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# Responsible Disclosure Policy

A responsible disclosure policy helps protect the project and its users from security vulnerabilities discovered in the project’s scope by employing a process where vulnerabilities are publicly disclosed after a reasonable time period to allow patching the vulnerability. 

All security bugs are taken seriously and are considered as top priority. 
Your efforts to responsibly disclose your findings are appreciated and will be taken into account to acknowledge your contributions.

## Supported Versions

This versions of HospitalRun project are currently being supported with security updates.

| Version | Supported          |
| ------- | ------------------ |
| 2.0.0   | :white_check_mark: |
| 1.0.0-beta   | :x:           |

## Reporting a Vulnerability

Report security bugs by opening a new [Security Issue]( You can also report a vulnerability by emailing

Report security bugs in third-party modules to the maintainer or team maintaining the module.