* JPGraph v4.0.3
namespace Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot;
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util;
* // Description: Polar plot extension for JpGraph
* // Created: 2003-02-02
* // Ver: $Id: jpgraph_polar.php 1796 2009-09-07 09:37:19Z ljp $
* //
* // Copyright (c) Asial Corporation. All rights reserved.
defined('POLAR_360') || define('POLAR_360', 1);
defined('POLAR_180') || define('POLAR_180', 2);
// Note. Don't attempt to make sense of this code.
// In order not to have to be able to inherit the scaling code
// from the main graph package we have had to make some "tricks" since
// the original scaling and axis was not designed to do what is
// required here.
// There were two option. 1: Re-implement everything and get a clean design
// and 2: do some "small" trickery and be able to inherit most of
// the functionlity from the main graph package.
// We choose 2: here in order to save some time.
* @class PolarPlot
class PolarPlot
public $line_style = 'solid';
public $mark;
public $legendcsimtarget = '';
public $legendcsimalt = '';
public $legend = '';
public $csimtargets = []; // Array of targets for CSIM
public $csimareas = ''; // Resultant CSIM area tags
public $csimalts; // ALT:s for corresponding target
public $scale;
private $numpoints = 0;
private $iColor = 'navy';
private $iFillColor = '';
private $iLineWeight = 1;
private $coord;
public function __construct($aData)
$n = safe_count($aData);
if ($n & 1) {
//('Polar plots must have an even number of data point. Each data point is a tuple (angle,radius).');
$this->numpoints = $n / 2;
$this->coord = $aData;
$this->mark = new PlotMark();
public function SetWeight($aWeight)
$this->iLineWeight = $aWeight;
public function SetColor($aColor)
$this->iColor = $aColor;
public function SetFillColor($aColor)
$this->iFillColor = $aColor;
public function Max()
$m = $this->coord[1];
$i = 1;
while ($i < $this->numpoints) {
$m = max($m, $this->coord[2 * $i + 1]);
return $m;
// Set href targets for CSIM
public function SetCSIMTargets($aTargets, $aAlts = null)
$this->csimtargets = $aTargets;
$this->csimalts = $aAlts;
// Get all created areas
public function GetCSIMareas()
return $this->csimareas;
public function SetLegend($aLegend, $aCSIM = '', $aCSIMAlt = '')
$this->legend = $aLegend;
$this->legendcsimtarget = $aCSIM;
$this->legendcsimalt = $aCSIMAlt;
// Private methods
public function Legend($aGraph)
$color = $this->iColor;
if ($this->legend != '') {
if ($this->iFillColor != '') {
$color = $this->iFillColor;
} else {
public function Stroke($img, $scale)
$i = 0;
$p = [];
$this->csimareas = '';
while ($i < $this->numpoints) {
list($x1, $y1) = $scale->PTranslate($this->coord[2 * $i], $this->coord[2 * $i + 1]);
$p[2 * $i] = $x1;
$p[2 * $i + 1] = $y1;
if (isset($this->csimtargets[$i])) {
$this->mark->SetCSIMAltVal($this->coord[2 * $i], $this->coord[2 * $i + 1]);
$this->mark->Stroke($img, $x1, $y1);
$this->csimareas .= $this->mark->GetCSIMAreas();
} else {
$this->mark->Stroke($img, $x1, $y1);
if ($this->iFillColor != '') {
$img->Polygon($p, $this->iFillColor != '');