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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @author: Federico Cerchiari <>
"""Base class for rendering"""
from html import escape
from numbers import Number
from functools import partial

from .bases import TempyClass
from .tempyrepr import TempyPlace, TempyREPR

class DOMRenderer(TempyClass):

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s.%s %s.%s%s%s>" % (
            " Son of %s." % type(self.parent).__name__ if self.parent else "",
            " %d childs." % len(self.childs) if self.childs else "",
            " Named %s" % self._name if self._name else "",

    def _render_tempy_repr(self, tempy_repr_cls, child, pretty=False):
        class Patched(tempy_repr_cls, self.__class__):
            def __init__(s, obj, *args, **kwargs):
                # Forced adoption of the patched element as son of us
                s.parent = self
                # MRO would init only the tempyREPR_cls, we force DOMElement init too
                self.__class__.__init__(s, **kwargs)

        return Patched(child).render(pretty=pretty)

    def _iter_child_renders(self, pretty=False):
        for child in self.childs:
            if isinstance(child, str):
                yield escape(child)
            elif isinstance(child, Number):
                yield str(child)
            elif child.__class__.__name__ == "Escaped":
                yield child.render
            elif issubclass(child.__class__, TempyClass):
                yield child.render(pretty=pretty)
            elif not issubclass(child.__class__, TempyClass):
                tempy_repr_cls = self._search_for_view(child)
                if tempy_repr_cls:
                    yield self._render_tempy_repr(tempy_repr_cls, child, pretty=pretty)
                    yield escape(str(child))

    def _filter_classes(cls_list, cls_type):
        """Filters a list of classes and yields TempyREPR subclasses"""
        for cls in cls_list:
            if isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, cls_type):
                if cls_type == TempyPlace and cls._base_place:
                    yield cls

    def _evaluate_tempy_repr(self, child, repr_cls):
        """Assign a score ito a TempyRepr class.
        The scores depends on the current scope and position of the object in which the TempyREPR is found."""
        score = 0
        if repr_cls.__name__ == self.__class__.__name__:
            # One point if the REPR have the same name of the container
            score += 1
        elif repr_cls.__name__ == self.root.__class__.__name__:
            # One point if the REPR have the same name of the Tempy tree root
            score += 1

        # Add points defined in scorers methods of used TempyPlaces
        for parent_cls in self._filter_classes(repr_cls.__mro__[1:], TempyPlace):
            for scorer in (
                    method for method in dir(parent_cls) if method.startswith("_reprscore")
                score += getattr(parent_cls, scorer, lambda *args: 0)(
                    parent_cls, self, child
        return score

    def _search_for_view(self, obj):
        """Searches for TempyREPR class declarations in the child's class.
        If at least one TempyREPR is found, it uses the best one to make a Tempy object.
        Otherwise the original object is returned.
        evaluator = partial(self._evaluate_tempy_repr, obj)
        sorted_reprs = sorted(
            self._filter_classes(obj.__class__.__dict__.values(), TempyREPR),
        if sorted_reprs:
            # If we find some TempyREPR, we return the one with the best score.
            return sorted_reprs[0]
        return None

    def render(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Placeholder for subclass implementation"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def render_childs(self, pretty=False):
        """Public api to render all the childs using Tempy rules"""
        return "".join(self._iter_child_renders(pretty=pretty))

    def render_attrs(self):
        """Renders the tag's attributes using the formats and performing special attributes name substitution."""
        ret = []
        for k, v in self.attrs.items():
            if v:
                if v is bool:
                    ret.append(" %s" % self._SPECIAL_ATTRS.get(k, k))
                    fnc = self._FORMAT_ATTRS.get(k, None)
                    ret.append(' %s="%s"' % (self._SPECIAL_ATTRS.get(k, k), fnc(v) if fnc else v))
        return "".join(ret)

class CodeRenderer(TempyClass):
    def to_code(self, pretty=False):
        ret = []
        prettying = "\n" + ("\t" * self._depth) if pretty else ""
        childs_to_code = []
        for child in self.childs:
            if issubclass(child.__class__, TempyClass):
                child_code = child.to_code(pretty=pretty)
                childs_to_code.append('"""%s"""' % child)

        childs_code = ""
        if childs_to_code:
            childs_code = "(%s%s%s)" % (prettying, ", ".join(childs_to_code), prettying)
        class_code = ""
        if self._from_factory:
            class_code += "T."
            if getattr(self, "_void", False):
                class_code += "Void."
        class_code += self.__class__.__name__
        ret.append("%s(%s)%s" % (class_code, self.to_code_attrs(), childs_code))
        return "".join(ret)

    def to_code_attrs(self):
        def formatter(k, v):
            k_norm = twist_specials.get(k, k)
            if k in self._SET_VALUES_ATTRS:
                return '%s="%s"' % (k_norm, ", ".join(map(str, v)))
            if isinstance(v, bool) or v is bool:
                return '%s="%s"' % (k_norm, "True")
            if isinstance(v, str):
                return '%s="""%s"""' % (k_norm, v)
            return "%s=%s" % (k_norm, v)

        twist_specials = {v: k for k, v in self._SPECIAL_ATTRS.items()}
        return ", ".join(formatter(k, v) for k, v in self.attrs.items() if v)

class TempyRenderer(CodeRenderer, DOMRenderer):