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 * This file is part of Hippo.
 * (c) James Brooks <james@alt-three.com>
 * (c) Marcin Kurczewski <rr-@sakuya.pl>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace HippoPHP\Hippo;

use Exception;
use HippoPHP\Hippo\Config\ConfigReaderInterface;
use HippoPHP\Hippo\Config\YAMLConfigReader;

class HippoTextUI implements HippoInterface
     * @var \HippoPHP\Hippo\CheckRepository
    protected $checkRepository;

     * @var \HippoPHP\Hippo\HippoTextUIContext
    protected $context;

     * @var string
    protected $pathToSelf;

     * @var \HippoPHP\Hippo\FileSystem
    protected $fileSystem;

     * @var \HippoPHP\Hippo\Environment
    protected $environment;

     * @var \HippoPHP\Hippo\Config\ConfigReaderInterface
    protected $configReader;

     * @param \HippoPHP\Hippo\Environment        $environment
     * @param \HippoPHP\Hippo\FileSystem         $fileSystem
     * @param \HippoPHP\Hippo\CheckRepository    $checkRepository
     * @param string                             $pathToSelf
     * @param \HippoPHP\Hippo\HippoTextUIContext $context
    public function __construct(
        Environment $environment,
        FileSystem $fileSystem,
        CheckRepository $checkRepository,
        ConfigReaderInterface $configReader,
        HippoTextUIContext $context
    ) {
        $this->environment = $environment;
        $this->fileSystem = $fileSystem;
        $this->checkRepository = $checkRepository;
        $this->configReader = $configReader;
        $this->pathToSelf = $pathToSelf;
        $this->context = $context;

    public static function main($args)
        if (!$args) {
            throw new Exception('Hippo must be run from command line interface.');
        $environment = new Environment();
        $fileSystem = new FileSystem();
        $configReader = new YAMLConfigReader($fileSystem);
        $checkRepository = new CheckRepository($fileSystem);

        $pathToSelf = array_shift($args);
        $context = new HippoTextUIContext($fileSystem, $args);

        $hippoTextUi = new self(


    protected function run()
        switch ($this->context->getAction()) {
            case HippoTextUIContext::ACTION_HELP:

            case HippoTextUIContext::ACTION_VERSION:

            case HippoTextUIContext::ACTION_CHECK:

                throw new Exception('Unrecognized action');

    protected function runChecks()
        $baseConfig = $this->configReader->loadFromFile($this->_getStandardPath($this->context->getConfigName()));

        $success = true;
        $checkRunner = new CheckRunner($this->fileSystem, $this->checkRepository, $baseConfig);

        array_map([$this, '_startReporter'], $this->context->getReporters());
            function (File $file, array $checkResults) use (&$success) {
                $minimumSeverityToFail = $this->context->hasStrictModeEnabled()
                    ? Violation::SEVERITY_IGNORE
                    : Violation::SEVERITY_ERROR;

                $this->reportCheckResults($this->context->getReporters(), $file, $checkResults);
                foreach ($checkResults as $checkResult) {
                    if ($checkResult->count() > 0) {
                        $success &= $checkResult->getMaximumViolationSeverity() < $minimumSeverityToFail;

        foreach ($this->context->getPathsToCheck() as $path) {

        array_map([$this, '_finishReporter'], $this->context->getReporters());

        $this->environment->setExitCode($success ? 0 : 1);

     * Shows the help information.
    protected function showHelp()
        echo "Usage: hippo [switches] <directory>\n"
            ."  -h, --help                Prints this usage information\n"
            ."  -v, --version             Print version information\n"
            ."  -l, --log LOGLEVELS       Sets which severity levels should be logged\n"
            ."                            (default: \"info,warning,error\")\n"
            ."  -s, --strict 1|0          Enables or disables strict mode (default: 0)\n"
            ."                            Strict mode will exit with code 1 on any violation.\n"
            ."  -q, --quiet 1|0           Same as --log \"\"\n"
            ."      --verbose 1|0         Same as --log \"info,warning,error\"\n"
            ."  -c, --config PATH         Use specific config (default: \"base\")\n"
            ."  --report-xml PATH         Output a Checkstyle-compatible XML to PATH\n";
        echo "\n";
        echo "Available configs:\n";
        foreach ($this->_getAllStandardNames() as $standardName) {
            echo "  - $standardName\n";

     * @return string[]
    private function _getAllStandardNames()
        $result = [];
        $ymlFiles = $this->fileSystem->getAllFiles($this->_getStandardsFolder(), '/\.yml$/');
        foreach ($ymlFiles as $ymlFilePath) {
            $result[] = basename($ymlFilePath, '.yml');

        return $result;

     * Shows the version information.
    protected function showVersion()
        echo 'Hippo '.$this->_getPackageVersion().' by '.$this->_getAuthors()."\n\n";

     * @param ReporterInterface[] $reporters
     * @param File                $file
     * @param CheckResult[]       $checkResults
    protected function reportCheckResults(array $reporters, File $file, array $checkResults)
        foreach ($reporters as $reporter) {
            $reporter->addCheckResults($file, $checkResults);

     * Returns the absolute path for the folder that contains standard files.
     * @return string
    private function _getStandardsFolder()
        return __DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Standards';

     * Returns the absolute path for a standards file.
     * @param string
     * @return string
    private function _getStandardPath($standardName)
        return $this->_getStandardsFolder().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$standardName.'.yml';

     * Starts the reporter. Can be used for setup.
     * @param ReporterInterface $reporter
     * @return mixed
    private function _startReporter(&$reporter)
        return $reporter->start();

     * Finishes the reporter. Usually used for cleanups.
     * @param ReporterInterface $reporter
     * @return mixed
    private function _finishReporter(&$reporter)
        return $reporter->finish();

     * Returns the package version number for Hippo via composer.json.
     * @return string
    private function _getPackageVersion()
        $content = file_get_contents($this->_getComposerPath());
        $package = json_decode($content);

        return $package->version;

     * Returns package authors.
     * @return string
    private function _getAuthors()
        $content = file_get_contents($this->_getComposerPath());
        $package = json_decode($content, true);

        $authors = array_map(function ($author) {
            return $author['name'];
        }, $package['authors']);

        return implode(', ', $authors);

     * Returns the absolute path for composer.json.
     * @return string
    private function _getComposerPath()
        return __DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR