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package printer

import (



type Level uint8

const (
    LevelModules Level = iota

// PrintConfig allows for the specification of parameters that should be passed to the Print
// function of a Graph.
type PrintConfig struct {
    // Logger that should be used to show progress while printing the Graph.
    Log *logger.Logger

    // Which level of granularity to print the graph at (modules, packages).
    Granularity Level

    // Annotate edges and nodes with their respective versions.
    Annotate bool
    // Path at which the printed version of the Graph should be stored. If set to a nil-string a
    // temporary file will be created.
    OutputPath string
    // Options for generating a visual representation of the Graph. If the field is non-nil, print
    // out an image file using GraphViz, if false print out the graph in DOT format.
    Style *StyleOptions

type StyleOptions struct {
    // Scale nodes according to the number of their successors and predecssors.
    ScaleNodes bool
    // Level at which to cluster nodes in the printed graph. This can be very beneficial for larger
    // dependency graphs that might be unreadable with the default settings.
    Cluster ClusterLevel

// Level at which to performing clustering when generating the image of the
// dependency graph.
type ClusterLevel int

const (
    // No clustering. Each node is printed as is.
    Off ClusterLevel = iota
    // Cluster nodes that have the same parent.
    // Cluster nodes that all have the same, unique, predecessor in the graph.
    // Cluster nodes that all have the same (group of) predecessor(s) in the graph.

// Print takes in a PrintConfig struct and dumps the content of a HierarchicalDigraph instance
// according to parameters.
func Print(g *graph.HierarchicalDigraph, config *PrintConfig) error {
    var err error
    out := os.Stdout
    if len(config.OutputPath) > 0 {
        if out, err = util.PrepareOutputPath(config.Log, config.OutputPath); err != nil {
            return err
        defer func() {
            _ = out.Close()
        config.Log.Debug("Writing DOT graph.", zap.String("path", config.OutputPath))
    } else {
        config.Log.Debug("Writing DOT graph to terminal.")

    fileContent := []string{
        "strict digraph {",
    fileContent = append(fileContent, determineGlobalOptions(g, config)...)

    clusters := computeGraphClusters(g, config)
    for _, cluster := range clusters.clusterList {
        fileContent = append(fileContent, printClusterToDot(cluster, config))

    for _, node := range g.GetLevel(int(config.Granularity)).List() {
        fileContent = append(fileContent, printEdgesToDot(config, node, clusters)...)

    fileContent = append(fileContent, "}")

    if _, err = out.WriteString(strings.Join(fileContent, "\n") + "\n"); err != nil {
        config.Log.Error("Failed to write DOT file.", zap.Error(err))
        return fmt.Errorf("could not write to %q", out.Name())
    return nil

func determineGlobalOptions(g *graph.HierarchicalDigraph, config *PrintConfig) []string {
    globalOptions := []string{
        "  node [shape=box,style=\"rounded,filled\"]",
        "  start=0", // Needed for placement determinism.

    if config.Annotate {
        globalOptions = append(globalOptions, "  concentrate=true")
    } else {
        // Unfortunately we cannot use the "concentrate" option with 'ortho' splines as it leads to segfaults on large graphs.
        globalOptions = append(
            "  splines=ortho", // By far the most readable form of splines on larger graphs but incompatible with annotations.

    if config.Style != nil {
        if config.Style.Cluster > Off {
            globalOptions = append(
                "  graph [style=rounded]",
                "  compound=true", // Needed for edges targeted at subgraphs.
        if config.Style.ScaleNodes {
            rankSep := math.Log10(float64(g.GetLevel(int(config.Granularity)).Len())) - 1
            if rankSep < 0.3 {
                rankSep = 0.3
            globalOptions = append(globalOptions, fmt.Sprintf("  ranksep=%.2f", rankSep))

    return globalOptions

func printClusterToDot(cluster *graphCluster, config *PrintConfig) string {
    if len(cluster.members) == 0 {
        config.Log.Warn("Found an empty node cluster associated with.", zap.String("cluster", cluster.name()), zap.String("hash", cluster.hash))
        return ""
    } else if len(cluster.members) == 1 {
        return printNodeToDot(config, cluster.members[0])

    dot := "  subgraph " + cluster.name() + "{\n"
    for _, node := range cluster.members {
        dot += "  " + printNodeToDot(config, node) + "\n"

    // Print invisible nodes and edges that help node placement by forcing a grid layout.
    dot += "    // The nodes and edges part of this subgraph defined below are only used to\n"
    dot += "    // improve node placement but do not reflect actual dependencies.\n"
    dot += "    node [style=invis]\n"
    dot += "    edge [style=invis,minlen=1]\n"
    dot += "    graph [color=blue]\n" //nolint:misspell

    rowSize := cluster.getWidth()
    firstRowSize := len(cluster.members) % rowSize
    firstRowOffset := (rowSize - firstRowSize) / 2
    if firstRowSize > 0 {
        for idx := 0; idx < firstRowOffset; idx++ {
            dot += fmt.Sprintf("    \"%s_%d\"\n", cluster.name(), idx)
            dot += fmt.Sprintf("    \"%s_%d\" -> \"%s\"\n", cluster.name(), idx, cluster.members[idx+firstRowSize].Name())
        for idx := firstRowOffset + firstRowSize; idx < rowSize; idx++ {
            dot += fmt.Sprintf("    \"%s_%d\"\n", cluster.name(), idx)
            dot += fmt.Sprintf("    \"%s_%d\" -> \"%s\"\n", cluster.name(), idx, cluster.members[idx+firstRowSize].Name())
    for idx := 0; idx < firstRowSize; idx++ {
        dot += fmt.Sprintf("    \"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", cluster.members[idx].Name(), cluster.members[idx+firstRowOffset+firstRowSize].Name())
    for idx := firstRowSize; idx < len(cluster.members); idx++ {
        if idx+rowSize < len(cluster.members) {
            dot += fmt.Sprintf("   \"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", cluster.members[idx].Name(), cluster.members[idx+rowSize].Name())
    return dot + "  }"

type annotated interface {
    NodeAttributes(annotate bool) []string
    EdgeAttributes(target graph.Node, annotate bool) []string

var (
    _ annotated = &depgraph.Module{}
    _ annotated = &depgraph.Package{}

func printNodeToDot(config *PrintConfig, node graph.Node) string {
    var nodeOptions []string
    if config.Style != nil && config.Style.ScaleNodes {
        scaling := math.Log2(float64(node.Predecessors().Len()+node.Successors().Len())) / 5
        if scaling < 0.1 {
            scaling = 0.1
        nodeOptions = append(nodeOptions, fmt.Sprintf("width=%.2f,height=%.2f", 5*scaling, scaling))

    if a, ok := node.(annotated); ok {
        nodeOptions = append(nodeOptions, a.NodeAttributes(config.Annotate)...)

    dot := "  \"" + node.Name() + "\""
    if len(nodeOptions) > 0 {
        dot += " [" + strings.Join(nodeOptions, ",") + "]"
    return dot

func printEdgesToDot(config *PrintConfig, node graph.Node, clusters *graphClusters) []string {
    clustersReached := map[int]struct{}{}

    var dots []string
    for _, dep := range node.Successors().List() {
        cluster, ok := clusters.clusterMap[dep.Hash()]
        if !ok {
            config.Log.Error("No cluster reference found for dependency.", zap.String("node", node.Hash()), zap.String("dep", dep.Hash()))
        } else if _, ok = clustersReached[cluster.id]; ok {
        clustersReached[cluster.id] = struct{}{}

        target := dep.Name()
        var edgeAnnotations []string
        if minLength := clusters.clusterDepthMap(dep.Hash())[node.Hash()]; minLength > 1 {
            edgeAnnotations = append(edgeAnnotations, fmt.Sprintf("minlen=%d", minLength))

        annotate := config.Annotate
        if len(cluster.members) > 1 {
            annotate = false
            target = cluster.getRepresentative()
            edgeAnnotations = append(edgeAnnotations, "lhead=\""+cluster.name()+"\"")

        if a, ok := node.(annotated); ok {
            edgeAnnotations = append(edgeAnnotations, a.EdgeAttributes(dep, annotate)...)

        dot := "  \"" + node.Name() + "\" -> \"" + target + "\""
        if len(edgeAnnotations) > 0 {
            dot += " [" + strings.Join(edgeAnnotations, ",") + "]"
        dots = append(dots, dot)
    return dots