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package haxepunk.math;

 * This class is for math utility functions previously stored in HXP.
 * @since    4.0.0
class MathUtil
    public static var NUMBER_MAX_VALUE(get,never):Float;
    public static inline function get_NUMBER_MAX_VALUE():Float { return 179 * Math.pow(10, 306); } // 1.79e+308

    // Used for rad-to-deg and deg-to-rad conversion.
    public static var DEG(get, never):Float;
    public static inline function get_DEG(): Float { return -180 / Math.PI; }
    public static var RAD(get, never):Float;
    public static inline function get_RAD(): Float { return Math.PI / -180; }

    public static inline var INT_MIN_VALUE = -2147483648;
    public static inline var INT_MAX_VALUE = 2147483647;
    public static inline var PI = 3.14159265358979323;
    public static inline var EPSILON = 1e-10;

     * Finds the sign of the provided value.
     * @param    value        The Float to evaluate.
     * @return    1 if value > 0, -1 if value < 0, and 0 when value == 0.
    public static inline function sign(value:Float):Int
        return value < 0 ? -1 : (value > 0 ? 1 : 0);

     * Approaches the value towards the target, by the specified amount, without overshooting the target.
     * @param    value    The starting value.
     * @param    target    The target that you want value to approach.
     * @param    amount    How much you want the value to approach target by.
     * @return    The new value.
    public static inline function approach(value:Float, target:Float, amount:Float):Float
        if (value < target - amount)
            return value + amount;
        else if (value > target + amount)
            return value - amount;
            return target;

     * Linear interpolation between two values.
     * @param    a        First value.
     * @param    b        Second value.
     * @param    t        Interpolation factor.
     * @return    When t=0, returns a. When t=1, returns b. When t=0.5, will return halfway between a and b. Etc.
    public static inline function lerp(a:Float, b:Float, t:Float = 1):Float
        return a + (b - a) * t;

     * Linear interpolation between two values. Result rounded to an integer.
     * @param    a        First value.
     * @param    b        Second value.
     * @param    t        Interpolation factor.
     * @return    When t=0, returns a. When t=1, returns b. When t=0.5, will return halfway between a and b. Etc.
    public static inline function ilerp(a:Int, b:Int, t:Float = 1):Int
        return Std.int(Math.round(lerp(a, b, t)));

     * Steps the object towards a point.
     * @param    object        Object to move (must have an x and y property).
     * @param    x            X position to step towards.
     * @param    y            Y position to step towards.
     * @param    distance    The distance to step (will not overshoot target).
    public static function stepTowards(object:Vector2, x:Float, y:Float, distance:Float = 1)
        point.x = x - object.x;
        point.y = y - object.y;
        if (point.length <= distance)
            object.x = x;
            object.y = y;
        object.x += point.x;
        object.y += point.y;

     * Anchors the object to a position.
     * @param    object        The object to anchor.
     * @param    anchor        The anchor object.
     * @param    distance    The max distance object can be anchored to the anchor.
    public static inline function anchorTo(object:Vector2, anchor:Vector2, distance:Float = 0)
        point.x = object.x - anchor.x;
        point.y = object.y - anchor.y;
        if (point.length > distance) point.normalize(distance);
        object.x = anchor.x + point.x;
        object.y = anchor.y + point.y;

     * Finds the angle (in degrees) from point 1 to point 2.
     * @param    x1        The first x-position.
     * @param    y1        The first y-position.
     * @param    x2        The second x-position.
     * @param    y2        The second y-position.
     * @return    The angle from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2).
    public static inline function angle(x1:Float, y1:Float, x2:Float, y2:Float):Float
        var a:Float = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * DEG;
        return a < 0 ? a + 360 : a;

     * Sets the x/y values of the provided object to a vector of the specified angle and length.
     * @param    object        The object whose x/y properties should be set.
     * @param    angle        The angle of the vector, in degrees.
     * @param    length        The distance to the vector from (0, 0).
     * @param    x            X offset.
     * @param    y            Y offset.
    public static inline function angleXY(object:Vector2, angle:Float, length:Float = 1, x:Float = 0, y:Float = 0)
        angle *= RAD;
        object.x = Math.cos(angle) * length + x;
        object.y = Math.sin(angle) * length + y;

     * Get difference between two angles. Result will be between -180 and 180.
     * @param    angle1    First angle, in degrees.
     * @param    angle2    Second angle, in degrees.
     * @return    The angle difference, in degrees.
    public static inline function angleDifference(angle1:Float, angle2:Float):Float
        var diff:Float = angle2 - angle1;
        while (diff < -180) diff += 360;
        while (diff > 180) diff -= 360;
        return diff;

     * Rotates the object around the anchor by the specified amount.
     * @param    object        Object to rotate around the anchor.
     * @param    anchor        Anchor to rotate around.
     * @param    angle        The amount of degrees to rotate by.
     * @param    relative    If the angle is relative to the angle between the object and the anchor.
    public static inline function rotateAround(object:Vector2, anchor:Vector2, angle:Float = 0, relative:Bool = true)
        if (relative) angle += MathUtil.angle(anchor.x, anchor.y, object.x, object.y);
        angleXY(object, angle, distance(anchor.x, anchor.y, object.x, object.y), anchor.x, anchor.y);

     * Round a float to the nearest decimal
     * @param   num        The number to round,
     * @param   precision  The decimal place to round to.
     * @return  The rounded float.
    public static inline function roundTo(num:Float, precision:Int=0):Float
        var exp:Float = Math.pow(10, precision);
        return std.Math.round(num * exp) / exp;

     * Find the distance between two points.
     * @param    x1        The first x-position.
     * @param    y1        The first y-position.
     * @param    x2        The second x-position.
     * @param    y2        The second y-position.
     * @return    The distance.
    public static inline function distance(x1:Float, y1:Float, x2:Float = 0, y2:Float = 0):Float
        return Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1));

     * Find the squared distance between two points.
     * @param    x1        The first x-position.
     * @param    y1        The first y-position.
     * @param    x2        The second x-position.
     * @param    y2        The second y-position.
     * @return    The squared distance.
    public static inline function distanceSquared(x1:Float, y1:Float, x2:Float = 0, y2:Float = 0):Float
        return (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1);

     * Find the distance between two rectangles. Will return 0 if the rectangles overlap.
     * @param    x1        The x-position of the first rect.
     * @param    y1        The y-position of the first rect.
     * @param    w1        The width of the first rect.
     * @param    h1        The height of the first rect.
     * @param    x2        The x-position of the second rect.
     * @param    y2        The y-position of the second rect.
     * @param    w2        The width of the second rect.
     * @param    h2        The height of the second rect.
     * @return    The distance.
    public static function distanceRects(x1:Float, y1:Float, w1:Float, h1:Float, x2:Float, y2:Float, w2:Float, h2:Float):Float
        if (x1 < x2 + w2 && x2 < x1 + w1)
            if (y1 < y2 + h2 && y2 < y1 + h1) return 0;
            if (y1 > y2) return y1 - (y2 + h2);
            return y2 - (y1 + h1);
        if (y1 < y2 + h2 && y2 < y1 + h1)
            if (x1 > x2) return x1 - (x2 + w2);
            return x2 - (x1 + w1);
        if (x1 > x2)
            if (y1 > y2) return distance(x1, y1, (x2 + w2), (y2 + h2));
            return distance(x1, y1 + h1, x2 + w2, y2);
        if (y1 > y2) return distance(x1 + w1, y1, x2, y2 + h2);
        return distance(x1 + w1, y1 + h1, x2, y2);

     * Find the distance between a point and a rectangle. Returns 0 if the point is within the rectangle.
     * @param    px        The x-position of the point.
     * @param    py        The y-position of the point.
     * @param    rx        The x-position of the rect.
     * @param    ry        The y-position of the rect.
     * @param    rw        The width of the rect.
     * @param    rh        The height of the rect.
     * @return    The distance.
    public static function distanceRectPoint(px:Float, py:Float, rx:Float, ry:Float, rw:Float, rh:Float):Float
        if (px >= rx && px <= rx + rw)
            if (py >= ry && py <= ry + rh) return 0;
            if (py > ry) return py - (ry + rh);
            return ry - py;
        if (py >= ry && py <= ry + rh)
            if (px > rx) return px - (rx + rw);
            return rx - px;
        if (px > rx)
            if (py > ry) return distance(px, py, rx + rw, ry + rh);
            return distance(px, py, rx + rw, ry);
        if (py > ry) return distance(px, py, rx, ry + rh);
        return distance(px, py, rx, ry);

     * Clamps the value within the minimum and maximum values.
     * @param    value        The Float to evaluate.
     * @param    min            The minimum range.
     * @param    max            The maximum range.
     * @return    The clamped value.
    public static function clamp(value:Float, min:Float, max:Float):Float
        if (max > min)
            if (value < min) return min;
            else if (value > max) return max;
            else return value;
            // Min/max swapped
            if (value < max) return max;
            else if (value > min) return min;
            else return value;

    public static function iclamp(value:Int, min:Int, max:Int):Int
        if (max > min)
            if (value < min) return min;
            else if (value > max) return max;
            else return value;
            // Min/max swapped
            if (value < max) return max;
            else if (value > min) return min;
            else return value;

     * Clamps the object inside the rectangle.
     * @param    object        The object to clamp (must have an x and y property).
     * @param    x            Rectangle's x.
     * @param    y            Rectangle's y.
     * @param    width        Rectangle's width.
     * @param    height        Rectangle's height.
     * @param    padding        Rectangle's padding.
    public static inline function clampInRect(object:Vector2, x:Float, y:Float, width:Float, height:Float, padding:Float = 0)
        object.x = clamp(object.x, x + padding, x + width - padding);
        object.y = clamp(object.y, y + padding, y + height - padding);

     * Transfers a value from one scale to another scale. For example, scale(.5, 0, 1, 10, 20) == 15, and scale(3, 0, 5, 100, 0) == 40.
     * @param    value        The value on the first scale.
     * @param    min            The minimum range of the first scale.
     * @param    max            The maximum range of the first scale.
     * @param    min2        The minimum range of the second scale.
     * @param    max2        The maximum range of the second scale.
     * @return    The scaled value.
    public static inline function scale(value:Float, min:Float, max:Float, min2:Float, max2:Float):Float
        return min2 + ((value - min) / (max - min)) * (max2 - min2);

     * Transfers a value from one scale to another scale, but clamps the return value within the second scale.
     * @param    value        The value on the first scale.
     * @param    min            The minimum range of the first scale.
     * @param    max            The maximum range of the first scale.
     * @param    min2        The minimum range of the second scale.
     * @param    max2        The maximum range of the second scale.
     * @return    The scaled and clamped value.
    public static function scaleClamp(value:Float, min:Float, max:Float, min2:Float, max2:Float):Float
        value = min2 + ((value - min) / (max - min)) * (max2 - min2);
        if (max2 > min2)
            value = value < max2 ? value : max2;
            return value > min2 ? value : min2;
        value = value < min2 ? value : min2;
        return value > max2 ? value : max2;

    public static inline function iround(f:Float):Int return Std.int(Math.round(f));

    public static inline function abs(f:Float):Float return f < 0 ? -f : f;
    public static inline function iabs(i:Int):Int return i < 0 ? -i : i;

    public static inline function max(a:Float, b:Float):Float return a < b ? b : a;
    public static inline function maxOf3(a:Float, b:Float, c:Float):Float return a < b ? (b < c ? c : b) : (a < c ? c : a);
    public static inline function imax(a:Int, b:Int):Int return a < b ? b : a;

    public static inline function min(a:Float, b:Float):Float return a > b ? b : a;
    public static inline function minOf3(a:Float, b:Float, c:Float):Float return a > b ? (b > c ? c : b) : (a > c ? c : a);
    public static inline function imin(a:Int, b:Int):Int return a > b ? b : a;

    public static inline function sin(theta:Float):Float return std.Math.sin(theta);
    public static inline function cos(theta:Float):Float return std.Math.cos(theta);
    public static inline function tan(theta:Float):Float return std.Math.tan(theta);
    public static inline function acos(theta:Float):Float return std.Math.acos(theta);
    public static inline function asin(theta:Float):Float return std.Math.asin(theta);
    public static inline function atan(theta:Float):Float return std.Math.atan(theta);
    public static inline function atan2(dy:Float, dx:Float):Float return std.Math.atan2(dy, dx);

    public static inline function sqrt(f:Float) return std.Math.sqrt(f);
    public static inline function floor(f:Float) return std.Math.floor(f);
    public static inline function ceil(f:Float) return std.Math.ceil(f);
    public static inline function random() return std.Math.random();
    public static inline function round(f:Float) return std.Math.round(f);
    public static inline function roundDecimal(f:Float, places:Int) return Std.int(f * Math.pow(10, places)) / Math.pow(10, places);
    public static inline function pow(v:Float, p:Float) return std.Math.pow(v, p);
    public static inline function log(v:Float) return std.Math.log(v);

    static var point:Vector2 = new Vector2();