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# moleculer-bullmq

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## How to create job
You just need to add the `BullMqMixin` and add a `queue` attribute to you action.  
This action will be call with the params & meta of the scheduler.  
The return of the action will be the job result.  
The mixin will add the BullMq `job` into `locals`  
module.exports = {
  name: 'jobs',
  mixins: [BullMqMixin],
  settings: {
    bullmq: {
      worker: { concurrency: 50 }
  actions: {
    resize: {
      queue: true,
      params: { width: 'number', height: 'number' },
      async handler(ctx) {
        const { width, height } = ctx.params
        const { user } = ctx.meta
        return { user, size: width * height, job: }
By default it use the redis cacher, but you can specify a custom client :
module.exports = {
  name: 'jobs',
  mixins: [BullMqMixin],
  settings: {
    bullmq: {
      client: 'redis://:authpassword@'
The `client` option goes to the `IORedis` constructor.
## How to queue job
You can use the `queue` method, with five parameters : Current context, Queue name, Action name, Parameters, Job options
module.exports = {
  name: 'my.service',
  mixins: [BullMqMixin],
  actions: {
    'resize.async': {
      async handler(ctx) {
        ctx.meta.user = 'Bob de glace'
        const job = await this.queue(ctx, 'jobs', 'resize', { width: 42, height: 42 }, { priority: 10 })
If your in the same service as your scheduling action, you can omit the queue name with the `localQueue` method
module.exports = {
  name: 'my.service',
  mixins: [BullMqMixin],
  actions: {
    resize: {
      queue: true,
      params: { width: 'number', height: 'number' },
      async handler(ctx) {
        const { width, height } = ctx.params
        const { user } = ctx.meta
        return { user, size: width * height, job: }
    'resize.async': {
      async handler(ctx) {
        ctx.meta.user = 'Bob de glace'
        const job = await this.localQueue(ctx, 'resize', { width: 42, height: 42 }, { priority: 10 })