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package haxepunk.graphics.tile;

import haxepunk.math.Rectangle;
import haxepunk.Graphic;
import haxepunk.graphics.atlas.TileAtlas;
import haxepunk.masks.Grid;
import haxepunk.math.Vector2;

 * A rendered grid of tiles.
class Tilemap extends Graphic
     * If x/y positions should be used instead of columns/rows.
    public var usePositions:Bool;

     * Rotation of the tilemap, in degrees.
    public var angle:Float = 0;

     * Scale of the tilemap, effects both x and y scale.
    public var scale:Float = 1;

     * X scale of the tilemap.
    public var scaleX:Float = 1;

     * Y scale of the tilemap.
    public var scaleY:Float = 1;

     * Width of the tilemap.
    public var width(default, null):Int;

     * Height of the tilemap.
    public var height(default, null):Int;

     * Constructor.
     * @param    tileset                The source tileset image.
     * @param    width                Width of the tilemap, in pixels.
     * @param    height                Height of the tilemap, in pixels.
     * @param    tileWidth            Tile width.
     * @param    tileHeight            Tile height.
     * @param    tileMarginWidth        Tile horizontal spacing.
     * @param    tileMarginHeight    Tile vertical spacing.
    public function new(tileset:TileType, width:Int, height:Int, ?tileWidth:Int, ?tileHeight:Int, tileMarginWidth:Int=0, tileMarginHeight:Int=0, tileOffsetX:Int=0, tileOffsetY:Int=0)
        // set some tilemap information

        // load the tileset graphic
        _atlas = tileset;

        if (_atlas == null)
            throw "Invalid tileset graphic provided.";

        // prepare the tileset if needed
        if (_atlas.tileWidth == 0 || _atlas.tileHeight == 0)
            if (tileWidth == null || tileHeight == null)
                throw "Invalid tileset graphic provided.\nThe tileset must be prepared or valid tile dimensions must be passed to the Tilemap constructor.";
                _atlas.prepare(tileWidth, tileHeight, tileMarginWidth, tileMarginHeight, tileOffsetX, tileOffsetY);
            tileWidth = _atlas.tileWidth;
            tileHeight = _atlas.tileHeight;

        this.width = width - (width % tileWidth);
        this.height = height - (height % tileHeight);
        _columns = Std.int(this.width / tileWidth);
        _rows = Std.int(this.height / tileHeight);

        if (_columns == 0 || _rows == 0)
            throw "Cannot create a texture of width/height = 0";

        _maxWidth -= _maxWidth % tileWidth;
        _maxHeight -= _maxHeight % tileHeight;

        // initialize map
        _map = new Array<Array<Int>>();
        for (y in 0..._rows)
            _map[y] = new Array<Int>();
            for (x in 0..._columns)
                _map[y][x] = -1;

        pixelSnapping = true;

     * Sets the index of the tile at the position.
     * @param    column        Tile column.
     * @param    row            Tile row.
     * @param    index        Tile index from the tileset to show. (Or -1 to show the tile as blank.)
    public function setTile(column:Int, row:Int, index:Int = 0)
        if (usePositions)
            column = Std.int(column / tileWidth);
            row = Std.int(row / tileHeight);
        if (index > -1) index %= tileCount;
        column %= _columns;
        row %= _rows;
        _map[row][column] = index;


     * Clears the tile at the position.
     * @param    column        Tile column.
     * @param    row            Tile row.
    public function clearTile(column:Int, row:Int)
        setTile(column, row, -1);

     * Gets the tile index at the position.
     * @param    column        Tile column.
     * @param    row            Tile row.
     * @return    The tile index.
    public function getTile(column:Int, row:Int):Int
        if (usePositions)
            column = Std.int(column / tileWidth);
            row = Std.int(row / tileHeight);
        return _map[row % _rows][column % _columns];

     * Sets a rectangular region of tiles to the index.
     * @param    column        First tile column.
     * @param    row            First tile row.
     * @param    width        Width in tiles.
     * @param    height        Height in tiles.
     * @param    index        Tile index.
    public function setRect(column:Int, row:Int, width:Int = 1, height:Int = 1, index:Int = 0)
        if (usePositions)
            column = Std.int(column / tileWidth);
            row = Std.int(row / tileHeight);
            width = Std.int(width / tileWidth);
            height = Std.int(height / tileHeight);
        column %= _columns;
        row %= _rows;
        var c:Int = column,
            r:Int = column + width,
            b:Int = row + height,
            u:Bool = usePositions;
        usePositions = false;
        while (row < b)
            while (column < r)
                setTile(column, row, index);
            column = c;
        usePositions = u;

     * Clears the rectangular region of tiles.
     * @param    column        First tile column.
     * @param    row            First tile row.
     * @param    width        Width in tiles.
     * @param    height        Height in tiles.
    public function clearRect(column:Int, row:Int, width:Int = 1, height:Int = 1)
        if (usePositions)
            column = Std.int(column / tileWidth);
            row = Std.int(row / tileHeight);
            width = Std.int(width / tileWidth);
            height = Std.int(height / tileHeight);
        column %= _columns;
        row %= _rows;
        var c:Int = column,
            r:Int = column + width,
            b:Int = row + height,
            u:Bool = usePositions;
        usePositions = false;
        while (row < b)
            while (column < r)
                clearTile(column, row);
            column = c;
        usePositions = u;

     * Set the tiles from an array.
     * The array must be of the same size as the Tilemap.
     * @param    array    The array to load from.
    public function loadFrom2DArray(array:Array<Array<Int>>):Void
        for (y in 0...array.length)
            for (x in 0...array[y].length)
                setTile(x, y, array[y][x]);

    * Loads the Tilemap tile index data from a string.
    * The implicit array should not be bigger than the Tilemap.
    * @param str            The string data, which is a set of tile values separated by the columnSep and rowSep strings.
    * @param columnSep        The string that separates each tile value on a row, default is ",".
    * @param rowSep            The string that separates each row of tiles, default is "\n".
    public function loadFromString(str:String, columnSep:String = ",", rowSep:String = "\n")
        var row:Array<String> = str.split(rowSep),
            rows:Int = row.length,
            col:Array<String>, cols:Int, x:Int, y:Int;
        for (y in 0...rows)
            if (row[y] == '') continue;
            col = row[y].split(columnSep);
            cols = col.length;
            for (x in 0...cols)
                if (col[x] != '')
                    setTile(x, y, Std.parseInt(col[x]));

    * Saves the Tilemap tile index data to a string.
    * @param columnSep        The string that separates each tile value on a row, default is ",".
    * @param rowSep            The string that separates each row of tiles, default is "\n".
    * @return    The string version of the array.
    public function saveToString(columnSep:String = ",", rowSep:String = "\n"): String
        var s:String = '',
            x:Int, y:Int;
        for (y in 0..._rows)
            for (x in 0..._columns)
                s += Std.string(getTile(x, y));
                if (x != _columns - 1) s += columnSep;
            if (y != _rows - 1) s += rowSep;
        return s;

     * Shifts all the tiles in the tilemap.
     * @param    columns        Horizontal shift.
     * @param    rows        Vertical shift.
     * @param    wrap        If tiles shifted off the canvas should wrap around to the other side.
    public function shiftTiles(columns:Int, rows:Int, wrap:Bool = false)
        if (usePositions)
            columns = Std.int(columns / tileWidth);
            rows = Std.int(rows / tileHeight);

        if (columns != 0)
            for (y in 0..._rows)
                var row = _map[y];
                if (columns > 0)
                    for (x in 0...columns)
                        var tile:Int = row.pop();
                        if (wrap) row.unshift(tile);
                    for (x in 0...Std.int(Math.abs(columns)))
                        var tile:Int = row.shift();
                        if (wrap) row.push(tile);
            _columns = _map[Std.int(y)].length;


        if (rows != 0)
            if (rows > 0)
                for (y in 0...rows)
                    var row:Array<Int> = _map.pop();
                    if (wrap) _map.unshift(row);
                for (y in 0...Std.int(Math.abs(rows)))
                    var row:Array<Int> = _map.shift();
                    if (wrap) _map.push(row);
            _rows = _map.length;

     *  Centers the origin of the tilemap based on it's full width/height.
    override public function centerOrigin():Void
        originX = width * 0.5;
        originY = height * 0.5;

    override public function render(point:Vector2, camera:Camera)
        var fullScaleX:Float = camera.screenScaleX,
            fullScaleY:Float = camera.screenScaleY;

        // determine drawing location
        _point.x = point.x + x - originX - camera.x * scrollX;
        _point.y = point.y + y - originY - camera.y * scrollY;

        var scx = scale * scaleX,
            scy = scale * scaleY,
            tw = tileWidth * scx,
            th = tileHeight * scy;

        // determine start and end tiles to draw (optimization)
        var startx = Math.floor(-_point.x / tw),
            starty = Math.floor(-_point.y / th),
            destx = startx + 1 + Math.ceil(HXP.width / camera.scale / camera.scaleX / tw),
            desty = starty + 1 + Math.ceil(HXP.height / camera.scale / camera.scaleY / th);

        // nothing will render if we're completely off screen
        if (startx > _columns || starty > _rows || destx < 0 || desty < 0)

        // clamp values to boundaries
        if (startx < 0) startx = 0;
        if (destx > _columns) destx = _columns;
        if (starty < 0) starty = 0;
        if (desty > _rows) desty = _rows;

        var wx:Float, wy:Float, nx:Float, ny:Float,
            tile:Int = 0;

        _point.x *= fullScaleX;
        _point.y *= fullScaleY;
        for (y in starty...desty)
            for (x in startx...destx)
                tile = _map[y % _rows][x % _columns];
                if (tile >= 0)
                        tile, x, y,
                        _point.x + x * tw * fullScaleX,
                        _point.y + y * th * fullScaleY,
                        scx * fullScaleX, scy * fullScaleY

    override public function pixelPerfectRender(point:Vector2, camera:Camera)
        var fullScaleX:Float = camera.screenScaleX,
            fullScaleY:Float = camera.screenScaleY;

        var scx = scale * scaleX,
            scy = scale * scaleY,
            tw = tileWidth * scx,
            th = tileHeight * scy;

        // determine drawing location
        _point.x = point.x + floorX(camera, x) - floorX(camera, originX * scx) - floorX(camera, camera.x * scrollX);
        _point.y = point.y + floorY(camera, y) - floorY(camera, originY * scy) - floorY(camera, camera.y * scrollY);

        // determine start and end tiles to draw (optimization)
        var startx = Math.floor(-_point.x / tw),
            starty = Math.floor(-_point.y / th),
            destx = startx + 1 + Math.ceil(HXP.width / camera.scale / camera.scaleX / tw),
            desty = starty + 1 + Math.ceil(HXP.height / camera.scale / camera.scaleY / th);

        // nothing will render if we're completely off screen
        if (startx > _columns || starty > _rows || destx < 0 || desty < 0)

        // clamp values to boundaries
        if (startx < 0) startx = 0;
        if (destx > _columns) destx = _columns;
        if (starty < 0) starty = 0;
        if (desty > _rows) desty = _rows;

        var wx:Float, wy:Float, nx:Float, ny:Float,
            tile:Int = 0;

        _point.x *= fullScaleX;
        _point.y *= fullScaleY;
        wy = floorY(camera, starty * th) * fullScaleY;
        for (y in starty...desty)
            ny = floorY(camera, (y + 1) * th) * fullScaleY;
            // ensure no vertical overlap between this and next tile
            scy = (ny - wy) / tileHeight;
            wx = floorX(camera, startx * tw) * fullScaleX;

            for (x in startx...destx)
                nx = floorX(camera, (x + 1) * tw) * fullScaleX;
                tile = _map[y % _rows][x % _columns];
                if (tile >= 0)
                    // ensure no horizontal overlap between this and next tile
                    scx = (nx - wx) / tileWidth;
                    drawTile(tile, x, y, _point.x + wx, _point.y + wy, scx, scy);
                wx = nx;

            wy = ny;

    function drawTile(tile:Int, tx:Int, ty:Int, x:Float, y:Float, scx:Float, scy:Float)
        var region = _atlas.getRegion(tile);
            x, y,
            scx, scy, 0,
            color, alpha,
            shader, smooth, blend

     * Create a Grid object from this tilemap.
     * @param solidTiles    Array of tile indexes that should be solid.
     * @param grid            A grid to use instead of creating a new one, the function won't check if the grid is of correct dimension.
     * @return The grid with a tile solid if the tile index is in [solidTiles].
    public function createGrid(solidTiles:Array<Int>, ?grid:Grid)
        if (grid == null)
            grid = new Grid(width, height, Std.int(tileWidth), Std.int(tileHeight));

        for (y in 0..._rows)
            for (x in 0..._columns)
                if (solidTiles.indexOf(getTile(x, y)) != -1)
                    grid.setTile(x, y, true);

        return grid;

    /** @private Used by shiftTiles to update a tile from the tilemap. */
    function updateTile(column:Int, row:Int)
        setTile(column, row, _map[row % _rows][column % _columns]);

     * The tile width.
    public var tileWidth(get, never):Int;
    inline function get_tileWidth():Int return _atlas.tileWidth;

     * The tile height.
    public var tileHeight(get, never):Int;
    inline function get_tileHeight():Int return _atlas.tileHeight;

     * The tile horizontal margin of tile.
    public var tileMarginWidth(get, never):Int;
    inline function get_tileMarginWidth():Int return _atlas.tileMarginWidth;

     * The tile vertical margin of tile.
    public var tileMarginHeight(default, null):Int;
    inline function get_tileMarginHeight():Int return _atlas.tileMarginHeight;

     * How many tiles the tilemap has.
    public var tileCount(get, never):Int;
    inline function get_tileCount():Int return _atlas.tileCount;

     * How many columns the tilemap has.
    public var columns(get, null):Int;
    inline function get_columns():Int return _columns;

     * How many rows the tilemap has.
    public var rows(get, null):Int;
    inline function get_rows():Int return _rows;

    // Tilemap information.
    var _map:Array<Array<Int>>;
    var _columns:Int;
    var _rows:Int;

    var _maxWidth:Int = 4000;
    var _maxHeight:Int = 4000;

    // Tileset information.
    var _atlas:TileAtlas;