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    <h1 class="page-title">Source: api/AbstractParent.js</h1>


            <pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>const {getHeader} = require('../file/Header');

function valueOrDefault(object, property, defaultValue) {
  return (object !== undefined &amp;&amp; object[property] !== undefined) ? object[property] : defaultValue;

function sanitise(options) {
  return {
    openSCADDirectory: valueOrDefault(options, 'openSCADDirectory', ''),
    use: valueOrDefault(options, 'use', []),
    include: valueOrDefault(options, 'include', []),
    setUpText: valueOrDefault(options, 'setUpText', ''),
    testText: valueOrDefault(options, 'testText', ''),

 * @typedef {object} Options Key/value pair of options to configure the execution of an OpenSCAD test.
 * @property {String} openSCADDirectory The prefix to prepend to all uses/includes.
 * @property {String[]} use List of .scad files to import as 'use'.
 * @property {String[]} include List of .scad files to import as 'include'.
 * @property {String} setUpText Any required OpenSCAD code to set up the test.
 * @property {String} testText The OpenSCAD code to be tested and asserted on.

 * @typedef {number[]} Vertex A 2/3 length co-ordinate representing a point in 2D/3D space.

module.exports = class {
  constructor(dirtyOptions, fileType) {
    const options = sanitise(dirtyOptions);
    const header = getHeader(options.openSCADDirectory, options.use, options.include);
    this.output = fileType.execute(header, options.setUpText, options.testText);


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