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from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import sys
import numpy as np
from numbskull.inference import *
from numbskull.learning import *
from numbskull.timer import Timer
import concurrent.futures
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def run_pool(threadpool, threads, func, args):
    if threads == 1:
        func(0, *args)
        future_to_samples = \
            [threadpool.submit(func, threadID, *args)
             for threadID in range(threads)]
        for fts in future_to_samples:
            if fts.exception() is not None:
                raise fts.exception()

class FactorGraph(object):

    def __init__(self, weight, variable, factor, fmap, vmap,
                 factor_index, var_copies, weight_copies, fid, workers):
        self.weight = weight
        self.variable = variable
        self.factor = factor
        self.fmap = fmap
        self.vmap = vmap
        self.factor_index = factor_index

        # This is just cumsum shifted by 1
        self.cstart = np.empty(self.variable.shape[0] + 1, np.int64)
        self.cstart[0] = 0
        self.cstart[1:] = self.variable["cardinality"]
        self.cstart[self.cstart == 2] = 1  # Save space for binary vars
        np.cumsum(self.cstart, out=self.cstart)
        self.count = np.zeros(self.cstart[self.variable.shape[0]], np.int64)

        self.var_value_evid = \
            np.tile(self.variable[:]['initialValue'], (var_copies, 1))
        self.var_value = \
            np.tile(self.variable[:]['initialValue'], (var_copies, 1))
        self.weight_value = \
            np.tile(self.weight[:]['initialValue'], (weight_copies, 1))

        if self.variable.size == 0:
            self.Z = np.zeros((workers, 0))
            self.Z = np.zeros((workers, max(self.variable[:]['cardinality'])))
        if self.vmap.size == 0:
            size = (workers, 0)
            size = (workers, 2 * max(self.vmap['factor_index_length']))
        self.fids = np.zeros(size, factor_index.dtype)

        self.fid = fid
        assert(workers > 0)
        self.threads = workers
        self.threadpool = ThreadPoolExecutor(self.threads)
        self.marginals = np.zeros(self.cstart[self.variable.shape[0]])
        self.inference_epoch_time = 0.0
        self.inference_total_time = 0.0
        self.learning_epoch_time = 0.0
        self.learning_total_time = 0.0

    def clear(self):
        self.count[:] = 0

    #    GETTERS    #

    def getWeights(self, weight_copy=0):
        return self.weight_value[weight_copy][:]

    def getMarginals(self, varIds=None):
        if not varIds:
            return self.marginals
            return self.marginals[varIds]

    #    DIAGNOSTICS    #

    def diagnostics(self, epochs):
        print('Inference took %.03f sec.' % self.inference_total_time)
        epochs = epochs or 1
        bins = 10
        hist = np.zeros(bins, dtype=np.int64)
        for i in range(len(self.count)):
            assert(self.count[i] >= 0)
            assert(self.count[i] <= epochs)
            hist[min(self.count[i] * bins // epochs, bins - 1)] += 1
        for i in range(bins):
            start = i / 10.0
            end = (i + 1) / 10.0
            print("Prob. " + str(start) + ".." + str(end) + ": \
                  " + str(hist[i]) + " variables")

    def diagnosticsLearning(self, weight_copy=0):
        print('Learning epoch took %.03f sec.' % self.learning_epoch_time)
        for (i, w) in enumerate(self.weight):
            print("    weightId:", i)
            print("        isFixed:", w["isFixed"])
            print("        weight: ", self.weight_value[weight_copy][i])


    def burnIn(self, epochs, sample_evidence, diagnostics=False,
               var_copy=0, weight_copy=0):
        if diagnostics:
            print("FACTOR " + str(self.fid) + ": STARTED BURN-IN...")
        # NUMBA-based method. Implemented in inference.py
        for ep in range(epochs):
            args = (self.threads, var_copy, weight_copy,
                    self.weight, self.variable, self.factor,
                    self.fmap, self.vmap,
                    self.factor_index, self.Z, self.cstart, self.count,
                    self.var_value, self.weight_value, sample_evidence, True)
            run_pool(self.threadpool, self.threads, gibbsthread, args)
        if diagnostics:
            print("FACTOR " + str(self.fid) + ": DONE WITH BURN-IN")

    def inference(self, burnin_epochs, epochs, sample_evidence=False,
                  diagnostics=False, var_copy=0, weight_copy=0):
        # Burn-in
        if burnin_epochs > 0:
            self.burnIn(burnin_epochs, sample_evidence,

        # Run inference
        if diagnostics:
            print("FACTOR " + str(self.fid) + ": STARTED INFERENCE")
        for ep in range(epochs):
            with Timer() as timer:
                args = (self.threads, var_copy, weight_copy, self.weight,
                        self.variable, self.factor, self.fmap,
                        self.vmap, self.factor_index, self.Z,
                        self.cstart, self.count, self.var_value,
                        self.weight_value, sample_evidence, False)
                run_pool(self.threadpool, self.threads, gibbsthread, args)
            self.inference_epoch_time = timer.interval
            self.inference_total_time += timer.interval
            if diagnostics:
                print('Inference epoch #%d took %.03f sec.' %
                      (ep, self.inference_epoch_time))
        if diagnostics:
            print("FACTOR " + str(self.fid) + ": DONE WITH INFERENCE")
        # compute marginals
        if epochs != 0:
            self.marginals = self.count / float(epochs)
        if diagnostics:

    def learn(self, burnin_epochs, epochs, stepsize, decay, regularization,
              reg_param, truncation, diagnostics=False, verbose=False,
              learn_non_evidence=False, var_copy=0, weight_copy=0):
        # Burn-in
        if burnin_epochs > 0:
            self.burnIn(burnin_epochs, True, diagnostics=diagnostics)

        # Run learning
        if diagnostics:
            print("FACTOR " + str(self.fid) + ": STARTED LEARNING")
        for ep in range(epochs):
            if diagnostics:
                print("FACTOR " + str(self.fid) + ": EPOCH #" + str(ep))
                print("Current stepsize = " + str(stepsize))
                if verbose:
                sys.stdout.flush()  # otherwise output refuses to show in DD
            with Timer() as timer:
                args = (self.threads, stepsize, regularization, reg_param,
                        truncation, var_copy, weight_copy, self.weight,
                        self.variable, self.factor, self.fmap,
                        self.vmap, self.factor_index, self.Z, self.fids,
                        self.var_value, self.var_value_evid,
                        self.weight_value, learn_non_evidence)
                run_pool(self.threadpool, self.threads, learnthread, args)
            self.learning_epoch_time = timer.interval
            self.learning_total_time += timer.interval
            # Decay stepsize
            stepsize *= decay
        if diagnostics:
            print("FACTOR " + str(self.fid) + ": DONE WITH LEARNING")

    def dump_weights(self, fout, weight_copy=0):
        """Dump <wid, weight> text file in DW format."""
        with open(fout, 'w') as out:
            for i, w in enumerate(self.weight):
                out.write('%d %f\n' % (i, self.weight_value[weight_copy][i]))

    def dump_probabilities(self, fout, epochs):
        """Dump <vid, value, prob> text file in DW format."""
        epochs = epochs or 1
        with open(fout, 'w') as out:
            for i, v in enumerate(self.variable):
                if v["cardinality"] == 2:
                    prob = float(self.count[self.cstart[i]]) / epochs
                    out.write('%d %d %.3f\n' % (i, 1, prob))
                    for k in range(v["cardinality"]):
                        prob = float(self.count[self.cstart[i] + k]) / epochs
                        original_value = self.vmap[
                            v["vtf_offset"] + k]["value"]
                        out.write('%d %d %.3f\n' % (i, original_value, prob))