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25 mins
Test Coverage
package printer

import (


func computeGraphClusters(g *graph.HierarchicalDigraph, config *PrintConfig) *graphClusters {
    graphClusters := &graphClusters{
        graph:           g,
        level:           config.Granularity,
        clusterMap:      map[string]*graphCluster{},
        cachedDepthMaps: map[string]map[string]int{},

    hashToCluster := map[string]*graphCluster{}
    for _, node := range g.GetLevel(int(config.Granularity)).List() {
        clusterHash := computeClusterHash(config, node)
        cluster := hashToCluster[clusterHash]
        if cluster == nil {
            cluster = newGraphCluster(clusterHash)
            hashToCluster[clusterHash] = cluster
            graphClusters.clusterList = append(graphClusters.clusterList, cluster)
        cluster.members = append(cluster.members, node)
        graphClusters.clusterMap[node.Hash()] = cluster

    // Ensure determinism by sorting the nodes in each cluster. The order that is used puts nodes
    // with no dependencies first and those with at least one last, the rest of the ordering is done
    // by alphabetical order.
    for hash := range hashToCluster {
        cluster := hashToCluster[hash]
        sort.Slice(cluster.members, func(i int, j int) bool {
            hasDepsI := cluster.members[i].Successors().Len() > 0
            hasDepsJ := cluster.members[j].Successors().Len() > 0
            if (hasDepsI && !hasDepsJ) || (!hasDepsI && hasDepsJ) {
                return hasDepsJ
            return cluster.members[i].Name() < cluster.members[j].Name()
    sort.Slice(graphClusters.clusterList, func(i int, j int) bool {
        return graphClusters.clusterList[i].hash < graphClusters.clusterList[j].hash
    return graphClusters

func computeClusterHash(config *PrintConfig, node graph.Node) string {
    var hashElements []string
    for _, pred := range node.Predecessors().List() {
        hashElements = append(hashElements, nodeNameToHash(pred.Name()))
    hash := strings.Join(hashElements, "_")

    // Depending on the configuration we need to generate more or less unique cluster names.
    if config.Style == nil || config.Style.Cluster == Off || (config.Style.Cluster == Shared && node.Predecessors().Len() > 1) {
        hash = node.Name() + "_from_" + hash
    return hash

type graphClusters struct {
    graph *graph.HierarchicalDigraph
    level Level

    clusterMap  map[string]*graphCluster
    clusterList []*graphCluster

    cachedDepthMaps map[string]map[string]int

func (c *graphClusters) clusterDepthMap(nodeHash string) map[string]int {
    if m, ok := c.cachedDepthMaps[nodeHash]; ok {
        return m

    depthMap := map[string]int{}
    levelNodes := c.graph.GetLevel(int(c.level))

    startNode, _ := levelNodes.Get(nodeHash)
    workStack := []graph.Node{startNode}
    workMap := map[string]int{nodeHash: 0}
    pathLength := 0
    for len(workStack) > 0 {
        curr := workStack[len(workStack)-1]
        if counter, ok := workMap[curr.Hash()]; ok && counter > 0 { // Reached leaf of the DFS or cycle detected.
            workStack = workStack[:len(workStack)-1]
            if counter == pathLength-1 { // Reached leaf of the DFS.
                delete(workMap, curr.Hash())
        workMap[curr.Hash()] = pathLength

        currentDepth := depthMap[curr.Hash()]
        baseEdgeLength := c.clusterMap[curr.Hash()].getHeight()
        for _, pred := range curr.Predecessors().List() {
            predNode, _ := levelNodes.Get(pred.Hash())
            edgeLength := baseEdgeLength + c.clusterMap[curr.Hash()].getDepCount()/20 // Give bonus space for larger numbers of edges.
            if depthMap[pred.Hash()] >= currentDepth+edgeLength {
            depthMap[pred.Hash()] = currentDepth + edgeLength
            if _, ok := workMap[pred.Hash()]; !ok { // Only allow one instance of a node in the queue.
                workMap[pred.Hash()] = 0
                workStack = append(workStack, predNode)
    c.cachedDepthMaps[nodeHash] = depthMap

    return depthMap

type graphCluster struct {
    id      int
    hash    string
    members []graph.Node

    cachedDepCount int
    cachedWidth    int

var clusterIDCounter int

func newGraphCluster(hash string) *graphCluster {
    return &graphCluster{
        id:             clusterIDCounter,
        hash:           hash,
        cachedDepCount: -1,
        cachedWidth:    -1,

var alphaNumericalRange = []*unicode.RangeTable{unicode.Letter, unicode.Number}

func (c *graphCluster) name() string {
    if len(c.members) > 1 {
        return "cluster_" + c.hash
    return c.hash

func (c *graphCluster) getRepresentative() string {
    if len(c.members) == 0 {
        return ""
    return c.members[c.getWidth()/2].Name()

func (c *graphCluster) getDepCount() int {
    if c.cachedDepCount >= 0 {
        return c.cachedDepCount

    var depCount int
    for idx := len(c.members) - 1; idx >= 0; idx-- {
        if c.members[idx].Successors().Len() == 0 {
        depCount += c.members[idx].Successors().Len()
    c.cachedDepCount = depCount
    return depCount

func (c *graphCluster) getHeight() int {
    width := c.getWidth()
    heigth := len(c.members) / width
    if len(c.members)%width != 0 {
    if heigth > 1 {
    return heigth

func (c *graphCluster) getWidth() int {
    if c.cachedWidth >= 0 {
        return c.cachedWidth

    membersWithDeps := 1
    for membersWithDeps < len(c.members) && c.members[len(c.members)-1-membersWithDeps].Successors().Len() > 0 {

    clusterWidth := int(math.Floor(math.Sqrt(float64(len(c.members)))))
    if membersWithDeps > clusterWidth {
        clusterWidth = membersWithDeps
    c.cachedWidth = clusterWidth
    return clusterWidth

func nodeNameToHash(nodeName string) string {
    var hash string
    for _, c := range nodeName {
        if unicode.IsOneOf(alphaNumericalRange, c) {
            hash += string(c)
        } else {
            hash += "_"
    return hash