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6 hrs
Test Coverage
    HEADER_TITLE: "Outline",

    TOOLBAR_ICON_TOOLTIP: "Toggle Outline",

    BUTTON_SETTINGS: "Configure Outline",
    BUTTON_MOVE: "Toggle Outline Position",
    BUTTON_CLOSE: "Close Outline",

    COMMAND_SORT: "Sort Entries",
    COMMAND_UNNAMED: "Show Unnamed Functions",
    COMMAND_ARGS: "Show Arguments",
    COMMAND_INDENT: "Indent Entries",
    COMMAND_AUTOHIDE: "Autohide Outline List",
    COMMAND_AUTOHIDE_DELAY: "Set Outline List Autohide Delay",

    MESSAGE_SYNTAX_ERROR: "Fix the SyntaxErrors in the file to show the Outline.",

    PREF_ENABLED_NAME: "Outline - Enabled",
    PREF_ENABLED_DESC: "Enable/disable Outline List",
    PREF_UNNAMED_NAME: "Outline - Unnamed",
    PREF_UNNAMED_DESC: "Show/hide unnamed functions in the Outline List",
    PREF_ARGS_NAME: "Outline - Arguments",
    PREF_ARGS_DESC: "Show/hide function parameters and HTML classes in the Outline List",
    PREF_SIDEBAR_NAME: "Outline - Sidebar",
    PREF_SIDEBAR_DESC: "True to show the Outline List in the Sidebar below the file tree",
    PREF_SORT_NAME: "Outline - Sorting",
    PREF_SORT_DESC: "True to sort the entries in the Outline List",
    PREF_INDENT_NAME: "Outline - Indent",
    PREF_INDENT_DESC: "True to indent the entries in the Outline List",
    PREF_AUTOHIDE_NAME: "Outline - Autohide",
    PREF_AUTOHIDE_DESC: "True to enable autohide of the Outline List",
    PREF_AUTOHIDE_DELAY_NAME: "Outline - Autohide Delay",
    PREF_AUTOHIDE_DELAY_DESC: "Milliseconds of delay for the Outline List to be exposed when the mouse is over the placeholder",

    AUTOHIDE_DELAY_MODAL_TITLE: "Outline List - Autohide Expose Delay",