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# Contributing

Contributions are welcome. Very very welcome.

## Issues Page

The [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/HopefulLlama/UnitTestSCAD/issues) page for UnitTestSCAD covers a variety of things:
- Bugs
- Features
- Discussions
- To do items

Please feel free to join in!

### Bugs
Include as much detail as possible.
- What were you trying to do?
- What happened instead?
- What did you do to make it happen?

### Feature Requests
Include as much detail as possible.
- What would this new feature do? What problem does it fix?
- Is this achievable by the current implementation of JointSCAD at all?

### Discussions
Feel free to add your input to any item within the [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/HopefulLlama/UnitTestSCAD/issues) list.

Unwritten rules apply of be nice, be open-minded, etc.

## Submitting Code
GitHub has a pretty strictly enforced branch/pull request flow if you wish to submit code. See [Dev Setup](#dev-setup) about coding.

## Dev Setup
Follow the instructions listed in [Getting Started](../../..#getting-started).

Clone the UnitTestSCAD repository and run `npm install` to install all dependencies.