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Test Coverage
name: 💥 Regression Report
about: Report unexpected behavior that worked in previous versions

Before you submit an issue we recommend you drop into our [Slack workspace]( and ask any questions you have or mention any problems you've had getting started with HospitalRun.

**Please read this entire template before posting any issue. If you ignore these instructions
and post an issue here that does not follow the instructions, your issue might be closed,
locked, and assigned the `missing discussion` label.**

## 💥 Regression Report

A clear and concise description of what the regression is.

## Last working version

Worked up to version:

Stopped working in version:

## To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Paste your code here:



## Expected behavior

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Paste the results here:



## Your Environment

- *node version*: 6,8,10
- *fastify version*: >=1.0.0
- *os*: Mac, Windows, Linux
- *any other relevant information*