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package haxepunk.utils;

import haxepunk.math.MathUtil;

 * An abstract with various color utility functions.
 * @since    4.0.0
abstract Color(UInt) from UInt to UInt
    public static inline var White:Color = 0xffffff;
    public static inline var Black:Color = 0x000000;

     * Linear interpolation between two colors.
     * @param    fromColor        First color.
     * @param    toColor            Second color.
     * @param    t                Interpolation value. Clamped to the range [0, 1].
     * return    RGB component-interpolated color value.
    public static inline function colorLerp(fromColor:Color, toColor:Color, t:Float=1):Color
        if (t <= 0)
            return fromColor;
        else if (t >= 1)
            return toColor;
            var a:Int = fromColor.a,
                r:Int = fromColor.r,
                g:Int = fromColor.g,
                b:Int = fromColor.b,
                dA:Int = toColor.a - a,
                dR:Int = toColor.r - r,
                dG:Int = toColor.g - g,
                dB:Int = toColor.b - b;
            a += Std.int(dA * t);
            r += Std.int(dR * t);
            g += Std.int(dG * t);
            b += Std.int(dB * t);
            return a << 24 | r << 16 | g << 8 | b;

     * Creates a color value by combining the chosen RGB values.
     * @param    R        The red value of the color, from 0 to 255.
     * @param    G        The green value of the color, from 0 to 255.
     * @param    B        The blue value of the color, from 0 to 255.
     * @return    The color.
    public static inline function getColorRGB(r:Int=0, g:Int=0, b:Int=0):Color
        return (r & 0xff) << 16 | (g & 0xff) << 8 | (b & 0xff);

    public static inline function getColorRGBFloat(r:Float, g:Float, b:Float):Color
        inline function intColor(v:Float):Color
            var c = Std.int(v * 0x100);
            return MathUtil.iclamp(c, 0, 0xff);
        return getColorRGB(intColor(r), intColor(g), intColor(b));

     * Creates a color value with the chosen HSV values.
     * @param    h        The hue of the color (from 0 to 1).
     * @param    s        The saturation of the color (from 0 to 1).
     * @param    v        The value of the color (from 0 to 1).
     * @return    The color Int.
    public static function getColorHSV(h:Float, s:Float, v:Float):Color
        h = Std.int(h * 360);
        var hi:Int = Math.floor(h / 60) % 6,
            f:Float = h / 60 - Math.floor(h / 60),
            p:Float = (v * (1 - s)),
            q:Float = (v * (1 - f * s)),
            t:Float = (v * (1 - (1 - f) * s));
        switch (hi)
            case 0: return Std.int(v * 255) << 16 | Std.int(t * 255) << 8 | Std.int(p * 255);
            case 1: return Std.int(q * 255) << 16 | Std.int(v * 255) << 8 | Std.int(p * 255);
            case 2: return Std.int(p * 255) << 16 | Std.int(v * 255) << 8 | Std.int(t * 255);
            case 3: return Std.int(p * 255) << 16 | Std.int(q * 255) << 8 | Std.int(v * 255);
            case 4: return Std.int(t * 255) << 16 | Std.int(p * 255) << 8 | Std.int(v * 255);
            case 5: return Std.int(v * 255) << 16 | Std.int(p * 255) << 8 | Std.int(q * 255);
            default: return 0;
        return 0;

    public var r(get, never):UInt;
    public var g(get, never):UInt;
    public var b(get, never):UInt;
    public var a(get, never):UInt;
    public var red(get, never):Float;
    public var green(get, never):Float;
    public var blue(get, never):Float;
    public var alpha(get, never):Float;

    inline function get_r():UInt return (this >> 16) & 0xff;
    inline function get_g():UInt return (this >> 8) & 0xff;
    inline function get_b():UInt return this & 0xff;
    inline function get_a():UInt return (this >> 24) & 0xff;

    inline function get_red():Float return r / 0xff;
    inline function get_green():Float return g / 0xff;
    inline function get_blue():Float return b / 0xff;
    inline function get_alpha():Float return a / 0xff;

    public inline function withAlpha(a:Float):Color
        var alpha = if (a <= 0) // fully transparent
        else if (a >= 1) // fully opaque
            0xFF << 24;
        else // somewhere in-between
            (Std.int(0xff * a) << 24);
        return (this & 0xffffff) | alpha;

     * Finds the hue factor of a color.
     * @return The hue value (from 0 to 1).
    public inline function getHue():Float
        var h:Int = (this >> 16) & 0xFF;
        var s:Int = (this >> 8) & 0xFF;
        var v:Int = this & 0xFF;

        var max:Int = Std.int(Math.max(h, Math.max(s, v)));
        var min:Int = Std.int(Math.min(h, Math.min(s, v)));

        var hue:Float = 0;

        if (max == min)
            hue = 0;
        else if (max == h)
            hue = (60 * (s - v) / (max - min) + 360) % 360;
        else if (max == s)
            hue = (60 * (v - h) / (max - min) + 120);
        else if (max == v)
            hue = (60 * (h - s) / (max - min) + 240);

        return hue / 360;

     * Finds the saturation factor of a color.
     * @return The saturation value (from 0 to 1).
    public inline function getSaturation():Float
        var h:Int = (this >> 16) & 0xFF;
        var s:Int = (this >> 8) & 0xFF;
        var v:Int = this & 0xFF;

        var max:Int = Std.int(Math.max(h, Math.max(s, v)));

        if (max == 0)
            return 0;
            var min:Int = Std.int(Math.min(h, Math.min(s, v)));

            return (max - min) / max;

     * Finds the value factor of a color.
     * @return The value value (from 0 to 1).
    public inline function getValue():Float
        var h:Int = (this >> 16) & 0xFF;
        var s:Int = (this >> 8) & 0xFF;
        var v:Int = this & 0xFF;

        return Std.int(Math.max(h, Math.max(s, v))) / 255;

    public inline function getLuminance():Float
        return (0.2126 * red + 0.7152 * green + 0.0722 * blue);

     * Shortcut to lerp between this color and another.
     * @param    toColor        Second color.
     * @param    t            Interpolation value. Clamped to the range [0, 1].
    public inline function lerp(toColor:Color, t:Float = 1):Color
        return colorLerp(this, toColor, t);

    public inline function multiply(other:Color):Color
        return getColorRGBFloat(red * other.red, green * other.green, blue * other.blue);

    public inline function toARGB(alpha:Float):UInt
        alpha = MathUtil.clamp(alpha, 0, 1);
        return (Std.int(0xff * alpha) << 24) | this;