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4 hrs
Test Coverage

 * JPGraph - Community Edition

namespace Amenadiel\JpGraph\UnitTest;

use Codeception\Util\Debug;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;

trait UnitTestTrait
    public static $exampleRoot;

    public static $persistYaml = false;

    public static $genericFixtures = [];

    public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
        $arr = \explode('\\', static::class);
        $className = \array_pop($arr);

        $knownFixtures = [];
        self::$files = self::getFiles(\mb_strtolower($className));

        try {
            self::$fixTures = Yaml::parseFile(\sprintf('%s/_support/%s.yml', __DIR__, $className));
        } catch (ParseException $exception) {
            \printf('Unable to parse the YAML string: %s', $exception->getMessage());

        if (\is_array(self::$fixTures)) {
            $knownFixtures = self::getShallowFixtureArray(self::$fixTures);
        } else {
            self::$fixTures = ['testFileIterator' => self::$files];
        self::$files = \array_filter(self::$files, function ($filename) use ($knownFixtures) {
            return !\array_key_exists($filename, $knownFixtures)
                || (\array_key_exists('testFileIterator', self::$fixTures)
                    && \array_key_exists($filename, self::$fixTures['testFileIterator']));
        Debug::debug(__CLASS__ . ' has ' . \count(self::$files) . ' ungrouped files. knownFixtures are:');

    public static function tearDownAfterClass(): void
        $arr = \explode('\\', static::class);
        $className = \array_pop($arr);

        if (\count(self::$genericFixtures) > 0) {
            if (isset(self::$debugFileGroups) && self::$debugFileGroups && \array_key_exists('testFileIterator', self::$genericFixtures)) {
                Debug::debug('non grouped fixtures:');
            $yaml = Yaml::dump(self::$genericFixtures);

            if (self::$persistYaml) {
                \file_put_contents(\sprintf('%s/_support/%s.yml', __DIR__, $className), $yaml);
            \fwrite(\STDOUT, $className . "\n");

    public function fixTures($method)
        $keyname = \str_replace(\sprintf('%s::', __CLASS__), '', $method);

        if (!\array_key_exists($keyname, self::$fixTures)) {
            return [];

        return self::$fixTures[$keyname];

    public function traverseFixtureGroup($fixTures)
        self::$genericFixtures =
            \array_reduce($fixTures, function ($carry, $file) {
                return $this->_fileCheck($file, $carry);
            }, self::$genericFixtures);

    public static function getFiles($class = '')
        $arr = \explode('\\', static::class);
        $className = \array_pop($arr);

        $folder = self::getRoot($className);

        $d = \dir($folder);
        $a = [];

        while ($entry = $d->Read()) {
            if (
                \is_file($folder . $entry)
                && \mb_strstr($entry, '.php')
                && \mb_strstr($entry, 'ex')
                && !\mb_strstr($entry, 'no_test')
                && !\mb_strstr($entry, 'no_dim')
            ) {
                $a[] = $entry;

        if (\count($a) === 0) {
            exit("PANIC: Apache/PHP does not have enough permission to read the scripts in directory: {$folder}");

        return $a;

    public static function getRoot($class)
        if (!self::$exampleRoot) {
            self::$exampleRoot = UNIT_TEST_FOLDER . '/Examples/examples_' . \str_replace('test', '', \mb_strtolower($class)) . '/';

        return self::$exampleRoot;

    public static function getShallowFixtureArray($fixTureArray)
        return \array_reduce(\array_keys($fixTureArray), function ($fixTures, $testName) use ($fixTureArray) {
            $filenames = $fixTureArray[$testName];

            return \array_reduce($filenames, function ($carry, $fixture) use ($testName) {
                if (\is_string($fixture)) {
                    $carry[$fixture] = $testName;
                } elseif (\is_array($fixture) && \array_key_exists('filename', $fixture)) {
                    // ['filename'=><FILE_NAME>,'width'=>x, etc etc]
                    $carry[$fixture['filename']] = $testName;

                return $carry;
            }, $fixTures);
        }, []);

     * Check graph size against declared size. If it doesn't match, rename it.
     * @param string $exampleRoot The example root folder
     * @param <type> $filename    The example filename
     * @param <type> $__width     The declared width
     * @param <type> $__height    The declared height
     * @param <type> $size        The actual size
     * @return bool true if file was renamed. False otherwise
    public static function renameIfDimensionsDontMatch($exampleRoot, $filename, $__width, $__height, $size)
        if ($__width !== $size[0] || $__height !== $size[1]) {
            \rename($exampleRoot . $filename, $exampleRoot . 'no_dim_' . $filename);

            return true;

        return false;

    public static function camelCase($inputText)
        $tofind = 'ÀÁÂÄÅàáâäÒÓÔÖòóôöÈÉÊËèéêëÇçÌÍÎÏìíîïÙÚÛÜùúûüÿÑñ';
        $replac = 'AAAAAaaaaOOOOooooEEEEeeeeCcIIIIiiiiUUUUuuuuyNn';

        $campo_sanitizado = \utf8_encode(\strtr(\utf8_decode($inputText), \utf8_decode($tofind), $replac));

        $inputText = \mb_strtolower(\str_replace('%', '_', $campo_sanitizado));
        $inputText = \preg_replace('/[^(\x20-\x7F)]*/', '', $inputText);
        $inputText = \explode(',', $inputText)[0];

        return \preg_replace_callback('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/', function ($coincidencias) {
            $fixed = \ucfirst(\trim(\mb_strtolower($coincidencias[1])));
            $coincidencias[] = $fixed;

            return $fixed;
        }, \mb_strtolower(\trim($inputText)));

    private function _normalizeTestGroup($filename, &$ownFixtures = [], $example_title = 'file_iterator', $debug = false, $attributes = [])
        $filename_meaningful = \explode('ex', $filename)[0];

        if ('file_iterator' === $example_title) {
            $example_title = self::camelCase(\sprintf('%s_%s', $filename_meaningful, $example_title));
        $camelCased = self::camelCase($example_title);
        $test_title = $camelCased;
        $withoutSuffix = \preg_match('/(\w(\s|\w)+\w)\s*(?:(ex|v))?\s*([\.\d]+)$/iU', $test_title, $matches);

        if ($matches) {
            $test_title = self::camelCase($matches[1]);

        $methodName = \trim(\sprintf('test%s', \ucfirst($test_title)));
        $matches = null;

        if ($debug) {
                'withoutSuffix' => $withoutSuffix,
                'example_title' => 'file_iterator' === $example_title ? 'No Title' : $example_title,
                'camelCased' => $camelCased,
                'filename' => $filename,

        if (!\array_key_exists($methodName, $ownFixtures)) {
            $ownFixtures[$methodName] = [];
        $dims = [];

        if (\array_key_exists('mime', $attributes)) {
            $dims = ['width' => $attributes[0], 'height' => $attributes[1]];
        $ownFixtures[$methodName][$filename] = \array_merge($dims, ['title' => $example_title, 'filename' => $filename]);

        return $ownFixtures;

    private function _fileCheck($filename, &$ownFixtures = [], $debug = false)
        if (\is_array($filename)) {
            if (\array_key_exists('width', $filename)) {
                $__width = $filename['width'];

            if (\array_key_exists('height', $filename)) {
                $__height = $filename['height'];
            $filename = $filename['filename'];
        $example_title = 'file_iterator';
        $subtitle_text = '';

        include self::$exampleRoot . $filename;

        $img = (\ob_get_clean());
        $size = \getimagesizefromstring($img);

        $size['filename'] = $filename;

        if ('file_iterator' === $example_title && $subtitle_text) {
            $example_title = $subtitle_text;

        if (isset($__width, $__height)) {
            self::renameIfDimensionsDontMatch(self::$exampleRoot, $filename, $__width, $__height, $size);
            $this->assertEquals($__width, $size[0], 'width should match the one declared for ' . $filename);
            $this->assertEquals($__height, $size[1], 'height should match the one declared for ' . $filename);
        } else {
                'testing ' . $filename .
                    ' for image/jpeg headers '
            //$this->assertEquals('image/jpeg', $size['mime'], 'image should have mime image/jpeg for ' . $filename);

        return $this->_normalizeTestGroup($filename, $ownFixtures, $example_title, $debug, $size);