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    <h1 class="page-title">Source: api/ThreeDModule.js</h1>


            <pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>const {EOL} = require('os');

const AbstractModule = require('./AbstractModule');
const ThreeDModuleFile = require('../file/ThreeDModuleFile');

function getDimensionSize(vertices, index) {
  const range = vertices.reduce((accumulator, vertex) => {
    return {
      min: vertex[index] &lt; accumulator.min ? vertex[index] : accumulator.min,
      max: vertex[index] > accumulator.max ? vertex[index] : accumulator.max,
  }, {
    min: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,

  return range.max - range.min;

function getVertex(content) {
  return content
    .split(' ')
    // Last three elements should be the co-ordinates, as a string
    .map(vertex => parseFloat(vertex, 10));

function getVertices(contents) {
  const vertexRegex = new RegExp(/vertex([ ][0-9]+[.]*[0-9]*){3}/, 'gm');

  return contents
    .filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index)
    .map(vertexString => getVertex(vertexString));

function getTriangles(contents) {
  const triangleRegex = new RegExp(/outer loop[\s\S]+?endloop/, 'g');

  return contents
    .map(triangleString => triangleString.split(EOL))
    .map(triangleStrings => triangleStrings.splice(1, 3))
    .map(verticesOfTriangleStrings => {
      return verticesOfTriangleStrings.map(vertexString => getVertex(vertexString));

/** @class */
class ThreeDModule extends AbstractModule {
  /** @param {Options} options */
  constructor(options) {
    super(options, ThreeDModuleFile);
     * @memberof ThreeDModule
     * @instance
     * @member {string} output The extracted output from execution of the .scad file.

     * @memberof ThreeDModule
     * @instance
     * @function
     * @name isWithinBoundingBox
     * @param boundingBox {BoundingBox} The 3D box which the model should fit inside. It is considered 'within' if any coordinate is equal to, or within the box.
     * @returns {boolean} True if the model fits within the bounding box.

     * @memberof ThreeDModule
     * @instance
     * @member {Vertex[]} vertices A list of 3D vertices returned from the .scad file execution.
    this.vertices = getVertices(this.output);

     * @memberof ThreeDModule
     * @instance
     * @member {number} width The width of the model.
    this.width = getDimensionSize(this.vertices, 0);

     * @memberof ThreeDModule
     * @instance
     * @member {number} height The height of the model.
    this.height = getDimensionSize(this.vertices, 1);

     * @memberof ThreeDModule
     * @instance
     * @member {number} depth The depth of the model.
    this.depth = getDimensionSize(this.vertices, 2);

     * @typedef {Vertex[]} Triangle An array of three 3D vertices which describe a triangle. See {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_mesh}.

     * @memberof ThreeDModule
     * @instance
     * @member {Triangle[]} triangles The triangles which make up the model. See {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_mesh}.
    this.triangles = getTriangles(this.output);

module.exports = ThreeDModule;</code></pre>


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