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package modules

// PackageInfo represents the data returned by 'go list --json' for a Go package. It's content is
// extracted directly from the Go documentation.
type PackageInfo struct {
    Dir           string      // directory containing package sources
    ImportPath    string      // import path of package in dir
    ImportComment string      // path in import comment on package statement
    Name          string      // package name
    Doc           string      // package documentation string
    Target        string      // install path
    Shlib         string      // the shared library that contains this package (only set when -linkshared)
    Goroot        bool        // is this package in the Go root?
    Standard      bool        // is this package part of the standard Go library?
    Stale         bool        // would 'go install' do anything for this package?
    StaleReason   string      // explanation for Stale==true
    Root          string      // Go root or Go path dir containing this package
    ConflictDir   string      // this directory shadows Dir in $GOPATH
    BinaryOnly    bool        // binary-only package (no longer supported)
    ForTest       string      // package is only for use in named test
    Export        string      // file containing export data (when using -export)
    Module        *ModuleInfo // info about package's containing module, if any (can be nil)
    Match         []string    // command-line patterns matching this package
    DepOnly       bool        // package is only a dependency, not explicitly listed

    // Source files
    GoFiles         []string // .go source files (excluding CgoFiles, TestGoFiles, XTestGoFiles)
    CgoFiles        []string // .go source files that import "C"
    CompiledGoFiles []string // .go files presented to compiler (when using -compiled)
    IgnoredGoFiles  []string // .go source files ignored due to build constraints
    CFiles          []string // .c source files
    CXXFiles        []string // .cc, .cxx and .cpp source files
    MFiles          []string // .m source files
    HFiles          []string // .h, .hh, .hpp and .hxx source files
    FFiles          []string // .f, .F, .for and .f90 Fortran source files
    SFiles          []string // .s source files
    SwigFiles       []string // .swig files
    SwigCXXFiles    []string // .swigcxx files
    SysoFiles       []string // .syso object files to add to archive
    TestGoFiles     []string // _test.go files in package
    XTestGoFiles    []string // _test.go files outside package

    // Cgo directives
    CgoCFLAGS    []string // cgo: flags for C compiler
    CgoCPPFLAGS  []string // cgo: flags for C preprocessor
    CgoCXXFLAGS  []string // cgo: flags for C++ compiler
    CgoFFLAGS    []string // cgo: flags for Fortran compiler
    CgoLDFLAGS   []string // cgo: flags for linker
    CgoPkgConfig []string // cgo: pkg-config names

    // Dependency information
    Imports      []string          // import paths used by this package
    ImportMap    map[string]string // map from source import to ImportPath (identity entries omitted)
    Deps         []string          // all (recursively) imported dependencies
    TestImports  []string          // imports from TestGoFiles
    XTestImports []string          // imports from XTestGoFiles

    // Error information
    Incomplete bool            // this package or a dependency has an error
    Error      *PackageError   // error loading package
    DepsErrors []*PackageError // errors loading dependencies

type PackageError struct {
    ImportStack []string // shortest path from package named on command line to this one
    Pos         string   // position of error (if present, file:line:col)
    Err         string   // the error itself