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Test Coverage
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# History

## Build

To run locally you should add local ENV via config files: .env.local, .env.test.local. They are added to .gitignore to allow each developer use his own. 

Example config:

echo "DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:password@postgres:5432/history_test" >> .env.test.local
cat .env.test.local
Then install dip gem to use docker commands:

gem install dip
docker-compose build

Prepare database and container:
`dip provision`

To run Rails commands:
`dip rails [command]`

To run /bin/bash session in container:
`dip runner`

To run Bundler commands:
`dip bundle [command]`

To run All Test suite:
`dip make`

To run RSpec commands:
`dip rspec [command]`

To run Cucumber tests:
`dip cucumber`