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# v0.6.0

## High-level overview

- The generated dependency graphs now reflect the true import-based dependency paths for non-module
  projects instead of the artificial dependencies injected by the module system to provide
  reproducibility. Indirect dependencies induced by the module system are represented by dashed

## New features

- A new `gomod version` enables the printing of the current version of the `gomod` tool.
- The `gomod graph` command has a whole new query syntax that makes it much easier to trim down the
  generated graph to the exact content that you need. Check the updated
  [README section](README.md#gomod-graph) for more details.
- The `gomod graph` command now support querying the package-level import graph in addition to the
  already available module-level dependency graph. Simply use the new `--package | -p` flag to move
  into package mode.
- The `--verbose` flag now takes optional string arguments to toggle debug output for specific parts
  of `gomod`'s logic.

## Breaking changes

- All library functionalities have been, for now, moved into the `internal` tree while further work
  is being done on the actual API and end-functionality of `gomod`.
- The `--shared` and `--dependencies` flags on the `gomod graph` command have been removed with the
  arrival of the new query syntax.
- The `gomod completion` command has been removed with the introduction of the new query syntax
  which would require much more complex logic for enabling autocomplete.
- `gomod` no longer wraps the invocation of `dot`. To get an image as output simply pipe `gomod`'s
  output into the `dot` binary on the command-line. This means that the `--format` and `--visual`
  flags have been removed and the the `--style` flag no longer implies `--visual`.