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 * JPGraph v4.0.3

namespace Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph;

use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Image;
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Text;
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util;

 * File:        JPGRAPH_MGRAPH.PHP
 * // Description: Class to handle multiple graphs in the same image
 * // Created:     2006-01-15
 * // Ver:         $Id: jpgraph_mgraph.php 1770 2009-08-17 06:10:22Z ljp $
 * //
 * // Copyright (c) Asial Corporation. All rights reserved.

 * @class MGraph
 * // Description: Create a container image that can hold several graph
class MGraph
    public $title;
    public $subtitle;
    public $subsubtitle;

    protected $img;
    protected $iCnt          = 0;
    protected $iGraphs       = []; // image_handle, x, y, fx, fy, sizex, sizey
    protected $iFillColor    = 'white';
    protected $iCurrentColor = 0;
    protected $lm            = 4;
    protected $rm            = 4;
    protected $tm            = 4;
    protected $bm            = 4;
    protected $iDoFrame      = false;
    protected $iFrameColor   = 'black';
    protected $iFrameWeight  = 1;
    protected $iLineWeight   = 1;
    protected $expired       = false;
    protected $cache;
    protected $cache_name    = '';
    protected $inline        = true;
    protected $image_format  = 'png';
    protected $image_quality = 75;
    protected $iWidth;
    protected $iHeight;
    protected $background_image        = '';
    protected $background_image_center = true;
    protected $backround_image_format  = '';
    protected $background_image_mix    = 100;
    protected $background_image_y;
    protected $background_image_x;
    private $doshadow     = false;
    private $shadow_width = 4;
    private $shadow_color = 'gray@0.5';
    public $footer;

    // Create a new instane of the combined graph
    public function __construct($aWidth = null, $aHeight = null, $aCachedName = '', $aTimeOut = 0, $aInline = true)
        $this->iWidth  = $aWidth;
        $this->iHeight = $aHeight;

        // If the cached version exist just read it directly from the
        // cache, stream it back to browser and exit
        if ($aCachedName != '' && READ_CACHE && $aInline) {
            $this->cache = new Image\ImgStreamCache();
            $image = new Image\Image();
            if ($this->cache->GetAndStream($image, $aCachedName)) {
        $this->inline     = $aInline;
        $this->cache_name = $aCachedName;

        $this->title = new Text\Text();
        $this->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD);

        $this->subtitle = new Text\Text();
        $this->subtitle->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);

        $this->subsubtitle = new Text\Text();
        $this->subsubtitle->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_NORMAL);

        $this->footer = new Image\Footer();

    // Specify background fill color for the combined graph
    public function SetFillColor($aColor)
        $this->iFillColor = $aColor;

    // Add a frame around the combined graph
    public function SetFrame($aFlg, $aColor = 'black', $aWeight = 1)
        $this->iDoFrame     = $aFlg;
        $this->iFrameColor  = $aColor;
        $this->iFrameWeight = $aWeight;

    // Specify a background image blend
    public function SetBackgroundImageMix($aMix)
        $this->background_image_mix = $aMix;

    // Specify a background image
    public function SetBackgroundImage($aFileName, $aCenter_aX = null, $aY = null)
        // Second argument can be either a boolean value or
        // a numeric
        $aCenter = true;
        $aX      = null;

        if (is_numeric($aCenter_aX)) {
            $aX = $aCenter_aX;

        // Get extension to determine image type
        $e = explode('.', $aFileName);
        if (!$e) {
            Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(12002, $aFileName);
            //('Incorrect file name for MGraph::SetBackgroundImage() : '.$aFileName.' Must have a valid image extension (jpg,gif,png) when using autodetection of image type');

        $valid_formats = ['png', 'jpg', 'gif'];
        $aImgFormat    = strtolower($e[count($e) - 1]);
        if ($aImgFormat == 'jpeg') {
            $aImgFormat = 'jpg';
        } elseif (!in_array($aImgFormat, $valid_formats, true)) {
            Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(12003, $aImgFormat, $aFileName);
            //('Unknown file extension ($aImgFormat) in MGraph::SetBackgroundImage() for filename: '.$aFileName);

        $this->background_image        = $aFileName;
        $this->background_image_center = $aCenter;
        $this->background_image_format = $aImgFormat;
        $this->background_image_x      = $aX;
        $this->background_image_y      = $aY;

    public function _strokeBackgroundImage()
        if ($this->background_image == '') {

        $bkgimg = Graph::LoadBkgImage('', $this->background_image);

        // Background width & Heoght
        $bw = imagesx($bkgimg);
        $bh = imagesy($bkgimg);

        // Canvas width and height
        $cw = imagesx($this->img);
        $ch = imagesy($this->img);

        if ($this->doshadow) {
            $cw -= $this->shadow_width;
            $ch -= $this->shadow_width;

        if ($this->background_image_x === null || $this->background_image_y === null) {
            if ($this->background_image_center) {
                // Center original image in the plot area
                $x = round($cw / 2 - $bw / 2);
                $y = round($ch / 2 - $bh / 2);
            } else {
                // Just copy the image from left corner, no resizing
                $x = 0;
                $y = 0;
        } else {
            $x = $this->background_image_x;
            $y = $this->background_image_y;
        imagecopymerge($this->img, $bkgimg, $x, $y, 0, 0, $bw, $bh, $this->background_image_mix);

    public function AddMix($aGraph, $x = 0, $y = 0, $mix = 100, $fx = 0, $fy = 0, $w = 0, $h = 0)
        $this->_gdImgHandle($aGraph->Stroke(_IMG_HANDLER), $x, $y, $fx = 0, $fy = 0, $w, $h, $mix);

    public function Add($aGraph, $x = 0, $y = 0, $fx = 0, $fy = 0, $w = 0, $h = 0)
        $this->_gdImgHandle($aGraph->Stroke(_IMG_HANDLER), $x, $y, $fx = 0, $fy = 0, $w, $h);

    public function _gdImgHandle($agdCanvas, $x, $y, $fx = 0, $fy = 0, $w = 0, $h = 0, $mix = 100)
        if ($w == 0) {
            $w = @imagesx($agdCanvas);
        if ($w === null) {
            //('Argument to MGraph::Add() is not a valid GD image handle.');
        if ($h == 0) {
            $h = @imagesy($agdCanvas);
        $this->iGraphs[$this->iCnt++] = [$agdCanvas, $x, $y, $fx, $fy, $w, $h, $mix];

    public function SetMargin($lm, $rm, $tm, $bm)
        $this->lm = $lm;
        $this->rm = $rm;
        $this->tm = $tm;
        $this->bm = $bm;

    public function SetExpired($aFlg = true)
        $this->expired = $aFlg;

    public function SetImgFormat($aFormat, $aQuality = 75)
        $this->image_format  = $aFormat;
        $this->image_quality = $aQuality;

    // Set the shadow around the whole image
    public function SetShadow($aShowShadow = true, $aShadowWidth = 4, $aShadowColor = 'gray@0.3')
        $this->doshadow     = $aShowShadow;
        $this->shadow_color = $aShadowColor;
        $this->shadow_width = $aShadowWidth;
        $this->footer->iBottomMargin += $aShadowWidth;
        $this->footer->iRightMargin += $aShadowWidth;

    public function StrokeTitle($image, $w, $h)
        // Stroke title
        if ($this->title->t !== '') {
            $margin = 3;

            $y = $this->title->margin;
            if ($this->title->halign == 'center') {
                $this->title->Center(0, $w, $y);
            } elseif ($this->title->halign == 'left') {
                $this->title->SetPos($this->title->margin + 2, $y);
            } elseif ($this->title->halign == 'right') {
                $indent = 0;
                if ($this->doshadow) {
                    $indent = $this->shadow_width + 2;
                $this->title->SetPos($w - $this->title->margin - $indent, $y, 'right');

            // ... and subtitle
            $y += $this->title->GetTextHeight($image) + $margin + $this->subtitle->margin;
            if ($this->subtitle->halign == 'center') {
                $this->subtitle->Center(0, $w, $y);
            } elseif ($this->subtitle->halign == 'left') {
                $this->subtitle->SetPos($this->subtitle->margin + 2, $y);
            } elseif ($this->subtitle->halign == 'right') {
                $indent = 0;
                if ($this->doshadow) {
                    $indent = $this->shadow_width + 2;
                $this->subtitle->SetPos($this->img->width - $this->subtitle->margin - $indent, $y, 'right');

            // ... and subsubtitle
            $y += $this->subtitle->GetTextHeight($image) + $margin + $this->subsubtitle->margin;
            if ($this->subsubtitle->halign == 'center') {
                $this->subsubtitle->Center(0, $w, $y);
            } elseif ($this->subsubtitle->halign == 'left') {
                $this->subsubtitle->SetPos($this->subsubtitle->margin + 2, $y);
            } elseif ($this->subsubtitle->halign == 'right') {
                $indent = 0;
                if ($this->doshadow) {
                    $indent = $this->shadow_width + 2;
                $this->subsubtitle->SetPos($w - $this->subsubtitle->margin - $indent, $y, 'right');

    public function Stroke($aFileName = '')
        // Find out the necessary size for the container image
        $w = 0;
        $h = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $this->iCnt; ++$i) {
            $maxw = $this->iGraphs[$i][1] + $this->iGraphs[$i][5];
            $maxh = $this->iGraphs[$i][2] + $this->iGraphs[$i][6];
            $w    = max($w, $maxw);
            $h    = max($h, $maxh);
        $w += $this->lm + $this->rm;
        $h += $this->tm + $this->bm;

        // User specified width,height overrides
        if ($this->iWidth !== null && $this->iWidth !== 0) {
            $w = $this->iWidth;

        if ($this->iHeight !== null && $this->iHeight !== 0) {
            $h = $this->iHeight;

        if ($this->doshadow) {
            $w += $this->shadow_width;
            $h += $this->shadow_width;

        $image = new Image\Image($w, $h);
        $image->SetImgFormat($this->image_format, $this->image_quality);

        if ($this->doshadow) {
            $image->ShadowRectangle(0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1, $this->iFillColor, $this->shadow_width, $this->shadow_color);
            $w -= $this->shadow_width;
            $h -= $this->shadow_width;
        } else {
            $image->FilledRectangle(0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1);

        $this->img = $image->img;

        if ($this->iDoFrame && !$this->doshadow) {
            $image->Rectangle(0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1);

        // Copy all sub graphs to the container
        for ($i = 0; $i < $this->iCnt; ++$i) {
                $this->iGraphs[$i][1] + $this->lm,
                $this->iGraphs[$i][2] + $this->tm,
                -1, /* Full from width and height */

        $this->StrokeTitle($image, $w, $h);

        // Output image
        if ($aFileName == _IMG_HANDLER) {
            return $image->img;
        //Finally stream the generated picture
        $this->cache = new Image\ImgStreamCache();
        $this->cache->PutAndStream($image, $this->cache_name, $this->inline, $aFileName);

// EOF