is at the end of the buffer to speed
     * up construction.
    public inline function addVertexAttribData(attribs:Array<Attribute>, nbVertices:Int)
        for (attrib in attribs)
            var attribData = attrib.data;
            for (k in 0 ... nbVertices * attrib.valuesPerElement)

    public inline function updateGraphicsCard()
        #if (html5 && lime >= "5.0.0")
        GL.bufferSubDataWEBGL(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, buffer);
        #elseif (lime >= "4.0.0")
        GL.bufferSubData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, length * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, buffer);
        GL.bufferSubData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, buffer);

    // Add DrawCommand triangle position only
    public function prepareVertexOnly(drawCommand:DrawCommand)
        for (tri in drawCommand.triangles)
            addVec(tri.tx1, tri.ty1);
            addVec(tri.tx2, tri.ty2);
            addVec(tri.tx3, tri.ty3);

    public function prepareVertexAndColor(drawCommand:DrawCommand)
        var triangleColor:UInt = 0;
        for (tri in drawCommand.triangles)
            triangleColor = tri.color.withAlpha(tri.alpha);

            addVec(tri.tx1, tri.ty1);

            addVec(tri.tx2, tri.ty2);

            addVec(tri.tx3, tri.ty3);

    public function prepareVertexAndUV(drawCommand:DrawCommand)
        for (tri in drawCommand.triangles)
            addVec(tri.tx1, tri.ty1);
            addVec(tri.uvx1, tri.uvy1);

            addVec(tri.tx2, tri.ty2);
            addVec(tri.uvx2, tri.uvy2);

            addVec(tri.tx3, tri.ty3);
            addVec(tri.uvx3, tri.uvy3);

    public function prepareVertexUVandColor(drawCommand:DrawCommand)
        var triangleColor:UInt = 0;
        for (tri in drawCommand.triangles)
            triangleColor = tri.color.withAlpha(tri.alpha);

            addVec(tri.tx1, tri.ty1);
            addVec(tri.uvx1, tri.uvy1);

            addVec(tri.tx2, tri.ty2);
            addVec(tri.uvx2, tri.uvy2);

            addVec(tri.tx3, tri.ty3);
            addVec(tri.uvx3, tri.uvy3);