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package modules

import (



// ModuleInfo represents the data returned by 'go list -m --json' for a Go module. It's content is
// extracted directly from the Go documentation.
type ModuleInfo struct {
    Main      bool         // is this the main module?
    Indirect  bool         // is it an indirect dependency?
    Path      string       // module path
    Replace   *ModuleInfo  // replaced by this module
    Version   string       // module version
    Time      *time.Time   // time version was created
    Dir       string       // location of the module's source
    Update    *ModuleInfo  // available update, if any (with -u)
    GoMod     string       // the path to this module's go.mod file
    GoVersion string       // the Go version associated with the module
    Error     *ModuleError // error loading module

// ModuleError represents the data that is returned whenever Go tooling was unable to load a given
// module's information.
type ModuleError struct {
    Err string // the error itself

// Retrieve the Module information for all dependencies of the Go module found at the specified path.
func GetDependencies(log *logger.Logger, moduleDir string) (*ModuleInfo, map[string]*ModuleInfo, error) {
    return retrieveModuleInformation(log, moduleDir, "all")

// Retrieve the Module information for all dependencies of the Go module found at the specified
// path, including any potentially available updates. This requires internet connectivity in order
// to return the results. Lack of connectivity should result in an error being returned but this is
// not a hard guarantee.
func GetDependenciesWithUpdates(log *logger.Logger, moduleDir string) (*ModuleInfo, map[string]*ModuleInfo, error) {
    return retrieveModuleInformation(log, moduleDir, "all", "-versions", "-u")

// Retrieve the Module information for the specified target module which must be a dependency of the
// Go module found at the specified path.
func GetModule(log *logger.Logger, moduleDir string, targetModule string) (*ModuleInfo, error) {
    module, _, err := retrieveModuleInformation(log, moduleDir, targetModule)
    return module, err

// Retrieve the Module information for the specified target module which must be a dependency of the
// Go module found at the specified path, including any potentially available updates. This requires
// internet connectivity in order to return the results. Lack of connectivity should result in an
// error being returned but this is not a hard guarantee.
func GetModuleWithUpdate(log *logger.Logger, moduleDir string, targetModule string) (*ModuleInfo, error) {
    module, _, err := retrieveModuleInformation(log, moduleDir, targetModule, "-versions", "-u")
    return module, err

func retrieveModuleInformation(
    log *logger.Logger,
    moduleDir string,
    targetModule string,
    extraGoListArgs ...string,
) (*ModuleInfo, map[string]*ModuleInfo, error) {
    log.Debug("Ensuring module information is available locally by running 'go mod download'.")
    _, _, err := util.RunCommand(log, moduleDir, "go", "mod", "download")
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("Failed to run 'go mod download'.", zap.Error(err))
        return nil, nil, err

    log.Debug("Retrieving module information via 'go list'")
    goListArgs := append([]string{"list", "-json", "-m", "-mod=mod"}, extraGoListArgs...)
    if targetModule == "" {
        targetModule = "all"
    goListArgs = append(goListArgs, targetModule)

    raw, _, err := util.RunCommand(log, moduleDir, "go", goListArgs...)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("Failed to list modules in dependency graph via 'go list'.", zap.Error(err))
        return nil, nil, err
    raw = bytes.ReplaceAll(bytes.TrimSpace(raw), []byte("\n}\n"), []byte("\n},\n"))
    raw = append([]byte("[\n"), raw...)
    raw = append(raw, []byte("\n]")...)

    var moduleList []*ModuleInfo
    if err = json.Unmarshal(raw, &moduleList); err != nil {
        return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to retrieve information from 'go list': %v", err)

    var main *ModuleInfo
    modules := map[string]*ModuleInfo{}
    for _, module := range moduleList {
        if module.Error != nil {
            log.Warn("Unable to retrieve information for module", zap.String("module", module.Path), zap.String("error", module.Error.Err))

        if module.Main {
            main = module
        modules[module.Path] = module
        if module.Replace != nil {
            modules[module.Replace.Path] = module
    if len(modules) == 0 {
        return nil, nil, errors.New("unable to load any module information")
    return main, modules, nil