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package haxepunk.input;

import haxepunk.HXP;
import haxepunk.Signal;
import haxepunk.math.Vector2;
import haxepunk.input.gamepad.GamepadAxis;
import haxepunk.input.gamepad.GamepadButton;
import haxepunk.input.gamepad.GamepadType;

typedef GamepadID = Int;

abstract JoyButtonState(Int) from Int to Int
    var BUTTON_ON = 1;
    var BUTTON_OFF = 0;
    var BUTTON_PRESSED = 2;
    var BUTTON_RELEASED = -1;

typedef AxisDefinition =
    var axis:GamepadAxis;
    var minValue:Float;
    var maxValue:Float;
    var input:InputType;

 * A gamepad.
class Gamepad
     * Determines the gamepad's deadZone. Anything under this value will be considered 0 to prevent jitter.
    public static var deadZone:Float = 0.15;

    public static var gamepads:Map<Int, Gamepad> = new Map<Int, Gamepad>();
    public static var onConnect:Signal1<Gamepad> = new Signal1();
    public static var onDisconnect:Signal1<Gamepad> = new Signal1();

    public static function getController(guid:String)
        return GamepadType.get(guid);

     * Returns a gamepad object, or null if none exists at this ID.
     * @param  id The id of the gamepad, starting with 0
     * @return    A Gamepad object
    public static function gamepad(id:GamepadID):Null<Gamepad>
        return gamepads.get(id);

     * Returns the number of connected gamepads
    public static var gamepadCount(default, null):Int = 0;

    public var name:String = "???";
    public var guid:String = "???";
    public var id:Int = 0;

     * If the gamepad is currently connected.
    public var connected:Bool = true;

     * A map of buttons and their states
    public var buttons:Map<Int, JoyButtonState> = new Map();
     * Each axis contained in an array.
    public var axis(null, default):Map<Int, Float> = new Map();
    var lastAxis:Map<Int, Float> = new Map();
     * A Point containing the gamepad's hat value.
    public var hat:Vector2 = new Vector2();

     * A GamepadType which will be used to map inputs from this
     * device to standard GamepadButton codes. If null, the raw button codes
     * will be used instead.
    public var type:Null<GamepadType> = null;

     * Creates and initializes a new Gamepad.
    function new(id:Int)
        this.id = id;

    public function update():Void {}

     * Updates the gamepad's state.
    public function postUpdate():Void
        for (button in _allButtons)
            switch (buttons.get(button))
                case BUTTON_PRESSED:
                    buttons.set(button, BUTTON_ON);
                case BUTTON_RELEASED:
                    buttons.set(button, BUTTON_OFF);
        for (axis in _allAxes)
            lastAxis[axis] = this.axis[axis];

    public function defineButton(input:InputType, buttons:Array<GamepadButton>)
        // undefine any pre-existing button mappings
        if (_control.exists(input))
            for (button in _control[input])
        _control.set(input, buttons);
        for (button in buttons)
            if (!_buttonMap.exists(button)) _buttonMap[button] = new Array();
            if (_buttonMap[button].indexOf(input) < 0) _buttonMap[button].push(input);

    public function defineAxis(input:InputType, axis:GamepadAxis, minValue:Float=0, maxValue:Float=1)
        if (minValue > maxValue)
            var swap = maxValue;
            maxValue = minValue;
            minValue = swap;
        if (!_axisControl.exists(input))
            _axisControl[input] = new Array();
        var def = {
            axis: axis,
            minValue: minValue,
            maxValue: maxValue,
            input: input
        if (!_axisMap.exists(axis)) _axisMap[axis] = new Array();
        if (_axisMap[axis].indexOf(def) < 0) _axisMap[axis].push(def);

    public function checkInput(input:InputType)
        if (_control.exists(input))
            for (button in _control[input])
                if (check(button)) return true;
        if (_axisControl.exists(input))
            for (axisDef in _axisControl[input])
                if (checkAxis(axisDef)) return true;
        return false;

    public function pressedInput(input:InputType)
        if (_control.exists(input))
            for (button in _control[input])
                if (pressed(button)) return true;
        if (_axisControl.exists(input))
            for (axisDef in _axisControl[input])
                if (pressedAxis(axisDef)) return true;
        return false;

    public function releasedInput(input:InputType)
        if (_control.exists(input))
            for (button in _control[input])
                if (released(button)) return true;
        if (_axisControl.exists(input))
            for (axisDef in _axisControl[input])
                if (releasedAxis(axisDef)) return true;
        return false;

    public function pressed(button:GamepadButton):Bool
        return buttons.exists(button) && buttons.get(button) == BUTTON_PRESSED;

     * If the gamepad button was released this frame.
     * Omit argument to check for any button.
     * @param  button The button index to check.
    public function released(button:GamepadButton):Bool
        return buttons.exists(button) && buttons.get(button) == BUTTON_RELEASED;

     * If the gamepad button is held down.
     * Omit argument to check for any button.
     * @param  button The button index to check.
    public function check(button:GamepadButton):Bool
        return buttons.exists(button) && buttons[button] != BUTTON_OFF && buttons[button] != BUTTON_RELEASED;

    public function pressedAxis(axisDef:AxisDefinition):Bool
        return checkAxis(axisDef) && !checkLastAxis(axisDef);

    public function releasedAxis(axisDef:AxisDefinition):Bool
        return checkLastAxis(axisDef) && !checkAxis(axisDef);

    public inline function checkAxis(axisDef:AxisDefinition):Bool
        return axis.exists(axisDef.axis) && axis[axisDef.axis] >= axisDef.minValue && axis[axisDef.axis] <= axisDef.maxValue;

    inline function checkLastAxis(axisDef:AxisDefinition):Bool
        return lastAxis.exists(axisDef.axis) && lastAxis[axisDef.axis] >= axisDef.minValue && lastAxis[axisDef.axis] <= axisDef.maxValue;

     * Returns the axis value (from 0 to 1)
     * @param  a The axis index to retrieve starting at 0
    public inline function getAxis(a:Int):Float
        if (!axis.exists(a)) return 0;
        else return (Math.abs(axis[a]) < deadZone) ? 0 : axis[a];

    function onButtonUp(rawId:Int)
        var id = type == null ? rawId : type.mapButton(rawId);
        Log.debug('Button up: $rawId -> $id');
        buttons.set(id, BUTTON_RELEASED);
        if (_buttonMap.exists(id)) for (inputType in _buttonMap[id]) Input.triggerRelease(inputType);

    function onButtonDown(rawId:Int)
        var id = type == null ? rawId : type.mapButton(rawId);
        Log.debug('Button down: $rawId -> $id');
        if (!buttons.exists(id)) _allButtons.push(id);
        buttons.set(id, BUTTON_PRESSED);
        if (_buttonMap.exists(id)) for (inputType in _buttonMap[id]) Input.triggerPress(inputType);

    function onAxisMove(rawAxis:Int, v:Float):Void
        var axis = type == null ? rawAxis : type.mapButton(rawAxis);
        if (Math.abs(v) < deadZone) v = 0;
        if (!this.axis.exists(axis)) _allAxes.push(axis);
        this.axis[axis] = v;
        if (_axisMap.exists(axis))
            for (axisDef in _axisMap[axis])
                if (v >= axisDef.minValue && v <= axisDef.maxValue) Input.triggerPress(axisDef.input);
                else if (lastAxis[axis] >= axisDef.minValue && lastAxis[axis] <= axisDef.maxValue) Input.triggerRelease(axisDef.input);

    var _control:Map<InputType, Array<GamepadButton>> = new Map();
    var _buttonMap:Map<GamepadButton, Array<InputType>> = new Map();
    var _allButtons:Array<GamepadButton> = new Array();
    var _axisControl:Map<InputType, Array<AxisDefinition>> = new Map();
    var _axisMap:Map<GamepadAxis, Array<AxisDefinition>> = new Map();
    var _allAxes:Array<GamepadButton> = new Array();