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# check-flow

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A better flow cli with ignoring errors from files which are in `node_modules` folder and only showing errors from certain files.

Supports flow >= 0.65.0

## Installation

> yarn install --dev check-flow flow-bin

## Usage

In your scripts, run flow-check to validate all of your files with without reporting errors for files inside `node_modules`.
But you don't loose any typing definitions by needing to ignore certain files inside `node_modules`.

  "scripts": { "flow": "check-flow" }

## Including files

The main argument to the command are globs which should only report errors for.
This can be useful to only get errors from a specific directory or for something like [https://github.com/okonet/lint-staged](lint-staged).
Multiple globs can be specified.

Example: Only show errors for files inside the src directory and which have the js extension.

  "scripts": {
    "flow": "check-flow \"src/**/*.js\" \"src/*.js\""

## Ingoring files

Ignoring files is configured by a `.flowignore` inside the current working directory.

```.git exclude
# This is a comment

## Development

### Installing dependencies

> yarn

### Linting & flow

> yarn lint


> yarn flow

Notice: When running flow, this package uses actually this package and compiles the code before to run it.

Before commit, it will also run lint and flow to check for errors.

### Testing

> yarn test

This will run the tests for every supported flow versions.
Don't worry when they take some time because we run 3 tests per supported flow version.

### Building

> yarn build

This will compile the source code which is located in `src/` and output it into `bin/`.

## License