* JPGraph v4.0.3
namespace Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot;
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph;
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util;
* @class AccBarPlot
* // Description: Produce accumulated bar plots
class AccBarPlot extends BarPlot
public $plots;
private $nbrplots = 0;
* @param mixed $plots
public function __construct($plots)
$this->plots = $plots;
$this->nbrplots = safe_count($plots);
if ($this->nbrplots < 1) {
Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(2010); //('Cannot create AccBarPlot from empty plot array.');
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->nbrplots; ++$i) {
if (empty($this->plots[$i]) || !isset($this->plots[$i])) {
Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(2011, $i); //("Acc bar plot element nbr $i is undefined or empty.");
// We can only allow individual plost which do not have specified X-positions
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->nbrplots; ++$i) {
if (!empty($this->plots[$i]->coords[1])) {
//'Individual bar plots in an AccBarPlot or GroupBarPlot can not have specified X-positions.');
// Use 0 weight by default which means that the individual bar
// weights will be used per part n the accumulated bar
$this->numpoints = $plots[0]->numpoints;
$this->value = new DisplayValue();
* @param mixed $graph
public function Legend($graph)
$n = safe_count($this->plots);
for ($i = $n - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
$c = get_class($this->plots[$i]);
if (!($this->plots[$i] instanceof BarPlot)) {
Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(2012, $c);
//('One of the objects submitted to AccBar is not a BarPlot. Make sure that you create the AccBar plot from an array of BarPlot objects.(Class='.$c.')');
public function Max()
list($xmax) = $this->plots[0]->Max();
$nmax = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < safe_count($this->plots); ++$i) {
$n = safe_count($this->plots[$i]->coords[0]);
$nmax = max($nmax, $n);
list($x) = $this->plots[$i]->Max();
$xmax = max($xmax, $x);
for ($i = 0; $i < $nmax; ++$i) {
// Get y-value for bar $i by adding the
// individual bars from all the plots added.
// It would be wrong to just add the
// individual plots max y-value since that
// would in most cases give to large y-value.
$y = 0;
if (!isset($this->plots[0]->coords[0][$i])) {
if ($this->plots[0]->coords[0][$i] > 0) {
$y = $this->plots[0]->coords[0][$i];
for ($j = 1; $j < $this->nbrplots; ++$j) {
if (!isset($this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i])) {
if ($this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i] > 0) {
$y += $this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i];
$ymax[$i] = $y;
$ymax = max($ymax);
// Bar always start at baseline
if ($ymax <= $this->ybase) {
$ymax = $this->ybase;
return [$xmax, $ymax];
public function Min()
$nmax = 0;
list($xmin, $ysetmin) = $this->plots[0]->Min();
for ($i = 0; $i < safe_count($this->plots); ++$i) {
$n = safe_count($this->plots[$i]->coords[0]);
$nmax = max($nmax, $n);
list($x, $y) = $this->plots[$i]->Min();
$xmin = min($xmin, $x);
$ysetmin = min($y, $ysetmin);
for ($i = 0; $i < $nmax; ++$i) {
// Get y-value for bar $i by adding the
// individual bars from all the plots added.
// It would be wrong to just add the
// individual plots max y-value since that
// would in most cases give to large y-value.
$y = 0;
if ($this->plots[0]->coords[0][$i] < 0) {
$y = $this->plots[0]->coords[0][$i];
for ($j = 1; $j < $this->nbrplots; ++$j) {
if ($this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i] < 0) {
$y += $this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i];
$ymin[$i] = $y;
$ymin = min($ysetmin, min($ymin));
// Bar always start at baseline
if ($ymin >= $this->ybase) {
$ymin = $this->ybase;
return [$xmin, $ymin];
// Stroke acc bar plot
public function Stroke($img, $xscale, $yscale)
$pattern = null;
$grad = null;
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numpoints - 1; ++$i) {
$accy = 0;
$accy_neg = 0;
for ($j = 0; $j < $this->nbrplots; ++$j) {
if ($this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i] >= 0) {
$yt = $yscale->Translate($this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i] + $accy);
$accyt = $yscale->Translate($accy);
$accy += $this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i];
} else {
//if ( $this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i] < 0 || $accy_neg < 0 ) {
$yt = $yscale->Translate($this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i] + $accy_neg);
$accyt = $yscale->Translate($accy_neg);
$accy_neg += $this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i];
$xt = $xscale->Translate($i);
if ($this->abswidth > -1) {
$abswidth = $this->abswidth;
} else {
$abswidth = round($this->width * $xscale->scale_factor, 0);
$pts = [$xt, $accyt, $xt, $yt, $xt + $abswidth, $yt, $xt + $abswidth, $accyt];
if ($this->bar_shadow) {
$ssh = $this->bar_shadow_hsize;
$ssv = $this->bar_shadow_vsize;
// We must also differ if we are a positive or negative bar.
if ($j === 0) {
// This gets extra complicated since we have to
// see all plots to see if we are negative. It could
// for example be that all plots are 0 until the very
// last one. We therefore need to save the initial setup
// for both the negative and positive case
// In case the final bar is positive
$sp[0] = $pts[6] + 1;
$sp[1] = $pts[7];
$sp[2] = $pts[6] + $ssh;
$sp[3] = $pts[7] - $ssv;
// In case the final bar is negative
$nsp[0] = $pts[0];
$nsp[1] = $pts[1];
$nsp[2] = $pts[0] + $ssh;
$nsp[3] = $pts[1] - $ssv;
$nsp[4] = $pts[6] + $ssh;
$nsp[5] = $pts[7] - $ssv;
$nsp[10] = $pts[6] + 1;
$nsp[11] = $pts[7];
if ($j === $this->nbrplots - 1) {
// If this is the last plot of the bar and
// the total value is larger than 0 then we
// add the shadow.
if (is_array($this->bar_shadow_color)) {
$numcolors = safe_count($this->bar_shadow_color);
if ($numcolors == 0) {
Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(2013); //('You have specified an empty array for shadow colors in the bar plot.');
$img->PushColor($this->bar_shadow_color[$i % $numcolors]);
} else {
if ($accy > 0) {
$sp[4] = $pts[4] + $ssh;
$sp[5] = $pts[5] - $ssv;
$sp[6] = $pts[2] + $ssh;
$sp[7] = $pts[3] - $ssv;
$sp[8] = $pts[2];
$sp[9] = $pts[3] - 1;
$sp[10] = $pts[4] + 1;
$sp[11] = $pts[5];
$img->FilledPolygon($sp, 4);
} elseif ($accy_neg < 0) {
$nsp[6] = $pts[4] + $ssh;
$nsp[7] = $pts[5] - $ssv;
$nsp[8] = $pts[4] + 1;
$nsp[9] = $pts[5];
$img->FilledPolygon($nsp, 4);
// If value is NULL or 0, then don't draw a bar at all
if ($this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i] == 0) {
if ($this->plots[$j]->grad) {
if ($grad === null) {
$grad = new Gradient($img);
if (is_array($this->plots[$j]->grad_fromcolor)) {
// The first argument (grad_fromcolor) can be either an array or a single color. If it is an array
// then we have two choices. It can either a) be a single color specified as an Image\RGB triple or it can be
// an array to specify both (from, to style) for each individual bar. The way to know the difference is
// to investgate the first element. If this element is an integer [0,255] then we assume it is an Image\RGB
// triple.
$ng = safe_count($this->plots[$j]->grad_fromcolor);
if ($ng === 3) {
if (is_numeric($this->plots[$j]->grad_fromcolor[0]) && $this->plots[$j]->grad_fromcolor[0] > 0 &&
$this->plots[$j]->grad_fromcolor[0] < 256) {
// Image\RGB Triple
$fromcolor = $this->plots[$j]->grad_fromcolor;
$tocolor = $this->plots[$j]->grad_tocolor;
$style = $this->plots[$j]->grad_style;
} else {
$fromcolor = $this->plots[$j]->grad_fromcolor[$i % $ng][0];
$tocolor = $this->plots[$j]->grad_fromcolor[$i % $ng][1];
$style = $this->plots[$j]->grad_fromcolor[$i % $ng][2];
} else {
$fromcolor = $this->plots[$j]->grad_fromcolor[$i % $ng][0];
$tocolor = $this->plots[$j]->grad_fromcolor[$i % $ng][1];
$style = $this->plots[$j]->grad_fromcolor[$i % $ng][2];
} else {
} else {
if (is_array($this->plots[$j]->fill_color)) {
$numcolors = safe_count($this->plots[$j]->fill_color);
$fillcolor = $this->plots[$j]->fill_color[$i % $numcolors];
// If the bar is specified to be non filled then the fill color is false
if ($fillcolor !== false) {
$img->SetColor($this->plots[$j]->fill_color[$i % $numcolors]);
} else {
$fillcolor = $this->plots[$j]->fill_color;
if ($fillcolor !== false) {
if ($fillcolor !== false) {
// Stroke the pattern
if ($this->plots[$j]->iPattern > -1) {
if ($pattern === null) {
$pattern = new Graph\RectPatternFactory();
$prect = $pattern->Create($this->plots[$j]->iPattern, $this->plots[$j]->iPatternColor, 1);
if ($this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i] < 0) {
$rx = $pts[0];
$ry = $pts[1];
} else {
$rx = $pts[2];
$ry = $pts[3];
$width = abs($pts[4] - $pts[0]) + 1;
$height = abs($pts[1] - $pts[3]) + 1;
$prect->SetPos(new Util\Rectangle($rx, $ry, $width, $height));
// CSIM array
if ($i < safe_count($this->plots[$j]->csimtargets)) {
// Create the client side image map
$rpts = $img->ArrRotate($pts);
$csimcoord = round($rpts[0]) . ', ' . round($rpts[1]);
for ($k = 1; $k < 4; ++$k) {
$csimcoord .= ', ' . round($rpts[2 * $k]) . ', ' . round($rpts[2 * $k + 1]);
if (!empty($this->plots[$j]->csimtargets[$i])) {
$this->csimareas .= '<area shape="poly" coords="' . $csimcoord . '" ';
$this->csimareas .= ' href="' . $this->plots[$j]->csimtargets[$i] . '" ';
if (!empty($this->plots[$j]->csimwintargets[$i])) {
$this->csimareas .= ' target="' . $this->plots[$j]->csimwintargets[$i] . '" ';
$sval = '';
if (!empty($this->plots[$j]->csimalts[$i])) {
$sval = sprintf($this->plots[$j]->csimalts[$i], $this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i]);
$this->csimareas .= " title=\"${sval}\" ";
$this->csimareas .= " alt=\"${sval}\" />\n";
$pts[] = $pts[0];
$pts[] = $pts[1];
// Daw potential bar around the entire accbar bar
if ($this->weight > 0) {
$y = $yscale->Translate(0);
$img->Rectangle($pts[0], $y, $pts[6], $pts[5]);
// Draw labels for each
$x = $pts[2] + ($pts[4] - $pts[2]) / 2;
if ($this->bar_shadow) {
$x += $ssh;
// First stroke the accumulated value for the entire bar
// This value is always placed at the top/bottom of the bars
if ($accy_neg < 0) {
$y = $yscale->Translate($accy_neg);
$this->value->Stroke($img, $accy_neg, $x, $y);
} else {
$y = $yscale->Translate($accy);
$this->value->Stroke($img, $accy, $x, $y);
$accy = 0;
$accy_neg = 0;
for ($j = 0; $j < $this->nbrplots; ++$j) {
// We don't print 0 values in an accumulated bar plot
if ($this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i] == 0) {
if ($this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i] > 0) {
$yt = $yscale->Translate($this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i] + $accy);
$accyt = $yscale->Translate($accy);
if ($this->plots[$j]->valuepos == 'center') {
$y = $accyt - ($accyt - $yt) / 2;
} elseif ($this->plots[$j]->valuepos == 'bottom') {
$y = $accyt;
} else {
// top or max
$y = $accyt - ($accyt - $yt);
$accy += $this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i];
if ($this->plots[$j]->valuepos == 'center') {
$this->plots[$j]->value->SetAlign('center', 'center');
} elseif ($this->plots[$j]->valuepos == 'bottom') {
$this->plots[$j]->value->SetAlign('center', 'bottom');
} else {
$this->plots[$j]->value->SetAlign('center', 'top');
} else {
$yt = $yscale->Translate($this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i] + $accy_neg);
$accyt = $yscale->Translate($accy_neg);
$accy_neg += $this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i];
if ($this->plots[$j]->valuepos == 'center') {
$y = $accyt - ($accyt - $yt) / 2;
} elseif ($this->plots[$j]->valuepos == 'bottom') {
$y = $accyt;
} else {
$y = $accyt - ($accyt - $yt);
if ($this->plots[$j]->valuepos == 'center') {
$this->plots[$j]->value->SetAlign('center', 'center');
} elseif ($this->plots[$j]->valuepos == 'bottom') {
$this->plots[$j]->value->SetAlign('center', $j == 0 ? 'bottom' : 'top');
} else {
$this->plots[$j]->value->SetAlign('center', 'bottom');
$this->plots[$j]->value->Stroke($img, $this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i], $x, $y);
return true;
} // @class