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# Import Own Assets
from hyperparameter_hunter.i_o import exceptions
from import Categorical
from hyperparameter_hunter.settings import G
from hyperparameter_hunter.utils.general_utils import now_time, expand_mins_secs

# Import Miscellaneous Assets
from contextlib import suppress
from datetime import datetime
import inspect
import logging
import os.path
import sys
from typing import List

class ReportingHandler(object):
    def __init__(
        """Class in control of logging methods, log formatting, and initializing Experiment logging

        heartbeat_path: Str path, or None, default=None
            If string and valid heartbeat path, logging messages will also be saved in this file
        float_format: String, default='{:.5f}'
            If not default, must be a valid formatting string for floating point values. If invalid,
            default will be used
        console_params: Dict, or None, default=None
            Parameters passed to :meth:`_configure_console_handler`
        heartbeat_params: Dict, or None, default=None
            Parameters passed to :meth:`_configure_heartbeat_handler`
        add_frame: Boolean, default=False
            If True, whenever :meth:`log` is called, the source of the call will be prepended to
            the content being logged"""
        self.reporting_type = "logging"  # TODO: Add `reporting_type` kwarg (logging, advanced)
        self.heartbeat_path = heartbeat_path
        self.float_format = float_format
        self.console_params = console_params or {}
        self.heartbeat_params = heartbeat_params or {}
        self.add_frame = add_frame


    def _validate_parameters(self):
        """Ensure all logging parameters are properly formatted"""
        #################### reporting_type ####################
        valid_types = ["logging", "standard", "advanced"]
        if not isinstance(self.reporting_type, str):
            raise TypeError(f"reporting_type must be a str. Received {self.reporting_type}")
        if self.reporting_type not in valid_types:
            raise ValueError(f"reporting_type must be in {valid_types}, not {self.reporting_type}")

        #################### heartbeat_path ####################
        if self.heartbeat_path is not None:
            if not isinstance(self.heartbeat_path, str):
                raise TypeError(f"heartbeat_path must be a str. Received {self.heartbeat_path}")

            head, tail = os.path.split(self.heartbeat_path)

            if not tail.endswith(".log"):
                raise ValueError(f"heartbeat_path must end in '.log'. Given {self.heartbeat_path}")
            if not os.path.exists(head):
                raise FileNotFoundError(
                    f"heartbeat_path must start with an existing dir. Given {self.heartbeat_path}"

        #################### float_format ####################
        if not isinstance(self.float_format, str):
            raise TypeError(f"float_format must be a format str. Received {self.float_format}")
        if (not self.float_format.startswith("{")) or (not self.float_format.endswith("}")):
            raise ValueError(f"float_format must be inside '{{' and '}}'. Got {self.float_format}")

        #################### console_params ####################
        if not isinstance(self.console_params, dict):
            raise TypeError(f"console_params must be dict or None. Given {self.console_params}")

        #################### heartbeat_params ####################
        if not isinstance(self.heartbeat_params, dict):
            raise TypeError(f"heartbeat_params must be dict or None. Given {self.heartbeat_params}")

    def _configure_reporting_type(self):
        """Set placeholder logging methods to :attr:`reporting_type` specs and initialize logging"""
        if self.reporting_type == "standard":
            raise ValueError("Standard logging is not yet implemented. Please choose 'logging'")
            # setattr(self, 'log', self._standard_log)
            # setattr(self, 'debug', self._standard_debug)
            # setattr(self, 'warn', self._standard_warn)
        elif self.reporting_type == "logging":
            setattr(self, "log", self._logging_log)
            setattr(self, "debug", self._logging_debug)
            setattr(self, "warn", self._logging_warn)

        elif self.reporting_type == "advanced":
            raise ValueError("Advanced logging unimplemented. Please use 'logging'")

    def _initialize_logging_logging(self):
        """Initialize and configure logging to be handled by the `logging` library"""
        #################### Clear Logging Configuration ####################
        root = logging.getLogger()
        list(map(root.removeHandler, root.handlers[:]))
        list(map(root.removeFilter, root.filters[:]))

        #################### Configure Logging ####################

        _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        handlers = [self._configure_console_handler(**self.console_params)]

        # Suppress FileExistsError - Raised when self.heartbeat_path is None, meaning heartbeat blacklisted
        with suppress(FileExistsError):

        logging.basicConfig(handlers=handlers, level=logging.DEBUG)
        self.debug("Logging Logging has been initialized!")

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def _configure_console_handler(level="INFO", fmt=None, datefmt="%H:%M:%S", style="%", **kwargs):
        """Configure the console handler in charge of printing log messages

        level: String, or Int, default='DEBUG'
            Minimum message level for the console. Passed to :meth:`logging.StreamHandler.setlevel`
        fmt: String, or None, default=None
            Message formatting string for the console. Passed to :meth:`logging.Formatter.__init__`
        datefmt: String, or None, default="%H:%M:%S"
            Date formatting string for the console. Passed to :meth:`logging.Formatter.__init__`.
            For the `logging` library default, use `datefmt=None` ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" + <ms>)
        style: String, default='%'
            Type of string formatting used. Passed to :meth:`logging.Formatter.__init__`
        **kwargs: Dict
            Extra keyword arguments

        console_handler: `logging.StreamHandler` instance
            The instantiated handler for the console"""
        console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)

        fmt = fmt or "<%(asctime)s> %(message)s"
        formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=fmt, datefmt=datefmt, style=style)
        return console_handler

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def _configure_heartbeat_handler(
        self, level="DEBUG", fmt=None, datefmt=None, style="%", **kwargs
        """Configure the file handler in charge of adding log messages to the heartbeat file

        level: String, or Int, default='DEBUG'
            Minimum message level for the heartbeat file. Passed to
        fmt: String, or None, default=None
            Message formatting string for the heartbeat file. Passed to
        datefmt: String, or None, default=None
            Date formatting string for the heartbeat file. Passed to
        style: String, default='%'
            Type of string formatting used. Passed to :meth:`logging.Formatter.__init__`
        **kwargs: Dict
            Extra keyword arguments

        file_handler: `logging.FileHandler` instance
            The instantiated handler for the heartbeat file"""
        if self.heartbeat_path is None:
            raise FileExistsError

        file_handler = logging.FileHandler(self.heartbeat_path, mode="w")

        fmt = fmt or "<%(asctime)s> %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s"
        formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=fmt, datefmt=datefmt, style=style)
        return file_handler

    # Placeholder Methods:
    def log(self, content, **kwargs):
        """Placeholder method before proper initialization"""

    def debug(self, content, **kwargs):
        """Placeholder method before proper initialization"""

    def warn(self, content, **kwargs):
        """Placeholder method before proper initialization"""

    # Logging-Logging Methods:
    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def _logging_log(
        self, content, verbose_threshold=None, previous_frame=None, add_time=False, **kwargs
        """Log an info message via the `logging` library

        content: String
            The message to log
        verbose_threshold: Int, or None, default=None
            If None, `content` logged normally. If int and `G.Env.verbose` >= `verbose_threshold`,
            `content` is logged normally. Else if int and `G.Env.verbose` < `verbose_threshold`,
            then `content` is logged on the `logging.debug` level, instead of ``
        previous_frame: Frame, or None, default=None
            The frame preceding the log call. If not provided, it will be inferred
        add_time: Boolean, default=False
            If True, the current time will be added to `content` before logging
        **kwargs: Dict
            Extra keyword arguments"""
        if self.add_frame is True:
            previous_frame = previous_frame or inspect.currentframe().f_back
                frame_source = format_frame_source(previous_frame)
                del previous_frame
            content = f"{frame_source} - {content}"

        content = add_time_to_content(content, add_time=add_time)

        if (verbose_threshold is None) or (G.Env.verbose >= verbose_threshold):

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def _logging_debug(self, content, previous_frame=None, add_time=False, **kwargs):
        """Log a debug message via the `logging` library

        content: String
            The message to log
        previous_frame: Frame, or None, default=None
            The frame preceding the debug call. If not provided, it will be inferred
        add_time: Boolean, default=False
            If True, the current time will be added to `content` before logging
        **kwargs: Dict
            Extra keyword arguments"""
        if self.add_frame is True:
            previous_frame = previous_frame or inspect.currentframe().f_back
                frame_source = format_frame_source(previous_frame)
                del previous_frame
            content = f"{frame_source} - {content}"

        content = add_time_to_content(content, add_time=add_time)

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def _logging_warn(self, content, **kwargs):
        """Log a warning message via the `logging` library

        content: String
            The message to log
        **kwargs: Dict
            Extra keyword arguments"""
        if self.add_frame is True:
            previous_frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
                frame_source = format_frame_source(previous_frame)
                del previous_frame
            content = f"{frame_source} - {content}"


class _Color:
    """Object defining color codes for use with logging"""

    BLUE = "\033[34m"
    CYAN = "\033[36m"
    GREEN = "\033[32m"
    MAGENTA = "\033[35m"
    RED = "\033[31m"
    STOP = "\033[0m"

def clean_parameter_names(parameter_names: list) -> List[str]:
    """Remove unnecessary prefixes or characters from the names of search space dimensions

    parameter_names: List
        Names of the dimensions in a hyperparameter search `Space` object. Values are usually tuples

    names: List[str]
        Cleaned `parameter_names`, containing stringified values to facilitate logging"""
    original_parameter_names = parameter_names.copy()
    skip = ("model_init_params", "model_extra_params", "feature_engineer", "feature_selector")
    names = [_[1:] if _[0] in skip else _ for _ in original_parameter_names]
    names = [_[1:] if _[0] == "params" else _ for _ in names]  # This is for Keras
    names = [_[0] if len(_) == 1 else str(_).replace("'", "").replace('"', "") for _ in names]
    # If a value in `names` is a 1-tuple, its single item is returned
    # If a tuple with multiple items, the tuple is stringified, and quotation marks are removed
    return names

def get_param_column_sizes(space: list, names: List[str]) -> List[int]:
    """Determine maximum column sizes for displaying values of each hyperparameter in `space`

    space: List
        Hyperparameter search space dimensions for the current Optimization Protocol
    names: List[str]
        Cleaned hyperparameter dimension names

    sizes: List[int]
        Column sizes for each of the hyperparameters in `names`"""
    sizes = [max(len(_), 7) for _ in names]
    for i, dim in enumerate(space):
        if isinstance(dim, Categorical):
            str_categories = [getattr(_, "name", str(_)) for _ in dim.categories]
            sizes[i] = max(sizes[i], *[len(_) for _ in str_categories])
    return sizes

class OptimizationReporter:
    def __init__(self, space: list, verbose=1, show_experiment_id=8, do_maximize=True):
        """A MixIn class for reporting the results of hyperparameter optimization rounds

        space: List
            Hyperparameter search space dimensions for the current Optimization Protocol
        verbose: Int in [0, 1, 2], default=1
            If 0, all but critical logging is silenced. If 1, normal logging is performed. If 2,
            detailed logging is performed
        show_experiment_id: Int, or Boolean, default=8
            If True, the experiment_id will be printed in each result row. If False, it will not.
            If int, the first `show_experiment_id`-many characters of each experiment_id will be
            printed in each row
        do_maximize: Boolean, default=True
            If False, smaller metric values will be considered preferred and will be highlighted to
            stand out. Else larger metric values will be treated as preferred"""
        self.original_parameter_names = [ for _ in space]
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.show_experiment_id = (
            36 if (show_experiment_id is True or show_experiment_id > 36) else show_experiment_id
        self.do_maximize = do_maximize

        self.end = "| "
        self.y_max = None
        self.x_max = None
        self.iteration = 0

        self.start_time =
        self.last_round =

        self.parameter_names = clean_parameter_names(self.original_parameter_names)
        self.sizes = get_param_column_sizes(space, self.parameter_names)
        self.sorted_indexes = sorted(
            range(len(self.parameter_names)), key=self.parameter_names.__getitem__

    def print_saved_results_header(self):
        """Print a header signifying that saved Experiment results are being read"""
        header = f"{_Color.RED}Saved Results{_Color.STOP}"
        self.print_header(header, (_Color.RED + "_" * self._line_len() + _Color.STOP))

    def print_optimization_header(self):
        """Print a header signifying that Optimization rounds are starting"""
        header = f"{_Color.RED}Hyperparameter Optimization{_Color.STOP}"
        self.print_header(header, (_Color.RED + "_" * self._line_len() + _Color.STOP))

    def _line_len(self):
        """Calculate number of characters a header's underlining should span

        line_len: Int
            The number of characters the line should span"""
        line_len = 24
        # 24 is from "  #|   Time|      Score|", which are the required heading columns, except
        #   for "ID", whose (optional) length is calculated below
        # Can also be expressed as the sum of following four numbers:
        #   5  == ``len(self.end) * 3 - 1`` (subtract 1 to drop extra space at right-side table end)
        #   3  == size of "#" column
        #   6  == size of "Time" column
        #   10 == size of "Score" column

        line_len += sum([_ + 4 for _ in self.sizes])
        line_len += self.show_experiment_id + len(self.end) if self.show_experiment_id else 0
        return line_len

    def print_header(self, header, line):
        """Utility to perform actual printing of headers given formatted inputs

        header: String
            Specifies the stage of optimization being entered, and the type of results to follow
        line: String
            The underlining to follow `header`"""

        self._print_column_name("#", 3)
        if self.show_experiment_id:
            self._print_column_name("ID", self.show_experiment_id)
        self._print_column_name("Time", 6)
        # size=6 because `expand_mins_secs` returns 2 units of time, each with 2 digits + 1 letter
        self._print_column_name("Score", 10)
        # size=10 for 5 fractional digits/mantissa, plus decimal itself, leaving 4 spaces for
        #   the integer part/characteristic, potentially prefixed by a negative symbol

        for index in self.sorted_indexes:
            self._print_column_name(self.parameter_names[index], self.sizes[index] + 2)

    def _print_column_name(self, value, size):
        """Print a column name within a specified `size` constraint

        value: String
            The name of the column to print
        size: Int
            The number of characters that `value` should span"""
        print("{0:>{1}}".format(value, size), end=self.end)

    def print_result(self, hyperparameters, evaluation, experiment_id=None):
        """Print a row containing the results of an Experiment just executed

        hyperparameters: List
            List of hyperparameter values in the same order as :attr:`parameter_names`
        evaluation: Float
            An evaluation of the performance of `hyperparameters`
        experiment_id: Str, or None, default=None
            If not None, should be a string that is the UUID of the Experiment"""
        if not self.verbose:
        print("{:>3d}".format(self.iteration), end=self.end)

        #################### Experiment ID ####################
        if self.show_experiment_id:
            if experiment_id is not None:
                print("{}".format(experiment_id[: self.show_experiment_id]), end=self.end)
                print(" " * self.show_experiment_id, end=self.end)

        #################### Time Elapsed ####################
        minutes, seconds = divmod(( - self.last_round).total_seconds(), 60)
        print(expand_mins_secs(minutes, seconds), end=self.end)

        #################### Evaluation Result ####################
        if (
            (self.y_max is None)  # First evaluation
            or (self.do_maximize and self.y_max < evaluation)  # Found new max (best)
            or (not self.do_maximize and self.y_max > evaluation)  # Found new min (best)
            self.y_max, self.x_max = evaluation, hyperparameters
            self._print_target_value(evaluation, pre=_Color.MAGENTA, post=_Color.STOP)
            self._print_input_values(hyperparameters, pre=_Color.GREEN, post=_Color.STOP)

        self.last_round =
        self.iteration += 1

    def _print_target_value(self, value, pre="", post=""):
        """Print the utility of an Experiment

        value: String
            The utility value to print
        pre: String, default=''
            Content to prepend to the formatted `value` string before printing
        post: String, default=''
            Content to append to the formatted `value` string before printing"""
        content = pre + "{: >10.5f}".format(value) + post
        print(content, end=self.end)

    def _print_input_values(self, values, pre="", post=""):
        """Print the value of a hyperparameter used by an Experiment

        value: String
            The hyperparameter value to print
        pre: String, default=''
            Content to prepend to the formatted `value` string before printing
        post: String, default=''
            Content to append to the formatted `value` string before printing"""
        for index in self.sorted_indexes:
            if isinstance(values[index], float):
                content = "{0: >{1}.{2}f}".format(
                    values[index], self.sizes[index] + 2, min(self.sizes[index] - 3, 6 - 2)
            elif isinstance(values[index], tuple):
                content = "{0!s: >{1}}".format(values[index], self.sizes[index] + 2)
                # Above is nearly identical to below inside `try`, with addition of "!s". We're
                #   doing this only with tuples because otherwise it would print out a very
                #   verbose (`__repr__`) string for `EngineerStep`, rather than just its `name`
                    content = "{0: >{1}}".format(values[index], self.sizes[index] + 2)
                except TypeError:  # For `EngineerStep`
                    content = "{0: >{1}}".format(values[index].name, self.sizes[index] + 2)
            print(pre + content + post, end=self.end)

    def reset_timer(self):
        """Set :attr:`start_time`, and :attr:`last_round` to the current time"""
        self.start_time =
        self.last_round =

    def print_summary(self):
        """Print a summary of the results of hyperparameter optimization upon completion"""
        # TODO: Do this

def format_frame_source(previous_frame, **kwargs):
    """Construct a string describing the location at which a call was made

    previous_frame: Frame
        A frame depicting the location at which a call was made
    **kwargs: Dict
        Any additional kwargs to supply to :func:`reporting.stringify_frame_source`

    The stringified frame source information of `previous_frame`"""
    source = inspect.getframeinfo(previous_frame)
    src_script, src_line_no, src_func, src_class = source[0], source[1], source[2], None

    with suppress(AttributeError, KeyError):
        src_class = type(previous_frame.f_locals["self"]).__name__

    return stringify_frame_source(src_script, src_line_no, src_func, src_class, **kwargs)

def stringify_frame_source(
    """Construct a string that neatly displays the location in the code at which a call was made

    src_file: Str
        A filepath
    src_line_no: Int
        The line number in `src_file` at which the call was made
    src_func: Str
        The name of the function in `src_file` in which the call was made
    src_class: Str, or None
        If not None, the class in `src_file` in which the call was made
    add_line_no: Boolean, default=False
        If True, the line number will be included in the `source_content` result
    max_line_no_size: Int, default=4
        Total number (including padding) of characters to be occupied by `src_line_no`. For
        example, if `src_line_no`=32, and `max_line_no_size`=4, `src_line_no` will be padded to
        become '32  ' in order to occupy four characters
    total_max_size: Int, default=80
        Total number (including padding) of characters to be occupied by the `source_content` result

    source_content: Str
        A formatted string containing the location in the code at which a call was made

    >>> stringify_frame_source("", 570, "stringify_frame_source", None)
    '570  - reporting.stringify_frame_source()                                       '
    >>> stringify_frame_source("", 12, "bar", "Foo")
    '12   -                                                      '
    >>> stringify_frame_source("", 12, "bar", "Foo", add_line_no=False)
    '                                                             '
    >>> stringify_frame_source("", 12, "bar", "Foo", total_max_size=60)
    '12   -                                  '"""
    source_content = ""

    if add_line_no is True:
        # Left-align line_no to size: max_line_no_size
        source_content += "{0:<{1}}".format(src_line_no, max_line_no_size)
        source_content += " - "

    script_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(src_file))[0]

    if src_class is not None:
        source_content += "{}.{}.{}()".format(script_name, src_class, src_func)
        source_content += "{}.{}()".format(script_name, src_func)

    source_content = "{0:<{1}}".format(source_content, total_max_size)

    return source_content

def add_time_to_content(content, add_time=False):
    """Construct a string containing the original `content`, in addition to the current time

    content: Str
        The original string, to which the current time will be concatenated
    add_time: Boolean, default=False
        If True, the current time will be concatenated onto the end of `content`

    content: Str
         Str containing original `content`, along with current time, and additional formatting"""
    add_content = ""
    add_time = now_time() if add_time is True else add_time
    add_content += "Time: {}".format(add_time) if add_time else ""

    #################### Combine Original and New Content ####################
    if add_content != "":
        content += "   " if ((content != "") and (not content.endswith(" "))) else ""
        content += add_content

    return content

def format_fold_run(rep=None, fold=None, run=None, mode="concise"):
    """Construct a string to display the repetition, fold, and run currently being executed

    rep: Int, or None, default=None
        The repetition number currently being executed
    fold: Int, or None, default=None
        The fold number currently being executed
    run: Int, or None, default=None
        The run number currently being executed
    mode: {"concise", "verbose"}, default="concise"
        If "concise", the result will contain abbreviations for rep/fold/run

    content: Str
        A clean display of the current repetition/fold/run

    >>> format_fold_run(rep=0, fold=3, run=2, mode="concise")
    >>> format_fold_run(rep=0, fold=3, run=2, mode="verbose")
    'Rep-Fold-Run: 0-3-2'
    >>> format_fold_run(rep=0, fold=3, run="*", mode="concise")
    >>> format_fold_run(rep=0, fold=3, run=2, mode="foo")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "", line ?, in format_fold_run
    ValueError: Received invalid mode value: 'foo'"""
    content = ""

    if mode == "verbose":
        content += format("Rep" if rep is not None else "")
        content += format("-" if rep is not None and fold is not None else "")
        content += format("Fold" if fold is not None else "")
        content += format("-" if fold is not None and run is not None else "")
        content += format("Run" if run is not None else "")
        content += format(": " if any(_ is not None for _ in [rep, fold, run]) else "")
        content += format(rep if rep is not None else "")
        content += format("-" if rep is not None and fold is not None else "")
        content += format(fold if fold is not None else "")
        content += format("-" if fold is not None and run is not None else "")
        content += format(run if run is not None else "")
    elif mode == "concise":
        content += format("R" if rep is not None else "")
        content += format(rep if rep is not None else "")
        content += format("-" if rep is not None and fold is not None else "")
        content += format("f" if fold is not None else "")
        content += format(fold if fold is not None else "")
        content += format("-" if fold is not None and run is not None else "")
        content += format("r" if run is not None else "")
        content += format(run if run is not None else "")
        raise ValueError("Received invalid mode value: '{}'".format(mode))

    return content

def format_evaluation(results, separator="  |  ", float_format="{:.5f}"):
    """Construct a string to neatly display the results of a model evaluation

    results: Dict
        The results of a model evaluation, in which keys represent the dataset type evaluated, and
        values are dicts containing metrics as keys, and metric values as values
    separator: Str, default='  |  '
        The string used to join all the metric values into a single string
    float_format: Str, default='{:.5f}'
        A python string float formatter, applied to floating metric values

    content: Str
        The model's evaluation results"""
    content = []

    for data_type, values in results.items():
        if values is None:

        data_type = "OOF" if data_type == "oof" else data_type
        data_type = "Holdout" if data_type == "holdout" else data_type
        data_type = "In-Fold" if data_type == "in_fold" else data_type

        metric_entry = "{}(".format(data_type)
        metric_entry_vals = []

        for metric_id, metric_value in values.items():
            formatted_value = float_format.format(metric_value)
            metric_entry_vals.append("{}={}".format(metric_id, formatted_value))

        metric_entry += ", ".join(metric_entry_vals) + ")"

    content = separator.join(content)
    return content

#     {
#         "column_name": "General",
#         "sub_columns_names": [
#             ["fold", "Fold"],
#             ["run", "Run"],
#             ["seed", "Seed"],
#             ["step", "Step"],
#             ["start_time", "Start Time"],
#             ["end_time", "End Time"],
#             ["time_elapsed", "Time Elapsed"]
#         ],
#         "sub_column_min_sizes": [10, 10, 10, 20, 12, 12, 12]
#     },
#     # Will need to alter default "Score" sub-columns according to what metrics are actually being used
#     {
#         "column_name": "OOF Scores",
#         "sub_columns_names": [
#             ["oof_f1", "F1"],
#             ["oof_roc_auc", "ROC_AUC"]
#         ]
#     },
#     # Check that Holdout dataset is in use before adding "Holdout Scores" column
#     {
#         "column_name": "Holdout Scores",
#         "sub_columns_names": [
#             ["holdout_f1", "F1"],
#             ["holdout_roc_auc", "ROC_AUC"]
#         ]
#     },
#     {
#         "column_name": "Losses",
#         "sub_columns_names": [
#             ["train_loss", "Train"],
#             ["validation_loss", "Validation"]
#         ]
#     },
# ]
# class AdvancedDisplayLayout(object):
#     def __init__(self):
#         pass
# class AdvancedFitLogging(object):
#     def __init__(self, display_layout=None, ):
#         self.display_layout = display_layout or ADVANCED_FIT_LOGGING_DISPLAY_LAYOUT
#     def _validate_parameters(self):
#         pass
#     def validate_display_layout(self):
#         pass