"""This module handles recording and properly formatting the various result files requested for a
completed Experiment. Coincidentally, if a particular result file was blacklisted by the active
Environment, that is also handled here
This is the intended user of the contents of :mod:`hyperparameter_hunter.recorders`"""
# Import Own Assets
from hyperparameter_hunter.data import OOFDataset, HoldoutDataset, TestDataset
from hyperparameter_hunter.i_o.exceptions import EnvironmentInactiveError, EnvironmentInvalidError
from hyperparameter_hunter.i_o.leaderboards import GlobalLeaderboard
from hyperparameter_hunter.settings import G
from hyperparameter_hunter.utils.file_utils import write_json, add_to_json, make_dirs, read_json
from hyperparameter_hunter.utils.file_utils import RetryMakeDirs
from hyperparameter_hunter.utils.general_utils import subdict
# Import Miscellaneous Assets
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from platform import node
import shutil
from sys import exc_info
class BaseRecorder(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def __init__(self):
"""Base class for other classes that record various Experiment result files. Critical
attributes of the descendants of :class`recorders.BaseRecorder` are set here, enabling them
to function properly
If :attr:`result_path` is None, which means the present result file was blacklisted by
the active Environment
If :attr:`settings.G.Env` is None
If any of the following occur: 1) :attr:`settings.G.Env` does not have an attribute
named 'result_paths', 2) :attr:`settings.G.Env.result_paths` does not contain the
current `result_path_key`, 3) :attr:`settings.G.Env.current_task` is None"""
self.result_path = None
self.result = None
# Get Result Path for Record, or Exit Early
self.result_path = G.Env.result_paths[self.result_path_key]
except AttributeError as _ex:
if G.Env is None:
raise EnvironmentInactiveError(str(_ex)).with_traceback(exc_info()[2])
if not hasattr(G.Env, "result_paths"):
_err_message = f"{_ex!s}\nG.Env missing 'result_paths' attr"
raise EnvironmentInvalidError(_err_message).with_traceback(exc_info()[2])
except KeyError as _ex:
_err_message = f"{_ex!s}\nG.Env.result_paths missing the key: '{self.result_path_key}'"
raise EnvironmentInvalidError(_err_message).with_traceback(exc_info()[2])
if self.result_path is None:
return # Result file blacklisted and should not be recorded. Kill recording process now
# Gather Attributes Required for Record
for required_attribute in self.required_attributes:
setattr(self, required_attribute, getattr(G.Env.current_task, required_attribute))
except AttributeError as _ex:
if G.Env.current_task is None:
_err_message = f"{_ex!s}\nNo active experiment found"
raise EnvironmentInvalidError(_err_message).with_traceback(exc_info()[2])
raise EnvironmentInvalidError(str(_ex)).with_traceback(exc_info()[2])
def result_path_key(self) -> str:
"""Return key from :attr:`environment.Environment.result_paths`, corresponding to the
target record"""
def required_attributes(self) -> list:
"""Return attributes of the current Experiment that are necessary to properly record result.
Specifically, `BaseRecorder` fetches the attrs via :class:`settings.G.Env.current_task`,
which can also be regarded as :class:`environment.Environment.current_task`, but this is
an implementation detail. It is simpler to use :class:`experiments.BaseExperiment`, and its
appropriate descendants as a reference for acceptable values of `required_attributes`"""
def format_result(self):
"""Set :attr:`BaseRecorder.result` to the final result object to be saved by
def save_result(self):
"""Save :attr:`BaseRecorder.result` to :attr:`BaseRecorder.result_path`, or elsewhere if
special case"""
class RecorderList(object):
def __init__(self, file_blacklist=None, extra_recorders=None):
"""Collection of :class:`BaseRecorder` subclasses to facilitate executing group methods
file_blacklist: List, or None, default=None
If list, used to reject any elements of :attr:`RecorderList.recorders` whose
:attr:`BaseRecorder.result_path_key` is in file_blacklist
extra_recorders: List, None, default=None
If not None, may be a list whose values are tuples of
(<:class:`recorders.BaseRecorder` descendant>, <str result_path>). The result_path str
should be a path relative to `results_path`, specifying the directory/file in which
the product of the custom recorder will be saved. The contents of `extra_recorders` are
appended to the list of default `recorders` and used to create/update result files for
an Experiment. The contents of `extra_recorders` are blacklisted in the same way as
normal `recorders`. That is, if `file_blacklist` contains the `result_path_key` of a
recorder in `extra_recorders`, that recorder is blacklisted"""
# WARNING: Take care if modifying the order/contents of :attr:`recorders`. See :meth:`save_result` documentation for info
self.recorders = [
# PredictionsInFoldRecorder,
#################### Add `extra_recorders` ####################
if extra_recorders:
for recorder in extra_recorders:
except IndexError:
#################### Filter Out Blacklisted Recorders ####################
if file_blacklist is not None:
if file_blacklist == "ALL":
self.recorders = []
self.recorders = [_ for _ in self.recorders if _.result_path_key not in file_blacklist]
self.recorders = [_() for _ in self.recorders]
def format_result(self):
"""Execute :meth:`format_result` for all classes in :attr:`recorders`"""
for recorder in self.recorders:
def save_result(self):
"""Execute :meth:`save_result` for all classes in :attr:`recorders`
When iterating through :attr:`recorders` and calling :meth:`save_result`, a check is
performed for `exit_code`. Children classes of :class:`BaseRecorder` are NOT expected to
explicitly return a value in their :meth:`save_result`. However, if a value is returned and
`exit_code` == 'break', the result-saving loop will be broken, and no further results will
be saved. In practice, this is only performed for the sake of
:meth:`DescriptionRecorder.save_result`, which has the additional quality of being able to
prevent any other result files from being saved if the result of
:func:`DescriptionRecorder.do_full_save` returns False when given the formatted
:attr:`DescriptionRecorder.result`. This can be useful when there are storage constraints,
because it ensures that essential data - including keys and the results of the experiment -
are saved (to ensure the experiment is not duplicated, and to enable optimization protocol
learning), while extra results like Predictions are not saved"""
for recorder in self.recorders:
G.log(f"Saving result file for '{type(recorder).__name__}'", 4)
exit_code = recorder.save_result()
if exit_code and exit_code == "break":
# Description
class DescriptionRecorder(BaseRecorder):
result_path_key = "description"
required_attributes = [
# 'train_features',
def format_result(self):
"""Format an OrderedDict containing the Experiment's identifying attributes, results,
hyperparameters used, and other stats or information that may be useful"""
self.result = OrderedDict(
("experiment_id", self.experiment_id),
("algorithm_name", self.algorithm_name),
("module_name", self.module_name),
("hyperparameter_key", self.hyperparameter_key.key),
("cross_experiment_key", self.cross_experiment_key.key),
("final_evaluations", self.last_evaluation_results),
("hyperparameters", self.hyperparameter_key.parameters),
("cross_experiment_parameters", self.cross_experiment_key.parameters),
("train_features", None), # TODO: Record the column features in train df
("platform", node()),
("source_script", self.source_script),
("notes", self.notes or ""),
("aggregates", self.stat_aggregates),
#################### Filter Hyperparameters' model_init_params ####################
self.result["hyperparameters"]["model_init_params"] = subdict(
self.result["hyperparameters"]["model_init_params"], drop=["random_state", "seed"]
def save_result(self):
"""Save the Experiment description as a .json file, named after :attr:`experiment_id`. If
:attr:`do_full_save` is a callable and returns False when given the description object, the
result recording loop will be broken, and the remaining result files will not be saved
This string will be returned if :attr:`do_full_save` is a callable and returns False
when given the description object. This is the signal for
:class:`recorders.RecorderList` to stop recording result files"""
write_json(f"{self.result_path}/{self.experiment_id}.json", self.result, do_clear=False)
except FileNotFoundError:
make_dirs(self.result_path, exist_ok=False)
write_json(f"{self.result_path}/{self.experiment_id}.json", self.result, do_clear=False)
if (self.do_full_save is not None) and (not self.do_full_save(self.result)):
G.warn("Breaking result-saving loop early! Remaining result files will not be saved")
return "break"
# Heartbeat
class HeartbeatRecorder(BaseRecorder):
result_path_key = "heartbeat"
required_attributes = ["experiment_id"]
def format_result(self):
"""Do nothing"""
def save_result(self):
"""Copy global Heartbeat log to results dir as .log file named for :attr:`experiment_id`"""
G.Env.result_paths["current_heartbeat"], f"{self.result_path}/{self.experiment_id}.log"
# Predictions
prediction_requirements = [
class PredictionsHoldoutRecorder(BaseRecorder):
result_path_key = "predictions_holdout"
required_attributes = ["data_holdout", "holdout_dataset"] + prediction_requirements
data_holdout: HoldoutDataset
def format_result(self):
"""Format predictions according to the callable :attr:`prediction_formatter`"""
self.result = self.prediction_formatter(
def save_result(self):
"""Save holdout predictions to a .csv file, named after :attr:`experiment_id`"""
self.result.to_csv(f"{self.result_path}/{self.experiment_id}.csv", **self.to_csv_params)
class PredictionsOOFRecorder(BaseRecorder):
result_path_key = "predictions_oof"
required_attributes = ["data_oof", "train_dataset"] + prediction_requirements
data_oof: OOFDataset
def format_result(self):
"""Format predictions according to the callable :attr:`prediction_formatter`"""
self.result = self.prediction_formatter(
self.data_oof.prediction.final, self.train_dataset, self.target_column, self.id_column
def save_result(self):
"""Save out-of-fold predictions to a .csv file, named after :attr:`experiment_id`"""
self.result.to_csv(f"{self.result_path}/{self.experiment_id}.csv", **self.to_csv_params)
class PredictionsTestRecorder(BaseRecorder):
result_path_key = "predictions_test"
required_attributes = ["data_test", "test_dataset"] + prediction_requirements
data_test: TestDataset
def format_result(self):
"""Format predictions according to the callable :attr:`prediction_formatter`"""
self.result = self.prediction_formatter(
self.data_test.prediction.final, self.test_dataset, self.target_column, self.id_column
def save_result(self):
"""Save test predictions to a .csv file, named after :attr:`experiment_id`"""
self.result.to_csv(f"{self.result_path}/{self.experiment_id}.csv", **self.to_csv_params)
# class PredictionsInFoldRecorder(BaseRecorder):
# result_path_key = 'predictions_in_fold'
# required_attributes = ['final_in_fold_predictions', 'train_dataset'] + prediction_requirements
# Keys (Cross-Experiment, Hyperparameter), and IDs
class TestedKeyRecorder(BaseRecorder):
result_path_key = "tested_keys"
required_attributes = ["experiment_id", "hyperparameter_key", "cross_experiment_key"]
def format_result(self):
"""Do nothing"""
def save_result(self):
"""Save cross-experiment, and hyperparameter keys, and update their tested keys entries"""
condition=lambda _: self.hyperparameter_key.key in _.keys(),
# Leaderboard
class LeaderboardEntryRecorder(BaseRecorder):
# Below is "tested_keys", instead of "leaderboards" because global "leaderboards" should only be
# ... blacklisted if "tested_keys" is blacklisted, since the two help constitute a sort of bare
# ... minimum to achieve full library functionality. Furthermore, "leaderboards" is an invalid
# ... blacklist value - "tested_keys" must be used, instead
result_path_key = "tested_keys"
required_attributes = ["result_paths", "current_task", "target_metric", "metrics"]
# Despite not being allowed in the blacklist, the "leaderboards" and "global_leaderboard" keys
# ... of `result_paths` are still referenced herein
def format_result(self):
"""Read existing global leaderboard, add current entry, then sort the updated leaderboard"""
self.result = GlobalLeaderboard.from_path(path=self.result_paths["global_leaderboard"])
# Sort rows by first column (target metric), then descending "experiment_#" (newest first)
by=[list(self.result.data.columns)[0], "experiment_#"],
ascending=[(self.metrics[self.target_metric[-1]].direction == "min"), False],
def save_result(self):
"""Save the updated leaderboard file"""
# Extra Recorders
class UnsortedIDLeaderboardRecorder(BaseRecorder):
result_path_key = "unsorted_id_leaderboard"
required_attributes = ["result_paths", "current_task", "target_metric", "metrics"]
def format_result(self):
"""Read existing global leaderboard, add current entry, then sort the updated leaderboard"""
self.result = GlobalLeaderboard.from_path(path=self.result_paths["unsorted_id_leaderboard"])
no_sort = ["experiment_id", "hyperparameter_key", "cross_experiment_key", "algorithm_name"]
by=[_ for _ in list(self.result.data.columns) if _ not in no_sort],
ascending=(self.metrics[self.target_metric[-1]].direction == "min"),
def save_result(self):
"""Save the updated leaderboard file"""
class YAMLDescriptionRecorder(BaseRecorder):
result_path_key = "yaml_description"
required_attributes = ["result_paths", "experiment_id"]
def format_result(self):
def save_result(self):
from yaml import dump
self.result = read_json(f"{self.result_paths['description']}/{self.experiment_id}.json")
make_dirs(self.result_path, exist_ok=True)
with open(f"{self.result_path}/{self.experiment_id}.yml", "w+") as f:
dump(self.result, f, default_flow_style=False, width=200)
if __name__ == "__main__":