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package haxepunk.math;

class Rectangle
    public var x:Float;
    public var y:Float;
    public var width:Float;
    public var height:Float;

     * The left-most x-axis value. Identical to x.
    public var left(get, set):Float;
    inline function get_left():Float return x;
    inline function set_left(value:Float):Float return x = value;

     * The right-most x-axis value. When set it will push the x value, keeping the same width.
    public var right(get, set):Float;
    inline function get_right():Float return x + width;
    inline function set_right(value:Float):Float
        x = value - width;
        return value;

     * The top-most y-axis value. Identical to y.
    public var top(get, set):Float;
    inline function get_top():Float return y;
    inline function set_top(value:Float):Float return y = value;

     * The bottom-most y-axis value. When set it will push the y value, keeping the same height.
    public var bottom(get, set):Float;
    inline function get_bottom():Float return y + height;
    inline function set_bottom(value:Float):Float
        y = value - height;
        return value;

    public function new(x:Float = 0, y:Float = 0, width:Float = 0, height:Float = 0)
        setTo(x, y, width, height);

    public function setTo(x:Float = 0, y:Float = 0, width:Float = 0, height:Float = 0)
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;

    public function clone():Rectangle
        return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);

     * Checks if the rectangle width and height values are at or less than zero.
    public function isEmpty():Bool
        return width <= 0 && height <= 0;

     * Checks if the rectangle intersects another rectangle.
    public function intersects(other:Rectangle):Bool
        return left <= other.right &&
            other.left <= right &&
            top <= other.bottom &&
            other.top <= bottom;

     * If the rectangle intersects another rectangle, it returns an overlapping rectangle. Otherwise, it returns null.
    public function intersection(other:Rectangle):Null<Rectangle>
        var left = Math.max(left, other.left);
        var right = Math.min(right, other.right);
        var top = Math.max(top, other.top);
        var bottom = Math.min(bottom, other.bottom);

        if (right >= left && bottom >= top)
            return new Rectangle(left, top, right - left, bottom - y);
            return null;