* JPGraph v4.0.3
namespace Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot;
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Text;
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util;
* @class DisplayValue
* // Description: Used to print data values at data points
class DisplayValue
public $margin = 5;
public $show = false;
public $valign = '';
public $halign = 'center';
public $format = '%.1f';
public $negformat = '';
private $ff = FF_DEFAULT;
private $fs = FS_NORMAL;
private $fsize = 8;
private $iFormCallback = '';
private $angle = 0;
private $color = 'navy';
private $negcolor = '';
private $iHideZero = false;
public $txt;
public function __construct()
$this->txt = new Text\Text();
public function Show($aFlag = true)
$this->show = $aFlag;
public function SetColor($aColor, $aNegcolor = '')
$this->color = $aColor;
$this->negcolor = $aNegcolor;
public function SetFont($aFontFamily, $aFontStyle = FS_NORMAL, $aFontSize = 8)
$this->ff = $aFontFamily;
$this->fs = $aFontStyle;
$this->fsize = $aFontSize;
public function ApplyFont($aImg)
$aImg->SetFont($this->ff, $this->fs, $this->fsize);
public function SetMargin($aMargin)
$this->margin = $aMargin;
public function SetAngle($aAngle)
$this->angle = $aAngle;
public function SetAlign($aHAlign, $aVAlign = '')
$this->halign = $aHAlign;
$this->valign = $aVAlign;
public function SetFormat($aFormat, $aNegFormat = '')
$this->format = $aFormat;
$this->negformat = $aNegFormat;
public function SetFormatCallback($aFunc)
$this->iFormCallback = $aFunc;
public function HideZero($aFlag = true)
$this->iHideZero = $aFlag;
public function Stroke($img, $aVal, $x, $y)
if ($this->show) {
if ($this->negformat == '') {
$this->negformat = $this->format;
if ($this->negcolor == '') {
$this->negcolor = $this->color;
if ($aVal === null || (is_string($aVal) && ($aVal == '' || $aVal == '-' || $aVal == 'x'))) {
if (is_numeric($aVal) && $aVal == 0 && $this->iHideZero) {
// Since the value is used in different cirumstances we need to check what
// kind of formatting we shall use. For example, to display values in a line
// graph we simply display the formatted value, but in the case where the user
// has already specified a text string we don't fo anything.
if ($this->iFormCallback != '') {
$f = $this->iFormCallback;
$sval = call_user_func($f, $aVal);
} elseif (is_numeric($aVal)) {
if ($aVal >= 0) {
$sval = sprintf($this->format, $aVal);
} else {
$sval = sprintf($this->negformat, $aVal);
} else {
$sval = $aVal;
$y = $y - Util\Helper::sign($aVal) * $this->margin;
$this->txt->SetPos($x, $y);
$this->txt->SetFont($this->ff, $this->fs, $this->fsize);
if ($this->valign == '') {
if ($aVal >= 0) {
$valign = 'bottom';
} else {
$valign = 'top';
} else {
$valign = $this->valign;
$this->txt->Align($this->halign, $valign);
if ($aVal > 0) {
} else {