* JPGraph v4.0.3
namespace Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph;
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Text;
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util;
* @class Axis
* // Description: Defines X and Y axis. Notes that at the
* // moment the code is not really good since the axis on
* // several occasion must know wheter it's an X or Y axis.
* // This was a design decision to make the code easier to
* // follow.
class AxisPrototype
public $scale;
public $img;
public $hide = false;
public $hide_labels = false;
public $title;
public $font_family = FF_DEFAULT;
public $font_style = FS_NORMAL;
public $font_size = 8;
public $label_angle = 0;
public $tick_step = 1;
public $pos = false;
public $ticks_label = [];
protected $weight = 1;
protected $color = [0, 0, 0];
protected $label_color = [0, 0, 0];
protected $ticks_label_colors;
protected $show_first_label = true;
protected $show_last_label = true;
protected $label_step = 1; // Used by a text axis to specify what multiple of major steps
// should be labeled.
protected $labelPos = 0; // Which side of the axis should the labels be?
protected $title_adjust;
protected $title_margin;
protected $title_side = SIDE_LEFT;
protected $tick_label_margin = 5;
protected $label_halign = '';
protected $label_valign = '';
protected $label_para_align = 'left';
protected $hide_line = false;
protected $iDeltaAbsPos = 0;
public function __construct($img, $aScale, $color = [0, 0, 0])
$this->img = $img;
$this->scale = $aScale;
$this->color = $color;
$this->title = new Text\Text('');
if ($aScale->type == 'y') {
$this->title_margin = 25;
$this->title_adjust = 'middle';
$this->tick_label_margin = 7;
$this->labelPos = SIDE_LEFT;
} else {
$this->title_margin = 5;
$this->title_adjust = 'high';
$this->tick_label_margin = 5;
$this->labelPos = SIDE_DOWN;
$this->title_side = SIDE_DOWN;
public function SetLabelFormat($aFormStr)
public function SetLabelFormatString($aFormStr, $aDate = false)
$this->scale->ticks->SetLabelFormat($aFormStr, $aDate);
public function SetLabelFormatCallback($aFuncName)
public function SetLabelAlign($aHAlign, $aVAlign = 'top', $aParagraphAlign = 'left')
$this->label_halign = $aHAlign;
$this->label_valign = $aVAlign;
$this->label_para_align = $aParagraphAlign;
// Don't display the first label
public function HideFirstTickLabel($aShow = false)
$this->show_first_label = $aShow;
public function HideLastTickLabel($aShow = false)
$this->show_last_label = $aShow;
// Manually specify the major and (optional) minor tick position and labels
public function SetTickPositions($aMajPos, $aMinPos = null, $aLabels = null)
$this->scale->ticks->SetTickPositions($aMajPos, $aMinPos, $aLabels);
// Manually specify major tick positions and optional labels
public function SetMajTickPositions($aMajPos, $aLabels = null)
$this->scale->ticks->SetTickPositions($aMajPos, null, $aLabels);
// Hide minor or major tick marks
public function HideTicks($aHideMinor = true, $aHideMajor = true)
// Hide zero label
public function HideZeroLabel($aFlag = true)
public function HideFirstLastLabel()
// The two first calls to ticks method will supress
// automatically generated scale values. However, that
// will not affect manually specified value, e.g text-scales.
// therefor we also make a kludge here to supress manually
// specified scale labels.
$this->show_first_label = false;
$this->show_last_label = false;
// Hide the axis
public function Hide($aHide = true)
$this->hide = $aHide;
// Hide the actual axis-line, but still print the labels
public function HideLine($aHide = true)
$this->hide_line = $aHide;
public function HideLabels($aHide = true)
$this->hide_labels = $aHide;
// Weight of axis
public function SetWeight($aWeight)
$this->weight = $aWeight;
// Axis color
public function SetColor($aColor, $aLabelColor = false)
$this->color = $aColor;
if (!$aLabelColor) {
$this->label_color = $aColor;
} else {
$this->label_color = $aLabelColor;
// Title on axis
public function SetTitle($aTitle, $aAdjustAlign = 'high')
$this->title_adjust = $aAdjustAlign;
// Specify distance from the axis
public function SetTitleMargin($aMargin)
$this->title_margin = $aMargin;
// Which side of the axis should the axis title be?
public function SetTitleSide($aSideOfAxis)
$this->title_side = $aSideOfAxis;
public function SetTickSide($aDir)
public function SetTickSize($aMajSize, $aMinSize = 3)
$this->scale->ticks->SetSize($aMajSize, $aMinSize = 3);
// Specify text labels for the ticks. One label for each data point
public function SetTickLabels($aLabelArray, $aLabelColorArray = null)
$this->ticks_label = $aLabelArray;
$this->ticks_label_colors = $aLabelColorArray;
public function SetLabelMargin($aMargin)
$this->tick_label_margin = $aMargin;
// Specify that every $step of the ticks should be displayed starting
// at $start
public function SetTextTickInterval($aStep, $aStart = 0)
$this->tick_step = $aStep;
// Specify that every $step tick mark should have a label
// should be displayed starting
public function SetTextLabelInterval($aStep)
if ($aStep < 1) {
Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(25058); //(" Text label interval must be specified >= 1.");
$this->label_step = $aStep;
public function SetLabelSide($aSidePos)
$this->labelPos = $aSidePos;
// Set the font
public function SetFont($aFamily, $aStyle = FS_NORMAL, $aSize = 10)
$this->font_family = $aFamily;
$this->font_style = $aStyle;
$this->font_size = $aSize;
// Position for axis line on the "other" scale
public function SetPos($aPosOnOtherScale)
$this->pos = $aPosOnOtherScale;
// Set the position of the axis to be X-pixels delta to the right
// of the max X-position (used to position the multiple Y-axis)
public function SetPosAbsDelta($aDelta)
$this->iDeltaAbsPos = $aDelta;
// Specify the angle for the tick labels
public function SetLabelAngle($aAngle)
$this->label_angle = $aAngle;
} // @class