* JPGraph v4.0.3
namespace Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot;
* @class RadarPlot
* // Description: Plot a radarplot
class RadarPlot
public $mark;
public $legend = '';
public $legendcsimtarget = '';
public $legendcsimalt = '';
public $csimtargets = []; // Array of targets for CSIM
public $csimareas = ''; // Resultant CSIM area tags
public $csimalts; // ALT:s for corresponding target
private $data = [];
private $fill = false;
private $fill_color = [200, 170, 180];
private $color = [0, 0, 0];
private $weight = 1;
private $linestyle = 'solid';
* @param mixed $data
public function __construct($data)
$this->data = $data;
$this->mark = new PlotMark();
public function Min()
return min($this->data);
public function Max()
return max($this->data);
public function SetLegend($legend)
$this->legend = $legend;
public function SetLineStyle($aStyle)
$this->linestyle = $aStyle;
public function SetLineWeight($w)
$this->weight = $w;
public function SetFillColor($aColor)
$this->fill_color = $aColor;
$this->fill = true;
public function SetFill($f = true)
$this->fill = $f;
public function SetColor($aColor, $aFillColor = false)
$this->color = $aColor;
if ($aFillColor) {
$this->fill = true;
// Set href targets for CSIM
public function SetCSIMTargets($aTargets, $aAlts = null)
$this->csimtargets = $aTargets;
$this->csimalts = $aAlts;
// Get all created areas
public function GetCSIMareas()
return $this->csimareas;
public function Stroke($img, $pos, $scale, $startangle)
$nbrpnts = safe_count($this->data);
$astep = 2 * M_PI / $nbrpnts;
$a = $startangle;
for ($i = 0; $i < $nbrpnts; ++$i) {
// Rotate each non null point to the correct axis-angle
$cs = $scale->RelTranslate($this->data[$i]);
$x = round($cs * cos($a) + $scale->scale_abs[0]);
$y = round($pos - $cs * sin($a));
$pnts[$i * 2] = $x;
$pnts[$i * 2 + 1] = $y;
// If the next point is null then we draw this polygon segment
// to the center, skip the next and draw the next segment from
// the center up to the point on the axis with the first non-null
// value and continues from that point. Some additoinal logic is necessary
// to handle the boundary conditions
if ($i < $nbrpnts - 1) {
if (is_null($this->data[$i + 1])) {
$cs = 0;
$x = round($cs * cos($a) + $scale->scale_abs[0]);
$y = round($pos - $cs * sin($a));
$pnts[$i * 2] = $x;
$pnts[$i * 2 + 1] = $y;
$a += $astep;
$a += $astep;
if ($this->fill) {
$pnts[] = $pnts[0];
$pnts[] = $pnts[1];
$img->SetLineStyle('solid'); // Reset line style to default
// Add plotmarks on top
if ($this->mark->show) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $nbrpnts; ++$i) {
if (isset($this->csimtargets[$i])) {
$this->mark->SetCSIMAltVal($pnts[$i * 2], $pnts[$i * 2 + 1]);
$this->mark->Stroke($img, $pnts[$i * 2], $pnts[$i * 2 + 1]);
$this->csimareas .= $this->mark->GetCSIMAreas();
} else {
$this->mark->Stroke($img, $pnts[$i * 2], $pnts[$i * 2 + 1]);
public function GetCount()
return safe_count($this->data);
public function Legend($graph)
if ($this->legend == '') {
if ($this->fill) {
$graph->legend->Add($this->legend, $this->fill_color, $this->mark);
} else {
$graph->legend->Add($this->legend, $this->color, $this->mark);
} // @class