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"""This module contains extra callbacks that can add commonly-used functionality to Experiments.
This module also serves as an example for how users can properly construct their own custom
callbacks using :func:`hyperparameter_hunter.callbacks.bases.lambda_callback`

    This module defines :func:`hyperparameter_hunter.callbacks.bases.lambda_callback`, which is how
    all extra callbacks created in :mod:`` are created
    This module provides the means to use custom callbacks made by
    :func:`hyperparameter_hunter.callbacks.bases.lambda_callback` through the `experiment_callbacks`
    argument of :meth:`hyperparameter_hunter.environment.Environment.__init__`

For the purposes of aggregating additional Experiment information, this module describes two methods
outlined in :func:``, and
:func:``. The first automatically
handles aggregating new values; whereas, the second provides an example for manually aggregating new
values, which offers greater customization at the cost of slightly more overhead"""
# Import Own Assets
from hyperparameter_hunter.callbacks.bases import lambda_callback
from import TrainTargetChunk
from hyperparameter_hunter.metrics import get_clean_prediction

# Import Miscellaneous Assets
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Optional

# Import Learning Assets
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix as sk_confusion_matrix

# Confusion Matrix Callbacks
def confusion_matrix_oof(on_run=True, on_fold=True, on_rep=True, on_exp=True):
    """Callback function to produce confusion matrices for out-of-fold predictions at each stage of
    the Experiment

    on_run: Boolean, default=True
        If False, skip making confusion matrices for individual Experiment runs
    on_fold: Boolean, default=True
        If False, skip making confusion matrices for individual Experiment folds
    on_rep: Boolean, default=True
        If False, skip making confusion matrices for individual Experiment repetitions
    on_exp: Boolean, default=True
        If False, skip making final confusion matrix for the Experiment

        An uninitialized :class:`LambdaCallback` to generate confusion matrices, produced by

    Unlike :func:``, this callback
    function allows `lambda_callback` to automatically aggregate the stats returned by each of the
    "on..." functions given to `lambda_callback`

    If the size of this `lambda_callback` implementation is daunting, minimize the helper functions'
    docstrings. It's surprisingly simple"""

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def _on_run_end(data_oof, **kwargs):
        """Callback to execute upon ending an Experiment's run. Note that parameters are
        named after Experiment attributes

        data_oof: BaseDataset
        **kwargs: Dict
            If this is given as a parameter to one of `lambda_callback`\'s functions, the entirety
            of the Experiment's attributes will be given as a dict. This can be used for debugging

        return _confusion_matrix(,

    def _on_fold_end(data_oof, validation_index):
        """Callback to execute upon ending an Experiment's fold. Note that parameters are
        named after Experiment attributes

        data_oof: BaseDataset
        validation_index: Array-like

        return _confusion_matrix(
  , data_oof.prediction.rep.iloc[validation_index]

    def _on_rep_end(data_train, data_oof):
        """Callback to execute upon ending an Experiment's repetition. Note that parameters are
        named after Experiment attributes

        data_train: BaseDataset
        data_oof: BaseDataset

        # return _confusion_matrix(, data_oof.prediction.rep)  # TODO: Should use this when collecting transformed targets
        return _confusion_matrix(, data_oof.prediction.rep)  # FLAG: TEMPORARY

    def _on_exp_end(data_train, data_oof):
        """Callback to execute upon ending an Experiment. Note that parameters are
        named after Experiment attributes

        data_train: BaseDataset
        data_oof: BaseDataset

        # return _confusion_matrix(,  # TODO: Should use this when collecting transformed targets
        return _confusion_matrix(,  # FLAG: TEMPORARY

    return lambda_callback(
        on_run_end=_on_run_end if on_run else None,
        on_fold_end=_on_fold_end if on_fold else None,
        on_rep_end=_on_rep_end if on_rep else None,
        on_exp_end=_on_exp_end if on_exp else None,

def confusion_matrix_holdout(on_run=True, on_fold=True, on_rep=True, on_exp=True):
    """Callback function to produce confusion matrices for holdout predictions at each stage of
    the Experiment

    on_run: Boolean, default=True
        If False, skip making confusion matrices for individual Experiment runs
    on_fold: Boolean, default=True
        If False, skip making confusion matrices for individual Experiment folds
    on_rep: Boolean, default=True
        If False, skip making confusion matrices for individual Experiment repetitions
    on_exp: Boolean, default=True
        If False, skip making final confusion matrix for the Experiment

        An uninitialized :class:`LambdaCallback` to generate confusion matrices, produced by

    Unlike :func:``, this callback
    bypasses `lambda_callback`\'s ability to automatically aggregate stats returned by the "on..."
    functions. It does this simply by not returning values in the "on..." functions, and manually
    aggregating the stats in :attr:`hyperparameter_hunter.experiments.BaseExperiment.stat_aggregates`.
    This offers greater control over how your values are collected, but also requires additional
    overhead, namely, instantiating a dict to collect the values via :func:`_on_exp_start`.
    Note also that each of the "on..." functions must append their values to an explicitly named
    container in :attr:`hyperparameter_hunter.experiments.BaseExperiment.stat_aggregates` when using
    this method as opposed to :func:``\'s

    If the size of this `lambda_callback` implementation is daunting, minimize the helper functions'
    docstrings. It's surprisingly simple"""

    def _on_exp_start(stat_aggregates):
        """Callback to instantiate container for Experiment values to be aggregated

        stat_aggregates: Dict
        stat_aggregates["confusion_matrix_holdout"] = dict(runs=[], folds=[], reps=[], final=None)

    def _on_run_end(stat_aggregates, data_holdout):
        """Callback to execute upon ending an Experiment's run. Note that parameters are
        named after Experiment attributes

        stat_aggregates: Dict
        data_holdout: BaseDataset

    def _on_fold_end(stat_aggregates, data_holdout):
        """Callback to execute upon ending an Experiment's fold. Note that parameters are
        named after Experiment attributes

        stat_aggregates: Dict
        data_holdout: BaseDataset
            _confusion_matrix(, data_holdout.prediction.fold)

    def _on_rep_end(stat_aggregates, data_holdout):
        """Callback to execute upon ending an Experiment's repetition. Note that parameters are
        named after Experiment attributes

        stat_aggregates: Dict
        data_holdout: BaseDataset
            # _confusion_matrix(, data_holdout.prediction.rep)  # TODO: Should use this when collecting transformed targets
            _confusion_matrix(, data_holdout.prediction.rep)  # FLAG: TEMPORARY

    def _on_exp_end(stat_aggregates, data_holdout):
        """Callback to execute upon ending an Experiment. Note that parameters are
        named after Experiment attributes

        stat_aggregates: Dict
        data_holdout: BaseDataset
        stat_aggregates["confusion_matrix_holdout"]["final"] = _confusion_matrix(
            #,  # TODO: Should use this when collecting transformed targets

    return lambda_callback(
        on_run_end=_on_run_end if on_run else None,
        on_fold_end=_on_fold_end if on_fold else None,
        on_rep_end=_on_rep_end if on_rep else None,
        on_exp_end=_on_exp_end if on_exp else None,

def _confusion_matrix(targets, predictions):
    """Helper function to produce a confusion matrix after properly formatting `predictions`

    targets: Array-like
        The target/expected output labels for each of the given `predictions`
    predictions: Array-like
        The predicted values corresponding to each of the elements in `targets`

        A confusion matrix for the given `targets` and `predictions`"""
    return sk_confusion_matrix(targets, get_clean_prediction(targets, predictions))

# Excessive Recording Callbacks
def dataset_recorder():
    """Build a `LambdaCallback` that records the current state of all datasets `on_fold_start` in
    order to validate modifications made by

        Aggregator-like `LambdaCallback` whose values are aggregated under the name "_datasets" and
        whose keys are named after the corresponding callback methods"""

    def _on_fold(data_train, data_oof, data_holdout, data_test):
        d = dict(
        return d

    return lambda_callback(on_fold_start=_on_fold, agg_name="datasets", method_agg_keys=True)

def lambda_check_train_targets(
    on_exp_start: Optional[List[TrainTargetChunk]] = None,
    on_rep_start: Optional[List[TrainTargetChunk]] = None,
    on_fold_start: Optional[List[TrainTargetChunk]] = None,
    on_run_start: Optional[List[TrainTargetChunk]] = None,
    on_run_end: Optional[List[TrainTargetChunk]] = None,
    on_fold_end: Optional[List[TrainTargetChunk]] = None,
    on_rep_end: Optional[List[TrainTargetChunk]] = None,
    on_exp_end: Optional[List[TrainTargetChunk]] = None,
    """LambdaCallback to check the values of an experiment's `` attribute

    The list of :class:``
    instances given to each parameter represents the expected value of
    :attr:`` for each call of that
    particular callback method. In other words, the number of items in each parameter's list should
    correspond to the number of times that callback method is expected to be invoked.

    This means that `on_exp_start` and `on_exp_end` should both contain only a single
    `TrainTargetChunk` (because they are only ever invoked once by an experiment), and their values
    should be the expected states of `` on experiment start and end, respectively.

    on_exp_start: List[TrainTargetChunk], or None, default=None
        Expected value of train targets when `on_exp_start` is invoked. Should contain only a single
        `TrainTargetChunk` instance
    on_rep_start: List[TrainTargetChunk], or None, default=None
        Expected value of train targets on each invocation of `on_rep_start`. Should contain as many
        `TrainTargetChunk` instances as repetitions will be conducted during the experiment. Should
        contain only a single value if the number or repetitions is one, or if
        :attr:`hyperparameter_hunter.environment.Environment.cv_type` is not a repeated CV scheme
    on_fold_start: List[TrainTargetChunk], or None, default=None
        Expected value of train targets on each invocation of `on_fold_start`. The values to
        provide are not as straight-forward, as they depend on the number of repetitions as well.
        If only a single repetition will be conducted, then `on_fold_start` should simply contain
        as many `TrainTargetChunk` instances as folds will be conducted. However, if multiple
        repetitions will be conducted, then the length of `on_fold_start` should be
        (<# of reps> * <# of folds>). For example, if performing `RepeatedKFold` cross validation
        with 2 repetitions, and 3 folds/splits, then `on_fold_start` should contain 6 values
    on_run_start: List[TrainTargetChunk], or None, default=None
        Expected value of train targets on each invocation of `on_run_start`. Similarly to
        `on_fold_start`, the length/values of `on_run_start` depends on the number of repetitions,
        as well as the number of folds that will be conducted. The length of `on_run_start` should
        be (<# of reps> * <# of folds> * <# of runs>). If performing standard, non-repeated
        `KFold`-like cross validation, with 3 folds, and only a single run, then `on_run_start`
        should contain 3 values. Just as in the `on_fold_start` description example, if performing
        `RepeatedKFold` CV with 2 repetitions, and 3 folds, and 1 run, then `on_run_start` should
        contain 6 values. On the extreme end, if performing `RepeatedKFold` CV with 2 repetitions,
        and 3 folds, and 4 runs, then `on_run_start` should contain 24 values
    on_run_end: List[TrainTargetChunk], or None, default=None
        *See `on_run_start` description*
    on_fold_end: List[TrainTargetChunk], or None, default=None
        *See `on_fold_start` description*
    on_rep_end: List[TrainTargetChunk], or None, default=None
        *See `on_rep_start` description*
    on_exp_end: List[TrainTargetChunk], or None, default=None
        *See `on_exp_start` description*

    As is always the case, `on_run_start` and `on_run_end` will still be invoked even if
    :attr:`hyperparameter_hunter.environment.Environment.runs` is 1. In this case, they will be
    invoked as many times as `on_fold_start` and `on_fold_end` are invoked; however, this does not
    mean that the values of `` are identical between fold and run divisions"""
    on_exp_start = on_exp_start if on_exp_start is not None else []
    on_rep_start = on_rep_start if on_rep_start is not None else []
    on_fold_start = on_fold_start if on_fold_start is not None else []
    on_run_start = on_run_start if on_run_start is not None else []
    on_run_end = on_run_end if on_run_end is not None else []
    on_fold_end = on_fold_end if on_fold_end is not None else []
    on_rep_end = on_rep_end if on_rep_end is not None else []
    on_exp_end = on_exp_end if on_exp_end is not None else []

    #################### Division Start Points ####################
    def _on_exp_start(data_train):
        assert == on_exp_start[0]

    def _on_rep_start(data_train, _rep):
        assert == on_rep_start[_rep]

    def _on_fold_start(data_train, _rep, _fold):
        assert == on_fold_start[((_rep + 1) * (_fold + 1) - 1)]

    def _on_run_start(data_train, _rep, _fold, _run):
        assert == on_run_start[((_rep + 1) * (_fold + 1) * (_run + 1) - 1)]

    #################### Division End Points ####################
    def _on_run_end(data_train, _rep, _fold, _run):
        assert == on_run_end[((_rep + 1) * (_fold + 1) * (_run + 1) - 1)]

    def _on_fold_end(data_train, _rep, _fold):
        assert == on_fold_end[((_rep + 1) * (_fold + 1) - 1)]

    def _on_rep_end(data_train, _rep):
        assert == on_rep_end[_rep]

    def _on_exp_end(data_train):
        assert == on_exp_end[0]

    return lambda_callback(
        on_exp_start=_on_exp_start if on_exp_start else None,
        on_rep_start=_on_rep_start if on_rep_start else None,
        on_fold_start=_on_fold_start if on_fold_start else None,
        on_run_start=_on_run_start if on_run_start else None,
        on_run_end=_on_run_end if on_run_end else None,
        on_fold_end=_on_fold_end if on_fold_end else None,
        on_rep_end=_on_rep_end if on_rep_end else None,
        on_exp_end=_on_exp_end if on_exp_end else None,

# Experiment Description Callbacks
# TODO: Add callback recipe to save an Experiment's description file as a yaml file alongside json
# TODO: May need to extend `lambda_callback`'s capabilities to include the result-saving stage
# TODO: ... The final description file likely isn't available at the time `on_exp_end` called
# FLAG: When done, move this section below the "Confusion Matrix Callbacks" section below
# FLAG: Consider adding option to save Experiment descriptions as yaml by default
# FLAG: ... Will probably need to employ special `--- !!omap` yaml tags ( ["Example 2.26"])

# Keras Epochs Elapsed Callback
def aggregator_epochs_elapsed(on_run=True, on_fold=True, on_rep=True, on_exp=True):
    """Callback function to aggregate and average the number of epochs elapsed during model training
    at each stage of the Experiment

    on_run: Boolean, default=True
        If False, skip recording epochs elapsed for individual Experiment runs
    on_fold: Boolean, default=True
        If False, skip making epochs-elapsed averages for individual Experiment folds
    on_rep: Boolean, default=True
        If False, skip making epochs-elapsed averages for individual Experiment repetitions
    on_exp: Boolean, default=True
        If False, skip making epochs-elapsed average for the Experiment

        An uninitialized :class:`LambdaCallback` to aggregate the number of epochs elapsed during
        training, produced by :func:`hyperparameter_hunter.callbacks.bases.lambda_callback`"""

    def _on_run_end(model):
        """Return the number of epochs elapsed after fitting model"""
        if model.epochs_elapsed is not None:
            return model.epochs_elapsed

    def _on_fold_end(stat_aggregates, _run):
        """Average the number of epochs elapsed across all runs in the fold"""
        run_results = stat_aggregates["_epochs_elapsed"]["runs"]
        if len(run_results) > 0:
            return np.average(run_results[-_run:])

    def _on_rep_end(stat_aggregates, _run, _fold):
        """Average the number of epochs elapsed across all runs in the repetition"""
        run_results = stat_aggregates["_epochs_elapsed"]["runs"]
        if len(run_results) > 0:
            num_runs = _run * _fold
            return np.average(run_results[-num_runs:])

    def _on_exp_end(stat_aggregates, _run, _fold, _rep):
        """Average the number of epochs elapsed across all runs in the Experiment"""
        run_results = stat_aggregates["_epochs_elapsed"]["runs"]
        if len(run_results) > 0:
            num_runs = _run * _fold * _rep
            return np.average(run_results[-num_runs:])

    return lambda_callback(
        on_run_end=_on_run_end if on_run else None,
        on_fold_end=_on_fold_end if on_fold else None,
        on_rep_end=_on_rep_end if on_rep else None,
        on_exp_end=_on_exp_end if on_exp else None,